Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

ft -i t' 11 h. iN Jr V. -w i i i. Exclusive Dispatches of Associated Press, United Press and International News Service IP 'Kssa- ft- I t.Vv: -v YOU NO. 258 nan.

SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 5, 1938-10 PAGES M'i PRICE 8 CENTS BP- Nameless Man IsIThird HEmKim Vi. Mother Insists ShellCiveEye SOVETTHLS sum rTeiPieliniGfm Chamber i jvV lv JU-, mi tIA a BOM RULES COUNTY'S F11E TO EVICT TUB' roe ci 77 Identified as Search Ex Officers Convinced Slayer Who Said He Was Raymond Boyer Really Someone Else; Apparently Well-Educated, No Letters or Visitors pame to Him in Prison' 1 confessed j'MgSiv, -t; V' a calm, almost serene, expression on his face. I Diplomat Says He Was Over-li whelmed By Thought He I Was Helping Fascism pected to Find More Deadjfjp Among 00 Missing i 5 'h t. I 1 PLOT DETAILS SKETCHED iv NEW DOWNPOUR FEARED Execution of Generals Ex- Los Angelnand Nelghbor-? Ing Towns Retgrning to Normal as Flood Recedes i- plained As Defendants Tell Of Scheme to Kill Stalin ra iatehM Piw 'A" 1 V.V BULLETIN 4: LOS March "S-. (UP) Light ratae fan hero today the prelade to whal the wealh- J- I er bateaa said likely wM to' a to from tha1'' aad breaking over the ftoed devaetotod Lee Aagelu area tealghL The atoru fanaed ever the eeee farerartsrs aalS and wu expected to brtng rato to towtoade la Seothem CaUfor-nia aad eaewe in the meMtala v- -f MOSCOW, March S-Chris-r tian Rakovsky, a confessed Trotskyist conspirator against i the soviet union, today fied he had admitted his treachery when he became convinced a successful Trotskyist plot would lead Russia V- to fascism.

Rakovsky, former Russian am-I bassador to London and Faria, was on ths witness stand for his second day, the fourth in Moscows great-, wt treason trial. Twenty other former high soviet officials also are defendants. s1. The dignified old. diplomat re-Xpudiatad the plans of Lean Trotoky.

Russia's former warlord now In exile In Mexico, and shouldered some of the responsibility for helping the world's aggressors to bring about their plan At One Shot" started to give my sincere confession, he said, only after eight months when In solitary confinement I reconsidered aU my previous 'Trotskyist views. During the investigation 1 learned of the Japanese aggression rgminat the Chinese people and the Impudent aggression of Germany a and Italy to Spain." learned of feverish prepara-" tlona of fascist powers for war. J' got.aQ this newe st one riwAX wae- overwhelmed; rX recalled my The lever wu pulled, at 9:31 a. m. and -Boyer wu unconscious.

In 35 second physicians estimated. He gasped herd for breath and muscular reactions continued for two minute Bayer spent last night In company with too priest He ate a Who wu this min? He gasped his last early today in the states new lethal gas chamber, maintaining until the end that hla name was Raymond Boyer. But anthorl ties are convinced that wu not his real name. breakfast of on egg sandwich 'and coffee at 4 o'clock, and waa taken to to eeU. ta too death house at 0f*ck Dr.

W. Rambo, prison physician, and. Dr. H. B.

Gove of too state health department said death occurred between 6:33 end 9:24. The execution was conducted swiftly, and efficiently as was the case yesterday morning when two Kansas City negro slayers, Wright end John Brown, died In the chamber. They were the first legal asphyxiation victims In Missouri history. Paced aa Victim About 6:45, the chamber was cleared of gas through Injection of ammonia, a neutralizing go and use of the exhaust fan. Gas-masked guards entered to remove the body.

It was taken to Kansu City for burial. Bandford wu slain April 9, 1936, on highway 40 near Oak Grove. Boyer had met Esndford In Kansu City end had induced him to start for Bt. Louis. After the slaying, Boyer took Sandford's car and clothes end went on.

He wu yr-tested' the next day In St. Lou! peeing as Bandford. Thirty men including the prison officials and guards witness ths execution. Asphyxiation wu substituted for hanging by the lut legislature. BOSTON Profits were nil for the thief who snsdehed a brown canvu bag from a gu' company employ 17m bag contained gu bill Convenience, Not Law, Basis For Housing Sheriff Near His Prisoners UP TO NAT SAYS JUDGE But Chuckling Prosecutor Will Take No Action Unless Court Orders It Prosecutor Nat Benton today upheld the county court in its belief that it is not obligated to furnish a residence for Sheriff John T.

Pierpont, but said that he would make no move to evict the sheriff until the court orders me to do so. And too court. In too words of Presiding Judga E. H. Button, wash ad our hands of too whole al fair when we turned It over to Benton.

Benton, who reluctantly entered toe battle between the court, and sheriff when tha court requested legal advice as to how to get Pier-pont out of hi, residence, ao that a social security building may. to built on Its alto, haa not yet informed the court of hla Aaridim, Asked if he would giro the decision Monday, tha day he previously had set for It, Benton grinned and said: If I get time." The prosecutor will have a newly convened grand jury on his hands Monday, and will probably be pretty busy. Quarters for Jailer Associate Judge F. T. Jared of too court conferred with Benton for some time today.

Questioned after toe conference, the Judge said It did not concern tha sheriff's Thafa antMDrta NaVa bands how, -said JSTOd.Trx suppose JUTS tell us hla decision Monday- TVs found that too court tent obligated to furnish too' sheriff, or any- other county officer a residence," Benton Mid In giving his opinion, its becoms a custom, particularly In rural countie because the sheriff Is needed near the Jail. Borne times email jail win have Just the sheriff and one deputy, and then It wuold be very necessary for him to be too I don't1 know whether that ap-pltee her or noL There an Jailers quarters In tha new JaU, and I uppoM a jailer la on the spot all toe Of course people who come In frequently want to see the sheriff not a deputy or jailer. I'm not prepared to express an opinion on toe need In Greene county of a sheriffs residence near a jail. But It lent required by tew. On Friendly Terms But since too prosecutor end toe county court have agreed that the county doesn't havb to furnish a sheriffs residence, what can be done to get the present sheriff out of his hom*o? don't know just what will com next," Benton grinned.

It ((tantinned on Back rage) Of Tha iwSiW tan WASHINGTON, March 3-Rep-reaentaUro Schulte reported to police today three bandits had robbed him of 16 in cash, three checks totalling $1839 and two watche Schulte aald ho was parking his car on a side' street near his apartment when another car containing three men drove up. They were armed with pistol One man held the congrecsman white a second rifted hia pocket "As a result of his experience, Schulte said he would demand a death penalty for armed holdups In too District of Columbia. A -w IsNraalwaal Am Ssthm BALTIMORE, March 5-Youtt that man continually seeks to retain, awn after youth hu puad hu barn partially neovand by 17 old man in John Hopkins hoa pttaL -h This was too nivolatlon today of two faeultgr members at Johns' Hopldns medical school, who haw conducted year-long tecta with tha IT men with tectoetaroo a rejuvenation fluid first manufactured in gwltaerland two yea ro' ago, -Injectlons of tha fluid, a synthetic mate sex hormcn brought Mtla-factcry and In certain ease astounding" result too doctors diacloaed. They prqpounced the chemical "too most promising thing ever hi too eternal search for youth. 1 Dr A.

Vast and John Howard said they had watched their patients personalities change uqder too drugs tafluenc Bends developed now dry and Ml-low skins became oily and healthful, aenlte voice tones deepened and. In some ease wint faculties woo rejuvenated. Urn drug, hypodermically administered, must be continuously used since the body "burns up too aup-ply of aynthotto hormcn HOMES WRECKER HiniHRSTORH Church and Bams Also Are Destroyed Between Ava And Mansfield A windstorm which demolished a church, blew down two barn uprooted trees and unroofed houses struck the Midway store, half way between Ava and Mansfield, at 1 oclock this morning, cut a path about a quarter of a mile wkte and three miles long In too Midway are and ended within 10 minute after It struck. i Mr. and Mrs, MoCrite and Mr.

and Mr Richard Btofald, who Hro la Midway, wan allghtly tor jursd wlm they. Attempted to from. Utafc.boasM-4o6oalciftwUa to a roadside culvert, worn Moan doth brulaed 'and out by flying gravel. Mr Blofeld, ro-celrod severe knee brulam and wu believed moat seriously Injured of too four. Choreh le Destroyed The storm struck so suddenly that few persons attempted to leave their home and no other Injuries wars reported.

Prslrte Hollow church, located near tha Midway start, wu demolished. 17m storo wu twisted on Its foundations and a porch blown off. All damage wu to farms to to Immediate vicinity of Midway. On too Bamp Letalnger farm a barn wu blown down and a boras badly Injured, but four cows to ths bam were not hurt. A bam on toe neighboring farm of L.

C. Casida waa blown down, but two cows to the bam remained uninjured, tied to their post Hay wu scattered over a hillside. Pine Treee Lee! XiOta of a big redbud tree on the farm of Mr. and Mr R. O.

Armstrong. wu regretted by too family mm than damage to their hous where a porch wu partially Mown away and a portion of the roof taken off. Mr Armstrong is a columnist for toe Douglu County Herald and several other Osarks newspaper. 17m tree's trunk wu broke and several other trees in the yard uprooted. Ths storm's only reported freak occurred on the Armstrong fan when a wicker chair wu Mown from porch to yard, hut two card tables standing beside It remained fas' their place A bam on ths Bt Smith form wu Mown down.

The storm ended in a terrific rain which tasted about a minute and a half. Too Late Ml TMa OuseMM pram -NEW CASTLE, Ipi, March I -After firemen had tried for IS mtaatee to find the heme cf Mr Marie SaUday, she tetopheaed: Never mind we pet eat the fire with a backet ef water, hunt was conducted today to a somite radius touching too southern tip of YOeemlte National part. Jack fty president of Transcontinental and Western lr, hoc. wu the first to take to the air to dlrect the search. Then six other plane including two navy and one.

army craft, left the field. Th sun was shining aqd visibility wu good but then wu 4 base over tha mountain Clear wither aided tha oeawhlng Sy fhs liwHalif Prim JOTERBOM C1TT, March 3-Kn taring too lethal gas chamber without revealing his true identity, Rsymrad Boyer, 13, was asphyxiated at the state penitentiary here early today, toe third slayer to be executed there in 34 hours. Boyer died witofh tone minutes, physicians said, after a prison official. pulled the lever spilling cyanide pellets Into a jar underneath the death chair containing diluted' sulphuric acid, thus creating the deadly fumes. Prison end state highway patrol officials who talked with the victim wen convinced hie reel name wee not Boyer.

He appeared to have a good education and background, they asserted. He received no null and had no visitors during- his month at the prison. A Pair Exchange" M. Jennings, of Manhattan, Ken, an uncle of too man Bayer wu convicted of killing, W. Dole Bandford, of Kanaaa City, Eon, witnessed the execution.

Orlm-llpped, he said: Im satisfied. They cant aver bring my nephew beds to life. Its a fair exchange. Boyer did not say a wind as ha wu being prepared for toe execution or he entered the chamber, except for a good-bye spoken to Deputy Sheriff Pat Brenan of Jack-son county. Gasps fbr Breath Blind-folded and clad only In short ho entered the chamber at 1:11 a.

m. after Warden J. M. 8andera had read the death warrant and three priests had administered last rites. His arms and shoulders were shaking he wu strapped in toe chair but there wu COLD IS UK T0.

CROPS ft'- Rain, Brought as California Storm Moves East, May Turn to-Snow Tonight Crop-saving cold weather moved Into the Osarks today behind thunderstorms which brought .33 of an inch of rain to Springfield lest night, and toe temperature here will feu to "around 36 degrees tonight, Weatherman Williford said. Yesterdays top temperature of 79 degrees here broke all heat records for-March A Previous record wu 77 degrees In 1910. Yesterday, incidentally, wu the warmest, day Springfield hu had since last November 1, when an 11-degree reading also smashed previous records. DangenoS to Crops The unseasonable warmth, had It lasted a day or so longer, would have been "dangerous to fruit trees and crops generally, Williford said, and toe cold arriving hero today wu jut what wc wanted. Todays rain, Williford said, Is the result of the California storm moving eastward, and is likely to continue pretty substantially" until tonight, possibly changing to sleet or snotr late this afternoon.

win be a "partly cloudy, 'raw Sunday," the weather men predicted, with the temperature remaining below freeslng most id toe day. Spotty" Over State The rain last night wu spotty," here elsewhere In the state. The airport here reported a much heavier fan than wu recorded at the weather bureau. Joplin had half an inch at I o'clock lest night Upstate, toe tain wu lighter, with Columbia and Bt Louie reputing comparatively small amount It wu snowing at Kansu City tola morning, with the mercury thaw standing at 30, after having touched a record high of 90. Mr-ther north.

In Mlniwaota and the Dakota heavy enow wu falling and low. temperatures prevailed. BULLETIN ROME, March 3-OT) -Lea-paid SUkawskl, aaaineter a( the Ms tetantlan of matrytag Greta Gaibo between March IS and March XT, I wu dMeeed an eeOaat aatharily taday. Stahew-U moda Ma plana knawn daring telephone call to hla agent fte Philadelphia hat night i' HOT 8PR1NOB, Arkr-UUUty Ex-acutlyo Harvey Couch ployed hut today to a aeon of leaders In toe business and financial world at rustle 1 Oouehwood, -Ma estate on nearby Lake Hamilton. Adherents of International Communism i- Ruthlessly Weeded Out by Stalin 7000 OLD LEADERS DEAD Foreign Radicals Flee in Terror as Executions Emphasize Nationalism Why toe Moscow trial of 31 means more than their death, why It means the doses at International eonuonnlsM itself, is toM in too following BlamlnaUng dispatch from H.

B. Knickerbocker. The observer of world affaire aha sheds light on haw the "terror works in farcing tha defendants By H. R. KNICKERBOCKER COPVM, ini Mi fafsraaHoaal Kti (fries PARIS, March 6 The communist international is condemned to death.

Russiaa red terror has brought its own reward, and today as Stalins fourth 'mass trial of his old comrades approaches its climax, the world is witness to the most astonishing spectacle of all the 20 years of that revolution which once exalted the hopes of rebels against the existing order the world. It Is witness not merely of the judicial extermination of the hut of toe Old guard who made the bolshevik revolution, but It Is witness of a formal death sentence by Rumlan communists upon International communism itself. Went to Ga Remo While too trial proceeds end toe defendants confess with a' fervor which pdMr'pmftsitonaXt psychiatrists in 'every country, thou-' wands of foreign communists in the soviet union are attempting to flee the country. Those who ran from their native lands which turned fascist ere today. applying to their embassies In Moscow for help to return.

Even German communists are trying to get back to the merciful confines of Adolf Hitlers concentration camp Italians are seeking to return to Mussolinis kindly ministrations. Two hundred Austrian Bchuta-bunder socialists who escaped after their abortive uprising In 1934 end thought to find refuge in the fatherland of the revolution," now are pleading with the Austrian legation to help them and, according to an Austrian who hu just returned from Moscow, their legation actually Is giving them ell the eld possible. Dangcroaa for Coounanists Russia' today Is the most dangerous country in the world for the communist, and that tha best explanation for this trial, which nevertheless has aspects which baffle log Since Stalin seised power In 1935 after the death of Lenin he has done two things: first, he determined to abandon the original communist program for world volution and (Cantoned on Page Two) i The princesses also lagged at having their pictures taken, but this was largely because the Albanian minister end a brace of railroad detectives didnt want them taken. Mysejen. Ruble and Maxhide didn't seem to mind, but a co*cked earner professional or amateur, appeared to be a signal for the minister to fly Into an arm-waving rag The sultan, on the other hand, always appears cool under the clicking, stands so you can't mlas the dagger In hie belt, and aa a result haa been photographed from every angle including the prone.

A Ben Crisis Today the head man of M. and O. sailed down the Potomac oa ths navy yacht; Sequoia, to see the home of 'this country's first head man, George Washington. Everybody knows a sultan.gets a salute of 31 gun Suppose the mate rang'the bell a couple of times fu ML Vernon, would his highness mistake them as a sawed-off salute to himself? They solved it with aa ugy of bell-rlngtnf, atough for the sultan end ML Vernon to In order that her two-year-old baby, Roger Laverty, above, might not be blind, Mrs. Irene Laverty offered to sacrifice one of her own eyes.

The childs sight has been impaired by measles and pneumonia. Dr. Ramon Castro-viejo, New York specialist, who agreed to perform the operation said, however, that it would not bis necessary for the young mother to sacrifice her own eyesight Only a tiny piece of cornea from her eye would be needed to repair damage to the babya. It was suggested that the eye of si still-born baby or person who had just died might be used. Mrs.

Laverty, however, insisted today that she would be operated on. TIRE PAYROLL HIT CO'FLir Goodrich Says It Must Cut Wages or Move 5000 Jobs Out of Akron Y4-. f. 1 "'s' karwiMtatawf AKRON. Ctita.

Mxreh g-T. O. Oraham. vict president; said today the B. Goodrich company has notified of fleers at Goodrich local, Uhlted Rubber Workers of America, that unless wage rates can bo cut 10 to 20 cents an hour, decentralisation will be continued to such an extent that 5000 Jobs will be taken from Akron.

Graham, In a statement detailing his company's position, declared that If wag reduction! and other adjustment! can be made, Goodrich will appropriate several million dollars for modernisation and expansion In Akron during 1936, 9UI To 98 Cento The company executive conferred yesterday with the Goodrich local plant legislative committee concerning too situation. Resident H. Dalrymple and Vice President Thorns p. Burns of tha URWA also attended toe conference. In hla communication' to tha union, Graham proposed "adjustment of average hourly rates of mate workers from 1.10 to 6115 an hour down fo 90 to 95 cento an hour, and of women from 70 to 75 cento down to 60 to 65 cent "63066 a Jab "Otherwise, he said, production of tires and mechanical goods In Goodrich'S Akron plants will be cut In half.

In an effort to become competitive with other Akron' companies that have already moved more than half their production elsewher "An expansion program elaewhero would lnrolvs an investment of 3000 a Job for the 5000 jobs that would be taken from Akron." URWA officiate indicated that they would make an official reply to the Graham statement on Monday. LABOR LEADER SHOT TO HEATH Ml rsa SmmMM Press EAST BT. LOUIS, XU, March 5 Leo W. Quick, 37-year-old business agent for the BcOennakeca1 and Laundry Workers' anion, wu found shot to death In hla own back yard urly today. Polica uld seven Jg caliber pistol slugs were found In the body.

Hie shooting occurred during a seven stectrical storm. Mr Quick said ho apparently wu waylaid after he had parked hla auto In tha gang She said aha heard a commotion outsid mw two strange men running'1 through too backyard, then heard two sertee'of shot She called who found her husband's body. Quick had twice been president of theJEsM BL Louts Central Trades yuf MxyVIlnta- Quick wu wte county fiscal ittve body. 1 ii AieSsW Pram LOS i ANGELES, Calif March Report of new low preisure area forming off the Pacific coaAt wcait shadow of Vr Mother storm threat on devastated southern California today as it counted its deaths in tha hundreds and its flood damage at more than 150,000,000. H.

Dangorfleld. government BMteoTOIogtoL warned that tha atmospheric condition might bring additional rain. forecast Increased doudlneu tonight and wu Mttted conditions Sunday: Bodies of IM.victtou'haro bees found. Tl of thorn Identified. More than 100 stlQ are missing and mom of thsu persona nuy never be hoard from agate, authorities 1 The death ton la expected to be ocnalderably Bunounded yellowfteod jratoto'uelarm Boo yet tosooeulbl' fate 0 the inhabitants Is still a cues' Tha laborlou tlow removal Of flood aUt and'dobris eawtimwd to swell too count of victim'.

Dams go-caused when prolonged, torrential rains caused southern California customarily thl gentle riven to swirl over their banks cannot bo utlauted for soma tim No Estimalo of Damogo Preliminary eetlmatog by official howpror, indicated too haroo wreaked upon public property win exceed tSOOOMO ta the four of tho five affected counties of Los Aa-gote Boa Bernardln Rlrorsldo and Oran No estimate has been haianted as to tho damago don to homea and op. The worst damago and most fatalities were recorded along tho Santa Ana river which rune out of too sierra Madte mountains above Baa Bernardino and flows to Um Pacific through rich citrus Many thousands of persona wero mods homeless to this regia md-dled flood waters still lay in wide stretches over the farm land. Communication networks and transportation wero slowly brought back toward normalcy, Roads Being Opened Hlfheeys were being opened, tn Win traffic to men all dliectiom (Oentineed an Page Three) Pleasant Years Still Lie Ahead For AEF Leader TUCSON, Art. Much' 5 (API Gen. John J.

Pershing, 77, can look forward to a comfortable life during toe coming year Dr. Roland Davison said today. For too first Urn since the World wu commander became eHtiMiiy ill February 5, Doctor Davison said ho sntlclpated recovery." 1 "He win have to live a more protected life during the coming yean than that to which ho hu been accustomed." toe physician said. "HO win be able to do certain things only. Ho win definitely not bo able to meet the great demanda that have.

In the past been placed on hla energy and Fuelling progress has been eo great he 'can help himself aarne and his strength hu Improved until he can tarn himself fat bed," too physician announced. "Be Is eating bgfat food, enough to keep him go h) and to taking an aourirfuneni through tho 17m general sat up to bed without aid yeeterday. HO talked with his aco Wane and his sister, Mtes May Pershing. Warren uld his father could not yet read newspaper -explaining phyalclana believed tod shock tf learning how in he had been aright put a strain on his heart. Xt wu disclosed, that not qntfl Thursday did the general rorilaftka had been moved from fata faotaL I T.pMt'partteipeUaa le these lsm and that myself, by treacherous activities, had enecwraged thiB.

1 fond toe fascists' potential powers in the annihilation of cul-tno end dvUlaatton. faced my own conscience. who fnxn my south wu devoted to the workers mmmnent, brpught my self to toe point where, by my own actlvlUe. Xhelped aggressors bring about their plans. Xhat is what prompted me to eonfese everytolng fear oftoaag- aicseors th- Is what overwhelmed my false pride and fear for my Ihave been a traitor to the fatherland since 1M4.

Rakovsky then was to Great Britain where, he said, be had been told he was accepted be- cause he was dose to Trotsky. Trotxky, he said, told him he had helped provoke an English police raid In 1127 an the offlcea of Areas, Ltd, a Brltish-Russlan trading company which carried on send- yyillg diploma tie and commercial rda -v tkms. The raid led to the severance oi iciatlons between Great Britain and the soviet. Japanese Envoy Fresent Rakovsky said Japanese told him in 1934 of Japan's need for some incident to serve as an excuse for attacking China Possibility of conflict between giand and Japan over China dis- turbed the conspirators, Rakovsky said, because they werg.playing both i iV countries. Rakovsky described followers of TKtsky toe advance guard of tntemaUonal aggressknt In trying to provoke war against Russia, par- tlculaily by Jspan.

Japanese ambassador to Mos-cow. Mamoru Bhlgemlteu, appeared for the first Urns during toe trial and heart the startling testimony. (Coatianed ea Page Two) Cloudy-Colder jfjerea; i aater ihw Mr iri vtaMtrt OMr Ike CkHfcmla 1" Sm am KMB, inH mml trmck auwdlna ware ana wu rale to Met el I ha eeutral etotae Cartaf the laet Si heats. A theaOtr-ehewer 1 btaasM hwh to thle eitv tel alaht near siMelfM. Oenuabia still aaC tala thla BMTBtna ae4 la the Berth-aeetani 1 eettlea at the state saaw sea 1.11 In i.

ot bean re-partae the heevitot rain to thla asetiaa with half aa toah Serine the nisM. aalhwaat- voaars nsnunus tapaaeea.M iMiatS' AA I Aa Ms esaesseeeatt -J Ji Aa eaeeeeeee-AA Ae As'sesstattaW-l! A At eaeeeeeoesS Ae Me eeeweweeaM'll AOfM eaeeeeaee.IT A A ML nett Ai I p. Mi itciitN Til WIATHI OUTLOOK WAtthcr mtheok for Iho period MoreA It DOif MMaalppI a Ad tower IIU Mi wallipA and Dm aorthoni and am Ini ITAAt plAOUS VtHMBnl pVNtpIMOAM lard, (AoraUy fair awth portloni: Ima MraUk ort Sultan Beats Zogu Girls As a Capital-Astonisher w. (... a Princesses' Departure Leaves' Head Man of Muscat and Oman Only Royalty in Efforts to Photo-" graph Sisters Bring Arm-Waving From Minister Clear Skies Aid Search 44; For Missing Air Liner Mm Tk Muxiltm frfll WASHINGTON, March 5 The pretty Princesses Zogu left toe sultan of Muscat and Oman in complete today of the capital's week-end royalty rodeo.

The sletera of King Zog, of Albania, spent a few hours hero yesterday, drank tea with President and Mr Roosevelt and then beat It back to New York. However, they said they would return for five-day visit, which win outdo the sultan Mr day. Diplomatic fears'' lest toe two groups of invading royalty have a head on collision and bring1 up a question of precedence didn't materialize. Thanks to well-timed Itineraries they didn't get' within caviar throwing distance of one another. 1 I Turbaa Does Tricks Despite' toe fact.

'the Zogus are three and female, they finished far behind Me highness at setting sidewalk vecUtan agape, perhaps because the' sultan sputa a turban and robes while the princesses from their appearance might have beat American debutante Ml TMa SweeteUd Pram FRESNO, CaL March -A-PIanes droned' over Mw-oowrod mountains, today In aeaxch for too Mg passenger akyliner which vanished Tueeday night The plane, en route to Chicago Via Albuquerque, N. left Ben Pranrisco and was believed to have crashed into a mountain peak during a severe etofm. 1 The TWA skyllnar, with six passengers and tore crew member cam down somewhere northeast of Fresno, searchm believed, and too VS-lv. 1 1.

Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)
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