Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

SEVENTEEN imaot Circnalatioii Puts Power HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1939 Behiind StarBelletim Want Ads 40 Automobiles for Sale Estate for Sale 25 Real Estate for 40 Automobiles for Sale 32 Household Appliances 1 For Sole Clearance 25 Real Is Safe When It's 1 Sale Year-End 1Q2C FCD 3X rrtr Sedaa. Bi. mw Us.X Nut finh. i et ccr. 5 good tires, CO.

OK rr.echanlcaUy FOD D'a rorScr Se. Na- rew ure. gen-u leather trrholstery, n.ie CJIQC: 1Q24 F0O Srwrt Cfupe. R. S.

Oton pair.t asd C7G5C i Opportunities 'A ont7 wmv "not i Can I fo "rle' did HONESTLY 1 i' No A-l "trct. 3ox 873,. Star- is ili i rT? I i.l have mft wor- i 1 YL1 Ninu Ai CHANCE, frw'ishTa If niel heavy I t3 roiu.rn rwiuirH P. O. Bin 34t, II CE.NT INVESTMENT I TEtD' Nrr'' 'or r.ox nr.d.

r-Huetin. L.UrV. OR dnwnmun, Ovtrer leavir.z lor rnt. Flox Your Investment Today's Selection cf the 'Heme of the Week" Open tor jour inspection this afternoon and Sunday by Dillingham Cr Boles tire e.xd 2 CRamam -Dr. Gd 1 930 IS 1 $165 Murphy Motors, Ltd.

DISTRIBUTORS FOR OLCSMOBILES AND O. M. TRUCKS Beetaia St. at Tmas Scstiar PNn Open P. KaiaKaua Av.

at Kaeioiani Blvd. Phw $2774 Or" Lt.i M. 1940 PLATES FREE ON THESE BEST BUYS. 1931 rORD Model A Sport Phae-j ton. 6 wheel, leather un.

hnlsterjr. A-l in C)QC every lespect 1Q37 CHEVROLET Mavter Luxe 4-Door Trunk Seda.jlQ33 CHEVROLET fiom-i eather uphoLstery. radio equipped. New S. C3 H-wtrahle, Ph.

el'er S. jnjitrfiii vit.i jHVffn: furrthfd tiie. xtore or T. L. N'" Mtfmn tin 5-1 5 tsr-iimiietin '30 Miscellaneous For Sale UNREDEEMED Lowest prices in town on DIAMOND RINGS and T-farrhM Weddine King SH WATCHES li makes diamond ft and piam pold.

TERMS Old sold bought or taken in exchange Federal Loan Off ice No. 1 King St. Honolulu, T. H. Orchid 1K2a iVrpunli-ran befw.

Knli.il ft Mnkaur Ms. NEW LUMBER Special SURFACE 2x4s $10 PER 1,000 Many other Items also. KANAKAMUI LUMBER YARD IfsO KANAKANUI ST. Jr -tf iHUi-t spiay Kurt and com pressor. Apply Jlave macadami nut hiiskk mot sheilsi MANOA 2828 Kahawai St.

A Beautiful Home FOR SACRIFICE Open for Inspection SATURDAY and SUNDAY, 1 TO 5 P. M. If vou eninv plentv of room and a house that has warmth and charm you'll certainly want to ewn this one. Built in COLONIAL. STYLE and located balow th rain belt in beautiful MANOA VALLEY.

There are four bedrooms, two baths, two sun decks, glassed-in lanai. unusually large living room, 2-car garape. fern house and a beautiful garden vtth plenty of fruit trees. Lot has 23,303 square fee, FEE SIMPLE. This is really a Buy.

Easy Terms. DILLINGHAM BOLLES 202 Dillingham Bldg. Phone 2033 suitable tor comport or potttnj. Can jbe free. Phone 5331.

ANTHURIUM SEEDLING Now "bloom- ing. On ale II up, 1416 A Koeaumnku St. Ac 1S51-A Liliha next to Liliha (Market. Phone 375B. HCA "l940AU tO RADIOS.

New Homes in Located on Notley Street ONE HALF BLOCK ABOVE SCHOOL STREET THESE ATTRACTIVE HOMES each have two bedrooms. The kitchens are modem, with tile mks and ample cupboard space. Bathrooms have combination tile showers and tubs with corner seats. Each lot is 58x62 feet, approximately 3,570 sq. ft.

PRICES: Corner home the other two $3,750 each. TERMS: Lew down payment; balance like rent. $4,4501 New Home on School St. $4,450 (NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION) Located on MAKAt SIDE OF SCHOOL NEAR KAM IV ROAD. THIS HOME will have 2 bedrooms, living room with separate dining room, modern kitchen with latest built-ins, combination tile tub and shower in bathroom.

Garage and laundry. The lot has a 65 foot frontage and contains an area of 5,439 sq. ft. THERE WILL BE REAL VALUE IN THIS HOME AT $4,450 Convenient Terms. HOME FACTORS, LTD.

89 MERCHANT ST. hours AUSTIN wSTiN lisil ib. $T5. ItMGe Baccy SUiCK New ptrnt Stad, PfeH 7'ial. CHEVROLET 1937 Chevrolet DSx.

RUMBLE SEAT COUPE Criminal r-v low radio $665 1940 Plates Included. FEDERAL USED CARS Town aide of Eastman Kedak 1C17 KAPiOLANI BLVD. Ph, JtOO CHEVROLET Touring. Jut Good cond. thruot.

Ph. 4762, MUST SELL 3 CHE V. Mattel DeLuae Cvure. 15.0 rule. s-vec, equpsrient.

MAKE OFFER. Ph, 2215. CHEVROLET 193 4-luor Sodan Uh trunk: LOW) m.i!e. orn. paint tires.

Jut like rew. Phone 5204. IT'S OUR LOSS 1931 CHEVROLET Victoria Sedan, New paint; excellent $229 931 KAPIOLANI BLVD. PHONE 2029 CHEVROLET '3rt 4-Door Redan. Runs good.

SACRIFICE. PHONE 88 CHEVROLET 1336 Has had excelled care. 91 1-A BeKer St. CHEV. 32 Coup.

Good cond. Private party: iniist Bargain. 77Rfi. FORQ A Ford Bargain 1336 Business Coupe. Perfect condition.

Leaving. Only $355. Call 5032 or 4509. Ask for Harold. FORD 1931 Model A Coupe.

Good mechanical cond. New tires. $235. Term. See at lnGoud Garaee IllSjAlakea FORD.

Best 1937 radio equipped Ford De Luxe Coupe in town. $'445. Terms It trade. Phone 78568. FORD 1331 Tudor Sedan.

Excellent shape. $225. Miller A.Wassman, King Alakea Sts. FORD BARGAIN Bus, Coupe. $395.

Phone 502-45n9 Harold. FORD: Must sell immediately "34 For-dor Sedan. $250 cash. Phone P2305. A GIFT 1931 FORD Panel Truck.

Good mechanical condition. $199 901 KAPIOLANI BLVD. PHONE 2029 FOKD '35 TUDOR SEDAN. Gooa cond. SACRIFICE.

S300. Ph. 1283 or 76782. FORD 19.10 2-Door Sedan; $190 cash. See at 1005 Belser St.

FORD Victoria Coupe. ia31i 4 new Ures. $225. 83 N. Kinc.

Phone 1335. NASH NASH late 1939 Business Coupe. Low mileage. Inexpensive to run. Exceptional sacrifice.

See at Niumalu Hotel. OLDSMOBILE 99 Reasons, Price, Etc. 1938 OLDSMOBILE Touring Sedan. New tires. Excellent running condition.

$499 901 KAPIOLANI PHONE 2029 OLDSMOBILE '37 Coupe. New rubber. many extras. Must sell quick. Re ail leaving for mainland.

Ph. 75242. Want a Bargain? 1935 OLDSMOBILE Tourin Sedan. Good mechanical condition 7 7 901 KAPIOLANI BLVD." PHONE 2029 PLYMOUTH 1935 Plymouth Dlx. RUMBLE SEAT COUPE Taken in from original owner.

$435 With 1 940 Plates A good looking, good running car. FEDERAL USED CARS Town side of Eastman Kodak 1017 KAPIOLANI BLVD. Ph. 3100 PLYMOUTH New 1933 Coupe. 2.700 oric.

mileage. Call betw. 5:30 and 9 p.m. 7626. PLYMOUTH '35 Dlx Sedan.

SACRIFICE. 1512 Pensacola evenings. Here's a Steal 1933 PLYMOUTH Coupe. Good runnir? order. $169 901 KAPIOLANI BLVD.

PHONE 2023 PONTIAC DON'T WEEP 1334 PONTIAC SEDAN. Excellent phape. $199 901 KAPIOLANI BLVD. PHONE 2029 READ THIS! 1934 PONTIAC 2-Door Sedan. Excellent shape.

$199 801 KAPIOLANI BLVD. PHONE 2029 STUDEBAKER STUDEBAKER 4-Door Sedan. $323. Good paint, tires: motor in fine condition. Aala Service Station, Ph.

1349. Cor. Beretania and Hall Sts. STUDEBAKER '33 Cmdr. Coupe.

7.000 miles. $175 will handle. Phone 9-WriR or 91252. 'Evening Time Is Readina Time." Use the Want, Ads. in Real Estate A Phon 91579-98458-92110 PHONE 2731 Near Town $5,250 Brand new 3 bedroom house, living and dining rooms combined, 2 baths, and shower.

Basem*nt, garage and servant's quarters. Easy payments. Near schools, bus line, stores, etc. Good view. Call us for special appointments.

A. D. Castro Ltd. Phone 6341 924 Bethel St. Revised Listings Reduced Price Remarkable Terms Furnished Home on Beautiful Lot.

Leahi Terrace, slope cf Diamond Hd. $5,500 $650 down, $65 per mo. TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY SELWYN JENKINS PHONE 4953 LARGE. ROOMY HOME LOCATED ON WINDWARD OAHU. Only 8 miles from Honolulu, closer than Kahala.

This house commands one of the most beautiful views in Hawaii. 2 110 acres of land. House equipped with elec. stove. Frieidaire and hot water heater.

Large living room, game room 20x20. 3 baths. Owner leaving. Priced to sell. Also beautilul view lot, nearly acre.

PH. S7368." i 714.19th Ave. REAL BARGAIN ew 2 bedroom furnished home. Must sell. Make offer.

Easy terms. Phone Bert Long 9991 or 93596 Three bedroom home with screened porch. Kaimuki. Comer lot. Only 84,500.

ISLAND HOMES 91S FORT STREET PHONE" 3874 Phone 92S32, 77416 after hour; REDUCED NEW PERFECTION Osl Rar.f 1127 FLORENCE Oil Rarvf llMvilu. $50 FLORENCE Oil Ran; MO value $65 COLEMAN Rang. 4 burner. ijtr oven ELECTRIC WAY SWOP KiP3 Aiahea St. Pnort 4J44 Refrigerator Bargains 6 cu.

ft. Crosiey Shtvador, jut l.ke new 1125 19 eu. ft. G-C, brand pew $J3 4 cu. ft.

Grunow $j0 Market Music Co. PHONE 4212 105 No. King cu. ft. FriBklatre.

3 years' guarantee. Price $117.50, 810 down: Manhattan Universal tove, $2 SO. S10 down. Monroe Radio Service, rwthH. Phore H4.

NOftGE "Electric Stove and NORGE Only 6 weeks old. Must sell, cheap. Realty leaving for mainland. Ph. 75242.

CITY GAS RANGE Originally 189.50 Specially priced at $65.50 FREE INSTALLATION COLEMAN STOVE ANO LAMP CO. LTD. 23 S. King St. Fhone 4292 G-E REFRIGERATOR, 4 cu.

A-l conrluion. Sell cheap. Phone Mayflower $40; Westinahou'e $rD; ABC rpinner washer, ti-E washer. $40; Crunow $55; oil stove. S3 up.

PALAMA APPLIANCES. 0T N. King St. APEX Washer $33.00 CRUNOW Refrigerator, cubic fret $33.00 KELVINATOR nefricerator. cuhic fect.

porcelain GRAYBAR Spinner Washer $30.00 GUARANTEED KING REFRIGERATION 1752 S. King St. Phone 94286 Ci-E stove. 3 burners and cooker. Excellent conriL -3 yearsold.

163. Ph. 75175. CROSLEY CHEST ADO REFRIGERATOR, built tor bachelor or Studio apt. In pood condition.

$55, JOHNSON RADIO MUSIC CO. Kinq Bethel Sts. hone S965 tu. ft WESTING HOUSE Elec. BefnsT $s)0; Universal Stove, table top model $40; din.

rm. table with 6 chairs $31. All in excel, cond. Ph; C3R74. CITY GAS RANGE $89.50.

Specially priced at 'Free installation. Coleman Lamp and Stove 29 S. King. Phone 4292. NORGE tfas" ranpeT new.

DRASTICALLY REDUCED. FulT size 4 burner. JLarge oven. $64.50, terms. City Appliance Co.

1164 Fort St. 4 FT. 4 year guarantee. Priced tor quick sale. $104.80.

Mr lirenr. 1313 (rear) Lusitan G-E ELECTRIC RANGE, 4 burners. Good cond. Ph. 779S7.

9 cu. ft. Norge in pood condition. Gas heater with fittings. Phone 68208.

33 Furniture for Sate Rattan Furniture, largest stock in town. Superior quality, lowest prices. Van' Furn. Mart (Manila Rattan Impt.) 1052 Kawaiahao St. 2 blocks behtndEastmanKodal iJivenport, $25; davenport and 2 chairs.

$20; 2 chair stick reed set. $15; I dresser, M. Phone 73175. Baby's crib and hich chair, baby's bath tub, wicker chair, 2 framed mirrors and miscellaneous articles. Ph.

81474. FURNITURE BOUGHT and sold. Luau chairs dishes rented. MURATA FURNITURE STORE. 113 South St.

Ph. 32B0 34 Boats and Marine Supplies for Sale Evinrude and Elto OUTBOARD MOTORS 14 MODELS $44.60 to $370 1 H. P. te S3 M. P.

Authorued Parts and Service' Special Service Department (or pair trie and servicing all makes of Outboard Motors. Used motor tor sale. Liberal trade-ins and terms. ASSOCIATED MOTORS Ph 1313 603 So. Beretanla Ph 1313 16 foot kayak, fully equipped.

See at Niumalu Hotel. 35 Miscellaneous Wanted Use of PIANO in exchange for storage, Ph. siann. 37 Livestock Poultry DAY OLD PULLETS Arrivliu? Weekly from Mainland via Fan American Clippers. "They cost no more." Write for further Information.

PERRY'S HATCHERY P. O. Box 204-S Hayward, Calif. "QUALITY" R. I.

RED CHICKS H. H. CHUN, 604Panui Liliha. Turkeys. J5c ib; Muscovy ducks, laying stock.

75c ea Sell by lot, fii. vjui. Husky R. I. and New Hampshire Ked Chicks.

3228 Herbert bt. t'none -i ovo. 38 Pet Stock Closing Out My Kennels FOR SALE English Setters. Including Ch. Enred Lady Amber, first champion Enclish setter in the islands.

Austell Manhaf an, best of breed last Honolulu show. Alnwick Gav loo. never defeated in her classes. Best offer take alt or any. ALEXANDER, 1331 Nehoa, Ph.

66535 co*cker PUPS Red. 9 week. $23. Pedv creed Kal1hlR1. 25 Real Estate tor Sale For Choice Real Estate and Insurance srr A.

D. CASTRO Ltd. flMI Pfthel Sr. h-none M. V.

"FERRY, Realtor 202 Hawn. Trust Bldg. Ph. I TAIDA SALES RENTALS Ph. 4013 Upstairs 1238 Nuuanu George Iwasaki Realtor Bethel St.

Phone 2116 J. S. Perry Realtor "Trust, worthy Service Since 1926" Ph. 2419 or 5912 3(18 Staneenwald Bids Hawaiian Mortgage Realty Co. 1055 Alakea St.

Phone 4401 Sam Van Culin. Realtor P'46 Kalakaua Ave. Phone 9991 Home Factors. Ltd. -V1crchant Sn PHONE 2731 C7 F7C LA Cr CO.

Danwn BldC Phone 6399 Bonded Realty Co. See KONDO or imau 1031 Smith Strt Phone Al ton Cohn 216 Merchant St Nottage Or Brooks SALES RENTALS Stangenwald Bldg. Phone 4647-5701 CHEVROLET S-Dt. Jedan. twot3 f.st and tret.

CK r-ecHji P- HRtAFUSE 4 Kara I oc rxt 1C533 tSJEx. srn Ccv; rtrej. Tlu" od. CHEVROLET Town feda JU trt an. oJ-tery.

new rnt, C'lfS, Excellent cond. tkmrni? 1 J' 490 t. $325 excellent ccnor.ion thruou LOANS AUTO CO. and Dillingham Blvd. 40 Automobile for Sole YEAR-END SPECIALS 1930 Chevrolet Touring $200 1933 Chevrolet Coupe $2S5 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1935 Ford'S'Sed.

$350 1930 Ford Cabriolet 1931 Chevrolet Cabriolet 1935 Plymouth Coach $395 1932 Chevrolet Sedan 1934 Plymouth Town Sedan $425 All cara in A-1 condition, and carry a 30-day guarantee. AALA Service Station Hall No. Beretania Phone 1349 $495 19" OLDSMOBILE C1. Coupe. Original finish throughout.

Tues A-l. Motor reconditioned. $245 1931 FORO Touring. New paint and tires. Motor reconditioned.

AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN MOTORS LTD. See at Hotel and Alakea OTHER LOT: 820 Kapioiani Blvd. 1932 Plymouth. 4-Dcor Sedan All good fires. Newly painted.

An exceptional car $295 With 1940 Plates FEDERAL USED CARS Town side of Eastman Kodak 1017 KAPIOLANI BLVD. Ph. 8100 BANTAM DELIVERY, excellent canli-tion. $300, 2Kh Cer.lury Co. Phon 4725 41 Automobiles to Rent Drive Cars, $18 week up.

Unlimited mileape. titer Waitmin. Ph. 3539. 43 Automobiles Wanted BEST CASH PRICES PALAMA AUTO CO.

1100 No. Kins St. Phone 8013 Hishest prices paid for wrecks and old cars Golden Tire Shop. Phone 8111. GET OUR OFFER Before Selling Your Car.

It will pay you money. UNIVERSITY MOTORS 2544 So, Beretania Phone 95191 Highest prices paid for good used cars. Come in for an appraisal. OAHU AUTO EXCHANGE S. Breania St.

Phone i 1 IV SACRIFICE YOUR CART WHY WE PAY MORE! MOILIILI AUTO EXCHANGE 2320 So. King St. Phone 93M3 SAFETY LANE Be sure you? headlights and brakes are witsia the law. Drive carefully. Keep your car in repair.

Headlights must produce a lisit rom-cient to reveal any rersca cr vehtel for a distance ef 00 feet. See any of the authorized Stations listed below. ALOHA MOTORS, LTD. "na Fo, St.j Pro- fflT JIM 1 E'S SAFETY GARAGE Kr.tolarii Wrd Phone S375 AUTO SERVICE GARAGE Cnr. Q-jen Alakea Sts.

Phone S3ff AALA SERVICE STATION, LTD. Hall fe No. Beretania Sts. Phone IMS YAM ADA BROS. SERVICE STATION I King Kopke SU.

Fiwna HtS Far Sighted People Buy Real Estate AN INCOME AND A HOME IN ONE. A southern ocean View with no sunset glare. Two bedrooms for the owner and two for the tenant, end everything else desired for two families. Concrete streets. Stucco house.

Built for permanence. Location; 1562 St. Louis Drive. Price $8,850. A Home Means a Lot AND A LOT MEANS' A HOME.

Near corner of Paty Drive and Sea View Rise we have two adjacent view lots for sale, separately or together at 1 5c Per Sq. Ft. LIVINGSTON BROS. 63 SO. KING STREEt PHONES 6522 68731 Carefully driven Sf-ifSS i car.

WE MAKE PALAMA Two Lots 100 N. King 40 Automobiles lor Sale Month-End SPECIALS SPECIAL 1938 Willy 77' Sport De Luxe Sedan. Radio equipped, leather upholstery, lots of extraa $573 STUDEBAKERS J938 Sedan. New rubber paint $733 1S37 Sedan. New paint, new rubber, 1337 Tudor.

Don't overlook thla one $723 1937 Coupe. Just out of paint shop. Like $675 1936 Sedan. Radio lots of ex- tras $645 1936 Tudor. Just the car for a present Be aura and aea our stock ef 1935, 1934, 1933.

1932 and 1931. Some fin buy. Don't mis them. FORDS 1337 Tourlnff Sedan. Priced to sell only 1936 Touring Sedan.

New rubber and paint. Only $483 1935 Coupe. Paint tan and new rubber $3'5 also have 1934, 1933 and 1932 Fords priced to sell. Com in end set for yourself. CHEVROLETS 1933 Sedan.

New paint, new rubber and extras $795 1933 Sedan. A No. 1 buy at only $365 Also fin assortment ef ears all makes and models. -Priced from $65 and up. DON'T FORGET WE PAY FOR YOUR 1940 LICENSE PLATES.

TODAY'S BUY 1938 Studebaker Touring Sedan. New paint, new rubber. Priced at only $795, ASSOCIATED MOTORS, LTD. STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS and Certified Used Car OPEN TILL 9 P. M.

603 So. Beretania St. Phone 1313 A-30 Car Slaughter! Must be ild within the next 10 days! SOME OF THESE CARS WERE PRICED AS HIGH AS $250 They can be had today for as low as $50 PRICE WILL BE NO OBJECT. WE MUST MAKE MAKE ROOM for new inventory. Over 100 cars to choose from.

All makes and models. HAWAIIAN AUTO EXCHANGE Main Office: BIG PALM TREE Kapiolanl Blvd. St South St. Ph. 1313 PALAMA BRANCH Liliha King Sts.

Phone 8200 MUST SELL 1931 CHEVROLET Obe Roadster $145 1934 FORD V-8 Sedan $200 1938 FORD V-8 Convertible Coupe De Luxe ModeL. $650 1932 ESSEX Coupe, rumble seat $135 Melim Service Supply Company Phone 1 374 BARGAINS 1930 Ford 2-Door Sedan. $235 1931 Ford Tudor 1929 Ford Coupe 95 1931 Chevrolet 4-TJoor Sedan. 1335 Ford 4-Door Sedan. Trunk.

radio, leather upholstery 1933 Plymouth 2-Door Sedan $273 1937 Ford 4-Door Sedan. Radio, electric clock $543 Oah'u Auto Exchange 764 S. Beretania SL Phone 2SSS HOME OF LIGHT USED CARS Aala Service Station Cor. Beretania Hail Phone 1343 There are more motion jjicture theaters in Germany than in any other European country. Next in crder come Great Britain, France and ItaJy, AUTO St.

Hape Nu la May 1940 bring you prosperity and contentment Jos. B. Musser ALICE M. WHISNER H. S.

HEW 928 BETHEL STREET DOWSETT HIGHLANDS Splendid neighborhood. Large lot 16,991 sq. ft. Priced to sell before Jan. 1st.

1940 $2,300 TANTALUS Not on the regular road but on a knoll which has a wonderful view and without excessive dampness of the forest area. Only two lots left. Price sq. ft. Subdivision being worked out now so lot can be cut to suit purchaser.

Request for Listings We want property to sell. Your listings will be given personal attention. Come and talk your Real Estate problems over with us. Our service is friendly, informal with, a deblre to be helpful, CAPITOL MARKET BLDG. PHONES: 4769-66356-76780 Manoa 2133 Brown Way Completely remodeled, 2 bedroom home with den.

large lanai. Many cupboards. Attractive, quiet, cool. Over 7.000 sq. ft.

$5,950. Nuudnu 2485 Nuuanu Ave. New home on corner lot. Large shade trees 2 bedrooms, screened lanai, hardwood floors throughout. This house was built by a home owner to sell for a home.

Will be ready for occupancy January lOtK. Morgan Beadle, Ltd. 108 MERCHANT ST. PHONE 6318 Kaimuki $4.250 Large 3 bedroom cottage. Reconditioned.

Lot 50x150. On bus line. 2 blocks from Waialae Ave. Kailua Coconut Grove Lot 63x73 5.P5 sq. ft.

Price $375. Terms. $50 Down Waikiki 2 bedroom cottage. Leasehold, 5 years at $100 per year, including taxes. Present rental $30 per month.

$300 Cash Merchants' Finance Ltd. 1110 Union St. Ph. 1381 79091 YOUR HOME For the New Year Sunny, 3 bedroom home on bus line In Kaimuki. Everything like new.

Level landscaped lot of 7,500 sq. ft. FULL PRICE $5,500 TERMS, OF COURSEl A. H. Rice Gr Ltd.

Phone 6257 227 So. King St. Wanled to ouy by clients tor cash. mod priced houses and vacant lots. P.

E. R. STRAUCH 82 Merchant St. Tel W25 Fred I ires 7761U F.ves Beautiful Lot on Bay. Pearl City Peninsula.

14 500 sq ft. at only 10c sq. ft. Phne STS? Patiult St. BY OWNER Sunset Beach Lot on Water.

A BARGAIN. PHONE 3318. lertrva Katmukl Electric Sale Co Walala and inh Ph 722 Dnrn rvp Inventory Bargains Watches. Diamond Rines. Firearms.

Cameras. Luggage, Musical Initru-menls. Typewriters, etc. Credit to reaponaibta parties. DEPOT PAWN SHOP 318 N.

King St. Thone 2673 TYPEWRITERS: Underwood taetnry re- tuiilt. in. 93. K-Z ternvi.

21 Sv Kinc St. PANAA HEDOE7250 6 TO FE IGH. PHON 9S758. 1 Miiali and 1 medium concrete mixer. CheapPhnn 7122 or biuro Portable Elec.

Dishwasher. frTiiht- ly ued. cost $18. now 24 Mutlwal. 100 Trans-Pacific Covers $1.00 6 up each City 2nd Hand Store 131 N.

MOTEL ST. PHONE 4006 JJouble office desk. afe, cabinet. National cah reeister and other oUice furniture. PHONE435i or gOOO.

"fordson "tractor." apply ijlusitana st. lira nd" new Bcif 6c HoweM $145 moving picUire camera. $10f. Hawaiian Auto Kxrhanee. JflCHlbs-Pnaiicrtopsr and Cattleya 5eedimB.

The only phalaenopsis aeed-linffa tn Honolulu, all imported and well rooted. P. Elizabethae: P. Aphrodite P. Elizabethae; P.

Elizabethae Anhrodtte. IWASAKI NURSERY. 1424 N. School St. SEWINO MACHINE BARGAINS Wilcox and Gibba Portable Electric Sewa Perfectly Several other portables very low prices.

White and $12.50 up Naadlea. Oil. Pinking Shears, Rant and Repair Whita Sewlna Machine Agency 1112 Bethel St. near Hawaii Theatec 31 Radios Pianos-Musical Instruments For Salo Piano Bargains LUOWIG SPINET PIANO. Was $435; now $-33 NEW HAMILTON GRAND PIANO; Was $7i3; now FRANCIS BACON PIANO.

Beautiful bungalow ttyle. Sacrifice at $ia STEINWAY GRAND PIANO. Used 18 months. Will sacrifice. HAWAII MUSIC CO.

Phone 276 10 Tube Iiosth. inclined I panel, all wave, SL24.50. INUvJILV VhAYER'S. 116 S. Hotel fWeE-RADIO New table model radio given with the purchase of.

any new console radio In our store. Hawaii Sale -n-U? -1? STORY and CLARK STUDIO UPRIGHT PIANO rull 83 kev. ued only 1 ear. See and make offer. Owner leavui.

Must Sacrifice RADIO APPLIANCE CO. Bethel and Bcretania Sts. PMILCCT" Automatic Combination, llVeV. LHT nvK' f-m REN I no RUV. 12 MONTH.

riariu 'wen Studios. Motel St "Good for teacher or tw-cinner. Excellent condition. $39. Pav $1 week.

116 S. Hotel Piano THAYER'S Mrina bass, swell back. S- rey violin shop; l3Pie a Comb. Automatic chanrer. $3 mo.

Phone 2544. -rr 7 "iBuifet Wood Clarinet casc aa tl95 NOW $67.50 Metronome 4834 32 Household Appliances For Sale I Inventory Bargains Appliances reduced price New 1333 Frtitdaires. rart-es. ABC wSsherV and tronera. Slightly dam-aged in shippme.

In Our Bargain Basem*nt Th ven Himm-Youna SUi Bishop A King Sta. Phon 6141 Punchbowl PROSPECT AND PUOWAINA STS New 3 bedroom house and garage. Splendid view. PRICE S5.250. Down payment $500 North Vineyard St.

13 BEDROOM COTTAGE and garage in splendid condition. PRICE $4,800 Kaimuki 6th Ave. 150 FEET OFF WAIALAE ROAD Lot 75x200: area 15.000 square feet. Splendid for a court. All assessments paid in full.

PRICE $3,750 Hawaiian Mortgage Cr i Realty Co. 1025 ALAKEA Union Trust Bldg. PHONES 4401 .5577 $7,500 Begin the New Year by owning this cool, green cottage by Makiki stream Spacious living and separate dining rooms, with entrance vista. 2 bedrooms and Ample storage space in kitchen and utility rooms. Attractive setting.

SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY See GIDDINGS 83 MERCHANT ST. Phone 3286-79683 Superb View Lot IDEAL BUILDING SITE with natural terrace. UNOBSTRUCTED view of valley and sea beyond. Area over 12,000 sq. ft.

The best lot In DOWSETT HIGHLANDS Underpriced at $2,500 Nottage Gr Brooks Phone 5701 WAIKIKI 2 bedroom home. Lot over 5.000 sq. ft. Room in rear to build additional $6,500 MAKIKI VIEW LOT 13,700 sq. ft.

$2,250. WAIKIKI 2 bedroom home under construction. Lot 40x60 $3,950 BEN F. BLUEM 13S7 So. Bretania Phone 91622 JAMES C.

CHiNG, Realtor Room 3. Hockins Bldg. Ph. 2141-S471.

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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.