pyquery.pyquery — pyquery 2.0.x documentation (2024)

# Copyright (C) 2008 - Olivier Lauzanne <>## Distributed under the BSD license, see LICENSE.txtfrom .cssselectpatch import JQueryTranslatorfrom collections import OrderedDictfrom urllib.parse import urlencodefrom urllib.parse import urljoinfrom .openers import url_openerfrom .text import extract_textfrom copy import deepcopyfrom html import escapefrom lxml import etreeimport lxml.htmlimport inspectimport itertoolsimport typesbasestring = (str, bytes)def getargspec(func): args = inspect.signature(func).parameters.values() return [ for p in args if p.kind == p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD]def with_camel_case_alias(func): """decorator for methods who required a camelcase alias""" _camel_case_aliases.add(func.__name__) return func_camel_case_aliases = set()def build_camel_case_aliases(PyQuery): """add camelcase aliases to PyQuery""" for alias in _camel_case_aliases: parts = list(alias.split('_')) name = parts[0] + ''.join([p.title() for p in parts[1:]]) func = getattr(PyQuery, alias) f = types.FunctionType(func.__code__, func.__globals__, name, func.__defaults__) f.__doc__ = ( 'Alias for :func:`~pyquery.pyquery.PyQuery.%s`') % func.__name__ setattr(PyQuery, name, f.__get__(None, PyQuery))def fromstring(context, parser=None, custom_parser=None): """use html parser if we don't have clean xml """ if hasattr(context, 'read') and hasattr(, '__call__'): meth = 'parse' else: meth = 'fromstring' if custom_parser is None: if parser is None: try: result = getattr(etree, meth)(context) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: if hasattr(context, 'seek'): result = getattr(lxml.html, meth)(context) if isinstance(result, etree._ElementTree): return [result.getroot()] else: return [result] elif parser == 'xml': custom_parser = getattr(etree, meth) elif parser == 'html': custom_parser = getattr(lxml.html, meth) elif parser == 'html5': from lxml.html import html5parser custom_parser = getattr(html5parser, meth) elif parser == 'soup': from lxml.html import soupparser custom_parser = getattr(soupparser, meth) elif parser == 'html_fragments': custom_parser = lxml.html.fragments_fromstring else: raise ValueError('No such parser: "%s"' % parser) result = custom_parser(context) if type(result) is list: return result elif isinstance(result, etree._ElementTree): return [result.getroot()] elif result is not None: return [result] else: return []def callback(func, *args): return func(*args[:func.__code__.co_argcount])class NoDefault(object): def __repr__(self): """clean representation in Sphinx""" return '<NoDefault>'no_default = NoDefault()del NoDefaultclass FlexibleElement(object): """property to allow a flexible api""" def __init__(self, pget, pset=no_default, pdel=no_default): self.pget = pget self.pset = pset self.pdel = pdel def __get__(self, instance, klass): class _element(object): """real element to support set/get/del attr and item and js call style""" def __call__(prop, *args, **kwargs): return self.pget(instance, *args, **kwargs) __getattr__ = __getitem__ = __setattr__ = __setitem__ = __call__ def __delitem__(prop, name): if self.pdel is not no_default: return self.pdel(instance, name) else: raise NotImplementedError() __delattr__ = __delitem__ def __repr__(prop): return '<flexible_element %s>' % self.pget.__name__ return _element() def __set__(self, instance, value): if self.pset is not no_default: self.pset(instance, value) else: raise NotImplementedError()

[docs]class PyQuery(list): """The main class """ _translator_class = JQueryTranslator def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): html = None elements = [] self._base_url = None self.parser = kwargs.pop('parser', None) if 'parent' in kwargs: self._parent = kwargs.pop('parent') else: self._parent = no_default if 'css_translator' in kwargs: self._translator = kwargs.pop('css_translator') elif self.parser in ('xml',): self._translator = self._translator_class(xhtml=True) elif self._parent is not no_default: self._translator = self._parent._translator else: self._translator = self._translator_class(xhtml=False) self.namespaces = kwargs.pop('namespaces', None) if kwargs: # specific case to get the dom if 'filename' in kwargs: html = open(kwargs['filename'], encoding=kwargs.get('encoding')) elif 'url' in kwargs: url = kwargs.pop('url') if 'opener' in kwargs: opener = kwargs.pop('opener') html = opener(url, **kwargs) else: html = url_opener(url, kwargs) if not self.parser: self.parser = 'html' self._base_url = url else: raise ValueError('Invalid keyword arguments %s' % kwargs) elements = fromstring(html, self.parser) # close open descriptor if possible if hasattr(html, 'close'): try: html.close() except Exception: pass else: # get nodes # determine context and selector if any selector = context = no_default length = len(args) if length == 1: context = args[0] elif length == 2: selector, context = args else: raise ValueError( "You can't do that. Please, provide arguments") # get context if isinstance(context, basestring): try: elements = fromstring(context, self.parser) except Exception: raise elif isinstance(context, self.__class__): # copy elements = context[:] elif isinstance(context, list): elements = context elif isinstance(context, etree._Element): elements = [context] else: raise TypeError(context) # select nodes if elements and selector is not no_default: xpath = self._css_to_xpath(selector) results = [] for tag in elements: results.extend( tag.xpath(xpath, namespaces=self.namespaces)) elements = results list.__init__(self, elements) def _css_to_xpath(self, selector, prefix='descendant-or-self::'): selector = selector.replace('[@', '[') return self._translator.css_to_xpath(selector, prefix) def _copy(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('namespaces', self.namespaces) return self.__class__(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """return a new PyQuery instance """ length = len(args) if length == 0: raise ValueError('You must provide at least a selector') if args[0] == '': return self._copy([]) if (len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str) and not args[0].startswith('<')): args += (self,) result = self._copy(*args, parent=self, **kwargs) return result # keep original list api prefixed with _ _append = list.append _extend = list.extend # improve pythonic api def __add__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, self.__class__) return self._copy(self[:] + other[:])

[docs] def extend(self, other): """Extend with another PyQuery object""" assert isinstance(other, self.__class__) self._extend(other[:]) return self

[docs] def items(self, selector=None): """Iter over elements. Return PyQuery objects: >>> d = PyQuery('<div><span>foo</span><span>bar</span></div>') >>> [i.text() for i in d.items('span')] ['foo', 'bar'] >>> [i.text() for i in d('span').items()] ['foo', 'bar'] >>> list(d.items('a')) == list(d('a').items()) True """ if selector: elems = self(selector) or [] else: elems = self for elem in elems: yield self._copy(elem, parent=self)

[docs] def xhtml_to_html(self): """Remove xhtml namespace: >>> doc = PyQuery( ... '<html xmlns=""></html>') >>> doc [<{}html>] >>> doc.xhtml_to_html() [<html>] """ try: root = self[0].getroottree() except IndexError: pass else: lxml.html.xhtml_to_html(root) return self

[docs] def remove_namespaces(self): """Remove all namespaces: >>> doc = PyQuery('<foo xmlns=""></foo>') >>> doc [<{}foo>] >>> doc.remove_namespaces() [<foo>] """ try: root = self[0].getroottree() except IndexError: pass else: for el in root.iter('{*}*'): if el.tag.startswith('{'): el.tag = el.tag.split('}', 1)[1] return self

def __str__(self): """xml representation of current nodes:: >>> xml = PyQuery( ... '<script><![[CDATA[ ]></script>', parser='html_fragments') >>> print(str(xml)) <script>&lt;![[CDATA[ ]&gt;</script> """ return ''.join([etree.tostring(e, encoding=str) for e in self]) def __unicode__(self): """xml representation of current nodes""" return u''.join([etree.tostring(e, encoding=str) for e in self]) def __html__(self): """html representation of current nodes:: >>> html = PyQuery( ... '<script><![[CDATA[ ]></script>', parser='html_fragments') >>> print(html.__html__()) <script><![[CDATA[ ]></script> """ return u''.join([lxml.html.tostring(e, encoding=str) for e in self]) def __repr__(self): r = [] try: for el in self: c = el.get('class') c = c and '.' + '.'.join(c.split(' ')) or '' id = el.get('id') id = id and '#' + id or '' r.append('<%s%s%s>' % (el.tag, id, c)) return '[' + (', '.join(r)) + ']' except AttributeError: return list.__repr__(self) @property def root(self): """return the xml root element """ if self._parent is not no_default: return self._parent[0].getroottree() return self[0].getroottree() @property def encoding(self): """return the xml encoding of the root element """ root = self.root if root is not None: return self.root.docinfo.encoding ############## # Traversing # ############## def _filter_only(self, selector, elements, reverse=False, unique=False): """Filters the selection set only, as opposed to also including descendants. """ if selector is None: results = elements else: xpath = self._css_to_xpath(selector, 'self::') results = [] for tag in elements: results.extend(tag.xpath(xpath, namespaces=self.namespaces)) if reverse: results.reverse() if unique: result_list = results results = [] for item in result_list: if item not in results: results.append(item) return self._copy(results, parent=self) def parent(self, selector=None): return self._filter_only( selector, [e.getparent() for e in self if e.getparent() is not None], unique=True) def prev(self, selector=None): return self._filter_only( selector, [e.getprevious() for e in self if e.getprevious() is not None]) def next(self, selector=None): return self._filter_only( selector, [e.getnext() for e in self if e.getnext() is not None]) def _traverse(self, method): for e in self: current = getattr(e, method)() while current is not None: yield current current = getattr(current, method)() def _traverse_parent_topdown(self): for e in self: this_list = [] current = e.getparent() while current is not None: this_list.append(current) current = current.getparent() this_list.reverse() for j in this_list: yield j def _next_all(self): return [e for e in self._traverse('getnext')]

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def next_all(self, selector=None): """ >>> h = '<span><p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p><img scr=""/></span>' >>> d = PyQuery(h) >>> d('p:last').next_all() [<img>] >>> d('p:last').nextAll() [<img>] """ return self._filter_only(selector, self._next_all())

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def next_until(self, selector, filter_=None): """ >>> h = ''' ... <h2>Greeting 1</h2> ... <p>Hello!</p><p>World!</p> ... <h2>Greeting 2</h2><p>Bye!</p> ... ''' >>> d = PyQuery(h) >>> d('h2:first').nextUntil('h2') [<p>, <p>] """ return self._filter_only( filter_, [ e for q in itertools.takewhile( lambda q: not q.is_(selector), self.next_all().items()) for e in q ] )

def _prev_all(self): return [e for e in self._traverse('getprevious')]

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def prev_all(self, selector=None): """ >>> h = '<span><p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p><img scr=""/></span>' >>> d = PyQuery(h) >>> d('p:last').prev_all() [<p.hello>] >>> d('p:last').prevAll() [<p.hello>] """ return self._filter_only(selector, self._prev_all(), reverse=True)

[docs] def siblings(self, selector=None): """ >>> h = '<span><p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p><img scr=""/></span>' >>> d = PyQuery(h) >>> d('.hello').siblings() [<p>, <img>] >>> d('.hello').siblings('img') [<img>] """ return self._filter_only(selector, self._prev_all() + self._next_all())

[docs] def parents(self, selector=None): """ >>> d = PyQuery('<span><p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p></span>') >>> d('p').parents() [<span>] >>> d('.hello').parents('span') [<span>] >>> d('.hello').parents('p') [] """ return self._filter_only( selector, [e for e in self._traverse_parent_topdown()], unique=True )

[docs] def children(self, selector=None): """Filter elements that are direct children of self using optional selector: >>> d = PyQuery('<span><p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p></span>') >>> d [<span>] >>> d.children() [<p.hello>, <p>] >>> d.children('.hello') [<p.hello>] """ elements = [child for tag in self for child in tag.getchildren()] return self._filter_only(selector, elements)

[docs] def closest(self, selector=None): """ >>> d = PyQuery( ... '<div class="hello"><p>This is a ' ... '<strong class="hello">test</strong></p></div>') >>> d('strong').closest('div') [<div.hello>] >>> d('strong').closest('.hello') [<strong.hello>] >>> d('strong').closest('form') [] """ result = [] for current in self: while (current is not None and not self._copy(current).is_(selector)): current = current.getparent() if current is not None: result.append(current) return self._copy(result, parent=self)

[docs] def contents(self): """ Return contents (with text nodes): >>> d = PyQuery('hello <b>bold</b>') >>> d.contents() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ['hello ', <Element b at ...>] """ results = [] for elem in self: results.extend(elem.xpath('child::text()|child::*', namespaces=self.namespaces)) return self._copy(results, parent=self)

[docs] def filter(self, selector): """Filter elements in self using selector (string or function): >>> d = PyQuery('<p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p>') >>> d('p') [<p.hello>, <p>] >>> d('p').filter('.hello') [<p.hello>] >>> d('p').filter(lambda i: i == 1) [<p>] >>> d('p').filter(lambda i: PyQuery(this).text() == 'Hi') [<p.hello>] >>> d('p').filter(lambda i, this: PyQuery(this).text() == 'Hi') [<p.hello>] """ if not hasattr(selector, '__call__'): return self._filter_only(selector, self) else: elements = [] args = getargspec(callback) try: for i, this in enumerate(self): if len(args) == 1: selector.__globals__['this'] = this if callback(selector, i, this): elements.append(this) finally: f_globals = selector.__globals__ if 'this' in f_globals: del f_globals['this'] return self._copy(elements, parent=self)

[docs] def not_(self, selector): """Return elements that don't match the given selector: >>> d = PyQuery('<p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p><div></div>') >>> d('p').not_('.hello') [<p>] """ exclude = set(self._copy(selector, self)) return self._copy([e for e in self if e not in exclude], parent=self)

[docs] def is_(self, selector): """Returns True if selector matches at least one current element, else False: >>> d = PyQuery('<p class="hello"><span>Hi</span></p><p>Bye</p>') >>> d('p').eq(0).is_('.hello') True >>> d('p').eq(0).is_('span') False >>> d('p').eq(1).is_('.hello') False .. """ return bool(self._filter_only(selector, self))

[docs] def find(self, selector): """Find elements using selector traversing down from self: >>> m = '<p><span><em>Whoah!</em></span></p><p><em> there</em></p>' >>> d = PyQuery(m) >>> d('p').find('em') [<em>, <em>] >>> d('p').eq(1).find('em') [<em>] """ xpath = self._css_to_xpath(selector) results = [child.xpath(xpath, namespaces=self.namespaces) for tag in self for child in tag.getchildren()] # Flatten the results elements = [] for r in results: elements.extend(r) return self._copy(elements, parent=self)

[docs] def eq(self, index): """Return PyQuery of only the element with the provided index:: >>> d = PyQuery('<p class="hello">Hi</p><p>Bye</p><div></div>') >>> d('p').eq(0) [<p.hello>] >>> d('p').eq(1) [<p>] >>> d('p').eq(2) [] .. """ # Slicing will return empty list when index=-1 # we should handle out of bound by ourselves try: items = self[index] except IndexError: items = [] return self._copy(items, parent=self)

[docs] def each(self, func): """apply func on each nodes """ try: for i, element in enumerate(self): func.__globals__['this'] = element if callback(func, i, element) is False: break finally: f_globals = func.__globals__ if 'this' in f_globals: del f_globals['this'] return self

[docs] def map(self, func): """Returns a new PyQuery after transforming current items with func. func should take two arguments - 'index' and 'element'. Elements can also be referred to as 'this' inside of func:: >>> d = PyQuery('<p class="hello">Hi there</p><p>Bye</p><br />') >>> d('p').map(lambda i, e: PyQuery(e).text()) ['Hi there', 'Bye'] >>> d('p').map(lambda i, e: len(PyQuery(this).text())) [8, 3] >>> d('p').map(lambda i, e: PyQuery(this).text().split()) ['Hi', 'there', 'Bye'] """ items = [] try: for i, element in enumerate(self): func.__globals__['this'] = element result = callback(func, i, element) if result is not None: if not isinstance(result, list): items.append(result) else: items.extend(result) finally: f_globals = func.__globals__ if 'this' in f_globals: del f_globals['this'] return self._copy(items, parent=self)

@property def length(self): return len(self) def size(self): return len(self)

[docs] def end(self): """Break out of a level of traversal and return to the parent level. >>> m = '<p><span><em>Whoah!</em></span></p><p><em> there</em></p>' >>> d = PyQuery(m) >>> d('p').eq(1).find('em').end().end() [<p>, <p>] """ return self._parent

############## # Attributes # ############## def attr(self, *args, **kwargs): """Attributes manipulation """ mapping = {'class_': 'class', 'for_': 'for'} attr = value = no_default length = len(args) if length == 1: attr = args[0] attr = mapping.get(attr, attr) elif length == 2: attr, value = args attr = mapping.get(attr, attr) elif kwargs: attr = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): attr[mapping.get(k, k)] = v else: raise ValueError('Invalid arguments %s %s' % (args, kwargs)) if not self: return None elif isinstance(attr, dict): for tag in self: for key, value in attr.items(): tag.set(key, value) elif value is no_default: return self[0].get(attr) elif value is None: return self.remove_attr(attr) else: for tag in self: tag.set(attr, value) return self

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def remove_attr(self, name): """Remove an attribute:: >>> d = PyQuery('<div id="myid"></div>') >>> d.remove_attr('id') [<div>] >>> d.removeAttr('id') [<div>] .. """ for tag in self: try: del tag.attrib[name] except KeyError: pass return self

attr = FlexibleElement(pget=attr, pdel=remove_attr) ####### # CSS # #######

[docs] def height(self, value=no_default): """set/get height of element """ return self.attr('height', value)

[docs] def width(self, value=no_default): """set/get width of element """ return self.attr('width', value)

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def has_class(self, name): """Return True if element has class:: >>> d = PyQuery('<div class="myclass"></div>') >>> d.has_class('myclass') True >>> d.hasClass('myclass') True .. """ return self.is_('.%s' % name)

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def add_class(self, value): """Add a css class to elements:: >>> d = PyQuery('<div></div>') >>> d.add_class('myclass') [<div.myclass>] >>> d.addClass('myclass') [<div.myclass>] .. """ for tag in self: values = value.split(' ') classes = (tag.get('class') or '').split() classes += [v for v in values if v not in classes] tag.set('class', ' '.join(classes)) return self

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def remove_class(self, value): """Remove a css class to elements:: >>> d = PyQuery('<div class="myclass"></div>') >>> d.remove_class('myclass') [<div>] >>> d.removeClass('myclass') [<div>] .. """ for tag in self: values = value.split(' ') classes = set((tag.get('class') or '').split()) classes.difference_update(values) classes.difference_update(['']) classes = ' '.join(classes) if classes.strip(): tag.set('class', classes) elif tag.get('class'): tag.set('class', classes) return self

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def toggle_class(self, value): """Toggle a css class to elements >>> d = PyQuery('<div></div>') >>> d.toggle_class('myclass') [<div.myclass>] >>> d.toggleClass('myclass') [<div>] """ for tag in self: values = value.split(' ') classes = (tag.get('class') or '').split() values_to_add = [v for v in values if v not in classes] values_to_del = [v for v in values if v in classes] classes = [v for v in classes if v not in values_to_del] classes += values_to_add tag.set('class', ' '.join(classes)) return self

def css(self, *args, **kwargs): """css attributes manipulation """ attr = value = no_default length = len(args) if length == 1: attr = args[0] elif length == 2: attr, value = args elif kwargs: attr = kwargs else: raise ValueError('Invalid arguments %s %s' % (args, kwargs)) if isinstance(attr, dict): for tag in self: stripped_keys = [key.strip().replace('_', '-') for key in attr.keys()] current = [el.strip() for el in (tag.get('style') or '').split(';') if el.strip() and not el.split(':')[0].strip() in stripped_keys] for key, value in attr.items(): key = key.replace('_', '-') current.append('%s: %s' % (key, value)) tag.set('style', '; '.join(current)) elif isinstance(value, basestring): attr = attr.replace('_', '-') for tag in self: current = [ el.strip() for el in (tag.get('style') or '').split(';') if (el.strip() and not el.split(':')[0].strip() == attr.strip())] current.append('%s: %s' % (attr, value)) tag.set('style', '; '.join(current)) return self css = FlexibleElement(pget=css, pset=css) ################### # CORE UI EFFECTS # ###################

[docs] def hide(self): """Add display:none to elements style: >>> print(PyQuery('<div style="display:none;"/>').hide()) <div style="display: none"/> """ return self.css('display', 'none')

[docs] def show(self): """Add display:block to elements style: >>> print(PyQuery('<div />').show()) <div style="display: block"/> """ return self.css('display', 'block')

######## # HTML # ########

[docs] def val(self, value=no_default): """Set the attribute value:: >>> d = PyQuery('<input />') >>> d.val('Youhou') [<input>] Get the attribute value:: >>> d.val() 'Youhou' Set the selected values for a `select` element with the `multiple` attribute:: >>> d = PyQuery(''' ... <select multiple> ... <option value="you"><option value="hou"> ... </select> ... ''') >>> d.val(['you', 'hou']) [<select>] Get the selected values for a `select` element with the `multiple` attribute:: >>> d.val() ['you', 'hou'] """ def _get_value(tag): # <textarea> if tag.tag == 'textarea': return self._copy(tag).html() # <select> elif tag.tag == 'select': if 'multiple' in tag.attrib: # Only extract value if selected selected = self._copy(tag)('option[selected]') # Rebuild list to avoid serialization error return list( lambda _, o: self._copy(o).attr('value') )) selected_option = self._copy(tag)('option[selected]:last') if selected_option: return selected_option.attr('value') else: return self._copy(tag)('option').attr('value') # <input type="checkbox"> or <input type="radio"> elif self.is_(':checkbox,:radio'): val = self._copy(tag).attr('value') if val is None: return 'on' else: return val # <input> elif tag.tag == 'input': val = self._copy(tag).attr('value') return val.replace('\n', '') if val else '' # everything else. return self._copy(tag).attr('value') or '' def _set_value(pq, value): for tag in pq: # <select> if tag.tag == 'select': if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] def _make_option_selected(_, elem): pq = self._copy(elem) if pq.attr('value') in value: pq.attr('selected', 'selected') if 'multiple' not in tag.attrib: del value[:] # Ensure it toggles first match else: pq.removeAttr('selected') self._copy(tag)('option').each(_make_option_selected) continue # Stringify array if isinstance(value, list): value = ','.join(value) # <textarea> if tag.tag == 'textarea': self._copy(tag).text(value) continue # <input> and everything else. self._copy(tag).attr('value', value) if value is no_default: if len(self): return _get_value(self[0]) else: _set_value(self, value) return self

[docs] def html(self, value=no_default, **kwargs): """Get or set the html representation of sub nodes. Get the text value:: >>> d = PyQuery('<div><span>toto</span></div>') >>> print(d.html()) <span>toto</span> Extra args are passed to ``lxml.etree.tostring``:: >>> d = PyQuery('<div><span></span></div>') >>> print(d.html()) <span/> >>> print(d.html(method='html')) <span></span> Set the text value:: >>> d.html('<span>Youhou !</span>') [<div>] >>> print(d) <div><span>Youhou !</span></div> """ if value is no_default: if not self: return None tag = self[0] children = tag.getchildren() html = escape(tag.text or '', quote=False) if not children: return html if 'encoding' not in kwargs: kwargs['encoding'] = str html += u''.join([etree.tostring(e, **kwargs) for e in children]) return html else: if isinstance(value, self.__class__): new_html = str(value) elif isinstance(value, basestring): new_html = value elif not value: new_html = '' else: raise ValueError(type(value)) for tag in self: for child in tag.getchildren(): tag.remove(child) root = fromstring( u'<root>' + new_html + u'</root>', self.parser)[0] children = root.getchildren() if children: tag.extend(children) tag.text = root.text return self

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def outer_html(self, method="html"): """Get the html representation of the first selected element:: >>> d = PyQuery('<div><span class="red">toto</span> rocks</div>') >>> print(d('span')) <span class="red">toto</span> rocks >>> print(d('span').outer_html()) <span class="red">toto</span> >>> print(d('span').outerHtml()) <span class="red">toto</span> >>> S = PyQuery('<p>Only <b>me</b> & myself</p>') >>> print(S('b').outer_html()) <b>me</b> .. """ if not self: return None e0 = self[0] if e0.tail: e0 = deepcopy(e0) e0.tail = '' return etree.tostring(e0, encoding=str, method=method)

[docs] def text(self, value=no_default, **kwargs): """Get or set the text representation of sub nodes. Get the text value:: >>> doc = PyQuery('<div><span>toto</span><span>tata</span></div>') >>> print(doc.text()) tototata >>> doc = PyQuery('''<div><span>toto</span> ... <span>tata</span></div>''') >>> print(doc.text()) toto tata Get the text value, without squashing newlines:: >>> doc = PyQuery('''<div><span>toto</span> ... <span>tata</span></div>''') >>> print(doc.text(squash_space=False)) toto tata Set the text value:: >>> doc.text('Youhou !') [<div>] >>> print(doc) <div>Youhou !</div> """ if value is no_default: if not self: return '' return ' '.join( self._copy(tag).html() if tag.tag == 'textarea' else extract_text(tag, **kwargs) for tag in self ) for tag in self: for child in tag.getchildren(): tag.remove(child) tag.text = value return self

################ # Manipulating # ################ def _get_root(self, value): if isinstance(value, basestring): root = fromstring(u'<root>' + value + u'</root>', self.parser)[0] elif isinstance(value, etree._Element): root = self._copy(value) elif isinstance(value, PyQuery): root = value else: raise TypeError( 'Value must be string, PyQuery or Element. Got %r' % value) if hasattr(root, 'text') and isinstance(root.text, basestring): root_text = root.text else: root_text = '' return root, root_text

[docs] def append(self, value): """append value to each nodes """ root, root_text = self._get_root(value) for i, tag in enumerate(self): if len(tag) > 0: # if the tag has children last_child = tag[-1] if not last_child.tail: last_child.tail = '' last_child.tail += root_text else: if not tag.text: tag.text = '' tag.text += root_text if i > 0: root = deepcopy(list(root)) tag.extend(root) return self

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def append_to(self, value): """append nodes to value """ value.append(self) return self

[docs] def prepend(self, value): """prepend value to nodes """ root, root_text = self._get_root(value) for i, tag in enumerate(self): if not tag.text: tag.text = '' if len(root) > 0: root[-1].tail = tag.text tag.text = root_text else: tag.text = root_text + tag.text if i > 0: root = deepcopy(list(root)) tag[:0] = root root = tag[:len(root)] return self

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def prepend_to(self, value): """prepend nodes to value """ value.prepend(self) return self

[docs] def after(self, value): """add value after nodes """ root, root_text = self._get_root(value) for i, tag in enumerate(self): if not tag.tail: tag.tail = '' tag.tail += root_text if i > 0: root = deepcopy(list(root)) parent = tag.getparent() index = parent.index(tag) + 1 parent[index:index] = root root = parent[index:len(root)] return self

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def insert_after(self, value): """insert nodes after value """ value.after(self) return self

[docs] def before(self, value): """insert value before nodes """ root, root_text = self._get_root(value) for i, tag in enumerate(self): previous = tag.getprevious() if previous is not None: if not previous.tail: previous.tail = '' previous.tail += root_text else: parent = tag.getparent() if not parent.text: parent.text = '' parent.text += root_text if i > 0: root = deepcopy(list(root)) parent = tag.getparent() index = parent.index(tag) parent[index:index] = root root = parent[index:len(root)] return self

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def insert_before(self, value): """insert nodes before value """ value.before(self) return self

[docs] def wrap(self, value): """A string of HTML that will be created on the fly and wrapped around each target: >>> d = PyQuery('<span>youhou</span>') >>> d.wrap('<div></div>') [<div>] >>> print(d) <div><span>youhou</span></div> """ assert isinstance(value, basestring) value = fromstring(value)[0] nodes = [] for tag in self: wrapper = deepcopy(value) # FIXME: using iterchildren is probably not optimal if not wrapper.getchildren(): wrapper.append(deepcopy(tag)) else: childs = [c for c in wrapper.iterchildren()] child = childs[-1] child.append(deepcopy(tag)) nodes.append(wrapper) parent = tag.getparent() if parent is not None: for t in parent.iterchildren(): if t is tag: t.addnext(wrapper) parent.remove(t) break self[:] = nodes return self

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def wrap_all(self, value): """Wrap all the elements in the matched set into a single wrapper element:: >>> d = PyQuery('<div><span>Hey</span><span>you !</span></div>') >>> print(d('span').wrap_all('<div id="wrapper"></div>')) <div id="wrapper"><span>Hey</span><span>you !</span></div> >>> d = PyQuery('<div><span>Hey</span><span>you !</span></div>') >>> print(d('span').wrapAll('<div id="wrapper"></div>')) <div id="wrapper"><span>Hey</span><span>you !</span></div> .. """ if not self: return self assert isinstance(value, basestring) value = fromstring(value)[0] wrapper = deepcopy(value) if not wrapper.getchildren(): child = wrapper else: childs = [c for c in wrapper.iterchildren()] child = childs[-1] replace_childs = True parent = self[0].getparent() if parent is None: parent = no_default # add nodes to wrapper and check parent for tag in self: child.append(deepcopy(tag)) if tag.getparent() is not parent: replace_childs = False # replace nodes i parent if possible if parent is not no_default and replace_childs: childs = [c for c in parent.iterchildren()] if len(childs) == len(self): for tag in self: parent.remove(tag) parent.append(wrapper) self[:] = [wrapper] return self

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def replace_with(self, value): """replace nodes by value: >>> doc = PyQuery("<html><div /></html>") >>> node = PyQuery("<span />") >>> child = doc.find('div') >>> child.replace_with(node) [<div>] >>> print(doc) <html><span/></html> """ if isinstance(value, PyQuery): value = str(value) if hasattr(value, '__call__'): for i, element in enumerate(self): self._copy(element).before( value(i, element) + (element.tail or '')) parent = element.getparent() parent.remove(element) else: for tag in self: self._copy(tag).before(value + (tag.tail or '')) parent = tag.getparent() parent.remove(tag) return self

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def replace_all(self, expr): """replace nodes by expr """ if self._parent is no_default: raise ValueError( 'replaceAll can only be used with an object with parent') self._parent(expr).replace_with(self) return self

[docs] def clone(self): """return a copy of nodes """ return PyQuery([deepcopy(tag) for tag in self])

[docs] def empty(self): """remove nodes content """ for tag in self: tag.text = None tag[:] = [] return self

[docs] def remove(self, expr=no_default): """Remove nodes: >>> h = ( ... '<div>Maybe <em>she</em> does <strong>NOT</strong> know</div>' ... ) >>> d = PyQuery(h) >>> d('strong').remove() [<strong>] >>> print(d) <div>Maybe <em>she</em> does know</div> """ if expr is no_default: for tag in self: parent = tag.getparent() if parent is not None: if tag.tail: prev = tag.getprevious() if prev is None: if not parent.text: parent.text = '' parent.text += tag.tail else: if not prev.tail: prev.tail = '' prev.tail += tag.tail parent.remove(tag) else: results = self._copy(expr, self) results.remove() return self

[docs] class Fn(object): """Hook for defining custom function (like the jQuery.fn): .. sourcecode:: python >>> fn = lambda: i, el: PyQuery(this).outerHtml()) >>> PyQuery.fn.listOuterHtml = fn >>> S = PyQuery( ... '<ol> <li>Coffee</li> <li>Tea</li> <li>Milk</li> </ol>') >>> S('li').listOuterHtml() ['<li>Coffee</li>', '<li>Tea</li>', '<li>Milk</li>'] """ def __setattr__(self, name, func): def fn(self, *args, **kwargs): func.__globals__['this'] = self return func(*args, **kwargs) fn.__name__ = name setattr(PyQuery, name, fn)

fn = Fn() ######## # AJAX # ########

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def serialize_array(self): """Serialize form elements as an array of dictionaries, whose structure mirrors that produced by the jQuery API. Notably, it does not handle the deprecated `keygen` form element. >>> d = PyQuery('<form><input name="order" value="spam"></form>') >>> d.serialize_array() == [{'name': 'order', 'value': 'spam'}] True >>> d.serializeArray() == [{'name': 'order', 'value': 'spam'}] True """ return list(map( lambda p: {'name': p[0], 'value': p[1]}, self.serialize_pairs() ))

[docs] def serialize(self): """Serialize form elements as a URL-encoded string. >>> h = ( ... '<form><input name="order" value="spam">' ... '<input name="order2" value="baked beans"></form>' ... ) >>> d = PyQuery(h) >>> d.serialize() 'order=spam&order2=baked%20beans' """ return urlencode(self.serialize_pairs()).replace('+', '%20')

##################################################### # Additional methods that are not in the jQuery API # #####################################################

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def serialize_pairs(self): """Serialize form elements as an array of 2-tuples conventional for typical URL-parsing operations in Python. >>> d = PyQuery('<form><input name="order" value="spam"></form>') >>> d.serialize_pairs() [('order', 'spam')] >>> d.serializePairs() [('order', 'spam')] """ # # /2d4f53416e5f74fa98e0c1d66b6f3c285a12f0ce/src/serialize.js#L14 _submitter_types = ['submit', 'button', 'image', 'reset', 'file'] controls = self._copy([]) # Expand list of form controls for el in self.items(): if el[0].tag == 'form': form_id = el.attr('id') if form_id: # Include inputs outside of their form owner root = self._copy(el.root.getroot()) controls.extend(root( '#%s :not([form]):input, [form="%s"]:input' % (form_id, form_id))) else: controls.extend(el(':not([form]):input')) elif el[0].tag == 'fieldset': controls.extend(el(':input')) else: controls.extend(el) # Filter controls selector = '[name]:enabled:not(button)' # Not serializing image button selector += ''.join(map( lambda s: ':not([type="%s"])' % s, _submitter_types)) controls = controls.filter(selector) def _filter_out_unchecked(_, el): el = controls._copy(el) return not el.is_(':checkbox:not(:checked)') and \ not el.is_(':radio:not(:checked)') controls = controls.filter(_filter_out_unchecked) # jQuery serializes inputs with the datalist element as an ancestor # contrary to WHATWG spec as of August 2018 # # xpath = 'self::*[not(ancestor::datalist)]' # results = [] # for tag in controls: # results.extend(tag.xpath(xpath, namespaces=controls.namespaces)) # controls = controls._copy(results) # Serialize values ret = [] for field in controls: val = self._copy(field).val() or '' if isinstance(val, list): ret.extend(map( lambda v: (field.attrib['name'], v.replace('\n', '\r\n')), val )) else: ret.append((field.attrib['name'], val.replace('\n', '\r\n'))) return ret

[docs] @with_camel_case_alias def serialize_dict(self): """Serialize form elements as an ordered dictionary. Multiple values corresponding to the same input name are concatenated into one list. >>> d = PyQuery('''<form> ... <input name="order" value="spam"> ... <input name="order" value="eggs"> ... <input name="order2" value="ham"> ... </form>''') >>> d.serialize_dict() OrderedDict([('order', ['spam', 'eggs']), ('order2', 'ham')]) >>> d.serializeDict() OrderedDict([('order', ['spam', 'eggs']), ('order2', 'ham')]) """ ret = OrderedDict() for name, val in self.serialize_pairs(): if name not in ret: ret[name] = val elif not isinstance(ret[name], list): ret[name] = [ret[name], val] else: ret[name].append(val) return ret

@property def base_url(self): """Return the url of current html document or None if not available. """ if self._base_url is not None: return self._base_url if self._parent is not no_default: return self._parent.base_url

[docs] def make_links_absolute(self, base_url=None): """Make all links absolute. """ if base_url is None: base_url = self.base_url if base_url is None: raise ValueError(( 'You need a base URL to make your links' 'absolute. It can be provided by the base_url parameter.')) def repl(attr): def rep(i, e): attr_value = self(e).attr(attr) # when label hasn't such attr, pass if attr_value is None: return None # skip specific "protocol" schemas if any(attr_value.startswith(schema) for schema in ('tel:', 'callto:', 'sms:')): return None return self(e).attr(attr, urljoin(base_url, attr_value.strip())) return rep self('a').each(repl('href')) self('link').each(repl('href')) self('script').each(repl('src')) self('img').each(repl('src')) self('iframe').each(repl('src')) self('form').each(repl('action')) return self

pyquery.pyquery — pyquery 2.0.x documentation (2024)
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