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VOL VII, No. 40 DEAN H. E. B. SPEIGHT ADDRESSES L W. V. Discusses International Questions at Opening Meeting ~f Local Branch If this country sent out a call for a world economic conference to discuss "how the world ought to be fed and clothed and housed" we should be doing "someÂthing the world could rejoice in," Dean . Harold E. B. Speight of Swarthmore ColÂlege told the Swarthmore League of Women Voters at its opening faU meeting at the Woman's Club on Tuesday afternoon. "If we do not, what have we before us?" he added. Dean Speight asserted that much of our own domestic difficulty was the result of "our inability to enter intelligently into . the common life of the world." "We have political sense but not ecoÂnomic sense," he said, suggesting incidentÂally that if from Washington were directed efforts to "make the United States a moral force to promote good will and intelliÂgence," President Roosevelt would be reÂelected next year. The neutrality legislation passed by the last session of Congress at least represented a determination "to let the world know that the American people desired to be on the side of peace," the speaker went on. lt was a direct repudiation of "forces which might involve us in war before we knew we were in it," he said, but felt it was possible that its framing was "unÂfortunate," partly because of the speed with which it was enacted. Discussing the present Italo-Ethiopian situation, Dean Speight said that Premier MussoIini was "almost driven by the neÂcessity of giving his' people something to think about than how to feed his people a year from now." He said that the nineteenth century probÂlem of how to insure that an energetic people will have a legitimate outlet for their energies had not yet been solved. Such an outlet, he said, was what Italy was fundamcnHllly asking' for, and the sitÂuation was complicated_ by the character of Mussolini. "People of explosive character," he added, "will not consent to be hemmed in. He warned at the same time that "the last thing a dictator should do is to go to war." Dean Speight called attention to what he termed a "growing resentment" on the part of the black and yellow races against "the arrogance with which the white people have taken it upon themselves to rule." It might be that such a racial conOict could not be avoided, he said, advising that we "should be intelligent in trying to underÂstand the underlying causes." This counÂtry, he declared, could not escape its reÂsponsibility for the future and "cannot afford isolation." Dean Speight was introduced by Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher, chairman of the DepartÂment of Government and International ReÂlations. Mrs. John Marshall, chairman of the Economic Welfare Department, anÂ~ ounced that the November meeting would be addressed by Mrs. T. Judson Myers, executive secretary of the Delaware County Welfare Council. Mrs. J. Passmore CheyÂney, president of the League, presided. Tea was served. • LOCAL GIRL SCOUTS RESUME ACTIVITIES Troop M e e tin g I Scheduled; Cookie Sale for Benefit 01 Camp Indian Run in Progress Troop No. 16 will meet each Saturday beginning tomorrow at 9.30 A. M. at the Girl Scout House. New patrol leaders are: Pauline Beatty, Kathleen Brown and Betty Landon; corÂporals, Evelyn Wherry, Virginia. WiIso.n and Barbara Allison i song leaders, Phyllis • Storm and Barbara Nason. Martha Viele is in charge of first aid, Ruth Servais is scribe~"~raceEvelyn Brown and Margaret Ann Dimmitt, color guards. Mrs. George Zimmer, 'of Ogden· captain of Troop No. 16, and Bassett, of North Chester The scouts are until October 12. defraying expenses oi -the. girl. camp, _Camp Indian Ru~.~'·. • , Troop No. 6, ~hj~~ res,-!me Its meetÂiOgs at 9.30 Saturoay mornmg, October 12, at the home of the troop leader, Mrs. F. A. Child, 314 Vassar Avenue, has almost completed' the sale of their allotment of 300 cookies. The assistants in ,Troop 6 are Miss Margaret Little, of Park Avenue, and Mrs. Henry Hanzlik, of Cornell AveÂnue. This troop will take a week-end hike to Camp Indian Run on October 26. SW~I~TMM()I~E P~. SWARTHMORE, PA., ocrOBER 4, 1935 $2.10 PER YEAr. Police and Fare Company News R. M. Ramey, of Upper Darby, who was arrested on September 28 for speedÂing on Chester Road, was fined $10.00 and costs upon appearing for hearing WednesÂday evening. At 1.35 Tuesday afternoon the Fire DeÂpartment answered a caD to 129 Ogden Avenue, where they extinguished a grass fire. JUNIOR CLUB WILL OPEN NEXT TUESDAY "Radio Night'· to Follow Buainees Meeting in rant Fall Sessioa The first fall meeting of the Junior Club will be held next Tuesday evening, October 8, at 8 o'clock and begin with a business meeting. The president, Mrs. James F. Bogardus, will give a report on the PennÂsylvania State Women's Clubs Convention which she is attending this week in Erie, Pa. The other part of the program will be supplied by a elRadio Night." The year's achievements of the club will be under the direction of the following officers and chairmen: President, Mrs. James F. Bogardus; vice-president, Martha Keightoni recording secretary, Mrs. William Ziegenfus; corresponding secretary, Miss Virginia Bassetti treasurer, Miss Ruth Wellburn; hostess, Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth; literature, Mrs. F. Norton Landon; art, Mrs. Henry D. Mock i drama, Miss Connie Nickerson; civics, Miss Katherine Booth i program, Miss Mildred Simpers i bridge, Miss Kathryn Simpers; hospitality. ~. Virginia Fries i philanthropic, Miss Olive Cleaves; decoration, Mrs. Wills Brodhead; publicity, Miss Katharine BrolJSOn; dance, Mrs. Raymond Fellows; telephoning, Miss Edith Miller: COLLEG-E -+-'-SOC-CER SEASON OPENSJ4TH Captaut Oehm&nn Expects Much of Team in Contest with Franklin and· Marshall Captain Paul Oehmann, chief of tJ:!e Swarthmore College soccer squad, expects to lead a victorious team· this fall and has good reason for his·opinion. Eiglit lettermen have returned and the quartet lost by graduation will have been satisÂfactorily replaced by October 11, when the referee'S whistle will herald in the 1935 period at the start of an opening battle with Franklin and Marshall on the South Chester Road lot.' . The graduation of Herb Harlow leaves a hole that will be filled with great diffiÂculty. Harlow, a graduate of Swarthmore High, has. been the brightest cog in the College soccer machine for several years and his excellent attack work was directly responsible for numerous conquests. The lettermen now back in the outfit include Captain Oehmann, who plays on -the front row; Mac Falconer, goal guard; Jack Beck, fullback i Paynie Pearson, Leo Gburski, Ray Schroeder, Tommy HalloÂwell and Paul PeterS, while a hos~ of a~Âletes yet to win letters will prOVIde a list of substitutes to back up the veteran group. • H. S. Football Game Today The first contest of this season for tJ;te Swarthmore High School football team will be with Springfield at 3.15 this afternoon on the Rutgers A",enue field. . Another home game will be played With Media next F-r-id-ay-. <.--- .. , Dr. Holmes to Open Citizens FOI'UDl Dr. Jesse H. Holmes, Emeritus Profess?r of Philosophy at Swarthmore College, ~ open the third season of the Chester CitiÂzens' Forum, at the Chester Y. M. C. A., next Thursday night, October 10, at 8.15 o'clock. Dr. Holmes' topic wiII be "Power -God or Devil?" --~.~-----: Series of Litel'&ture Lectmes The French and English Departments of Swarthmore College announce a series of four lectures in literature to be held on evenings during October at the Meeting House. The first lecture will be at 8 o'clock ~n October 6 when Norman L. Torrey will speak. on "Voltaire and Modem Thought:" On October 13 Harold C. Goddard will be heard on "William Blake and the Imagination"; on October 20 Elisabeth Cox Wright on "Matthew Arnold and the Study r Poetry" and at the final lecture on ~ober 27 , Edith Philips on "A"n dre Gide and the Communist Movement. All friends of the college are cordially invited to attend these lectures. NEXT WEEK IS FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Charles Kimmel, Local r..-e Chief, Remind. Residents of a Few Precautions In commemoration of Fire Prevention Week, October 7 to 12, Charles Kimmel, chief of the Swarthmore Fire Department, lists a few DONT'S which, if applied, will go far toward avoiding fires, which most always, after all, can be avoided by careÂfulness and common sense methods: "Do not put hot ashes in wooden or cardboard containel'S-1lSe metal. "Do not bum rubbish outside on windy days. "Do not use matches or candles in closets; be very careful of open flames at aU times. "Do not carelessly dispose of cigarette butts. "Be CiJre/ul 0/ matches. "Do not store oily mops or rags used for waxing; put them in a metal container, where, if spontaneous combustion occurs, it can be quickly curbed. "Inspect your smoke pipe and chimney. Soot wiU burn. "Thaw frozen pipes with hot water, not fta.me; "When you bum leaves be sure you have them far enough away from any buildings. "Remember, fire is one of our most danÂgerous and costly public enemies, and a little prevention is worth a pound of cure. "Above aU, do not hesitate to call the Fire Department." TO RES-UM-t W-ORK ON PUBUe UBRARY RICHARD T. RANDALL Richard T. Randall, founder and head of R. T. Randall Company, 331 North 2nd Street, Philadelphia, packers' machinery and supplies, died Wednesday at his home, 406 Thayer Road, Swarthmore, after sevÂeral months' illness. He was 75. He was born in Philadelphia and in 1883 established the concern which bears his name. For many years he served as vestryman of the Episcopal Church of the Saviour, 38th Street above Chestnut, PhilaÂdelphia. His wife, Mrs. Flcrence F. RanÂdall; two sons, Richard T., Jr., and Wayne H., and a daughter, Mrs. Richard G. Haig, all of Swarthmore, survive. Services were conducted at 1 P. M. Saturday from the family residence by Rev. Wilmot Gateson, rector of the Church of the Saviour. Interment was in WoodÂlands Cemetery. • FIRST DAY SCHOOL OPENS THIS SUNDAY Swarthmore Friends Plan Suaday School Program. for All Ages BOROUGH PLANS TO ADD NEW SEWERS Residents May Have Sidewalks and Curb. Built by Paying COlt of Materials A letter to Burgess Pitman contained the information that free labor may be obÂtained for building sidewalks if the propÂerty owners will pay the cost of materials, which amounts to about 12 cents per square foot and 45c per lineal foot for curb and gutter. Anyone wishing to make applicaÂtion should get in touch with the Borough Secretary, Elliott Richardson. The solicitor was authorized to draw an ordinance extending the business zone to include the lot belonging to Victor D. Shirer to which the old bank building was moved . A new street light, which was requested by Charles Andes, was ordered placed at the corner of Rutgers and Westdale Ave-nues., . . . The borough officers were authorized to enter into a new depository agreement with the Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Com!)any, by which the bank can deposit government bonds in place of surety bonds The Swarthmore Friends' Meeting starts with the Federal Reserve Bank to protect its Sunday School program next Sunday at the balance which the borough carries at 9.45. Peter E. Told is to be the super- the bank. intendent ~Mrs. Roy Delaplain is to be A new sewer for the use of residents on in charge of the primary department. A lower Park Avenue, Haverford Place and committee of twenty-seven member.t of the Girard Avenue was discussed at length. Meeting have arranged a very interesting The plans contemplate the Borough and program for the va~ous groups in the Ridley Township joining together and makÂschool. From the beginners on up there ing an application to the WPA for free will be graded Bible study, combined with labor, which would greatly decrease the study in other fieldS which contribute to a cost of the project. One hundred and, fifÂmore thorough understanding of religious teen feet would be laid on Haverford history and the present work of Christi- Place, 575 feet on Park Avenue, 721 feet anity. A class !or all int~rested a~uIts w!ll on Michigan Avenue, 1519 feet on Girard be led by vanous promlOent Fnends, 10 Avenue and 540 feet to the exisUng outfall turn, in a year's study of the theory and sewer. Of this amount 1511 feet would be Children'. Book. to Be luued practice of Quakerism. This course has in Swarthmore and 540 feet would be Saturday Aftemoon. at Tempo- been o.utlined by Janet Payne Whitney, a used_I~~~ with Ridley Township. If rary Headquarters young. English Quaker of note, who will the E lead the class for the first four consecu- sUJ)pli~,rf6'~';J~'~~i As the Swarthmore ,Public Lib::u: .. Boar~I.Yve.~eS. College stud~ts ~d.anY(.0t!~~ ~~~~~~l'11 metolcMoudayevehlng, --resWUU'It;'l<S t~- inferesled to 'know more about tIdS Do(Jy' Ci ular monthly meetings, all committee chair- of Christian thought and practice are mllst $2500. The sewer committee was· authorÂmen gave reports. cordially invited to attend this c1ass reg- ized to negotiate an agreement with Rid- Roland L. Eaton, president, reported ularly. It nleets at the same time as the ley Township on the construction and opÂthat he had in.tcrviewcd th~ head of the children's Sunday or "First Day" School- eration of this proposed sewer. WPA and received a promtse that work 9.45-beginning October 6. The large adult • would be r~umed this ~oming~ Friday, on group, however, meets in the Meeting the remodeling of the library In Borough House instead of Whittier House, where Hall, which was discontinued late in ~uly, the children are to go. a month after the project was begun, when Mrs. Paul Furnas, chairman of the First the labor was to he transferred from the Day School Committee, will take the first Local Works Division to the Works Prog- thirty minutes of the adult class at its ress Administration. first meeting to briefly explain the plans of There is about a third of the work yet the school as to its liberal point of view to be completed. It is hoped th~t the and its emphasis on worship and Christian renovations will be finished and the library service. Parents are particularly requested reinstalled within three or four weeks. to attend this meeting in order to discuss Meanwhile it has been decided to keep these plans. The children will meanwhile the temporary room on the thi~d floor of be getting under way with their teachers Borough Hall, open from 2 until 4 o'clock in the Gther end of the building. on Saturday afternoons when Mrs. Harold • G. Griffin and Mrs. Peter E. Told will Needlework Membership Week issue juvenile books only. Adult books will be exchanged as usual on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and on Saturday mornings. • Swarthmore Bridge Club Notes Mr. Bayard Morrison, Sr., who has done so' much to develop contract bridge in Swarthmore and who was largely reÂsponsible in organizing the Men's Bridge Club, was welcomed back after several months' absence. He and Raymond Hickox teamed toÂgether at last week's regular Wednesday meeting in Borough Hall and were "top" in a field of eleven teams, thereby checkÂing the onrush of new players who have been "showing up" the boys of late. Owing to a slight mix-up in play last week there was a delay ill scoring, with the ;esult that some of lIll members did not get home until nearly ~ A. M., and now it is rumored that tl\~ Swaflhmore Chapter of the Amalagam~ted Order of Bridge Widows is seething with open reÂbellion against the local male devotees of Culbertson, Simms,. the Official System, and so forth. . George Cross, a popular member and one of the top flight players, has returned from Rehoboth Beach, Del., and is now recuperating from several weeks' illness. The Club is hoping to see him "fill in" soon .. Throughout the United States the second week in October is recognized among Needlework Guild workers as "National Membership Week." Each year the Swarthmore members have tried for the goal, 100% membership. Thus far they have not made the grade. However, they are still striving, and appeal to every woman to make this an individual and pe!'SOnal matter so that this year when suffering and distress stalk nakedly among mankind the local branch may realize the coveted goal. If every woman will give two new garÂments or an equivalent contribution in money she will become a member of the Guild. For information telephone Mrs. William West, president, 508-J, or Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, secretary of the local branch, 627-J. --~.~-- Vesper Service "I1Ua Sunday Alexander McCurdy presented an organ recital at the- opening Vesper Service in Clothier Memorial, Swarthmore College, last Sunday evening. . At 6.30 this Sunday evening Professor Robert K. Enders will continue the series of talks which was begun last year on "What I Believe In." • Aboard Rotterdam WOMAN'S CLUB TO OPEN NEXT TUESDAY Various Educational Programs Worth-while Pastime for Local Women The Swarthmore Woman's Club, which holds its opening tea next Tuesday, offers splendid opportunities to those who are interested in art or literature. The Art Department will, this year, as usual, make trips to the Academy of Fine Arts for the Water Color Exhibit and the Oil Exhibit. The Graphic Sketch Club will be visited, and the Parkway Oil Exhibit, as well as the Exhibit of Ten at the PhilaÂdelphia Art Club. The Art Department bas become a memÂber of the Circulating Picture Club of the Art Alliance and also of the Circulating Picture Club of De~aware County. This will. bring two pictures a month to the Woman's Club of Swarthmore and anyone particularly interested in this educational project may receive pictures in the home if she becomes a member of the Federation Club of Delaware County. The Literature Chairman and committee plan to give interesting' programs reviewÂing new books of fiction, biographies and current literature topics. In this busy world what better way could there be to become familiar with good literature? The junior Woman's Club will soon start its calendar of events. The Flower Show Committee was most appreciative of the Juniors' co-operation in selling ice cream and cake at the annual exhibit of flowers. Nine members responded to this work and were most efficient. • Media Theatre to Start Kiddies' Stamp Club Of interest to children in and around In reply to the recent announcement of a possible competition in the near future between ladies' teams and the men, we have been given to. understand that the women did take on the. men last May 24 at the home of Mr. Bayard H. Morrison, of Thayer Road, and beat them rather badly as a comeback for a previous defeat at the hands of the male experts. The ladies plan to oppose the men again soon and we shall see who gets the best out of three meets. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Neuweiler, of Swarthmore should be the announcement Allentown, were among the passengers who by the management of the Media Theatre were aboard the .liner Rotterdam which that heginning this Saturday matinee, each went aground early Monday on a reef at child, boy or girl, will be enrolled as a Morant Cays, sixty miles southeast of member of the Ivory StaItlp Club. Jamaica, after having been blown off its On this first Saturday, every boy and course.· Mrs. Neuweiler, who is the former girl will receive a large, beautfful stamp Miss Jane Hanna, daughter of Mr. and album containing 132 pages, spaces for 4000 Mrs. Samuel Hanna, of Maple Avenue, stamps, and on each succeeding week's atÂwas on a two weeks' cruise with her hus- tendance a packette of rare stamps from band, with whom -she was taken ashore the various countries of the world will be safely and DOW awaits passage home. the theatre's gift to these children.
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., . j a Margaret P. Losey Monis M. Lee, Jr. MiN LuIa A.. Hills ucI Mr. Amp Go McVay to Marry in P,.by. teriUl Ch.-h Tomonow The marriage of Margaret Pennington Losey. daughter of Mrs. Leon A. Losey. of Brooklyn, N. Y., formerly of Trenton, N. J., and Morris Matthews. Lee, Jr., SOD of Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Lee, of Col": lege and Princeton Avenues, Swarthmore, will be solemnized at 10.30 tomorrow morning, Saturday, 9ctober 5th, in the First Presbyterian Church, Trenton, by the pas· tor, the Rev. Edward A. Morris. Miss Katherine Hunter, of Trenton, he maid of honor, and William F. Lee, Swarthmore, will act as best man for brother. Following the ceremony Mrs. Losey will entertain the bridal party and ~ members of the immediate families with a wedding MANOR "Steamboat 'Round the Bend" 3 COMPLETE.SHOWS 6.00 S.OO - 10100 P. M. MonelaY· and TUDela,. October 7. 8 ''EVERY NIGHT AT EIGHT" Geor .. Raft AUce Faye Frllllces wa,ford Paby Kelly 3 Radio Ropes Extra "dded Attraction 29 MINUTES OF THRILLS . THE LAST WILDERNESS _Iso-- POPEYE STANLEY Theatre CHESTER Three Daya--Stutlq Frld.,. CLARK GABLE In Jack London·. "CALL OF THE WIlD" with Loretta You, STAGE SATURDAY LANSDOWNE Delaware County·. Fine.t Theatr. Friday aad Saturday The Screen's First Mu.lcal Romance of tbe Amateur Houri "Every Night at Eight" -with- Geor.e R.ft .AIlee Faye Frances Lan .. ford Pata.y Kelly 3 Radio ROBun Mooday-one Day Only RetutnC!d by Popular Demand Nonna SHEARER Fredric MARCH Leslie Howan! -In- "SMIUNG THROUGH" Tueselay-one Day Only Returnl!id by Popular Demand Nelson EDDY Jeanette MacDONALD In Victor Herbert's Immortal "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" Enjoy It at the MEDIA THEATRE L •• t Two Days Frlda.y aad Saturday WILL ROGERS -In- "Steamboat 'Round the Bend" plu. A Musical in Color "Memories and Melodl"" and a Popeye Cartoon EXTRA Saturday Matinee Only Captain Tim's Stamp Club FREE to every Bo,. and Girl a beautiful 132 .. pale STAMP ALBUM with spa.:e for 4,000 stamps _nd- The New Adventures of TARZAN Mond.y and Tuesda,. . "DANTE'S ·INFERNO" w ..... day _d nanda,. HERBERT MARSHALL SYLVIA-. -SIDNEY 'IDe Year'. Hlaheat Comedy "ACCENT ON YOUTH" 'I1IE ·SWARTHMOREAN OCTOBER 4, 1938 breakfast at tbe /aome of Mn. EdIth Avenue, Philadeljlb1a, b-y t-he- R-ev-. J-oh-n -A. -le-se,- w-ID -be-.JI-W'-lie-d I-n -the- rr-ien-c!-t' -Me-et-- ~Mls-s -Ec-In&- -Bla-ck-, -da-ugh-te-r -or~· M~r.~ a~nd Kennedy;.of'TrtntDn. HaIDer, rector of tiao thurdl.. inI Ho_ bere on Saturday, october 12. Mrs. Cbarles E. Black, of Park Avenue. The bride inll ,room will then aan The members of the bridal party and the FoDowing their marriage the couple will "Monan:b 01 B ...... uda .. for a .. t ... ·"l immediate famllleo of the bride and reside In .LalI8dowue. stay at tbe COfUe Harbour. Upon . groom wert gu .. ts at a reception at tbe --- retum tbey WiD be at home at Kew Gar- home of tho bride foDowlng the ceremony. Mrs. M. B. Knlsht, formerly of the hartlpmrrt (ltnmmunitg 8lynp dtJIS. New York. . . The bride aDd groom then departed on Swarthmore Apartments. Is now staying at Mise Losey att~n<!ed W .. tem CoDese a weelr.·. motor trip. Upon tbeir retUrD tho Strath Haven Inn. Women· at Oxford. Ohio. and Barnard Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall will reside at the • CoDese. New York City. Yorklblre Apartmeuts. Drexel HiD. Birth Mr. Lee, who graduated from Swarth- Among the out-of-town guests who at- Cboco.te Eclain C_ P .... more College. class of '29, Is engaged In tended the wedding were: Mr. and M... Mr. and Mrs. John McKenna. Jr. • of Put)- Putri. . public relations work in New.York. 1. E. Byrne. Miss Mildred Postoll and Baltimore Pike. are the proud parents 01 Mr. H. H. PostoU. of Atlantic City. N.l.; a baby girl, Mary EdIth. wbo Will born ~~I~OO~P~_~~A~. ~.. ~~T~oL~""""~'~~1~17~1~ Tbe marriage 01 Miso Lula Annette Hills. Mrs. Catharine Cbristine and Mrs. Amos to them on Monday moming. September daughter 01 Mi. and Mrs. DeWitt A. HiI1s. Sbaner. of Royersford. Pa. 30. at the West Chester Homeopatbfc Hoo-of Elm Avenue, and Mr. Amzi Gooden pila1. McVay, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bleecker. of Mrs. McKenna will be remembered as Tbird Annual Dmner Vay, of Birmingham, Alabama, wi11 take Martha's Vineyard, Mass., will arrive today I Saturday. October 5. in tbe Swartbmore daugbter. Miss Mary Ford Child. of Vas-place at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, to attend the marriage of their grand. I Civen by the Men at Presbyterian Churth. tbe Rev. Dr. 10bn sar Avenue. and Mr. 10bn Foster. of the THE WOOL HOUSE E. Tuttle. pastor. officiating. Shirer Building. which will take place at TRINITY CHURCH A reception at the home of the bride 2.30 P. M. tomorrow in the Swarthmore wiD follow tbe ceremony. Presbyterian Cburch. Thursday, October 7th Miss Hills is a graduate of Swartbmore ___ _ OPEN High School and Miss lUman's School. Mr. McVay graduated from Georgia Sthool 01 Tethnology . The marriage of Miss Ethel Mae Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. 1. Evans. of Haverford Place, and Mr. Reuben BODMll, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bonsall, of Middletown Road, Elwyn, was perÂformed at 4 o'clock last Saturday after· noon, ·September 28, in the Blockley Bap .. tist Cburch. 53rd Street and Wyalusing Starb Friday PAUL MUNI • GEOR,!-RAFT • "SCAR·F ACE" Karen Morley Ana. Dvorak I Starb Tue .... y JOHN BOLES ~- "Redheads on Parade" -with- Dixie Lee (Mu. BinI" Crosby) Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Caropion. whose marriage took place last week at Mrs. Campion's home in Georgia, are at present the guests of Mr. Campion's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. CUlIord CamÂpion, of "Wynnefield," Lapidea Hills. They will leave shortly to make their home In the OLD BANK BUILDING Hour.. 9.30 A. M. •• 5.00 P. M. Tburodar Eyelliq.. 7.30 -- 10 APRON FESTIVAL Bealu Promptlr 5.30 P. M. COME EARLY in Swarthmore. . Mrs. Campion is tbe form~r Miss Sara I~ =============~~;:;:;:;:===;:;:;:;:;:;:~ Emily Mattbews. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Matthews. of Fort VaDey. Ga. We Are Now in Our New Location .. "'.-...:- Mrs. William McEllroy, who is return· iog to. her home in Pittsburgh from her farm at .. Easton, Md., where she has spent the summer. will be· the guest of Dr. and Mrs .. qtorge L. Armitage. of South ChesÂter Road, todaÂ¥_. . __ Miss Dorothy Brower, of Guernsey Road, rel!.lrned Monday· from the west coast, where she had visited relatives in San Diego. Cal.. during August and SepÂtember, stopping in Tulsa, Okla., on the way home. Miss Alethea Avery, of Elm Avenue. reÂturned on Wednesday to Bryn Mawr Col, lege, where she enters her senior year. Over the A. & P. Store Elm Apartment Building We Are Better· Equipped to Serve Our Patrons VOGUE BEAUTY SHOP Entrance on Park Avenue Between the American and A. &; P. Stores SWARTHMQRE 1297 - ... - - ~ .-----------------------.-~ Miss June Avery returned on Wednesday to Shipley School. Bryn Mawr. ~~ =========;;;===~ I On TLuaensrel,a yv iMsitresd. Wheirl lisaomn, BW. iBlliualmlo,c kw. hoof WASHINGTON THEATRE . CHESTER FI1aay and Saturday UONEL BARRYMORE "The Retum of Peter Grimm" ~ . MOlida)J and Tueselay Zazu Pitts. Hu,h O'Connell' "She Gets Her Man" is a student at George School. Among the other young Swarthmoreans who attend Geolll"e School are: Charlotte Speight. lean and Ricbard Smith. Robert Sbaw and Robert Hall. Mrs. Frands V. Warren, of Walnut Lane, returned Wedriesday from Dayton, Ohio, 1";';~~lsh:::" ha4 visile!l'''''#'h·).4rs. R. ~. I ] for a week. "SNAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN, A WELL·TUNED MOTOR· HELPS YOU WHEN THE DAYS ~COLD AND NIGHTS ARE LONG, AND THE OLD BUS SINGS A MERRY SONG-" -- ------------- W.dne.d." and Thundav Among those from Swarthmore who at- "Harmony Lane" tended a sbower at the home of Mrs. John DRIVE IN NOW ~;:D:.:U~':I"=M:Ob.=.: .:m:ery~:E:ve=IY:n:V:.:.:'b:I:.~ ID iehl, of Drexel Hill, on Wednesday eve· ni~ in honor of Miss Frances Maxwell, or" Lansdowne, were: Mrs. Charles FOR F AU.. AND WINTER TUNE UP ",e.t ••• WARNER BROS, TIRES, BAITE RIES, . CAR .. 69th Sl Theatre Garrett Road &: We-.t Cheater Pike Upper Darby, Pa. Start. Today-For Three Dayal GRETA GARBO FREDRIC MARCH FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW -In- "ANNA KARENINA" Tuuday-For Three Day.! JO~E. BROWN -In- "BRIGHT LIGHTS" WAVERLY THEATRE DREXEL HILL ·'The Moat Accommodating Theatre in Delaware County" TODAY and SATURDAY WILL ROGERS "Steamboat 'Round the Bend" IRVIN s. COBB MONDAY AND TUESDAY SYLVIA SIDNEY HERBERT MARSHALL 'ACCENT ON YOUTH' WEDNESDAY .. 4 ntuRSDAY MARIAN DAVIES DICK PoWEU. "PAGE MISS GLORY" PAT T.batcher. Mrs. Paul Alger. Mrs. Claude C. SmitIJ. Mrs. Peter E. Told. Mrs. William Turn~r, Mrs. Roy Delaplaine and Mrs. Frank Fitts. Miss Maxwell and Mr. Thomas Atkinson, of Germantown, both of whom are graduates of Swarthmore Col- Opportunitr Sale 01 Haircub 25c Will Be Over Saturday, October 5th A alight increase in price will become effective Monday. Oct. 7 FRANK'S Barber Shop HEATERS WILL HELP TO MAKE YOUR COLD WEATHER DRIVING SAFER AND EASIER. COME IN TODAY AND SEE THE NEW UNE OF "Fire.,one CAR HEATERS • LOWER IN PRICE -HIGHER IN QUAUTY BUYNOWANDSAVE-BUY Tire$'one Russell's " ... .,... Service DARTMOUTH & LAFAYETTE AVES.· Phone 440 OFF1CIAL SERVICE Wa.hiq - Lubricatiq - Tire - Batte." - Brake _ Senice THE SWARTHMORE BUILDING ASSOCIATION Announces the Opening of its Seventy-fourth Series of Shares, with first payment due October 8th at E. C. Walton's office, 13 So. Chester Road. The dues are $1.00 per share per month with no entrance fee. Matured value $200.00. Thus another fine opportunity is extended to all to become partners in this Mutual Association which encourages thrift, yields a high return with safety on each dollar from the moment it is paid in, and has been successfully managed by Swarthmore business men since its organization in 1899. Seven hundred shares were issued in the new series last April. JOSEPH E. HAINES E. CLAYTON WALTON HOWARD B. GREEN ELRIC S. SPROAT DIRECTORS VINCENT S. POWNALL EDWARD M. BASSETT J. ARcHER. TURNER N. WALTER. SUPLEE Wn.LIAM B. BULLOCK NORMAN S. PASSMORE J. HORACE WALTER. - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - --- THE .~A.RTHMOREAN " ............. &. ...... PU8L111_· EYDV nJDAV AT IIWAII"...v., PA. .... The Rev. Loring W. Batten. The Young Women's GuUd will hol.rru-·· -. _. - S.T .D •• will wist· at the 11 o'dock Grst supper meetJng of the IO&IOn at tbe braUon o( tbe Holy CommWlion. . home of Mrs. Horac:. Johnson. 30 Amberst Meth-· .. ~ Ch o --L. N Avenue. Dr. Tuttle speaIcs and .umm~ A_NN_ . '. • S•I I·PAioRIIIi'rUIii!WS - ...... otes experiences will be given by lOme ·of the LoweD M. Broomall Is the orguiat cII- membeis. AU young women are cordla1ly ...... rector for this Sunday. Mr. BroomaUwIIl Invited. TltUS J. KWIC c....J ........ .. an ?rgan recital In the evening serv- Last Sunday evening the young people Ice. plaYlDl!:: had· their first supper confeieDce of the ROSALIE DRYDEN ...... - 1. PrtJude, "Largo"-New World 8ym ... season with a splendid attendance. The .. pbony-Dvorak. committee of mothers In charge of th. 2. "Alr"-Bath. supper was Mrs Carlos Noyes thalrman· 3. "Cradle Song"-Djlnaky. Mn. D. W. R.' Morgan. Mrs.' A. r. Mc: 4. OiIertory. "Noctume"--Cbopin. Garrab and Mrs. A. Q. Davis. 5. Postlude. "Festival Marth"-Kinder. Last Tueoday afternoon the sewing com- Pk ... s ........... eGO ~~:Pa::. ="..;;;;;;;;;",;;;;;,,;,;;;;,,;;.;;;;;;;;;;;,,;;,,;:,;;;,== I Dr. Wayne ChanneD will preach in miUee for the Bazaar to be held under :: moming service at 11 o'clock on ULoyalty the auspices of the Woman's ABlsoc:i"U,Dn I =....;FRI;;;;;;D;;;A;;;;Y,;,. ,,;OC;,;T;;,O;;;;B,;,E;;,R;,,4,;';,,;;1;;,9;;,35;;"==1 to the Cburth ... and in the evening at-' .45 on November 7, met at the home of Trinity Church Notes on "The Seat of the Scornful." Joseph S. Bates. Tbe recently elected Epworth League Next Friday the Woman', ":,~=~: I Tbe Annual Home-Coming Service will officers are as foDows: President. Doris wiD bold its lint meeting of the be beld at 11 o'clock Sunday morrdng. Fol. Pitman; treasurer, pon~ Hoot; secretary. and aD women of the congresation lowing the custom of former years the Mary SnYder;· fi~t Vice-president, Ella most cordlaUy invited. Morning sewing Vestry will. as far as possible. telepbone to Beagle; ",:"ond. vlce·presldent. Marjory lor the Needlework GuUd will be under every faml1y In the parish askfng every ; thud ~ce-pr ... dent. Don Thomas; the thairmansbip of Mrs. T. H ...... bruth. member to attend one of the two services vice.presJ.dents, Warren Bernard and Luncheon hostess is Mrs. A. Q. Davis. In on Sunday. Snyd~r. • the afternoon there will be a short busi .. Suggestions bave recently appeared In . Founde.. Day WIll be celebrated at the ness meeting and program. the thurcb papers suggesting that there Methodist Orpbanage on Saturday, 0<- Next Sunday· afternoon at 3 o'clock Service of Re·ded.ication at the end of tober 12: Exercises by the children will there will be a mass meeting of the girls' :ummer. Trinity Cburcb bas beld BUth be bel.d In the chapel at 2.45 P. M. Sup. and boys' thoirs in the thapel. with the service for a number of years per wIll be ~rved from 4.30 to 7 P. M. directors and pastor, . .Tbe choir rebearsals will be beld on Fri- =;;;=============; I day evening, ] unior Choir at 7 o'clock. and .. APPLES the seOior at 8 o·clo,c k. lind CIDER Cold, D~ciou.. Sweet No Pre ..... tin. ODir Clean Fruit Uoed Linvilla Orchards KNOWLTON ROAD ~ Mile W ... t of ~ddleto_ Rd. Prea~yterian Church Notes Next Monday evening Dr. and Mrs. Tuttle wiD have tbe lirst of tbelr evenings at . home, at the manse, for all young people of the congregation, and for stu· dents from the CoDese and Mary Lyon School. The Woman's Bible Class Will reopen next. Sunday with Dr .. Clewell as teacher. Tbe class meets in the thurth transept at 10 o'clock. and is for ali women not in Bible classes In other thurthes. At morning worship next Sunday .t 11 o'clock, the Holy Communion will be celeÂbrated. The pastor's meditation, "Remem .. bering His Words." The young people will meet at 7 n'rlr~l, I Sunday evening with Rev. Donald McÂGarrah .as leader, speaking on the of "Prayer," FOOTBALL WASHINGTON COLLEGE vs. . SWARTHMORE COLLEGE ".1');- JlN.SW.-\RT.IW9M..fW'.1'? ~_ ... -_ Saturday, October 5th, 2:30 P. M. Admiaaion--$I.00 Plus TBl< SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE ALL BEAUTY AIDS $1.00 SOc Co-ed Beauty Salon 409 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Every Shampoo--A Scalp Treatment PHONE 595 UNES MOTOR CO., INC. 216 EAST STATE STREET MEDIA, PA. LAUGH AT WITH HARRY L. BERNARD SALES SWARTHMORE 163S-W MEDIA 1500 THE MODERN FUEL Consult your telephone dIrectory or your local Koppers dealer "BE COMFORTABLE WITH KOPPERS" Do YOW' BlInking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Rink and Trust Company Let us put on a new roof for you. A fire-proof roof of asbestos shingles, tin, copper or strip Bhingles can be applied right over your old roof. FHA Term. Ea.ilr A ...... ec1 Woodward, Jackson . and -Black,-Inc.·· . 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore 43 ·1 NO CHARGE FOR IJSe I OF FUNERAL PARLORS , . OLIVER H. lAIR C~ I FUNERAL DIRECTOjlS I RIT. ;5i~RAci'l1io CHURCH NEWS TRINITY CllUllCH Protestant Eplscopal Cheater Road and eon... Ave,.. Rector; Rev. J. Jerden Guenther. S.T.M .. Rector Rev. T. A. Mel'YWeather. Dir. ReI. Edue. S '00 A. M.-Holy o,mmunlon. 9 ~45 A. M.-Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 :00 A. M..-ANNUAL HOM.ECOMING SERV .. ICE. Holy Communion and SerÂmon. M.r. Guenther will preach. THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BeY. John Ellel'J' Tuttle, MIDlster SUNDAY 10 'OO-Bible &hool. Women's Class opens. 11 ~Oo-M.omlng Wnrship. Holy Communio~. Pastor's mectitation. "Remembering BlB Words:" . 3 :Oo-Girls' and Boys' Chmr rally and reÂhearsals. 7 :Oo-The Young People. Rev, Donald Mce Garrah leads. 7 'Oo--Young Women's Guild with Mrs. Hor. • ace Johnson, 30 Amherst Avenue. MONDAY 8 :OQ--Dr. and Mrs. TtltUe's evening at home for all yOUllS" people of the conRreÂgatlon "an~ lltudenta of the College and Mary Lyon Sehool. FRIDAY 10:0o-Woman's Association. Luncheon 12:45. SWARTHMORE ME"mODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH REV. WAYNE CHANNELL. D. D. Pastor 9 :46-Sunday School. 11 :oo-Loyaity to the Church. 7"OO-Epworth Leap:e. 7 ;46---0rgan Recital by Lowell. M. Broomall. Sermon by the Pastor: 'Tbe Seat of the Seomful." THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FlUENDS SUNDAY 9 :45 A. ],I.-Firat Day Scbool in Whittier House. 9 :45 A. M.-Morning Fotum--Jsnet. Payne Whitney will lead diseUSIIlon. 11 :00 A. M.-Meetlna for Wonhtp in the Meetill8" House. Daniel Oliver. of SYria. will be present. . WEDNESDAY ,·.1m 0 . A. II. to 1;10 P. JI.-BewittC and QuIlt.Âfa Whtuler HcraM. Ikm luncbeoD. All Co"j1al17 Iantod The.e famous coffees are ruahed our store. frashly roasted in bean form. They are really frBsh when ground to your order. Speclall, Priced far Thl. W~ Victor Ib lSc Ali-Brazilian Sa.nt08 blend with smooth flavor. lISCO' Ib 17c A superb blend with full :flavor and al"oma. Mother's Joy!. 21c zest to meal. Michigan .. IbS. llSaJ Bread mbspkg 0 IlSaJ Tapioca 'r::':'Mr 2 pi,,15c Black Pepper 10e IZSQJ or Cinnamon '. Ground I 2 ?:~~ 15e A full half pound of the tlnen aplcu at a •• vlng of Ie. 18c Armour'. Cooked Corned BeeE 1 cans 19C ".", ,.., Rolled Oats Glen Cove Vegetable Soup lie Fine Table Salt Oflen-Fre.h---f<..eonomical Victor Bread ; ···tisaJ Sliced ·-·Bread' Cake hnlf Butter EGGS Louella Richland (11161,"'ÂS d 2 pkgs 13c 6 call. 25~ 3 pkg. IOc ollood.Enf1rS, . ., ... 2 lbs. 2 lb •• do. do. 63c 5& 41c 3c ...Q. uality Meats-Sensibly Priced Chuck Roast: 1b 23C Tender Rump or Round Steaks or Roasts ttl 35c Cround Fresh Beef or Beef Cubes Ib 230 Roast Cross Cut: ,Beef Felin s Club Franl<1urters Long Cut Sauer Kraut Pure Pork Sausage Fresh Country Sausage Fresh Killed Milkfed Stewing 1b2!:-c Ib 5c Ib 39c Ib 33c Chickens~~p~.) ttl 2SC Smithfield's Soft Cream Cheese I ~ tb9c Finest Domestic Swiss Cheese \ Deviled Crabs 2 for 25c I Potato Salad Ib 13c Fish Cakes 6 for 250 Pepper Hash IIi 10c Sea Trout: Fresh Cleaned (heads on) Fresh Cleaned Croakers 'heads on) Ib 9c· Fresh Select Oysters (Opened) dO'15c Fresh Fillets Cenuine Haddock Ib 18c Fresh P RODVt.E Specials for Week-End Menna Fancy Colden Ripe Bananas Calif. Oranges do. 23c Celery Hearts 2 for 10c Iceberg Lettuce 2 heads 15c Yellow Turnips 3 tt>·1Oc Eating Apples 3 lb. 10c N. Y. Cabbage 3 Ib> 5c !:F!!la!•:.. .!C~r~a!Ep!!e!!fr~u!!;it~~3:!..:.:fo:::r~1:::4c;;:'-!:S~tri~n2!L!B~e~a~n:!!s:...._2 lb. 15c Long Island Snow White Cauliflower headlSC Meat Ma .. 'kets In" ....... a.n Vicinity ................... I .., .
---------- Page 3 ----------
4 CLASSIFIED ·FOR RENT FOR RENT-8ub-let fumllhed apartment. two bedrooms. amall living room, dinette. Idtchen, bath. porch. Ifa~. Private. modern. Telephone: Swarthmore 176-W. . FOR RENT-Attractive apartment or room with bath. Private family. Telephone: Sws-;t.bmOft .BSg.. w. FOR RENT--:-310 Elm Avenue. one-half of two-family bouse. four bedrooms. $66 per month. Albert N. Garrett. Swarthmore 489. PenllJ'Pscker 4442. FOR RENT-Furnlahed room, private home. convenient to bwllneu district. Reuonable. Laundf7 Included. Breakla.st it dealred-. au Dartmouth Avenue. FOR RENT-Rutledge. 12' Linden Avenue. HCond floor apartment,. four rooma and bath. Newly decorated. Garage and everyÂthing Included. $40 per month. Telephone: Swarthmore 116a..W. ··FORSALE NEWS NOTES Miss Elinor Gaede, the second daughter of Professor and Mrs. William Gaede, of Harvard Avenue, returned home on Sat .. , urday after an extended visit at Little Bear Is1and, Lake Winnipesaukee, N. H., where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Feise, 01 Baltimore, Md. She will enter the High School as a senior. Dr. aDd Mrs. William I. Hull, of WalÂnut Lane, are among the Swarthmore Friends who will attend the. Central ComÂmittee meeting at Buck Hill Falls, Pa., this week-end. . Mrs. Elmer E. Melick, of the Strath Haven Inn, is attending the Pennsylvania State Women's Clubs Convention at Erie, Pa., this week. FOR SALE---Glrl'& -blC)'cle. 28-Jnch" wheel. "The Eight" will meet for luncheon and Gaud condition. Reasooable. Telephone. bridge today at the ·home -of Mrs. William Swarthmore 17. in evenfq. Bullock on Cedar Lane. Beside Mrs. BuI~ =FO=R--=S"A-::L-::&-=-'-'."S"'-=F'".-rd=-oo-u.- .. - Good::--:--,.-n"'d::-,_-Ilock, the other members of the bridge tlon. Good rubber. Reasonable. Telephone. club which is holding its first meeting this Swarthmore 1645. . fall M Willi' FOR SALE-Ul8'e Friaidalre: Lionel electric are: rs. am W. Turner, Mrs. traiDl. complete outfit: also other houeehold Sewell W. Hodge, Mrs. George Corse, Mrs. fumlsh:lnp at aaeriftce. Telephone; Swartb- Herbert T. Bassett, Mrs. William Allen more 1096...J or can at 606 East Swarthmore Avenue. Brown, Jr., Mrs. Herschel G. Smith, Mrs. FOR-S=-A:-LE-:-::--=H=U'-d· s=-.n-=s:-ed-:.-.-.-,=.=.•=. - =v=.-",-· g-ood-: Milton Fussell and Mrs. Roy Comley. condition. Reaaonable. Telephone: Swarth-more 167-.1. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lawrence, of CorÂFOR BALE-Genuinel.;v old violin at one-half ne11 Avenue, are vacationing at their cotÂappraised value. Excellent ~ndltlon. Te1e- tage at Sherwood Forrest, Md. phone! Swart.b.J;Pore 18. FOR SALE-PJerc:e' Arrow Sedan. Serlefl 81. Reaaonable. Tel@hone: Swarthmore IBID. Dr. aDd Mrs. Francis Harper and chilÂdren, formerly of Yale Avenue, will re· _____ WANTED tum to Swarthmore today from Spray ~_,~ ________ I Beach, N. J., where they have spent the WANTED-WGmari wants work of any IdJId past month or so. Dr. and Mrs. Harper b1 the . day. \ Local reference. Telephone. d fami! will I Swarthmore 811. late in afternoon. an Y eave soon to spend the WANTED-Let tile Opportunity Shop. 866 Main Street. Darby. sell yonI' uaed clothlnc. Er;pedally needed: men's auIt .. and overeoata. women', winter coats, children's dotbing. aU iinda. For InformaUoD. teleplJone: lIadlson 4562.. FOR CAREFUL B~I Every Modern Imp.!"ovement Uaeel 507 N. CHES:rER ROAD ,13,750 Alr-condItiontHI, 01.1 heat. . Uvin. Room 18 'eet by 27 feet. 2 fireplacea. 2 eudoud porches. modern Idtchen. 4 bedroom. and dreuJn. room, 2 til. batha, maid'. room and bath, 2-car .ara.e. lot 112 ft. x 170 ft. See Dr Phone ROBERT T. BAlR Number 211. Opra Sunda,. FOR RENT winter in the Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia. Mr. aDd Mrs. A. P. Shanklin, of AmÂherst Avenue, sailed Wednesday on a two weeks' trip to Bermuda. . Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wenoouth, of Chevy Chase, D. C., formerly of DartÂmouth Avenue, Sviarthmore, will be feted at dinner at the lngIeneuk by a group of Swarthmore friends tomorrow evening in honor of their twenty-fifth wedding anniÂversary. Professor and Mns. Dotlev W. BroDk and son, John Ramsey, of Elm Avenue, returned last week from a three months' visit with friends in England, Wales, FinÂland and Russia. Dr. Bronk also attended the International Neurological Congress In London and the International Physiological Congress in Leningrad and Moscow, preÂsenting scientific papers at both of these meetings. Mrs, William C. Platto, of Hartford, Conn., arrived Monday to spend several days as the guest of Dr. aDd Mrs. Jesse H .. Ho)mes, of Elm Avenue. . Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lappe with their children and Mr. Lappe's father, Mr. C. E. Lappe, moved on Tuesday from 418 Park Avenue into 117 yille Avenue. Mrs. John Herron and two daughters, of Akron, Ohio, spent the week-end as the guests of Mrs. Herron's aunt, Mrs. Harold Barnes, of North Princeton Avenue. Mr. Alton Gant, of Sea Girt, N. J., was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. DougÂlas Sinclaire, of Harvard Avenue. Mrs. Walter H. Reinheimer and son, William, of Nutley N. J., were the week-:Âend guests of Mrs. Arthur W. KeDt aDd Miss Constance Kent, of Elm Avenue. Daniel Oliver, of Scotland, who will speak at Fr,ieDds' Meeting on Sunday, is 'visiting Mr, and Mrs. Chester Roberts, of College Avenue. Mr. Oliver has spent forty~five years in Lebanon and Syria, doing educa .. tional work and has been engaged in relief work since the war. o Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Smith, of Elm A,renue, have returned from Round Hill, Va., where they spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bitler, of CorÂnell Avenue, have returned from their sumÂmer home at Beach Haven, N. J. Mrs. Hugh Dunlop and daughter, Mary, of HamiltoD, Canada, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest, of Harvard Avenue. Miss Isabelle Bronk, of North Chester Road, has recently returned from a visit to Boston and to Kittery Point, Maine. While in Maine she was the guest of Mrs. J. Campbell Robinson, formerly Miss BeaÂtrice Magill, of tbt Swartbmore College OCI'OBER 4, 193& ,-;--:--.--::-:-:-:---:-- Bealnnlq at • poiat. • COI"Dft' of land of Contablln& tWeDtJ' .. 1x and oae-teatll IIioI'e :.. WIlliam Worrall", .r.tate. In line of land of leu &erell. .....ÂWilliam BrIarI Eltate. aDd uteDdJnw tbeDce Topther with the rkbt. UIIe and priyilen .Iema the I .. t Dl~DUoned land lOutb fifb'- of • eartw.,. from the prem_ ill Qa.lIou two cIecreea wat tortJ'-Dlne and 8ve-teatM to Ctdar Hollow road .. srantecL COD'Ytnd feet to • corner of Jand CODV81ett- or about and conftrmed unto Andrew Orr b7 llbiaai to be CODYQed. to Orion L. Davle: theDee b7 Camp. b7 deed dated Febru&1'7 28. lBG'1. hd aaId. DaYIl land the followlDc three eGUnee recol"ded In Deed Book II. No.. 2. pap 2&1. and dlstancee. vb: South ftfb'-two des-reM No ImproVeDlenta. Vacant around. thlrtÂ¥ minutes weet liz hundred and 1llt7 and Sold.. the properbr of wmtam. B. Brieker thlrt7-two one-hundredtbe feet to • comer: and Gertrude Bricker. his wile. north tblrty-one ~ flftftn m.inuta wat WILLI ..... /[ four hundred and ro~.four and nlnety-ftve -. RHODES. Attol'DQ'. one-hundredtIuJ feet to • corner: and north NATHAN P. PECHIN. ftfty--ooe decree. fifteen mlnuta ee.et three 8berUr. hundred and ellrht7-one and It!ventÂ¥.three one-hundredtha teet to a corner of land now or Iate.pt EnOl WorreU;' thence by uld land now or late ot Ena. Worrell. north thlrty-ef.ht dea-reee fltteen minutes ".t tour hundred and flfi:7-tbree and eevnty.ftve one-buodredtha feet to a eorner of land now or late of Eltate of Harry HippJe: thence b7 said land now or lAte of Eatate of Harry Hipple. north fifty • one degrees fI~ minutee eaat four hun .. dred and twentJ'-nlne feet to • white oak tree and north flfty-five degrees east one hundr'l!d. and ninety_foul' and seventy one-hundredths feet to a comer: and north forty-two degreea weat 8iz hundred and twenty and forb oneÂhundredths feet to a point; a corner of land now or late of John L. Fa ..... : thence by the said land now or late of -lobn L. Farra. north slxty.three degrees eat .iz hundred. and foriy-efght and forty-five one-hundredths feet to • corner of land now 01' late of Phoebe Farra = thence by aaJd land now or late of Phoebe F.tra and land now .01' late of W. Edward Miller and M. Rebecea. his wire BOuth t·wen!:T-elght des..- forty .. flve minutes eaet six hundred and fourteen and alxty-three oneÂhundredths feet: to a point; thence by land of said MIIler'8' the followinc four eoUl'8e8 and deaerlbed: South ten de:gnes forty-five minutes eset ODe hundred and ehrhty-nine and eeven17-flve one-hundredths :feet: lJOutb forty-eflfht degfte8 eat one hundred and forb'-thJ'H and fifty-fl,e one--bundredthl feet. 80utb elghty-one deareee. tbtrty minutes eat one bundred Dnd filQ'-two and nlnety.flve one-hundredtha fftt; .nd lOuth HVetlteen de. arreea east three hundred and efahty-three and sixty-three one-hundredths feet to the fint mentioned . point and place ot beelnninl'. AMERICAN MAGAZINE Two Yean fOl' $3.so Single Copy Vatue. $3.00 for One Year SubscriptlOlll for All Ma.-zlne. MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN Swarthmore 1363-W 313 Dartmouth Ave. CleBn Sweet CIDER Now-Nature'. Tonic 35e Per Gal. in Yo ... Jug . SOc in Oun 10-gal keg $3_00 (depooit for keg) MRS. H_ 1_ HOOT 301 Lafayette AYe_ Swa, 284-J No Delivery Prompt Radio Sa vice LITILE-GREEN RADIO 3 SOUTH PRINCETON A VE.:'iUE Swarthmore 1235 Last Big Week Still Plenty of Sensational Valuea! STORE OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9.30 Big Value., Low Priced Boy.' BIId GIrls- ELCIN BICYCLES Replar fa?.95 Valu. At this price. Where else can YOU get a $2 full size double bar bike wUh rust.proof 4.49 coated frames) Dwellln,; North. Cheater Road; 8 Bedrooma, 2 bathat aara~; lara. lot; $70 a moath. E.C_ WALTON Mrs, L. L. Hedgepeth, of Park Avenue, returned home on Tuesday from the RoxÂborough Memorial Hospital, where she underwent an operation several weeks ago. Mrs. Hedgepeth is recuperatiug nicely. faculty. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Gill, formerly of I ~::::::====::=::===== SWARTHMORE, PA. IS-in. Bamboo Rake ··1Wd'dooo'Â¥ALUES fIO,.CNr-I'our .... o Ii .. ;;·aood location. - ~ - ,r.oe ..... lcm. Octo~ 15th. $tO.OO--Moderal .even "orna. fireplace. .an.s-e. POliaosaion Octobel Jat. WM.. S. BITTLE Swarthmore 111-.J Notary Public - rnauranc:e - Real Estat. RENT 1. $3O--0artmouth Ave.f bot wa.ter; 3 Bed_ room House; occupy Oct. 15th; apeelal value--$30.00. ,. $8D--Lafayette Ave.; 3 bedrooms. sleepÂina porch; fine heatlnl' and convenient location. See or Phone ROBERT T. BAIR Number 211 WAYNE MOSTELLER ETel'l'thing Electrical SWARTHMORE 1568 Grunow Refrigerators, and Radios Garwood on BUrners YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER, Prop. Swa_ 19 MRS. A. J_ QUINBY & SON JOSEPH E. QUINBY ERNEST G. SNODGRASS, ASS"T. Mrs. Carlos F. Noyes, of Harvard AveÂnue, will entertain the sixteen members of a local bridge club to whieh she belonb'S, at her cottage in Ocean City, N. J., over the coming week-end. Mrs. Helen M. Hall, of Park Avenue, will attend as substitute for Mr. Neil Currie. GRAPES NOW RIPE COLAFEMINA VINEYARD .Just Off Mleldletown Road hetween Uma and Cradyville WATCH FOR SIGN PHONE MEDIA 648 R-1 ESTATE OF FLORENCE .... S. ZIMMERMAN (late of Swarthmore. Delaware County, Pa.) deceased. Swarthmore, have been transferred from St. Louis to Washington, D. C. Mr. Gill is signal engineer in the lighthouse service. SHERIFF SALES Sheriff's Office. Court HOUSE". Media. Penna. Saturday. October 26. 1936 9.:.10 o"clock A. M. (Eastern Standard Time) Conditions: $250.00 cash or certl8ed cheek at time of sale (unless otherwise stated in advertisement). Balance in ten dayll. Other conditions on day ot aale. Fieri Faeias No. 154 September Tel'lll, 1935 All that certain tract of land situate in the Township of Marple, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and described according to a plan plotted September SO. 1926. by Damon and Foster. Civil Engineel'lJ. from deed. as follows: tesLtaEmTel'nEtRo Sa nnOexFo oAnD MtheIN IaSbTovReA TEIsOtaNte hcauvme I; :=;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;~ been granted to the under;,lgned, who request all persona having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent to mllke known the same. and an persons indebted to the decedent to make payment. without delay, to Marion AU)'"n. Administratrix c. t. ,a.. 810 South Chester Road. Swarthmore. Pa. Or to her Attorlleys, John Stokes Adamll, Esq. John B. Miller, Esq. 1434 Land Title BuUdinB'. S. W. Corner Broad and Chestnut Ste .• Philadelphia, Pa. 9-27.6T DELAWARE COUNTY Sealed proposals will be received at the County Controller'S Office. Court House, Media, Pa., until 10.00 A. M. and publicly opened at 11.00 A. M. on 'l'ueaday. October 8, 19S6. for furnishing Mori.gaa'e Index for the Reeordel' of Deeds Office. Specifications are on file in the County Commia9ionera' Office. MEDIA COAL AND ICE COMPANY, INC. M. C. MICHENER. Pres. FUNERAL DIREC'rORS Delivery to be made in December. 1936. and billed in Januat")'. 1986. EXIDE BATTERIES BELL PHONE • MED.. P & 1 Each bid must be accoMpanied by a certified ~ ..... cheek of Two Hundred Dollara ($200.00) ----------------- drawn to the order of the CountT of J)ela. ware. Sweeney & Clyde INSURANCE 29 EAST 5th STREET Pholle, Ch""ter 6141 CHESTER PETER E. TOLD 8 All lJnes of Insurance Including Life Notarp Public 417 DARTMOunt AVE. SW.1833 UPHOLSTERING Furniture Restoring In AD Ita Branches FRED J. HARLEY Call SwartiunOl'e 1441 Anytime - Anywhere Wayerfy " Fa .... !It. Mollo., P .. The County Commlsaloners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. JAJlES T. STEWART, 9-20-8T County Controller. DELAWARE COUNTY Sealed proposals will be received. at the County Controller"s Office. Court House. Media Pa.. untO 10.00 A. Il. and pubJiebt" opened at 11.00 A. H. on Tuesday. October B. 198&. for furn_btu two h1Jndred forb'Âtwo (242) boxea of elecUon aapplies for the November Election, 1936. Details on file In the office of the County Commisaioners. The County Commiulonera reserve the right to reject any or all blda. .JAMES T. STEWART, 9-20-ST County Controller. Cold Weather is Coming_ Let Us Check your Battery For Winter Use. Hannum & Waite so_ CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore 1250 BENJAMIN L. KNEEDLER Piano, Organl Theoretical Subject. Organillt and Mu.ica] Director. Swarthmore Presbyterian Church 23 S. PRINCETON AVENUE SWARTHMORE 1825-W BUY FROM YOUR HOME DEAl ER LAWSON.SHEPARD COMPANY, Inc. 401 DARTMOUTH AVENUE, SWARTHMORE SERVICE-USED CARS AND NEW IMMEDIATE DEUVERY COME IN FOR YOUR STATE INSPECTION NOW Bettendorf QuaUty at Medium Price Perfect Heatlnl' at Low Coet WM. S. HOBBS Swarthmore 1686 You c:an haY. « t.l •• phon. In your hOlDe for lHa than « clime a day. , '-! F: P" I' T r : ~"r ,-:; : :.; r l ,-' '.~ , ;., " ' ~ i ~ ','~ '-0,' , \' .~. ~,: ., 33~tooth; no ezeuSe for 2 leaves on Your lawn 1 C nowl Regular 19c Value Cord and Plug Set Cood quality electric cord and plug. Tested Bnd ap- 14' I'.,obved by Underwriters· C a oratories. Reaul.r 1ge Value 6 CU.-FT. COLDSPOT Electric Refrigerator Re.cular $149.50 Value A~~~:~le $109 49 N.H.A. Plan • Cash $5.00 Down-$7.50 Monthly Kenmore Washer With the new mtn-ute meter that times $49 the washing Reg 49 $59.95 valu~ else: • where. Cash $5.00 DO'!D-$5.00 Monthly Small Carryinl' Char.e Kenmore honer Fully Automatic Replarly $44.95 l\utDmotic Ope,_ $3949 ating controls. hand and knee. - _..... 00 Caah Delivered Down~s.OO Monthly Plus Small CatTyin. Char •• "Herculea" Oil Burner Can be Inatalled In your present heating system $249 DelIvered and installed' complete. with 275.g81: Ion tank and controls I No DoWIJ PaKIDt!I~t Under N.H.A. 20% Nwn.tTs;ln?~ ~~ BALANCE OF SALE ONLY_ HURRYI NOWe «roPOWER-FLO" 4&-'PJate, 2-Year IS Country Battery Include. free $4 95 recharging for same period • With Your Old Battery Doubt,. Guaranteed Cross Country Motor Oil 100% Pure 12 3~1 Penn3;\vanla 74<: In Your ~=:alner ROEBUCK & CO. 522 EDGMONT AVENUE CHESTER, PA. . VOL VU, No. 41 BOROUGH GRANTED FEDERAL LABOR Applicatioas for Labor _ Ten Borough Improvements Granted by the F.W.A. At a special meeting of Borough CounÂcil on Wednesday evening, J. Archer ,Turner. president of council, announced that the application to the Federal Works Administration for labor on Borough projÂects. has been approved. An ordinance establishing the lines and grades OQ, Lafayette Avenue was presented by T. E. Hassenbruch and passed. This will permit the paving of Lafayette AveÂnue which is one of the approved federal projects. John E. Geosemer presented a resolution which was passed authorizing the procurement of emergency bids for materials for this work. The federal projects within the Borough which will begin immediately include: Resetting brlck at crossing north side of Yale Avenue at Park Avenue; resetting brick at crossing west side of Chester Road at Oakdale Avenue; lowering pipe culvert at Vassar Avenue and Borough Line Road; installing granite curb on Park Avenue beÂfore Borough Hall, grade and remove tree; sotting rubble curh and'fi\l low area south side Swarthmore Avenue, east of Chester Road; removing 3 tree stumps on LafayÂette Avenue Dear Oberlin Avenue; paving: unpaved portion of Lafayette Avenue, set granite curb, eliminate sharp tum at OberÂlin Avenue and install the necessary inlets and pipe; extending present storm sewer south from Kenyon and Bowdoin Avenues a distance of about 200 feet; painting fence OD north side of P. R. R. from Chester Road to School property; and grading for sldewallrs along south side of Yale Avenue from ComeD to Park Avenues. The approximate cost to the Borough for materials is $5500 with labor amounting to $4000 granted by the Federal Works OCT 111935 SWAI~THMClI~E I' ~. ". ~. ,. r. ~ ... . ) " ': ,-. ~ SWARTHMORE, PA., OCTOBER 11, 1935 $110 PER YEAI( The quick and careful acUon 01 the Swarthmore Fire Department is commended by Colonel and Mrs. Harvey Pierce of South Princeton Avenue, whose htfme 'wu RED CROSS DRIVE TO OPEN MONDAY .S RECEPTION AND TEA. AT WOMAN'S CLUB saved by the firemen's effident work late Mn. John Dolman Jr. Chaimum last Thursday afternoon, October 3rd A of Swarthm ' - ,- Benjamin Smith, of Linwood, who was held lor court on August Z4 UPOD his arrest here on the charge of drunken drivÂing, appeared OD Tuesday of this wee\, before the court at Media and Was dis.. charged upon payment of the cost of prosecution. One.H ... dred IIIld Fifty Memben . and Frienda Attend OpeniDg Meeting spark from a fireplace evidently set' the _ ore District; 18 shingle roof of the Pierce home ablaze. The Lieutenants Named spectators who gathered at the scene witÂnessed a fiDe exhlbition by the local fire fighte", in getting the blaze under cODtrol with as little dsmage as possible to the property. In spite of their care. however, the fire was of such size that a complete new roof mll5t be laid aDd a great deal 01 repair done to the third .floor rooIDS. TO PRESENT 'HAMLET HERE TOMORROW Little Theatre Club, Swarthmore College, to Open Seo'On with Shakespearean Tragedy o The Nineteenth Annual Roll Call of the 1WIT' T' 'ROR HOPE Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter of the Ii The Swarthmore Woman's Club opened American Red Cross will begin Dext Mon- its 1935-36 seasoD on Tuesday, October 8, day, October 13. It is hoped that it will OF COLLEGE ELEVEN with a delightful receptioD and tea: The be completed within two weeks. club house on Park Avenue was a riot of Mrs. John Dolman, Jr., of Vassar Ave- color with autumn flowers provided and nue, is chairman of the Swarthmore Branch Loc.1 Lad Retains Value Attained effectively arranged by the decorating com-of the Red Cross; Mrs. WiD1am E. KIstler, on Swarthmore High Team mittee composed of Mrs. William Earl vice-chairman; Miss Margaret TutUe, Few Years Ago Kistler, chilimar.; MrS. Arthur Dana, Mrs. treasurer; Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer, secretary Addison Wickam, Mrs. George Zimmer, and chairman of Roll CaU, and Mrs. uTwit" Taylor, of Yale Avenue, local lad Mrs. Charles BoUon and Mrs. Charles D. Horace Hayday, chairman of Home Service. who made an enviable football record sev- Mitchell. The color motif of gold and An accident prevention program was eral years ago at Swarthmore High, is ODe mauve was carried out artistically with a launched this Monday at a IUDcheon at of the gridiron athletes listed among the profusion of marigolds, asters and gladioli the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, first eleven 01 Coach George Plann's intermixed in scattered vases, while the tea by Admiral Cary T. Grayson, recently ap- Swarthmore College team, which is rapidly table was charmingly arranged with goldenÂpointed chairman of Ihe national organiza- beiDg C01Idi!foDal for. the 1nIUa1 game of rod and field daisies. !lOD. Emergency stations have heen estab- the seasoD with WulIington College on ID the receiving line to welcome the Ushed all over the state, HanDum I: Walte, October 12 at the Garnet field. large number 01 membe", and their guests The Little Theatre Club of Swarthmore South Chester Road, being designated in Taylor is the leading candidate for the were Mrs. Roland G. Ullman, the newly College will pr ..... t the James HeDdrickson Swarthmore. keystone berth and his rugged build, elected president; Mrs. Jesse Holines, first and Claire Bruce Company of Shakes-- During the last ten years Swarthmore cuupled with his experience and good con- vice-president j Mrs. Horace Walter, second pearean players in "Hamlet" this Saturday has contributed a total of $14,890 to the dition from summer play with the Swarth- vice-president; Mrs. William Earl Kistler, evening, October 12, at 8.15 o'clock in Red Cross, of which $6,432 has been re- more Indians' lacrosse team, virtuaJly as- corresponding secretary; Mrs. Alfred WiJ... Clothier Memorial. turned in cash as well as $8,691 In mer- sures him his position. Dams, recording secretary, and Mr!I. C. C_ Six memhers 01 the Little Theatre Cluh chaDdise, etc., over $ZOO more than was Although Coach Pfann lost several first West, treasurer. The tea table was gra-aDd the stage and technical crows will actually contributed. string athletes from graduation, his outnt dously presided over by five past presidents, assist in the production. Mrs. Wetlaufer, Roll Call chairman, has includes enough experieDced material to Mesdames William I. Hull, Edwin Vama1\, Mr. Hendrickson and Miss Bruce have announced the following lieutenants in this make the job of recouping his force one of Martin Young, Robert Coates and Lovett been heading their OWD company for the year's Drive: Miss Martha Taylor, Mrs. little difficulty. This year's squad of fifty Freseoln, while serving was in the comÂlast nine years and have estabUshed them- CIwIes Black, Mrs. Victoria Herndon, Mrs. men is composed of nine lettermeD, six or peteDt hands of the hospitality committee selves among the foremost interpreters of Fruak N. SmJth, Mrs. George Gillespie, seven other veterans aDd twenty freshmen, consisting of Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, cbairÂthe classic drama on the American stage. Mn. A. S. Johnson, Miss Margaret Tuttle, some of great promise. mall, and Mesdames R. J. Littlefield, W_ N. Bdore organizing their own companYI each Mrs. Florence Preston, Mrs. John Hihn, While it is yet too early to predict the Wherry, Howard Buckman, George Ewing, of them had appeared on Broadway in Jr., Mrs. Walter C. Crouch, Mrs. Howard first string line-up,· a· few facts are now John Stainton, Luther Dimmitt, Alden G. productions of modern plays. Mr. Hend- Kirk, Mrs. James E. Davis, Mrs. J. B. available. Dick Post, veteran letterman, Davis, D. W. Morgan, Reed D. Geer, ricksoD has also played with Fritz Leiber. Smith, Mrs. Edwin Crosby, Mrs. F. P. and Bud Morrisett, a reserve last y.,.., are Charles Israel, Wheeler J- Allison, DWight Bruce Atkinson, of the New York Times, Byerly, Mrs. A. S. Wickham, Mrs. A. H. contesting for the left tackle position. Mor- Cooley, S. M. Viele, Thomas McCabe, has this to say of the performance: Sheldon and Mrs. H. A. Peirsol. risett is pushing up to the higher level James Clark and Frederick R. Lang. "James Hendrickson is one actor who does • and threatens to nose Post.onto the bench. Ideal weather conditions and an all-per- Administration. not dream of playing Hamlet. He plays NEEDLEWORK. GUILD Captain Jim. McCormack, merman from vading spirit of friendliness were contribu .. Hamlet. That is to say, against all the Wi5cOMin. is the left end, and Kirschlager, tory factors in making the occasion espe- • industrial and sociological odds, in the very conver.ted back, is at right end, while Chris dally enjoyable. Members are looking for .. H S. I OSES mD~T teeth of the motion picture, and the radio, MEMBERSHIP WEEK Anfinsen. and Mac Clement will de ~ war ... 1 tv the n~::;.t E:;lh~d nlettfn~ to be held • 1"1I\r.l1.. he plays Hamlet,_.'lDasbamedly~plays him duty. ,·1'. IlJe club !'::'UY- Tuf'Y;;,y, Odob,.. .. r l.S~ .al ..-!., ~ -, . _:....,_ .. ...,., .. "'Wi1.'i'r'"'\.ftI!-1:finb.ti'Jt'l'~hl·iti·"-h~·'beatt·-iIIs' ._,. '. ." - v •• _ ....... ;<I'.'.' -- . ·"'Scmny"'·Stfnlance'-iIC'Cftl!-aD'-.. .- !,-, .:; .... ~ .:(". ",: '."':... ,-!Jt;";:;-.,!,o ,',i;:' ~ ~}:. GAME CLOSE SCORE well as upon hiJ!. to~e!' Work !If L~ Members OD ~i .. in the right tackle groove, bu~ !l..' PII,-!: ·lbr;.:lil!; C ::i)!:,{fc, v;iiler, it ·ru;.,::. ~\·')rlll , New PosllVII!.-e to .. Opetl Soon play m Wmdows IJf E. C. war· vs. Morriset·. coof\ict may have" , ... ,,<r. ,,~. ' lr.vcltr· and r.ilio ~rGaac ... tcr, recognized ~__ _ .. ton and the Swarthmorean slon on his side of the hanler. At right as one of the clearest interpreters of world To Meet Media This Aftet'hoOD at 3.15 on Swarthmore College Field Swarthmore High lost a very tough game to Springfield Township last Friday, 12-7. Swarthmore led, 7·6, up to the middle of the fourth quarter when Springfield blocked a kick on Swarthmore's forty-five yard line. The kick rolled down to SwarthÂmore's eight-yard stripe where Springfield recovered and just barely scored on its fourth down. Although Swarthmore went down in defeat, it was far from a humiliating one. The home ._ l'BDle out of the fray without an injury: whereas Springfield had three serious ones. This speaks well for the cODdition 01 the local High School lads and the type of football played. Too much cannot be expected of the home team. this year, as the members are totally inexperienced and young. HowÂever I the team will be together for two to three years and this is sure to mean better teams to come. This week has been spent in correcting mistakes and bolstering weak spots which showed up in last Friday's game. Because of the lack of power, Swarthmore's offense now consists mainly of lateral pass plays, trick. plays, and a well Organized passing attack. This means a wide open fast game with the premium being put 6" speed. Swarthmore has shown vast improvement and will eDter its game with Media this afternoon a Car wiser team than it was in its first major· encounter. The Media game this Friday will be played at the Swarthmore College field and will hegin at 3.15. The Swarthmore-Media game is always hard fought aDd chockful of thrills and, as usual, a large crowd is expected. As an ·added attraction the spectacular Media band will perform. Swarthmore High has a new athletic proÂgram this year and one of the first things to be changed was the football system. JuniGr High football was started last season and met with much, success and interest, This year Swarthmore High is represented by a varsity squad, a junior varsity squad, a junior high squad, and an eighty-pound squad. All these squads are funy equipped and competently coached and play Sf.heduled games. This means that every boy, regardless of age, sizc or weight if he cares for the sport, can come out and find a regular position and have some fun. This system not only means that more boys get into competition, but will in time mean better teams for SwartLÂmore High. The finishing touches are being. added to end iJ Tom WeIch, sophomore, who owes events. Mr. Shaffer has chosen uEthiopia" the new post ollice buildiDg. It is planned Throughout the length and hreadth of his position OD the first string partially as the subject for his address and all mem_ to have the dedication exercises and laying the United. States this second week of Oc- to Dick. Worth, who left college to labor bers are urged to be present. of cornerstone on Saturday, November 9, tober is known as Needlework Guild Week. in the f~y steel mDl at Claymont. The The Woman's Club Chorus will resume and have the post ofl;ice open for business It is a time when extra effort is exerted loss of Worth has seemingly been repaired rebearsals on Monday morning, October 14, on Monday, the 11th. and emphasized stress brought to bear by· Welch, but his absence from the track at 10 o'c1ock, at the club bouse. Mr. • upon· that charity. team may shatter Swarthmore's relay Henry Hotz will again direct the chorus Men'. Class to Reopen on 13th We are ·all familiar with the bardships prospects next spring. • in preparation for a ,Christmas program for that winter infticts upon the poor j we all Pfann has a number of outstanding the duh. The Men's Class at the Presbyterian know, too, that we can help them in their backs whose speed and experience should Church. which meets weekly from October distress. If there is anyone In SwartlI- aid the Garnet to win a few more games until May each year, will resume its ses- more who is not a1ready a member it is than _appears customary. Chief Barker is sions on Sunday, October 13, at 10 A. M. asked that that person communicate with Laird Lichtenwalner, whose fellow-ball carÂThe speaker for this opening meeting will Mrs. William West, president of the riers are Ben Cooper, Dudley Perkins, Jack be James L. Rankin, Esq., prominent Swarthmore Branch, whose telephone num- Osborne, Bud Peter, Jim Buckingham and Chester attorney and churchman. ber is Swarthmore 508· J. several others, among whom are Miehner, • LOWEll BROOMAll ORGANIST-DIRECTOR This weekly forum has become one of If there is any member who feels that shifty freshman open-field runner, and Swarthmore's Itlost popular Sunday meet- she can do more than in other years, will Steve Malone, freshman quarterback -and Accompliahed Musician Sel~ted for Swarthm.ore Methodist Church iogs. There is an average weekly attend- she volunteer to become a director? Mem- left-hand passer. ance of about fifty men at the class and bership means two new garments each year ---..... -- an occasional Sunday finds more than or any 'amount of money. A director DR HULL ADDRESSES seventy-five present. The meetings are open makes herself responsible for ten garment • to all men. members who contribute to her two gar- Lowell M. Broomall has been selected hy the Music Committee of the Swarthmore Methodist Episcopal Church from more than sixty applicants, to become the organÂist ·director of the church. ments each, and one money member. Thf: HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS Dr. Goddard Continues Series Needlework Guild strives to bridge the . • Dean Harold E. B. Speight will preside at the second weekly literature lecture in the series of four being presented by the Departments of French and English of Swarthmore College, at 8 P. M., Sunday. Professor Harold Goddard will speak on uWilliam Blake and the Imagination." EverYone interested. is invited to be present. . • Fortnightly to Meet Monday Mrs. Arthur Bassett, of North Chester Road, will be hostess to the Fortnightly at its first meeting of the fall on October 14, Monday, at 2.30 o'clock. gap between waste and want. The garÂments on display in the window of the SWARTHl.IOREAN were made by the juniors of the Club and those in E. C. Walton's window by the Porch Sewing Group durÂing the summer. The material for this work was donated by Philadelphia merÂchants. Senior Assembly October 19 The frst Senior Assembly will be held October i 9 at the Aronimink Country Club, which will be beautifully decorated in autumn colors. This dance and the Junior Assembly, which will be held at Christmas time, are lor the benefit of the Maternal Health Center in Chester. __ -::"'c-:--:- Third Annual Men's Dinner The autumn gives promise of great pleasÂures in books which have appeared reÂcently. There will be fourteen chosen from these, and members are urged. to hear all or as many as possible, for the reviews are a source of great information and pleasure as well as of education. The men of Trinity Church are again The program will consist of a sketch of feverishly poring over cook-books and a visit to Mexico City given by Mrs. Carlos seeking advice of their kitchen u queens" Noyest and the review-by Mrs. Albert Hill. on menus, dietetics and serving technique The book is liThe Curate's \Vife," by E. H. in -preparation for their third annual DinÂYoung. Life is surely a problem to a ner and Apron Festival, which will be beautiful young girl who, with vague ideas held Thursday, October 17. of what her duties are to be, marries a Their slogan, "Good Food and Stuffed circumspect young curate who knows as Appetites, Seasoned With Laughter," is little of the world as she does of the again being polished up. and the maestro church. of the dining room hints that his u apron• It may be said that this is one of the stringed ballet" will not only serve the most delightful books written for years. delectable repast in their well-~nown elliÂRomance humor almost tragedy, enter dent manner t but put on a ventable floor into the 'story. Those who heard "Miss I show in their festival of food and frivolity. A-foIe" reviewed will be eager to hear liThe Don't miss seeing the apron-bedecked Curate's Wife." males strutting their stulf. Present European Crisis Discussed at Monday Morning Assembly Mr. Broomall, who will succeed Mr. Reuben Hormann, who retires after nine years of service with the church, is a grad .. uate of the music department of Tcmple Dr_ William I. Hull was the speaker at University. He has had experience as OlÂthe Monday morning assembly of the ganist and choir director in the Epiphany Swarthmore Junior-Senior High School. It Episcopal Church I Ventnor City, N. J., was a much appreciated opporlunity for 1927-1928, and Christ Alethodist Protestant the boys and girls to hear Dr. HuU's clear Church, Atlantic City, N. J., 1928-1935. presentation of the problems disturbing He has had a varied experience in the Europe and of the need for clear thinking musical world, as the organist of Temple on the part of all. University, 1930-1934; organist, Atlantic The speaker first traced the role of im- City Convention Hall, 1930-1931; guest perialism in the world in the last 100 organist, Wanamaker's, Philadelphia. ChristÂyears and showed how the thirteen original mas seasonsl 1932 and 1933; accompanist colo.rles ·attempted to build up imperial- and assistant director of Temple UniverÂistic empires in the new lands of the West. sity Men's Glee Club, 1930-1934; musical They found it to their interest to renounce director, Radio Station WHAT, PhlladelÂsucli ambitions and to co-operate as one phia, 1934; musical director, Radio Station people. This is one of the forces leading WFIL, Philadelphia, 1935. to world trouble today. Mr. Broomall has given numerous organ The other force is the race for national recitals and organ dedications in Pennsyl. armament in which nations arm against vania and neighboring states. He will now nations. The American colonies early have the direction of all the musical work realized that it was useless for one colony of the church, and is ready to launch a to arm against another. vrry, ambitious program, preparing the Disputes among them were settled. by choirs in their rehearsals on Friday eveÂthe Supreme Court which has adjudicated Dings. The Music Committee consists of ninety such cases that have been before it. Octavius Narbeth,·Walter J. Fritz, Mrs. W. If the nations of the world will take to I Earl KIstler, J. Howard Taylor and Dr. the Wotld Court for International Justice Wayne Channell. their misunderstandings instead of resorting Those who heard Mr. Brooman last SunÂto anns, justice could be meted out just day at the church services, were greatly as it is on this continent. impressed with his outstanding ability and The devotionals were in charge of Mr. versatility as an organist, and are looTdng A. D. Spaeth, sponsor 01 the Student As- forw'lrd to hearing him in his organ me sociatioD. cital on .Sunday evening next. ,; ':
---------- Page 4 ----------
Lovely Weddings In Presbyterian Church Mary Child, John Foeter; Luia Hilla, Amzi McVay Married Saturday THE SWARTHMOREAN ,~ " OCTOBER 11, 1935 MJ.. Betty RemlngtoD. of PhiJade-:lp"':b"':'-. -:"':ri-ed:-a-y-:eUow basket -fiU=ed-:--w":"lth:--p-urp--:-Ie--:"M":"':""u-=-N::-ao-IDl":"· -=F::-o-gg-.-o-f~P:""ennlieId--::'-:::.--.-ncI7-M::::-.,- .- =D:""r-.- =La-ura--:1I4=.-=H=-0=hho=-.-0-=f:-:-1I4=1-.m-. ::-f.~FIa=.:--. There were two junior bridesmaids, Doro- ftowen. EmUy DicksoD Pierce. of BaIa~Cynwyd. spent the week-end with her brother, Mr. thy Bleeker, of York, a cow.in of the About two hundred guests attended the Thelr gowIII were of velvel. th.e color of WlWam S. Hobbs, and famUy, of Yale bride. and Ruth C. Child. another sisler recepUon which was held at the home of bltlenweet. with hats of contrutlng cololl. Avenue. en route to the 1I4ed1ca1 Conven. of the bride. Patricia Ruth Smoker. of the bride'. parents fonowlng the wedding In the unavoidable aboeoce of George tion at Detroit nat week. 1I4lnIDi. Fla .• couoln of the bride. was the and which also celebrated the twenty-fifth 1I4cVay. of St. Louis. 1140 •• who was to ftower girl. wedding annivenoary of 1I4r. and 1I4rs. act .. best man to his brother. Edward Frank A. Fortescue. of 1I4t. Airy. acted Child as wen as the liftieth annivenoary of Head. of Richmond. Va.. brother-in-law .. best man for 1I4r. Foster. Tbe ushen the bride's grandparents. 1I4r. and 1I4rs. H. of the groom, performed the service. Tbe were Harold Connors, of Ardmore; Guer .. C. Bleeder, of Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Wlhers were Frederic Yocum, of SwarthÂdon Scoville. of Hershey; Reuben Nord- The bride's bouquet was caught by her more; Charles Caperton and Bowie Caper- The Swarthmore Presbyterian I!;:~: I blom. of Narberth; RIsdon Wemrich. of sister. Ruth. ton. of Phi1adelphia. and Robert Fogg. of was the scene of two lovely faD ~ Lansdowne; Reed 1I40rgan. of Roxborouch. Both at the church and at the home Pennlield. on Saturday afternoon. d P W therill f P VaD moving pictures in color were taken by Fonowlng the ceremony a reception was Dr. and 1I4no. Harlan Updegraf have reÂturned to the Strath Haven Inn afler a two months· trip Into the MIddle West. Can_ ada and New Eng\and. Birth ·ak hlch j Ined· an roctor e • 0 enn ey. At 2.30 the nupli WOlD Th b· • rted f Norman Dunsee. of 1I4edia. friend of the held at the home of the brid.. Mr. and 1I4r. and 114 ... I. NewtoD Durboraw. Jr •• boly wedlock Miss 1I4ary Ford ChUd. e nde wore an ~mpo • gown 0 family. whose hobby Is technicolor photog- Mrs. 1I4cVay are DOW in 1I4lnIDi Beach. of Amberst Avenue. announce the birth of daughter of 1I4r and 1I4rs Frederic A pale rose· blush crepe chlfton. WIth a ftow- rapby. Fla .• where they wID spend their honey- a son. weighing eight pounds. on Tbun- Child f Vr ·Avenue and John . ing veil of the same tint. A smaD dusler The coupl. are spending their honey- mOOD. After two weeks they will be at day. October 10. Both .. 1I4no. Durboraw 'son Fo~er. ::' of 1I4r. ':'d 1I4rs. 1'. of orhanld g•• blossolacmsh at each s1 ddef of ~r moon at the Hotel Pennsylvania. New hom. in the Swarthmore Apartments. and young son are dobig.splendldly at the Foster, of South Chester Road, were face e. 1D peer. cap an ace v. . York City. Next week.end they will spend Miss Hills is a graduate of Swarthmore Chester Hospital. formed by the Rev. Dr. John Ellery She earned a sm~ w~ite prayer~ook With at Sam Scoville's camp, Pine Barrens, in High School and Miss Illman's School. ~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~ Tuttle. pastor of the church. Dr. Tuttle str?mers of white nbbon holding smaD New Jeney. After November 1st. they Mr. 1I4cVay graduated from Georgia School r, was assisted by the Rev. Paul 1I4usse~an. white ft~w~rs... will be at home at the Elm Apartments. of TechDOlogy. and Is DOW a chelDlcal Q....... .. . of St. James Episcopal Church. Dowmng- The JunIor bndesm81ds wore frocks of on Park AveDue. Swarthmore. engiDeer for the Viscose Company. JIOI"Wart4pmure lown. lavender taOeta. and carried yenow chry- The bride attended Swarthmore High 1I4r. and 1I4rs. Hills entertained at dinner Itr -t a .. The bride. who was given in santhemums. Deep sultan pu'!'le v~v.t School. graduated from 1I4ary Baldwin on Friday at the Strath Haven Inn for ~nmtttunt g JIOI"4pUP by her father, was attended by her sister, fas~oned. the gowns of the seDID! bnd~. Seminary, Stanton, Va., attended Hood the wedding party and members of the Miss Adrienne Child, as maid of honor. mauls which were made on long lines WIth College, and received her B. S. degree from immediate families of the bride aDd groom. . The bridesmaids included 1I4rs. Har?ld COD- 1I0wing sleeves. and sashes of goldeD yel- the University of Boston in 1933. Shel~===============; nelS of Ardmore a sister of the bride.. low and leaf green. They carried arm has been very active in Girl Scout Work,I1 groo'm; Miss Ha;riet \Velsb, of bouquets of wine red dahlias. finjshing ten consecutive years, and has ColFee Cake.. Doa .. bab Clmuuaan B ..... Pare Maple S)T1IP Miss Margaret Little, of Swarthmore, The maid of honor's dress was of velvet achieved the Golden Eagle honors in that in a rich shade of golden yellow, with work. Third Annual Dinner 104 Park Ave. TeL Swarth. lt71 STANLEY Theatre CHESTER . ODe Week Startin .. Friday FRED ASTAIRE GINGER ROGERS "TOP HAT" . STAGE SHOW SATURDAY LANSDOWNE Delaware County'. Fineat Theatre . Friday and Saturd.y This Great Star's Greatest Picture WILL ROGERS "Steamboat 'Round the Bend" Anne Shirley Irvin S. Cobb Eugene Pallette Stepin FetchJt Monday' and Tueeday Clark GABLE ·Jean HARLOW Wallace BEERY "CHINA SEAS" Lewl. Stone RosaUad RuauD WednesdaY-One Day Only SYLVIA SIDNEY HERBERT MARSHALL "ACCENT·ON· YCf01'H" From Broad':!!:f)lJ. StaKe Succes. Thureday ~ ne Day Only Robert DONAT STEPS" MANOR Friday aOd Saturaay dct. n. 12 CLARK GABLE . JEAN HARLOW WALLACE BEERY "CHINA SEAS" -ADDED-Don George .- M.honey Wre.tlln. Ph:tut'ea MOQdaSYi.ViAdaSIDN~i-I •• 15 HERBERT MARSHALL 'ACCENT ON YOUTH' -ADDED-DIONNE QUINTUPLETS in "GOIN' ON TWO" w .... jbAN0'bLONDEL~ ... 18 GLENDA FARRELL "We're in the Money" DONA Star of "Monte Cristo" "THE 39 STEPS" Enjoy It at the ME D IA THEATRE Today (Friday) aad Saturday CLARK GABLE WALLACE BEERY JEAN HARLOW "CHINA SEAS" Monday and Tuesday Norma SHEARER Fredric MARCH Charles LAUGHTON "The Barretta of Wimpole Street" w ..... GARBOm"OdaJo FREDRIC MARCH "ANNA IARENlNA" FREDERIC BARTHOLOMEW MAUREEN O'SUUJVAN sao;h of purple and leaf green. She tar- Mr. Foster, who is field Scout Executive ried deep purple asters. All the attendants of the Delaware and MODtgomory County wore balDS of twisted velvet in their bair. Council, is a graduate of Montgomery The flower girl wore a "Kate Greenaway" School, Wynnewood, where he later taught. costume of pale lavender taffeta and car- He is a Golden Eagle· Scout. Ciiven by the Men at TRINITY CHURCH Thundar, October 17 Knitting Instructions Are Free at the WASHINGTON THEATRE CHESTER Four baya StarUa.&, Friday GEORGE BRENT BETTE DAVIS "Special Agent" Weclneaclay and Thund.a,. NANCY CARROLL LLOYD NOLAN HARRY LANGDON "Atlantic Adventure" Che8ter·. Moet Distinctive Theatre Starb Friday NINO MARTINI -In- "HERE'S TO ROMANCE" -withÂMadame Sbumann .. Heink GueYieve T oLill Anita Louile Aleo Lateat Edition "March of Time" WARNER BROS. : I 69th St. Theatre Garrett Road &: Weat Cheater Pike Upper Darby, P •• Starts Today-For Three Dayal Claudette Colbert -In- "SHE MARRIED HER BOSS" Tuesday-For Three D.yal Francis Lederer -in- "THE GAY DECEPTION" -wlth- FRANCES DEE WAVERLY THEATRE DREXEL HILL, "The Most Accommod.ting Theatre In Delaware County" TODAY and SATURDAY CLARK GABLE JEAN HARLOW WALLACE BEERY "CHINA SEAS" MONDAY AND TUESDAY "DANTE'S INFERNO" SPENCER TRACY WEDNESDAY ODd THURSDAY GRETA GARBO FREDRIC MARCH "ANNA IARENJNA" Freddie~~ Mr. Bleecker returned to Martha's Vineyard after the week-end. but. Mrs. Bleecker will remain. for a week's visit with 1I4r. and Mrs. Cbild. Among the other out of town guests at' the wedding were: Mrs. Lina C. Quinby, of East APRON. FESTIVAL WOOL HOUSE OLD BANK BUILDING Orange. N. J .• great aunt of the bride; Besl ... Pramptly 5.3!! P. M. Domeltie and Imported' Yarna Garment. Properly Blocked, Laupdered and Reblocked Mrs. Curtis B. Flory. of Green ViUage. COME EARLY Hour., 9.30 A. 114 ••• 5.00 P, M. N. J •• who was one of the bridesmaids at Thur"'y Eyelllo .. o: 7.30 _. 10 MMrrs. . aUndm eMr rGs.o oCdhmiladn's, wofe dRdainhgw; a·1yI,4.rN. .a nJd" III~ ===;;;=========~~;;:;;:;;:;;:~;;:;;:~;;:;:;;:~;:~ former Swarthmoreans; Mr. and Mrs. Westford Cutler. of Westlield, N. J .• cousins (If the bridei Mr. and Mrs. PhililJ Howard, of Germantown; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Scoville, of Haverford; Mr, and Mrs. 1I4artin I. LeIDer and 1I41ss 1I4ary Snyder. of Reading. aDd John Child. brother of the bride, who returned from Perkiomen School for the occasion. Mr. and 1I4rs. Child enterWned the members of the bridal party with a dinner party on ·Friday. THE UTILE THEATRE CLUB PRESENTS THE JAMES HENDRICKSON AND CLAIRE BRUCE COMPANY OF. SHAKESPEAREAN PLAYERS -In- "HAMLET" SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12TH; AT 8:15 P. M. At 4 o'clock th=--e-m-a-r"":ri:""age of MIss Lula IN CLOTHIER MEMORIAL GENERAL ADMISSION SOC Annette Hills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DeWitt A. Hills, of Elm Avenue, and Mr. i Amzi Godden McVay, son of Mr. and 1I4rs. George 1I4cVay, of B.lrmingbam, Ala. bama, tooll plate with Dr. Tuttle officiatÂing. The bride entered the church upon the arm of her father, who gave her in mar .. riage. She wore a gown of ivory satin with fine lace yoke. Her cap and veil were held in place by orange blossoms. Her shower bouquet wa.~ of white roses. Miss Virginia Bassett, of Swarthmore, was the maid of honor and the bridesÂmaids: Miss Doreen Mitchell, of WallingÂford; Miss Helen Jones, of Swarthmore i SHAMPOO AND $1 00 FINGER WAVE - ALL BEAUTY SOC AIDS Co-ed Beauly Salon 409 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Every Shampoo--A Scalp Treatment PHONE 595 TASTE THE JOYS - Quality Gas Range $79 Cash CampI.'. with Lamp and MTnuta Minder $69.50 without Lamp and Minute Minder. Slighl/,11111U •• 6mJgtl pia. $2 Down 2 .!o::, - of a 1935 GAS RANGE in your kitchen Now you can enjoy better, easier, more economical cooking on a modern Gas Range! All you do is pay $2 down and the range is installed in your kitchen. If you wish to pay cash, this handsome new Quality model pictured is yours at the new low price of $79. Tabletop design ••. insulated oven ••• regulated temperature ••• lamp and minute minder, it's the last word in gas ranges. Also Bengal models with up-to.date features. Come in and see them! All Our Suburban Stores, or See Your De.ler ar Dep."tment Store PHI LADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY ocroBER 11, 1935 THE SWARTHMOREAN 3 THE SWARTHMOREAN F .......... ..,. R-' Eo ....... pUBLISHED EVERY FJUDAY AT Friends. ]osephSI!arP!~. and. Thomas on~sundaY will be "Opening the Windows" Th. presideDt. 1I4rs. James F. Bogardus. .Itfa tae mdoeIoI7t o.f. .t.h.re . .o.w..o e_nUhJlop U. mOaDn)a .p.D..:l.P to f(. atnhde Cope. and the Jiberal-minded ~oman.Cath- an ·'A Neglected Christian Duty-Cbeer- reported on the State ConventioD which ofo ....t d pub!katloo tor,_~ bdot41the. ..A... ... of'" SWARTH.M-ORE, PA. olic; Matthew Carey. Th~ organized fulpess!' . she attended at En•e last wee k • Tb e dif- tAhQe Uatb.o v2e4 . C81P9U1o2u.. ., emnbqoucU ne:du In7 HCtioO 411. "The· First .Llay. ~r Sunday School. So. The Sunday School will have a special fer.nt sections of the club are aD busy en- P ... ta! La ... o.d BaruloUo ... printed OD the ANN B. SHARPLES EdItor .......... .. ciety" under the presl.de:ncy of Bishop mi5· sionary program on Sunday DlOnu.. ug li.s.tin g mem ber s f or act·iV·lt y dun·n g the rev1.e nTe hoaft tthilIeI · fOnnaDm. .1 0a nwdi t:. dd. ...e t ot tbe .. While. who held that office for forty-six at' 9.45. MIss GwendolYD Narbeth. the coming winter ••b llaher• ..utor OIId ...." '. .. _ar are: TlTUSJ.EWlG - .-........ yeam. missionary of the church, will .speak about The Literat~re Section will hold its fint p!':!.l&hu, .Am, B.' ShlUPle-.. Swartbmoze. Philadelphia was destined to be the ceo- hei work in Constaotin •• Algeria. . meeting of the ..... n at 8 o'clock De><! EdItor. Alt. B. 8harpl... sworthmoto, ler from which the lIl()~em .. t spread. . T.. ... Ch~ N tea 1I40Dday evening. October 14. at the dub P"::i. .... _. Tit .. ;So E.bI, Sw_ Branches were rapidly formed lD local rDU'o.7 0 house. Mrs. F. Norton Landon, chairman, more, Penu. ROSIA!oelIWE _DR.YD EN ch ch f th . d • ti d h ..... ur es 0 e vanous enomma ODS ~ The. first fall meeting of the Woman's .es~~ UY . d~·re s tha t tho se interested in po.t.a tioTnh, atI tt.h nea m_e _an d1 0I:I d(dUra a. .m..ue edt bb7e alf aeteo.d ... .- OD 1I4ay 13. 1817. these local schools umted A.;-:"._.will be held in the Parish House the Cmulating Book Club be. present at and 0100 Immedlot./7 thereu.der the -h.._ PhooeS_ __ _ t f uTh Sunday d Adult Sch I -.7 tbls "." and ad_ of .tockboIde. . ownIJJa or 0_ o . orm e an 00 on: Monday afternoon, October 14th, at mee~. ing ODe per cent or more or total IIIIlOUnt of £ataretl .. S.coad au. Matter. J....,. 24. Umon." Thus the work was extended to 2 1:1\ o'clock. I atack. H not oWDed b7 • corporatloo, the 1829. at til. P.t 011,* at Swartlua .... Pa., _tier tIL. Act of MarcIl 3. 1878. a dults ,many f · h first I . ed t d""" B _:- to Meet Monclav nam. . and ad ....... of the IodlYidoal ........ 0 W om f:8I11 o .... f!!B The Junior Woman's Auxiliary will meet ro ...... ___ I muat be idTeD. If owned by a firm. compaD7. through the agency of these schools. on' Monday evening, October 21st, at 8 Th B ni will res me meetings "ext or other unincorporated eon~m. Its ~id-.:J FRIDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1935 Dr Fergusson then traces the develop- • - • e row es u addre5llll. .. well .. thOle of each ... v ment' of O.rg&DlZ 8tinD from such local fed- o. 'cNloecwk mof litcheers Poafr isthhe HSouunsde.a y School in- M.o ndaSyc h aftIe rnoon at 3 o'clock at the member. Inust be !dveD.) The Eo .... of Bobert E. Sharpl ... Ii· th ugh the Internati naI Sunda I High 00 • I. That the known bondholder.. moriPlreel era DDS ro • a :y dude, William I. Cleaves, Treasurer; Ser- and other MCuritT holden ownlnc or holdlaa' School Association and Sunday School -gUnt B. Brewster, Jr. and Trevor Roberts, SHERIFF BALES 1 per cent Dr' more of tcltaI amo~t. of oon~. COMMENDS FIRE COMPANY th Edit • Council of the Churches to the final amal .. S· tart· SherUf"1 O«tee-, Court Roue.. morta'alra or other aecurltiea aft. (It there ToM aye I or. . ". naI ec:re es. Media. PenDa.. .re nonll!. 10 llate.) use the columns of the SWAIlm-1 gamation, In 1922, lOto the IntemaUo The Woman's Guild conducted a motor Saturda7. October 26. 1915 None . KOREAN' to thaak the Swarthmore Fire ~unda~ School Council of Religious Educa .. pilgrimage to Valley Forge on Tuesday. (~i!!.0~~da~·~e) J'1~D8T hth! ::aeetw:f r:::::.::. ~*t::; Company for the very prompt and efficient tion.. . I and HCurit)' holda'll. If atlJ'. contain. not. 01lly . hich th responded to the Tbe secoDd part of the hook sketches the Presbyterian Cbun:h Notes Conditio .. : $260.00 eooh or certllled eheo:k tha 'Ie. af ._old ... o.d eecurltT hoi ..... manner lD W ey • th Church Sch b _.,. da at thne of Iale (uuleu otherwbe efated In as they .ppear UpOn the boob of the eoDlpa117 recent call of fire at my home and the care- nse of e 001, olb WC\2l.· y da advertleement). Balance In ten dqe.. Other but aJao. in eMetI where the atoekboIder or f I m• which they bandied th. furnish- and on Sunday, with its progressive Dr. TutUe Is expected to return to y conditione on day of we. aeeurlt7 holder appears upon the .. ~bftdofl~ u way th ds f dminis' d cb from the Presbyterian Hospital, PhiIadel.. company .. truatee or in aD7 o~ ue ........ ings There was a very prompt response me 0 0 a tration an the anges . bUt f th Fi ri F las No. 164 relation the t1*tDe of the per'3On or corporation th o fir a1arm which no doubt saved in curriculum. The first step was to secure phis. where he has een a pa en or e e .. 8eIo_ber Term. 1.... for whom ,uch traotee 10 oetI~. 10 "'-;' to e e uniformity in the I ns t be taught last ten days while resting. All that eertaln tract of land litu&te in the allo that the ... Id two parqraphl conla 11 a Iv ery serious property damage. ~me d th th -:"~tb 0 wise In Dr Tutt'e's absence last Sunday the TowDllhlp of Marple. Counl)r of Delawdant~ ltatemnte embracing arr~ full lm'dledce . d th t th esidents of Swarth m or er at ere ~ e a gen.. ... • State of Penneylvania, boonded and eae and belief .. to. the eire _nees ap COQ-CODSl er a e r • • - era! oversight and direction of study. This pulpit was supplied by Rev. Luther DlDl .. accordin&, to a plan plotted September 110. ditions under .whleh lltoekholdeq and 1HeUl'itr' more are very fortunate m havmg so h· b . ...... t I th mitt of Swarthmore Place Mr DiJumitt 1926. b.J' Damon and Foeter. Civil En&'ineen. holdens who do not appear upon the booQ d .....t !Ii . t fir d artm nt avmg een won, 'mm __ 'a.e y ere was , • p. b • froa;a deed ... followe: . the eomp.1l7 all t.rutteel, hold etack ao e oen a e ep e. found the necessity for graded lessons As is one of the secretaries of the res ytenan Bea-Innfna at a point. a corner of land of ties in a eapaeitJ' othl!'l' than that of a bona HARVEY R. PIERCE. . B d f Ed ti William Wonall'lI btate. In line of land of flde owner; and thlll affiant .... no reuo. early as 1852, the Unitarian Board, under oar 0 7 u~ on.. WOllam Bria1: Ettate. _Dd ezlendln .. thence to btlJeve that .OJ' other penon~ ... eocfatloa. • the leadership of Edward Everett Hale had :rIte Men s Bible Class will open for the alol18' the lut mentioned land south flfUO.. or _ corporatlon h.. any intel'elt cI..iNct or in-_ BOOK OF LATE REV. E. MORRIS published such a series. In 1877 the Epls- ..... n De><! SUD~y.. }: :'ea:':.':::'..l0t::;d'':.~ 6::-':"~ ~':'~ ~e .~e'l.~ &;::"";' •• r other H<ur!- FERGUSSON. PUBUSHED copal Church Issued its "Joint Diocesan At the mornmg worship ne><! Sunday to be .......... to Orion L. Davfe; thence b7 G. That the ove"",. DUmber of COPI .. of . UHistoric Chapters in ChrIstian Educa- L essons" and · 1900 P ·d t Harper Mr W M Danner execuUve secr~tary of ...i d DavJs land the followlll8' threCOeUI'SM eaeh lune of tli,1a publication sold Or dlatrib-td 10 , resJ. en ," .' •• ' f Le ill peak ud dgtances. vb: South 4fty.two uled. throuah the malla or oth~ to pa . Ii·on .• . America." by the Iale Rev. Dr. of the University of Chicago (Baptist) I the Amencan M1SS1on 0 pers, w s . tbfrtJ' mlnutee Welt .Ix hondreci a .. d flttT and luNcrlben duriq the alx: mOUths P~!.p,~ E. Morris Fergusson, of Swarthmore, d aI bl trib ti ns The General The following officers have been elected thirtJ'-two one-hunck'edtba feet to • t!'rner: the ·elate ahown above lB-(~-'~~1o . pub· ma e v ua e con U a . f th Y P·I' S ·et. P 'dent north thlri7-one depee8 fifteen minu wee fa; required from dally pubUcawuQII vuq. I d Assembly of the Presbyterian Church ap· or e oung eop e s oc! y. resJ. J lour bnndftd .nd forly.four and nlnetT-be . ANN B. SHARPLES. Iished by Revell, is a most readab e an . ted ·tt· 1908 t" plan the Robert Erskine i vice.presidenl, Dorothy one.hundredtha feet to a corner;: and nth0Ph PubUsber and EdItor. valuable review of the progress of religious paID a comDll ee 10 R bert L 'ttl • illty-one de.-rees :litteen mJnuta eat rea S to d bs rIbed before me thla Ijt education in the Churches of the United work in that church and in 1913 the most Storm; secretary-treasurer, 0, I e, hundred and ef8'bb'-one and seventJr.three one. day w:lnoc~. ::15.c . "." d 'reb' k chairman of Membership CoDllDlttee, Ellen hundredthl feet to a corner of land now or PETER Eo TOLD. States and Canada. Dr. Fergusson was an mteresl.&U6Gan lCO:!n8 eDSlHve WO~_,. WdaRS Viehoever' Program Committee, Ellen Wil- latapf EDfoeEw0rre!.: theI I'c e ~~~~~': (117 commlAlon spirea Much 12. 18S!11.) author it y W h 0 wrot e out 0 f a I0 ng and doInie gati ' atr y' cti n • ade re,v iWtaal :a.·T hye Hams' M,i ssionary Comnu•t tee. Doto th ea oder grleaetsa 4(f) teenn ome. tnunteos mwe.e t nfOonnA hund•r ..e.,.d and -.. ===========;;;:::::::::::==:' dis"·-·:-~ed ·~n·ence He was an re ous IDS ru on was me. D dd' U • C m1ttee Ann Orr These ftf"--three and aeventJr-flve one--bundredtha fed EST.'TE OF FLORENCE S. ZIJOIEItJlAN actiuvueal .lpGaUr.t icipa-t1o"r"" in and an observer of Jm o.s.t pAr oamninn ean tM leetahdoedri swt amsi ntihsete rR inev G aDryr . of0fi cers; .lw.Y.&iUllS 1Cb e ainstmalled, n ext Sund.a y eve- Hto a~rr yo oHrnieprp loef; ltahnedn cneo wb yo r late of Estate of (Ide 01 Swarthmore, Delawaq CoQllt7. Pa.) .aid land ...... ~cn: • ..!r deeeaaed. . the movements which he. describes. • ....,.... v I • _1_... late of Estate or Hany Hippie, no.n.u lU. ..... - LE'l'TERS OF ADMINISTRATION CUIII • rts Tb He. at the suggestion of the principal of the &I.UI6' • one degrees Bf'teen mlnuttoe east four hun_ testame-nto annexo OD the above Batate have The book is divided mto two pa. e bli sch Is D Wirt called the local The Sewing CommIttee for the Bazaar dred .nd twent)r-nln8 feet to a wblte oak tree been granted to the undersiped. who request first section deals with the Sunday School pu c 00, r. , b h ld N ember 7 will meet next and north fifty-flve deareee eut one hundred all persona h.YiD8' claime or dem.anda .... lDat movement in America, which had its in- pastors into conference and within a year to e e ov t th h f Mrs and nlnetJr-four and levent)" one-hundredths the Estate of the deeedent to make known the th R nine churches and synagogues used the Tuesday afternoon a e ome 0 • feet to a corner: and north fOrt)"dt;°":"'~ lI&IDe. and all persoue indebted to the deeedent ception in Philadelphia. In 1788, e t. • d' Hervey Schumacher on Haverford Ave· west six hundred and twntJ' an 0 of ~~ to make payment" without dela7. to JIarion Rev. Willi·am Wh·,t.. recently consecrated time allotted for religious education unng C F N' d 114 J S hundredlhll feet to • point ~ • comer tho AI'-. Admlnlotratrb: Co to. ... 110 South scb I h u nue. Mrs. . . Dyes an rs... now or late ot John L. Farra: tbenee by e yu the first American Bishop in the Anglican 00 0 IS. B t the chairmen of this committee. said land now or tate or John 14 Farra. Cheater Road, SwartJunore. P .. IiDe. prop"sed to the Vestry of Christl In 1930 some four thousand Sunday a es aregu\ae .; .... tI' f th Young Men's north alxty.three de&Teell east ab:: hundred:':: 0jot'n hS::ot!!toAd::;, Bag. Church, of which. with St. Peter's, he S ch I k th d t the great con The r r mee~ 0 e fortyooeight and forty.five one-hundredth8 00 wor elS ga ere a .. CI b scheduled for the coming Tuesday has to a corner of l.nd now or late 01 Phoebe John B. Miller, Esq. still rector. that the work of vention in Toronto. They represented the bUt ed eek and wm be held Farra: thence hy eaid land now or lafte WOf 14B8~'10ad'dTlCbtle. .lI 1Jt.~td(..~. .. Bp~~.r:.: d Ch ch Sch I departmentalized een pas pon one VI , Phoebe Farra .nd land now or late o. .-.-.. Raikes, of Gloucester, England, mo em ~r d d00dmi.n !s' t red t .' at the church Tuesday, October 22, when Edward MUleI' and M. Rebec!ea,. hialwU..e . ...,u~ P.. 9-21-8T lig•to us edu cat io n b e 5 tarte d. • Boo op. gt radtehd' eqnuslUpptuee ncayn ofa the chuer ches 0 fgroIvme Mr. Robert Ha.lg , 0 f Ogd en Av eune, will atwixe nhtuyn.edfrgehdt .nddeg tf"oeeullr tefeonr tayn-db es ixmty n-tuh ree oenMe - ~;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;:; called together a group of influential o. e co ld d t 'train be the speaker. All young men of the nundredthiJ· feet to a pointi thenee by land th the distinguished childhood to o. age, an a equa e· ti asked to reserve this date of .. Id Illller'1 the followln&, fourf COT ~_: zens, among em . • th f ndamentals of the Christian congrega on are • and described: South ten dqt'ees oriy- ve "'Thf.!t'C is no Ruch tlling as siclan Benjamin Rush, a Universalist; two Ing m e u d b th ds The Woman's Association holds its first minutes eaat. one hundred and elg-M.:I.n ':~ I ' faith in a language an y me 0 .:_8 f the season tod!lV Sewing will .nd eeventy. .f lve one-h~n~~.. ... !~.:...eeJ:. ~ '1';1 1 J 0 "'• • t d t th· ".-.1;· ........... Rv·.religious JDeeo..l..U6 Q,. . :'f".,. . torf.7-ehr~ ~ MIllo one '"lUI .. , LH',. I .~a. n. it.a.•,... ".. , ' JfP~.--= .-.. be_: . .:; lt..j. o!,U. • 3HP.P e 0 eJr sev'?",!~ti'1 be done for the Needlework Guild and for forty_thre.e and fifty-fiVe! one-hund U'I! [~'''. t 0Ul' education has come an lDsplra on or wor- N b B r Mrs Alden Q south eighty-one degrees. thirty minut~" ea_ t J po ship and a desire for Christian service. Dr. the ovem er chaza8 h· t' . one hundred and- 1lfty.two thand nln..d .}.'- fidlf.' ! Fergusson has m• terpreted ·It s real purpose.• Davis is the lun eo,n os ess. gorneee-ah uenaderte dththres e feheutn:d raendd .h50dU elft.hetvy .e. tnh ree aned .. FRANK'S BARBER "Every Church a School in Christian Liv.. JUDI·or Club Op__ sixty-three oneo-bundrroth8 feet to the fl.1 n' SHOP • ~.... menUoned point and pl.ce of beg{nn ng. mg." Contatnlne twenty-alx and one--tenth more or (Note.-The above review was made for The Junior Club held its opening meet- Jess acrea. th ~-h" d "'rivUse the SWARTHMOIlEAN b y the .R ev. J . Jarden ing on Tuesday evenm. g, Oc to b er 8 . After of Tao gcetahretrw .wyi tfhr om at.he ~ premuissees. n! n ~(l ueat Io n Guenther, rector of Trinity Church, a long business meeting news was flashed to Cedar Hollow road as 1'T80 .... b • .0M0r:! I. the CLEANEST Shop in Swarthmore ." ' .. ~ i Swarthmore, and secre t ary 0 f the Depart- over Station GAB of Sw ar thm ore. This acnadm pc onbfyir mdeeedd udnattoe d AFnedbreruwa ry n2o8 , '178 57, a'Dd ment of Religious Education of the Diocese program was arranged hy Miss Katharine recorded In Deed Book M. No. 2, page 251. ~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~ • ) No improvements. Vacant J'l'Qood. of Pcnnsylvam-a-. --<.~- :B;O;Oth~.==:::::::::7.::::=::::=~~='iill anSdo lGd eartsr utdhee Bprli'eokpeerr.t yh ioef wWifiel.l iam R. Bricker Methodist Church Notes I SINCERE SERVICE I WILLIAM K. RHO~~~~~ECHIN, CASH PRICES FOR ALMOST 60 YEARS Sherlft. The newly elected organist and director, LIVER H BAIR CO STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGE-Lowell 114. BroomaD. will preside at the 0 • _ MENT. CIRCULATION. ETC.. REQUIRED "rgaD and direct the choirs in the services . FUNERAL DIRECTORS I Bettendorf BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUG-EJFective for October Rice ... $ 6.50 IlwID · ~._ Buck.. 7.75 on Sunday. Mr. Brooma . gIye an M A.6AIR. Pmld.nt Of The Swartbmorean, puhliahed weekly at "rgan recital OD Sunday eveDlDg at 7.45. . RIT.l·S81-RACE 1110 Sw.rthmo"" Pen ••.• for O.tober 1. 1 •••• S h "~!~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;:;~ I playing Schubert's "Unfinished ymp ony, SCloautnet )"o fo fP eDnenlsa,w.lvaaren,l a, Pea 8.75 ........ ~ ... 0- ,---1~,-" . Quality at Medium PrIce "Serenade" and "Ave Maria." H NE''17S ... P.rlect HeatlD.& at Low Coat The sermoD theme of Dr. Wayne Chan- CHURC I" Bel';)re me. a Notary Public in .nd for the WM. S. HOBBS nell in the morning and evening services TRINITY CBUllCR Spetaarteed . anAdn n count)" aforesaid, penon.lly aD'" B. Sharples. who. baving been Nut. 10.50 Stove 11.00 ~====S~warthm=~=o:re=~1~8~8~8~~=~~~~~:==::~=::========11 Cheater PRrootaede taalaltd ECploeClle!osp_a l Avenue dthualyt sswheo mIs atcheeo rdEindgit otro aIn.wd , Pduepboilseeha ear nodr Btahne Rector; Swarthmorean. .nd that the followlnB la, to F 0 0 T B A L L Rev J Jorden Guenther, S.T.M .. Rector the best of her knowledge and belief ... true Egg. 10.50 Coke 8.55 Rev: T: A. Merywea.ther, Dir. Rei. Edue. 8'00 A. X-Holy Communion. G' RAP E S 9:"5 A. X'-Sunday School and Bible Cl8SB. . WASHINGTON COLLEGE 11;00 A. M:-Mornlng P"",er a.d Senno •• Mr. Guenther will preach. VAN ALEN : BROS. COAL vs. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE ON SWARTHMORE FIELD Saturday, October 12th, 2,30 P. M. Admisaion--$I.00 Plus Tax Next Home Game--Dickinson, October 19th IMMEDIATE DEUVERY COME IN FOR YOUR STATE INSPECTION NOW J !~lIiMIEStJ)RIEI to I ~ DISPENSING OPTICIANS .. ~IJ.I CHESTNUT ST •• PHILADEI.PH IA. Inc. Specialists in the making and 6Hing of Eyeglasses and Spectacles. JOSEPH E. HAINES. President. NOW RIPE swA RTIDIOBE PRETSIlBEY TERIAN CHURCH JusCtO OLfAf FMEiMddIleNtoAw nV RINoaEdY AbeRtwDee n. '"Good to the last shovelful" lIeY. ;Saho Ella.. '\"oWe. .."'10.... Uma ODd Gradyville Call Swarthmore 10412 SUNDAY 10 'OO-Sunday School. Women·s Class, Dr. ii;;;;;;P~HVOV~NAE~ TM~ECD~HlA~ F6~4O6~ RR~.Sl~ I~GN~;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ · Clewell. The Men's CIIlSiS open for the season. U-OO-Morning Worship. Address by Mr. W. • !rI. Danner, Executive Secretary of the American Mission to Lepers. S:Oo--Girls" .nd Doya' Choir rehearsal8. _ 'l:OO-The Young People. Robert Eraklne leads. FRIDAY . '1 :So-Monthly meeting of the Session With Dr. Kline. SWARTB1l0RE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH REV. WAYNE CHANNELL. D. D. Putor 9 ·.eli A M.-Sunday Sehool. U ~oo A: M.-"OpenlnJ' the Windows." "'00 P. M.-Epworth League. ";45 P. M.-Opening organ recital by Mr. Brooman. Subject of Sennon: "Cheerful .. ness." ~ RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY .. 9 :"5 A. M.-First Day School in Whittier House. 9 '''5 A M.-Morntng Forum-Janet payne • • Whitney wlll lead discuAion. 11 :00 A. •• -lIeet:1Da' for Wonhlp III the lleetlna Boase. WEDNESDAY 1'80 A. JI. to 1:10 P. x.-8ewlDIJ and QuIlt;. 'lq In. WhiUler B~ Jkm: l~cheoD. All Cordlall:r laYited FIRST CHlIRCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. OF SWARTBlIORE Pull A_a below !Ionard 11;00 A. JI.--SundQ SellooL. Ott 11,00 A. M.-&m_ ~.~ea ch week. 8 Wec1a1!!lldaÂ¥ eveniq m~ m. Readlu room opea. dalb'. ueept Sun- Columbus Took a Chance! you bear it often, in defense of those who take needless risks, but those who have tried similarly risky ventures and failed are seldom mentioned. Columbus was succ:esaful; his was one of the few gambles in history which ended well For most of us it is the COJllel"V&Âlive venture which end~esafulIy. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY This Bank Will be Closed AU Day Saturday, October 12, It n end holidays 1 to , p. 11.; Churdl edifice. Co1umba Day. . 11.==============================:0:1 .8,.~ are eordiallJ' Invited to attend .e ..... 11!:==============================011 and aM the a_dine Room. ",
---------- Page 5 ----------
•. . ; 4 NEWS NOTES I side at 110 Park Avenue thiS winter. whDe .. I Dr. Brandfield attends postgraduate <ounes Dr. and Mrs Fronds Harper and <bll- at the University of Pennsylvania. dren. Robin. Molly aod Lucy Lee. formerlY/ Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Steele and family of Yale Avenue. who returned to Swarth- removed early this week from 307 LafayÂmore last Friday. after a month at Spray ette Avenue to 512 North Chester Road. Beath. N. J .• left the following day on M baa B S'th b b bee 11m SWARTHMOR£AN Wayne MosteUer, of Park Avenue, aDd Wallace Steigleman, of' Waverly' Avenue, assistant dUefs of the Swarthmore Fire Department, have returned from the Volunteer Firemen's State ConvenUoD held last week In ConneJlsvlDe. Pa. Rydal. where- tbere Is an espodally beauÂtiful rock garden. Thase who are interested In going may <ommunlcate with Mrs. Edwin A. YarnaD. of Kenyon Avenue. • To Addraa Quaker Laden OCTOBER 11, ISH Con.., auy. Prep School Gym • About a week 180 Swarthmore CoJlege added to its recent purdlases of the other Prep School buildings, the gymnasium of the former school, which Is Ioc:ated on Har-their trip to the Okefenokee Swamp. In vlsI~ he. MJJ JJ it wB 0 S ":'th ~ southern Georgia, where they will spend I . . _er SOD, r. . . DU , 0 the winter stud' the wlld life of that RivervlOw Road. for the past two weeks. region· ymg left Sunday to return to her bome in San I Elected COuDty Lesioa omc. vaid Avenue just olf Ch .. ter Road, almost Desn H",rold E. B. Spelght. of Swarth- behind the <orner buDding. The surround-more College. will address the Conference Ing d also· -Lased d wID . Francisco, Cal. 'Robeit T. BaJr, of Cornell Avenue, WBI eletted Sergeant-at-Arms of the American of Quaker Headmaster& at Camp Dark groUD was pu,,;.. an Wa t ers. N . I • tmL;'_> wee k-end.· be used in <Qnnec:tion wi!!> the college Mn. Troyer Andenob. of Swarthmore. M F auk S'th I K A Legion County Comndtlee at a m .... R & aod Mrs W land H Ebb f Walling <s. r no. 0 enyon venue. ...... ford ani. . .:itertalned theirree"':1ng grOu; left tbls week with ber mother. Mm .. AnnIe held last Friday nigbt in the Clayton T. • Dorothy Delzer to Speak at luocheon on Wednesday at the home Thompson. 01 Glou""ter, M..... for Sndth Po.t at Media. of ...~ . Ebbree. Bulfa'b. N.• Y .• wbere they will .pend a Mr. Bair. who Is a past commander and An imj>orlant meetln!! in the interest of D1.. week or 80. adJull!nt of the Harold Ainsworth Post, peate \VIII be held Monday. October 14. at Mr. aod Mril. Louis W. Wheelock, of SwatUlIDore. has served on the county FCol1ins ~aD'l the aUditorium 01 Sleighton Park aod Harvard Avenues, sailed Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Van A1en. of comndlt .. lor three yean. artn 9 ... bO for GIrls, Darlington, DeIa-day oil the "Noniiandie" for a two months' Park Avenue, had as their guests last • ware Counly. trip abroad. Visitln!! among other <Guntrl .. week-~nd !'Ir. and Mrs. lobo HardiiI, of Lecion Card Party October 28 Dortlthy Detzer, execuUve secretary of England, Fran<e aod. Germany. Mrs. I. Atlantic C.ty, N •. J. the Women', InterilaUonai League. who bas The Harold Ainsworth Po.t. Amerl<an Just ~tUrned f - E· wID peak Paul Brown. 01 Walnut Lane. and Mrs. . L· d AualIia wID h Id th • 0< ro~ urope. s • J bb E Filtk . f WaIUlIgf rd Among those from Swarthmore who at- eglon, an ry, 0 etr an- The train rea<hIng Darlington Statioll ..:mod Mr. aft~ :':n: Wheel~' to"':: tended the Prlh<eloll-l'eliil!yl'lllnia foot- nual Hallowe'en card party ~t the Strath at 7.26 will be met. If ybu go by car Y L W-~"~~- I ball RaiDe at PrIn.elOn N. I. last Sa.tur- haven Inn on Friday e\-thing. October take IIa1Umoi'e Pike through Media to or. .. on cuu~y. day were: Mr. and M'n . F'.w '• Luchrlng. 25Mth ' j.u nc:..u..1 bll b f .A.O Ute I and 352 (Blad< ltorae Mr. and Mrs. W. A. h. Hobbs .... ho 01 River\tlew Road; Dr. and Mrs. E. I. rs. I. PaUl Brown, of WalJlllt Lane. Tavern). Turn right and pro<eed abollt have been vislUiIg their ..,11 and daugbter- Men:er. Timmy and David Merter. of Is <bairtnlln of the <omndttee, which in- three ndl .. to road on left marked "To in·Ia .... Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hobbs. North Chesttr Road. and John KIstler. dudes: Mrs.OsoIt. I. GU<tel!st~ M;.'. Sieighton Farms." Swarthmore people un-of Yale Avenue. for the past Inbitth. left of t'atk Avehue. Paul D. Williams. Mr. George Gillesp.e, able to gn by train or automobile may this week for Cleveland. Obio. before re- Mr •. Albeb T: Eavenson, 2bd. and Mr. arrange for transportaUon by telephonillg turning to their home iu MialnI. Ft.. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall, of George F. Fenno.. Mri. i!ugene StaUings. Swarthmore 1566-1. Kenyon Avenue. entertained last Satur- Litst year there \vete IIfty-elght tables phylJls Dana. of Elm Avenue. who re- day evening iu tt!lebl-aUon of their fortieth and it is hoped to have ab even larger «nllt underwent an operaUon on one 01 wedding aiui\vetsary. Their guests were nbmber pr ..... t this year. To Bqiii PaYilta LUayette Ave. her· ankJ .. at Tl!mple Universlty HospItal. Mr. alid Mrs. Bucher Ayres. Mr. aod Mrs. • Philadelphia •. returned to school bn Mon- Edw",d M. Boyd. Mr. IIIId Mn. Ralph 3 Miwe HoUM aJid Gudell Daya Notification has been received trom the day . WPA that work wID be begun on Friday. . Din!tnore, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Sawyer, There ate three rtmain;ng "House and October 11, on the paving of Lafayette Ioseph Coliins. 01 Guernsey Road, en- M .... HUbld Bam .. and MIss Nellie Col- GBiden Days" sPOnSored by the Pennsyl- Avenue. insla\Jlng a storm sower at the tertainell Ibe members of the Swarthmore 1Ins. • vania League of Women Voters, the houn foot 01 Kenyon Avenue, and other misÂHigh S<hool Varsity FootbaD Team last This m01l1b also marks Mr. and M.... 01 opening tb... very unusual ... tates to <ellaneous work. About thirty workmen Frldlly. Yarnall's twenty-niuth year as residents the members of the League and their friends are expected. of Swarthmore. being from 2 until 6 o'dock in the after- Mn. ·S~bt Walter, 01 North Chester Road, with her cousin, Mrs. W. Clinton Coleman. of Chestnut lfiII, and Mrs. FranÂces Barney, of Rose Valley, are motoring in Virginia. They plan to spend Saturday at Stratford, where the Lee homestead is to be dedi<lted as a naUonai shrine. Mrs. Aifred E. Longwell. of Lafayette Avenue. was recenlJr tailed to Brookllne, M..... by the death 01 her father. Mr. H. F. Robenoll. ~- Mable Swint Ewer and Nathaniel Ewer, Jr., formerly of Swarthmore, now of Fort Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fricke, of WaI- Lauderdal~, Fla., rectnUy were guests at a linglord. plan to entertain with a house buffet supper. given by Mrs. Theodore party at Skytop over the week-end in' Bailey, f?rmer Swarthmorean, now living Ferris Thomsen Cottage. . I at Miami Beach. Fla. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Merriam and daugh- Miss Hannah Sndth. ~augbter of Mr. tel,' Jean Mackenzie Merriam, of Swarth-I and Mrs. Henry L. Smtth, of Stratford more Avenue have returned home from a Road, Wallingford, has been made a visit at their farm "Glen Roy" Glen Spey Student Librarian Assistant at Colby Junior N. V., spending the week-end 'at Skytop ~ College, in New London, N. H.t where she the:Poconos. is a senior. nooll. On October 15 the opening of the bouse. garden and studio 01 Miss Violet Oakley. McCallum and St. George Road. Chestnut Hill, is the rare opportunity tendered the League by MIas Oakley. Member.! of the PhDadelphia Leasue will ad as host ...... On Oc:tober 22 Rodman E. Gristom opens to the Leasue his beautiful bome and <onÂservatory on Hogys Ford Road. Gladwyn, a short drive beyond Ardmore. A special feature 01 this visit will be the presence of the architect, Mr. Edmund B. Gilchrist, at 4 P. M., to conduct the party through the estate and' explain its special features. As Delaware County will furnish the . Public l..brary Houn We bave been asked to repest tbe houn of the library in Its temporary quarters on the third 1I00r of Borough HaD. Adult books wID be issued on Monday and Wednesday.aftemoons and Saturday mornÂing, aJid children's books on Saturday afternoon. Please note there will be no hours on Wednesday mornings. READERS DIGEST Should Be ;a Every Home $3.00 per Year $5.00 for 2 Year. SuhscrlptiOll. for ALL Ma.azlne. hostesses for this O«aslOD, it is hoped MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN athleU< field. No purpose has been de- VIsed. as yet. for the buDding. . You can hay. a 1.1.ÂphOD. In you bom. for lea. than a cUm. II dcrt. T 1-1 f_ f-I! 1 I T L L t. I' H 0 r~ E CI~~.1P 0\ \.',' ()f PEN'iSY 1 VANJ A ~rs. William Gaede will arrive Monday on the "Europa,-rr--uaveliii'"g lroni her former home in \Vestphalia, Germany, to join her husband and three daughters in their new homet 423 Harvard Avenue. Miss Sndth is doing the work as a laboratory course, .pr~y~caUo~ in its ~Âtent. that there will be a large delegation frC!m Swarthmore 1383 .. W 313 Dartmouth Ave. the county. If sufficient notice is given, _~ ______________________________ _ transportaUon will be fumlshed. Mr. and Mrs. Iohn Ayrault. Ir .• 01 Tonawanda, N. Y., with their daughter, Evelyn, were the guests of Mrs. Ayrault's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. West, of North Princeton Avenue, from last Saturday until Wednesday of this week. Both she and Miss Mary EIJen Mercer, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Mercer, of North Chester Road, Swarthmore, have been taken into the College Glee Club. The list! visit' ~iII'-be' td :"~Kangarty /" the most beautiful and unusual estate of Mr. William S. Peace, on Hampton Road, RESOLUTION • Miss Mary K. Chapin. of 110 Park Ave-I Girl. Seout News nue, will leave on the 12th, to spend a . couple of weeks with friends in Berryville'l Troop ~o. 6 will meet at 9.30 tomorÂVa., before going to Chicago, where she row morrung, Saturday: October 12, at the expects to spend the winter. home of Mrs. F. A. Child, 314 Vassar Ave- I nue. The Scouts should come prepared Dr. and Mrs. Ira J. BrandlieId, of for a luncheon hike and bring carfare and Frederick, Md., and their family, will re- du~. "BE CONSULT TOUR TEll PHON I DIRICTORY OR YOUR LOCAL ~OPPIRI DIALIR COMFORTABLE WITH KOPPERS· A HAPPY UFE-tbe goal of all. PURE FOOD--life's peated necessity. Pennc:rest'a Pure Milk, A BI ESSING IN A B01TLE. It WIll belp you travel oa THE HAPPY HIGHÂWAY OF HEALTH. . ---- ~--------------- ------- --~- -~- WHEREAS the Borough of SwarthmoM deÂsirea to improve Lafayette AvenUe" between Princeton and Harvard Avenues hy the setÂting 01 curba and paving of the cartway, and providing the neeElf5.88ty drainage thereof i and WHEREAS due to the lateness of the seuon an emergency exists, requiring' a shortening' of the periocJi lor advertising for bids lor material and/or services in connection there-. with: NOW THEREFORE it is hereby expressly declared that an emergency exiab requiring that the said work of improving Lafuette Avenue be begun at the earliest possible moment, therefore btds for any materiaJ. equipment and/or services required In conÂnection therewith shall be advertised in the Swarthmorean once. and shall be opened at a public meeting of Council. regular or special, held one week thereafter. Passed this ninth day of October. 1985. (Seal) J. AltCHER TURNER. President of Council. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON, Borough Secretary. Approved: October 10. 1935. JOHN H. PITMAN. BUl'B'e8lI. EMERGENCY PROPOSAL Staled bids will be receIved by the Borough of Swarthmore in Council Chambel". Borough Hall. Swaribmo:'e, Pa., on Oc:tober 18, 1986, at 7.45 P. M •• lor 8upplylng approximately five hundred and fifty gallons ot hot asphalt to be used in the construdlon of apPl'Oxi ... mately seventeen hundred and fifty square yards of bitUininoua concrete llaving. Bids are to be strictiy in ac:c:ordance with specifications. a COllY of whieh may be 0 .... tained. without charge, from the undenti&"ned in Council Chamber. Park Avenue, SwarthÂmore. Pa. The Borough reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ELLIOTT RlCHARDSON. Borough Secretary. EMERGENCY PROPOSAL Sealed bids wiH be received by the Borough of Swarthmore in Council Chamber. Borough Hall. Swarthmore. Pa .• on October 18, 1986. at 7.46 P. M., for SUpplying approximately seven hundred tons of crushed rock In alzes ranging from 2%" to ecreenings. Bids are to be strictly in aeeordance with 8peeifieations. a eopy of which may be ob-Âtained. without charge. from the undersigned in Council Chamber, Park Avenue, SwarthÂmore, Pa. A certified cheek tor one hundred dollars must accompany eaeh bid. The BorouJ;:"h r('Serv('S the right to reject any or all bids. ELLIOTr RICHARDSON. Borough Secretary. EMERGENCY PROPOSAL Sealed bids will be received by the Borough of Swarthmore in Council Chamber. Borough Hall, Swarthmore,. Pa •• on October 18, 1936. at 7.45 P. M •• for aupplylng approximatel;p twelve hundred lineal leet of straight granite ('urblng and approximately one hundred leet of radit18 granite curbing. Bids sre to be strictly in accordance with specifications. a copy of which may be 0 .... tained. without chanre. from the undersigned in Council Chamber, Borough Hall. SwarthÂmore. Pa. A certified cheek for one hundred do'lan mWit attom.pany each bid. The Borough reserves the right to rejee1: any or all bids. ELLIOTI' RICHARDSON • Borough Stoereta.:y. COAGULATION CoaguIaaion is the fint step in a settling pl'OOO88 removing particles of earth and forcign matter from the water. It is one of the many steps taken by the Philadelpbia Suburban Water Company to insure you of a plmaiful supply of elear, safe water. Congulaaion is accomplished by the introduction of alum, which forms a gelatinous doc.. SedJ~mentaÂtion then takes place during the slow p&88age of this water through n basin in ,..hich it is retained for several hours. The particles of gelatinous floe attach to themselves the heavy particles of earth and the combined m&88 sinks to the bottom. Alum was fint used 88 a coagulant for the clnri. fieation of water by the Cbinese years and years ago and bas been in constant use ever since. This is the twenty-first of a series of instruetive narratives dealing with the wonders of nnture and humnn accomplisbments whicb make it possible for you to bave a plentiful 8npply of water at all times. Look for thc next narrative in this paper two weeks &om today_ ft~ERTIFIED WATER PEDIGREED STREAMS" ~~~v=~~~~~THE~~~~~~THM~=O=REAN==~ ______________________________________ .S Friencll,. Circle Nat Thunday orb- .Ior. of Parit Ann ... : .......... tho OCTOBER ll, 1935 .- CLASSIFIED FOR RENT ;OR !tENT-Attractlye .ulh!-, abo ""' .. belor apartment. warm. ,unR)". 'Print. lamIb'. . 'l'e:lepbone: Swarthmore Ilt-W. FoR RENT-Sunll7, newly decorated room. fireplace. Good bome cookiq. Reuonable. !<II Collefl' AVeDue.. Telephone: Swuthmore ;~o~R' --R-E-N-T- -s.-aa-tl-fu-1-1-7 --fl-m-Il-oh-e-d- -.-U-_- roam. beclroom and printe, bath ffJr two ,ent.leme.... TelephoDe: Swarthmore 2012. ;OR RENT--310 Elm Avenue, one bait of two lunlb" houae. lour hedrooma •. '" per month. Albel't N. Garrett. Swarthmore .89# PenlQ"" packer 444,2_ FOR BENT .Furnilhed. 1OOm# print. home. convenient to buln ... dbtriet. Reasonable.. Laundl7' Included. BhUt ..... if d.lrecL au Dartmouth Avenue. FOR REN't-Attractive modem apartment: living room, bedroom, kitchenette. bath. Telepbone: Swarthmore 12.f-M between G and 'I P. II. . FOR RENT-Sub-Iet furnlahed apartment. two bedrooms# .mall liviD&' room, dinette, Idtehen, bath, porch ..... ~ Private. modern. TeleÂphone: Swarthmore 176-W. FOR SALE FOR SAL~Player plano with fifty choice rolls. Good condition. Telephone=- Swarth .. more 2062. . J.·OR SALE-Beneflt Mount Holyoke College Scholarship Fund. If 70U al'8 bU)inlr fall bulbs lrom Dreers. »laee yoUr order with :Mrs. Waldo E. FiBher, 600 Harvard Avenue, Swarib .. more 169O-W. FOR SALE-Red PenlaD JdtteDl. four months, line pedigree, beautiful coat. healthy, lively. $7.50. Telephone: :Media 16U-W. WANTED WANTED-Let the Opportunity Shop. 868 Main Street, Darby, sell ),oor uaed clothing. . Especia1ly n~~: ,men's .~ita- and overeoat.a, women's winter coata. children's clothi1)l' all kinds. For infonnaUon, telephone: Madison 4562. .•. . . WANTED-One . set ot· Compton's EncycloÂ. pedla,) ablo' large size: doll hoU!e. Reply Boi L, Swartbm,orean. :' WANTE:t)..:....Woman ,w .. nb. work of any kind, by the day. Loci.' reference. Telephone: Swarthmore 811 late ih afternoon. . : 'PEJ{SONAL-NeeF iellao)e·:·makls,· wait- dinÂnel'll in eveninR'. general housework, and one laundress. Sl~ out. Call or write 1520 W. 8th. St... 'Re.ar.' Ch~ter. Pa. . FOR CAREFUL BUYERSI Every Modem Improvement Uled 507 N. CHESTER ROAD ,13,750 OPEN SUNDAY A1r-condltioned, 011 heat. . Uv:laa Roam 18 feet by 27 feet, 2 fireplace., 2 en.cllHleci porch_. model'D kitchen. 4 bedrDom. and dreaslD. room, 2 tile haths. maid'. room and bath, 2_car aat'al'e. lot 112 ft. x 170 ft. See or Phone ROBERT T. BAlR. Number 211 . The regular monthiy meeUng of the Friendly CIrc:Je will be held next ThursÂday afternoon. October 17. It 2 o'dod; at the home of Mrs. Benjamin W. CoDins. 406 Swarthmore Avenue. Mrs. Charles Bolten wID be <a-hostess. • Alexander McCurdy \VIII present an organ recital at the Vesper Service this Sunday evening at 6.30 in Clothier MeÂmorial. Swarthmore CoUege. AD friends 01 the CoDege are weltome at th... weekly meetings. • ~. arc of • clrele cunl.Q" to the left with radht. of 12.15' the arc dlataDCe of H.06' to a point. of tall8ellq In the DOrtMrlJ' elll'b line of Lala:rette AYenue. thatce atendinc DOrth 80· 42' eut. 188.20' to a pOint of cunature and thence mantua to the left alooa the are of a circle baYbur a nella. of 12.5' the arc cibtaDee of 11,21' to a polDt of ta~ in the westerl, eurb line. 01 Oberlin AftnDe. N.rtllerIT cut. f... OMdia t. IlarnnJ A.,.ea ... Beainnq at a point In the .. ter~ curb line ot Oberlin Avenae .us.2# south of the ...atherl,. .Ide of Dartmouth AYn_ (ext.nded): tbence canIDa to the left alone the are 01 a circle ba.,.m. a radlUli ot 12.15# the arc dbtance of 11.11' to a POint of taneency: thence ext.ndlne south 68· 11# u..t 218.&2' to a point of curvaÂture: thence eurvillS' to the lett ala .... the are of a circle havl.... • r&cUua of 12.6' the arc distance of 8.8' to • point of lanPDCY In the northerb' eurb line of Harvard Avenue. The monthiy·meeUng of the W. C. T. U. SECTION 2. The official ....... of that will be. held at. the home of Mrs. Harv"" PDp rtlon of LafayetlA!: Annue about; to beo Im- R - ... ~ roved .shall be as tollow.: • Pierce, 109 South Princeton Avenue Gnde of 8oathel'l7 Cum n~t Wednesday afternoon, October 16. at Commencinc at a point of curvature In 3 o'clock. the easterly curb line of Prineeton Av~ AD nue which point ta 672.2' north of tho interested in the cause of temperance northerly Itde of Park Avenue,. at an eJe. are cordially invited to attend. vatlon of 117.10' above the Bol"OU8"h • datum: thence descending to a point of . Chairman ~or B •••• - tangency in the southerly curb Une of 1"' _ Lafll7eUe AvltDue at an elevation of Mrs. E. D. Brauns, of Rutgers Avenue is chairman of the committee in charge of the dinner in connection with the Bazaar which the Woman's Association of the Presbyterian Church will hold on NovemÂber · 7. Mrs . .J. V. S. Bishop, of Harvard Avenue, is chairman in charge of the Bazaar. The home of Dr. Frank S. Gillespie, at the <orner of South Chester Road and Harvard Avenue,. Swarthmore, has been selected by Architectural Forum for in .. c~usion in its collection of 101 of the finest small houses built in America in recent years . Two pages in the October Forum are exclusiveTy devoted to,this,house'which was designed by Rithard W. Me<askey. These pages' include both interior' and exterior views as well as a complete construction outline. Weight Certifieate Required For the information and protection of borough residents the SWARTHMOREAN' is publishing the foUowing informaUon which the state requires that every person delivÂering solid fuel bave on a weight <ertIIiÂcate issued by a licensed weighmaster: "In pounds the weight, kind and size of the solid luel. "The name of the seller~ "The name of the purchaser. 116.55'; thence by a uniformly deacendÂIn.. grade along laid southerly curb Une of Lafayette Avenue the dl8tance of 381.85' to a point of curvature at an elevation of 107.70';: thence by a deaeend ... Ing grade alOng" said curb line curving to the right the distance of 85.("1' to a point at an elevation of 107#: thence continuÂing by the .. me curve b,. aD ascending grade the distance ot 85' to & point of tangencY at an elevation of 107.1#: thence at a Uniformly ascending grade alon&- laid aoutherly curb Une the distance of 186.6'1' to a point of curvature in the southerly curb line of Lafayette Avenue. which point ia at an elevation or 108.1'1';: thence at an ascending grade alon&' laid curb line curving to the right with radius of 12.6' the dlatance of 28.68~ to a lloint of tan~ney In the northWesterly curb liD') of Harvard Avet;lue. whieh point is at an elevation of 109.11# abcve the Borough datum. Grad. of Northeri7 Cllrh Line Between Prineeton AnRlItI and Oberlin Annae Beginning at a point of curvature In the easterly curb line of Princeton Avenue (extended) at a distance of 620.15# north of the northedy side of Park Avenue. at an elevation at 118.69' above the Borough datum; thence at a descending grade aJob&" said curb Une curving to the Jeft to a point of tangeney In the north curb line of t..fayette Avenue. which point Is at an elevation of 116."4'; thence along said curb line at a Uniformly deseendlng grade the diatanee or 888.20· to a point of curvature at an elevation ot 10'1.80'. thence along Baid curb line curving to the lett at a descending grade the distance of 1'1.21' to a point of tangencY in the westerly curb line of Oberlin Avenue at an elevation of 107.20#. Grade of Nortberb' Carh Line lrom OherUn A.,.enne 10 Hanard Annue Beginning at a point of curvature in FOR RENT "The license number of the vehicle. the easterly curh line of Oberlin Avenue at the diatance of 428.2' Bouth of the southerly side of Dartmouth Avenue. at an elevation of 10'1' above the Borough datum; thence along Bald curb line curv_ ing to the lelt at a descending grade the dlstanee of 18.81' to a point of tangency in the northerly. curb line of Lafayette AveDue at au . ..,..Uon of .. 106.9!.;· thence eouth 69· 11' east at a uniformly aecendÂIng grade the distance of 288.52' to a point of curvature In said northerly curb line of Lafayette Avenue at an elevation of 107.81' above the Borough datum. SECTroN 3. The Borough Engineer fa IIedroo _ ~cThe _ sig~t1:l!"e of .the., lic~ weigb- DweIU~~~ ......... ~, -'i:n~""" wham""wi'Std:---·· " -. -'::-:.::;""-," 2 h.aths. a.,age; l'-"._~ lot; $70 a mODiL UJ ~' "In all cases the weight certificate shall E.. C. WALTON SWARTHMORE, PA. SALE $7 .OOG-Sev'e.. Roo~. Hardwood Floors, Fireplace, r;.r.e Lot. 2-Car_ .Caraca• 6-Room Bun.alow. Lot 75 by 200. 2_Car a..r .. e. WM. S.BlTTLE S .... tlamor. 111.J NoUuy PubUc - In,urance - Real E.tate RENT 1. $3O--Dartmouth Ave.; hot water;- 3 :Bed_ room Houa.; occupy Oct. 15th; .peclal be delivered to the purchaser." The above is as stated in the text of the Baldi Bill, approved by the Governor and e1fe<Uve Iuly 19. 1935. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ORDINANCB No. S7' hereby directed to place the above described section of Lafayette Avenue upon the offletaJ Borough plan sbowing the Unes and grades as . above set forth. SECTION 4. The said portion of Lalayette Avenue from Prineeton to Harvard Avenues AN ORDINANCE establi8hlng the linea and shall be improved by the settinl' of curbs, grades of Laluette Avenue between Prince- in8tallatlon of necessary drainage pipea and ton Avenue and Harvard Avenue In the Bor- retaining w!:olla, and the paving of the cart;Âough 01 Swarthmore: provfdlmr for the Im- way in accordance with the IIPeclftcatioM provement there<of by the setting ot curbs. hereafter set forth. laying of gutters. provfdlng for the neeea- SECTION 6. The curbs sball be of granite. sary drainage, ereetion of· retaining walls onfonnin- _ to Borough specifications. The where necessary, end paving of the cart- c ... value---t30.00. I ,. $6O--Lafayette Ave.; 3 bedroDm., • eep- . IDI' porch; fine he.tin .. and eOl1vement way; authOrizing the proper Borough oftieera cartway between Princeton Avenue and OberÂto exeeute the necessary contracts for an,. lin Avenue shall be paved of the width of State or Federal aid that may be obtained 22' with standard macadam. finished with in connection therewith. and providing lor penelra:Uon asphalt in accordr..nee with 8tand- 10c.ll01l:.... h See or Pone ROBERT T. BAlR Number 211 WAYNR MOSTELLER E .. erythi... Electrical SWARTHMORE 1568 GruD,OW Refri .. eraton and Radio .. Garwood on BurDer'. MRS_ A. J_ QUINBY & SON JOSEPH Eo QUINBY ERNEST G. SNODGRASS. ASS'T. FUNERAL DIRECTORS BEu.. PHONE 4 MEDIA. PA. Sweeney & Clyde INSURANCE 29 EAST 5th STREET PLone, Cheater 6141 CHESTER PETER E. TOLD G All Lines of Jnaoran ... Including Life Notary PubUe "7 DARTMOUTH AVE. SW. 1833 UPHOLSTERING Fumiture Restoring In AU Ib Branches FRED J. HARLEY CaD Swarthmore 1441 Anytime;..... Anywhere Mom.., Pot. the 88sessment and collection of two-thirds an! Borough 8peelflcatloD8. The cartway of Lafayette Avenue between Oberlin Avenue of the costs and expenst& of the said Im- and Harvard Avenue shan be PRVed likewiee. provementa from the ahutting property but of the width of 25' from curb to curb. owners; and repealing all ordinances incon_ plus the additional paving required at Inter-sistent therewith. sections. TIn: COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF SECTION 6. Retaining walls shall be SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: erected along the northerly curb Hne between SECTION 1. The following described strip Park and Oberlin Avenues wherever. In the or traet of land is hereby declared and recog- opinion of the Borough Engineer, the prox. ... nized as a public street or highway of the imity of the aforesaid etream or run makes Borough of Swarthmore as a }:Iart of Lafayette sUl!h retaining walls necessary. It is con. Avenue, and the lines thereof are hereb,. templated that a stone retaining wall 25' in establillhed, as follows: length more or less shall be constructed along Be&'inning at a point on tbe present and under sa.id northerly curb opposite prem-easterly side of Prineeton Avenue. at the Illes now or late of ArmsUot'lg N. and LilIl,.n distance of 581.67' north of the northerly W. Peinol, and a similar atone retaining wall side of Park Avenue, extendinC' thence 55' long, more or less. along and nnder the north 80· 42# east the distance of 418.28' eurb opposite premises now or late of Rosa to a point opposite the southerly end of W. and Marion Marriot. The necessary drain- Oberlin Avenue; thence aouth 69· 11' age pipes. gutters or sewers shall be installed east the distance of 218.50' to a point in under the direction of the Borough Engineer the northwesterly line of Harvard Ave.. and highway department. nue; thence north 64° 17; east (acrosa SECTION 'I. Tbe proper Borough officers the IntersecUon of said Lafll1ette Avenue are hereby authorized and directed to execute with said Harvard Avenue) 64.45' to a lueh contracts and other documents as may point in the northerly aide of said Har- be necessary to accomplish and effect the 1m-vard Avenue: thence north 59· 11' west provements herein provided. and to aceept such 238,52# to a point on the easterly aide of Federal or State aid, or the aid of bureaus. Oberlin Avenue; thence north 69° west" departments or other agencies of the respective crossing Oberlin Avenue 52.95' to a stone overnment8, 88 may be available. in the westerly line of said Oberlin Ave.. g nue i thence south 80· 42' west 888.20# to SECTION 8. Upon c:ompletion of the work a point in the easterly side of Princeton and the ascertainment of the ca»t8 thereof, Avenue aforesaid; thence south 1· 60' west assessment shall be made upon the abutting 66.2S' to the point or place of beginning. properties for two-thirds of the estimated costs The section of Lafayette Avenue between of the improvements. according to the foot Princeton Avenue and Oberlin Avenue above frontage thereof. the Dorough paying the reÂdescribed is 64' in width. and Includes in the maining one-third of such costa. Said ft88eS&oÂbed thereof an open stream or run which is ment shaH be made by the Iktrough Engineer not at p~ent to be dfaturbed or covered over. and the Borough Sereetary as provided by the The section of Lafayette Avenue above de- Iktrougb Code and "the 8upplements thereto. scribed between Oberlin Avenue and Harvard Such asaessments shall be payable without Avenue fa 50' wide. int.eretlot within thirty (80) days after the c:ompletion of the work. hut any sueh &Ssess .. Southerly Curb menu remaining unpaid for more than thirtY The curb line on the southerly side of said (80) days from the time the work Is completed. Lafayette Avenue shall be BB follows: shall draw interest at the rate of 6% -per Beginning at a point of curvature in the annum from the date the work is completed; easterly curb line of Princeton Avenue and it not paid within fiv(! (5) months after 672.2' north of the northerly side of Park completion. the Borough Solicitor sh.all cause Avenue; thenea curving to the right alou liens to be filed agaill8t the respeebve prop-the arc of a circle baving a radius of erties for their n!8pective 8B8essments with 12.6' the arc distance of 17.21# to a point accrued interest. from the date of eompletfon of tangency; thence extending north 80· of the work. togetber with all costa and at- 42' east 881.SO· to a point of curvature; tomey's fees. The Borough re!w.rveIJ the r(ght thence curvin&" to the right alODB' the arc to collect the said assessments bi' other law-of a circle having a radius of 100' the luI means In the dlscretion of Borougb Conn-arc dilltance of 70.01# to a point of cll tange-Dey: thence sooth S9· 11' east 186.67' SECTION 9. Any Ordinance or llan thereof to a :poInt of curvature neal' tho north- con81ding with the provisions hereof be and westerly side of Harvard Avenae; thenee the same is hereby repeated so far aa the curvin&' to the right along the aN of. satD(o con8icts with this Ordinance. circle having a radius of 12.6' the are dfs.. Passed this 9th day of October, A. D. 1985. tance of 2S.68' to a poln.t of tangeney 3. ARCHER TURNER. in the northwesterly curb Une of Her- President of CounciL vard Avenue.. Attest: ELLIOTr RICHARDSON. North...,. Can froa Prlneetoa to (Seal) Borough Secretary_ OHrIiD A'ftDac. Approved this 10th day. BeginniDB' at a point of curvature In of October. A. D. 1935. the easterly curb line of Princeton. Ave- .JOHN B. pITJIAN. nue (extended) 620.16' north of the DOrtJl.,. B"!lrae&$o '. BAKING NEEDS Specially PricecJ This Week. End QIIId"" S-Ibbag 23 .C Flour 12-lbbag 49 C The Highest Grad:e Famlly Flour lUlled. PRIM Pastry Flour 12-lbbag 5-lbbag Best Lard 39c: 19c lISCO Baking Powder lb can 190 U. S. No.1 White Potatoes Oranges 100-~g98C 15 Ths 17-: doz·19C Calif. Valencia New York State Cabbage lb 1c Crisp Spinach 2lbs15c I WinesRpApples. 3 lba10c Sweet Potatoes 4 lbs10c Mushrooms lb 29c Oreen Peppers 12 for 10c Celery Hearts 2 for 10c G N. Y. State large I ra pes 39C Concord basket . Farmdale Evaporated Milk 3 tall..... 17c Glen Cove Vegetable Soup 6 COla 25c IISCtJ Buckwheat or Pancake Flour 2 P .... 15c ('heese Ib 19tr Well aged to give you lust the flavor yOU will enjoy. Try It today. IlSaJ Sliced Rye Bread large loaf tOt 9c Creamettes (QUI~kac~:::.·ng) 2 8 oz pkgs tSt 'Coleman's Mustard. 1/. Ib can 2Sc Boscol Coff.. (bear. 27c r-===.:....::.=:..:.=;;._. _ ...... ---------.-.. " S Your yrup lISCO Golcl~'! T "1>1,, W Cboi .. " Standard QUd.liLy Tomatoes Red Ripe I.rg •••• Grapefrit ~.=:~ No.2 c.art IO~ Post Bran Flakes 2 Pkgs 19c Post Toasties 2 Pkga 13c .17c Hostess Marshmallows Ib pk& 14c 33c Stuffed Queen Olives jar 29c Rumford's Baking Powder G oz caD 13c 90 California lin Tom5to Sauce) Sard i "eS 2. I::~! 15~ 9~ .Iumbo N. Y. State Marrowf.t Beans % Ib, I~ Serve IIS(J) Meat_There Is a DIfference! Home Dressed Fresh 4.&;; Pork Shoulder • .. 27c ,..:..:Al:pl:pl:;:e;..;S::;a::;u::;c:.:e;.....;:3_can_•. . .;2::;5::;c~I.......;S:;.;a::;u:;.;e;.;.r..;K_r_R;.:ut;;.;;..........;2"-lb_.B. ....: 0 Legs Lamb 1b 27 C I.- Loin Lamb Chops lb 39c lISa} Mint Jill tumbler 120 Swift's Premium Smoked (2 to 4 lbs) Beef Tongues Ib 29c Pure Pork Sauage lb 390 Fresh Country SRusae;e lb 33c Celery-fed. Tender Long Island Ducklings Ib 21C White American Sandwich Cheese Y4 lb 70 Finest Domestic Sweitzer Cheese ~ lb 90 Sylvan Seal Cottage Cheese 2 12-0' cups 250 Pepper Hash lb 100 \ Fish Cakes 6 tor 250 Cornmeal Mush 2 lbs 120 Deviled Crabs 2 for 250 Porgies Je~:~ 2 Ths15C Fresh Select Oysters (Opened) FRncy Sea Scallops Fresh Cleaned CroRkers or Sea Trout do015c Ib 29c (heads on) tb 9c w .. ,. Q.",1ty C ... ts & r •• , M •• .,. h •• F.rt .... These Prices Effective 10 Our StOI'ft and Meat Markets tn BwutIuHn and Vlclnl I I 1 . ; •
---------- Page 6 ----------
,. '. .;1. I' ;' ' ....... .., .. , , ,,,' . i , i , , 6 mE SWARTHMOREAN ._~OCTO_ BER 11, 1935 BOROUGa 01' 81VAJITIDIOq - . ". ANNUAL FLOWER Obaervatory ()pea NiP" No. 871 -SUOWA1 SCHOOLS grade, the medal goi1!8 10 FQrd W/aI!Is aud· honorable Jlll!ntlon \0 John Daley. . The~ ",,"I displays in each room were as The Sproul Observalory wiD be open I. follet"': \hird grad~, ClID<Ce::lIrat p~, v!silors on \he second and fourth Tuesday Jlelen Hawk .. ; second, Emily Rumble. nights of each month while \he college is Third grade, Rulge .. : first place, Chari .. in session. Tuesday, Seplember 24\h, was a.- Riit. " pf: CoIlea-e A.yeaae. Moodre;Csecllond, NfiancfV"~~Elen. FoBurth Ihe firsl nigh! Ulis college year. Noap- .,Jual! ~.1'" AU tha_t. certaCo _JOt' -or -JlIeot 01_, land wIth the tWo-.tory. bri'ek'_ atOft' and' .PrimeDt buijd.. Iq- thereon ~, .ltUbt :on the nOrth."tÂerJ,- iIIlde 01 FUth~ Itieet' aJ;: ib. -cl"~nee of tbn:e 'hundftd ten' and eJa-bty hunaftdtht: teet m .. ared IOUth_estwudly from the northwat.Âel'l,- earner ot the .. Id ruth street. and £daÂmont avenue. In the City of Cheater. County of Delaware Bad State of PenlUl,-lvania. ConÂta( nin&' in front alODe' the Dorihwesterq aide 01 the .. Id· Fifth .treet meeaured thence eoatb .ht,..nlne degrees. twent,--.elsht minute., tldrt74eftD aeeoncIa .. t Ieftllteen aDd aevÂenty.. oDe hundredths leet and exteadine In depth of tbat width north twenty decrees • thin,.ooOne mlnutel:. twent)"-thl'lee second. wat nlnet,-.two and alxty.four hundredths feet;. The northeasterly Une of IBid lob paaelng thl'Obgb and alone the party wall between the mao. suage herein described and the meuUq'e ad. Joinl~ on the northeast. Bounded on the northeast and eouthwest h1' other lands of the s • .ld WlIIlam F. Delebant,- and on the northÂweat by lands of Nell .. A.M.ay Plush Com .. pan,.. Being known and dealgnated .. 180 Weat Fifth Street. .OIiDINANCII N.. l7i AN ORDINANCE PfOy[dlQ' lor the COIlllrue. Uoa at an ... bt filch vltrifted, tena CQUa pipe lleWer OD Ratceft AYeDu.e lit the Bo..-: .o_h of. Swarthmore. to extend from W ... dale AvenUe In _. eoutber17 direction lliO' more or leu. and provldlaa tor the aaeos... d 'R"'~ A Build gra e, 0 ege: ~ .. I place, . eanor ye; poinlmenl need be made. Vl!ltiDg hou .. lID ' .... -. . venue - second, Robert Lange. Fourth grade, Rul- are from 7.30 unIU 10 o'clock ment and eoUecUOb of the eo8t8 and a:pe!lttl thereof 'roDt the owners of property abut.. tiPs thereon. iDp fill~ with Blooms gelS: first place, Edward Belfield; second, .' Priscilla Giles. FIfth grade, CoDege: fin\ place, Mary FnJIC<S DlmmiU; second, Ann Argyle. FHIb pad<, Ru\gen: first place, Billy Sickle; second, Shirley MacMillan. Sixth grade, College: fim place, David Spae\h; second, Nancy Hoot. Sixth grade, Rulgers: firsl place, Harry Schofield; secÂond, Clifford Bryant. In the seventh grade \he best displays were as follows: MIss Barton's room: first place, lobo Datey i second, Robert Bair. Mr. Bell's foom: first place, Ford Wiggins; second, Joan Thatcher. The class rooms of Ihe Iwo grade school buildings were converted into flower gar. .. dens Tuesday, Odober 8, wi\h lovely dlsÂplays of fall flowers. The occasion was the annual 80wer show conduded by \he chUdren of \he third, fourth, filth, sixlh and seventh ~. ~ T·kinc~Sp~··~1 Course Sergeant Thomas BI'em·n. of the Swarthmore Police Departmenl, Is altendÂing Ihe advance classes in Identification of the Delaware County Police School, which are bei1!8 held in Ridley Park. Each child in the room was invited 10 bring a display of fall 80wers to his or her room. The displays wece judged on arÂraDgement, condition of flowers and approÂpriateness of howl or vase. The judges of the displays were Mrs. Ross Marriott, Mrs. AUred Smalley, Sr. and Mrs. George ZimÂmer. The commiUee of judges had dIffiÂcully in selecting Ihe best room display in each building, bUI finally awarded an American flag to Miss Moore's fifth grade room in the Rutgers Avenue building and to Miss Weber's sixth grade room and Mr. Bell's seventh grade room in the College Avenue building. Miss Elizabeth Barten, science teacher in Ihe High School, was in charge of this very interesting and highly successful Bower show. FIVE-COUNTY CON· FERENCE FOR LW.V. • NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Banta, of MarÂshall, Ind., spent last week visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Banta, of Swarthmore Crest, who also had as their guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marris, of Washing\on, D. C. Miss Anne Warren, of Walnut Lane, has entered Swarthmore College this fall as a sophomore, after having\ previously atÂtended Earlham College, Richmond, Inm. Mr.. D. C. Prince, President, Holds Pennaylvsnia League Meeting The League of Women Voters---state, county and local-has interesting and iD~ formative programs for the month of Oc~ tober. The Pennsylvania League, Mrs.' David The fonowing individual awards were made: Helen Hawkes received a bronze medal for the best individual display in' the two third grade rooOlS, honorable menÂtion going to Charles Moore. In the fourth grade Eleanor Bye received the bronze medal and Edward Belfield, I\onÂorable mention. The medal award in the fifth grade was won by Billy Sickle, with Mary Frances Dimmitt receiving honorable mention. In the sixth grade, Harry Schoo field won: the bronze medal and David Spaeth received honorable mention. SimiÂlar awards were made in the seventh Chandler Prince, of Swarthmore, president, held a five-county conference at the home of Mrs. Allan D. Wallis, "Annan_ dale," King Road, Malvern, on Friday, October 4, at 10.30 A. M. The program was: 10.30-11.30-"Five Objectives for 1935-36," speaker, Mrs. David C. Prince; "A Looking Glass View of the League in Five Countries." presented by the chair .. men of the counties, namely, Delaware, Chesler, PhUadelphia, Bucks and MontÂgomery. ana. SHERIFF SALES Sheritr's Office. Court HoWIe. Media. Pa. Saturday. November 2. 1986 9.10 o'e)ock A. M. (Eastern Standard Tim.e) Conditlona: '250.00 cuh or certified eheck at titne or aale (unleu otherwise stated in advertisement), balance in ten daya. Other coDdltionll on day of we. Levarl Facias No. 1428 DID YOU KNOW THAT Bethlehem (Doe) Burners HEAT MoRE .HOMES IN SWARTHMORE ThaD AD,. Other ladindual Make of Oil Buraer7 Aale Concerning Our Special Finance PIan Your Completely Inatalled Price May Be as LoW' •• $265 (Cash) Complete Burner & Fuel Service l--Sa1es 3-Service 2 h 3taUation 4-Fuel on WILSON Coal and Supply Co. W.lIiDgford, Pa. Laqut Independent Dbtrlhutors 01 Fuel OU and Automatic Beating EQulpm.ent in ThlB Connt,. I 11.30-12.3O-uNew Neutrality Laws," speaker, Mrs. Maurice N. Weyl. 12.30·1.45-Bo. luncheon. 1.4S-"Work of the Civil Service ComÂmission in Philadelphia," speaker, Charles S. Shaughnessy, Chief Examiner of Civil Service Commission in Philadelphia. Mrs. }. Passmore Cheyney, who is chair .. man of the County League and the SwarthÂmore League, gave a report of the activiÂties of the Delaware County League. Tho~ who attended from Swarthmore were: Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall, Mrs. Daniel Goodwin, Mrs. }. Paul Brown. Mrs. William Middleton Fine, Mrs. Theodore Crossen, Mrs. Thomas Johnson! Mrs. AlÂfred Gary White and Mrs. Charles Bunt-iog. "Roxy" Show to Benefit Prison Miss Esther I. Short, an outstanding I figure in the musical worJd and a resident of Delaware County, will appear on the program of the Broadmeadows Prison I Farm benefit which will pe given at the ,Smedley Junior High School in Chesler next Thursday evening, October 171 at 8.30. The Broadmeadows benefit, the "Roxy" show, consisting of numerous stage and radio artists, is being sponsored by the Chester Service Clubs to raise a musical fund for Broadmeadows Prison Farm. June Term. 1035 All that eertaln lot or piece ot ground with the bulldiDK'B and improvements tbereon erected. IIttuate in the TowDllhip of Upper Darby. County of Delaware and State of PenDÂ." lvania. and deutibed according to a eertaln plan and BUrvey thereof made by Damon and FOilter, C. E.. dated February 27th. 1925. as folloWB, to wit: Situate at the intersection of the aoutheasterly side of Dermond road (torty feet wide) wIth the northeasterly aide of Willian drive (forty feet wide). thence extending along tbe aald IIlde of Dermond road north IIlxty.three degrees thlrty-eix min. utes four seeonde eaat one hundred .. leven and forty_a even one-.hundredtha feet to the .outh_ westerly aide of a certain thirteen feet wide driveway whlcb extends northwatwardJ,. from Marvlne avenue to Dermond road and thence extending along aaid aide of driveway IIOUth twenty .. lx desrees elaht. minutes eleven liceÂonds east twenty-two and seventy one-hun_ dredthB teet to a point and thence extendingÂsouth ably-two degreea twenty_flve minutes weat one hundred ten and elghty-elght one-. hundredths feet to the Bald northeaaterlJ' aide of Wllaon drive and thence extending alon&' the said Bide of Wilson drive nortb twenty_ aeven detrreeB tblrt::y.tlve minutes weat twentyÂfive feet to the ftl1lt mentioned point and plaee of beginning. Under and aubjec~ to certain building reÂIItrleUODB and conditions. 'l'ogether with the free and common uae, right. libertJ' and Jlrlvllege of the above men. tioned driveway a8 and for a p888ageway and watercourse at all times hereafter forever. Improvements conBlBt of twOoBtory Btone and shimrle house, 15x27 feet; porcb front; oneÂstory shingle addition, 6x9 feet: stucco garage, IbI8 feet. Sold as the propertJ' 01 Joseph Berman, mortgagor. and Robert Fullmer. real owner. C. WILFRED CONARD. Attorney. Levari Facias No. 241 March Term. 1935 PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR WINTER DRIVING All that certain tract or piece of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. Bituate partly in the Borough of Swarthmore and partly in the TownBhip of Springfield. in the County of Delaware. and bounded and described as follow-a. to wit: Beginning at a point in the middle of River_ view avenue (fifty feet wide) at the distanee of 1260.06 feet aoutheaatwardJy from the point of intersection of the aald middle line or Riverview avenue and the middle line of Ogden avenue; extendinK' thenee by the midÂdle line of the said Riverview avenue. south 24 degrees 60 minutes east 431.'79 teet to an anale in Baid Riverview avenUe, tbenee in the bed of Riverview avenue south 17 degrees 1 minute east 68.21 feet to a point In the ~iddle of Baid Riverview avenue where the same is 40 teet wide; thence still by the middle of Riverview avenue (forty .feet wide) lIouth 17 degrees 1 minute eaat 780.95 feet to a atone in the middle of said Riverview avenue; thence erosaing Baid avenue, diagonally lIoutb 17 deÂgrees 1 minute ellSt 145.65 feet to a point in the northerly right of way Jine of! the Pbna~ delpbia. Baltimore and Washington Railroad CompaD.)"; thence by aaid right of way line north 65 degrees 42 minutes east 131.75 teet to an angle: thenee still by said right of way line north 74 degrees 15 minutes east 108.85 feet to another angle: thence still by said right of way line. north 78 degrees 9 minutes east 394.95 feet to a point in line of other lands of the eald mortgagors; thence by the said landa. north 21 degrees 10 mlnntea west 546.55 feet to a point at a corner of tbe said lands; thence still by eald lands. BOUth 54 degrees 36 minutes weat 342.6 feet to a point another corner of said lands: thenee still by said lands, north 18 degrees weat 671.95 feet to. a point another comer of uid lands: tbenee Btall by BBfd landa. north 46 dea'1"eE!8 51 minÂutes east 98.04 feet to a point in tbe middle of Marshall avenue: thence by the middle at said Marshall avenue. north 22 degrees 25 minutes WlI;'$t 854.68 feet to a point a corner of other lands of Alice L. Emmons and thence by the last mentioned lands. south 58 degrees I' 42 minulEs and 18 seconds west 383.96 feet to the plate of beginning. This Is the Way We Check ~Your Car ,10 ~revent' Winter Troubles I":"Before servicing with . anti-freeze, thoroughly clean cooling system, block and radiator, reÂmoving thermostat beÂfore flushing. 2~ee that drain cock is tight and all other leaks are eliminated. 3-Rubber hoses must be free of cracks and flakÂing. Replace if defectÂive. 4-Fan belts that are WOrn or greasy: should be reÂplaced to prevent slipÂping or obviate breakÂing; 5-Lubricate water pump and be sure entire asÂ' ·seml..ly is leak-proof. Check pump packing. 6-Flush out gear cases and refill transmission and differential wit h Winter lubricant. 7-Check battery for voltÂage and water; replace battery cables if needÂed. 8-Lubricate generator anel. increase charging rate for Winter driving. 9-Clean fuel pump bowl and check carburetor. I O-Drain crankcase and reÂfill with Winter oil. I I-Inspect for leakage at heat indicator connec .. tion. 12-lnspect nection tighten leaking. all water conÂgaskets an d or replace if $1.95 Plus Material HANNUM & WAITE SWARTHMORE 1250 Alcohol - DuPont 5 Star Anti-Freeze - Preaton" Exide. Bafteriea Improvements consist of two and one-half " story frame house, 24x28 feet; poreh front: tWo-story frame addition. 10x24 feet; frame garage. 9x18 feet: two and one-halt story II frame bouse, 24x28 feet: pon!h front; two- IstOry frame addition. 10x24 feet i frame I chicken house. 6x22 feet. Sold as the property of Louis C. Emmons and Alice L. Emmons. his wife. mortgagora, ,and Alice Lemon Emmons. individually and, ..." executrix of the estate 0'1 Louis Cole I Emmons, deceased. real owners. and 'United States of Ameriea, lienor. 'Hand mon"e.)"'. $1000.00. GREER 4r: JOHNSON. AUorneya. Improvements P.Onalat of two-story brick hoUBe. 18Jdi4- feet: atore front. Sold as the property of WfJJlam F. DeleÂhanf. 7, mortaagor and real owner. KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY, Attorney. Levari FacillS No. 892 .June Term. 1935 PlOJ). sit. in BolO. of Sharon Hill, DeL. Co •• Pa.. on the S. W. 8. 01 Ridley Ave. 263.61' W. fro the N. W ... of Chester pike; th. ext. $. W., partly PMlling thm the party wall of premo erected upon the herein dese. lot and premlaes erected on Jot adj. to the S. 90' to a 'Pt.: tho ext, N. W. 21.6' to apt..; tho ext. N. E. partly PUlling thru the part, wall of 2 art. Karas-es and ate. the een. of • cen. l' w. dwy. 90' to a pL in the S. W. s. of Ridley Ave.; th. aJg. ..me S. E. 27.6' to place of beg. Tog. with uae of dw:r. U. " S. to cond. anI! rest. Improvements conalat of tw"",,tory briek Bud IIhin.Ie boUlle. 16xB6 feet; porch front; cement block and frame ... race. 9x18 reeL Sold sa the property of Clifford R. Mohn, mortaqor and real owner. EDWARD F. HITCHCOCK. Attorney. NATHAN P. PECHIN. SherUf. THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That an eJaoht Ineh "lulOId terra cotta pJpe llewer be COlUltnleted In Rut. 8e.... Avenue. Swarthmore. Penna:J'lvanla fD. accordance with .tandanl DorotICh IllPeciOtlÂUOI1ll. be1rlnnlnc at a manhole in the Pl'aebt • ewer In Weetdale Avenue at or Dear the hortheut curb ,corner of itlt intel'HCtlon wiib Rutpn Avenue and extendll1&' fJOutbwardJ along Wstd.le Avenue 160' more or leu Witt the neceaeary manholee. Y branchea and acÂceaeoria for hou.e eonnectiOllll. SECTION 2. That a eontl'8et for the I$8ld work be a •• rdlH! as required b7 law. and the proper Borough otrleere are hereby authorized to execute ,ueh contract and take such other ateps Q mal' be advised by the Solicitor. 'I'ht prqper oft'lcen are hereby empowered to take advantage of any co-operatioQ with Burealll Departments or Agencia of the Federal 0; State Govemmenta .. may be avaDable. SECTION 8. That upon the completion of the work. and the ascertainment of the entire coata thereot. lUUlleument ahall be made bPora all uaeseable property for tbe entire coat of the said sewer and accessoria. including the expenaes ot enacting tbia Ordinance, of!QualJ, aceording to the toot frontage, by the Bor. oUB"h Engineer. as provided by law. SUda auesamentll IIha1l not be charged with fniere.t if paid within thirty (80) dan: after the compleUon of tbe work; aD7 such 8I3eSatnell.t remalnll1&' unpaid thirty (30) dan from the tIlDe the work ill completed. ,hall draw Inter. est at the rate of lib: (6%) per cent Pt1' annum from date of completion. and It not paid within flve (6) mont&. after BUeb. com. pleUon. the Solicitor shall cause Ilens to be filed aaailUlt the various property for Bald BlaCIIBlDenta. with Interest computed. from the date of completion. SECTION 4. Whe~ liens shan be filed. all ot the eDIt and attorney's fees. together with ten (10%) per cent additional .. a penalt, shall be payable by the party or parties Own. bur the property against wbleb aueh liens are 81 .... P888ed thla 9th day of Oct., A. D. 1935. J. ARCHER TURNER. Prealdent of CounciL Attest: ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. (Seal) Borouah Secretary. Approved this 10th dB1', of Oct., A. D. 1935. .lOHN H. PITMAN, BurgeB8. PATHFINDER ", $ 25 30X 31 4.40-21 4.75-19 '6.05 __ <n7_.0 ...5... chan&e without notice. tu ilddftlonal. Over 20,000,000 GOODYEAR PathJlnders eo1d-that'. how good Itta. Guarantee,tJ iJi writing ap!nat road iJijuries and defecta. A better tire than m .. t dealers' aeIJ at highest prices. HANNUM & WAITE CHESTER ROAD AND YALE AVENUE Swarlbmo .... 1250 Do Away with Winter Drudgery Buy a 'Hercules' Automatic OIL BURNER $249.00 CASH INSTALI.ED Complote with 275·GaIloD Tank and all Control. No more worry or furnace tending and the "Hercules" t!>ermoatat maintains the right degree of temperature at an times. No maUer what kind of heating plant you have now Hercul~ Automatic Oil Burner will operate it satisfactorily: EconomIcal • • • burns low priced oil. Quiet... has only one moving part. And once installed your heating worries are over for the winter. Change to clean, automatic oil heat today I AVAILABLE UNDER THE N.H.A. PLAN With No Down Payment 3 Yeara to Pay r·S~;;;;;~R~b;;-~k~dC';., ................ . 522 Edgmont Ave" Cheater, Pa. Gentlemen: '" .. Please .. send me detaila of your Hercules Automatic Oil Burner. ~ Name .... , .................... . ~ Street ......................... . t. ~.i.~~ .... : .. :. : .. :. : .. :.: .. :.: .. :. : .. :.: .. : .: .. :. : .. :.: .. : .. :.:.: .. :. : .. : .. ~ .. J. $f:lors, Roebuck and c;~. 522 EDGMONT AVE. CHESTER, PA. PHONE 9111 " , ; SWAI~THM()I~E OCT 1 B ltidS .. ( VoL VII, No. 42 SWARTHMORE, PA., OCTOBER 18, 1935 COUNCIL OBJECTS JOSEPH E. HAINES TO UQUOR STORE moMASC. SHAFFER AT WOMAN'S CLUB JOHN H. PITMAN Lafayette Av_ Pro,.ny awnÂen Seek Informati!)n at. Public HeuiDg InteJedjng EVellts Planned for "'Near Future Reported by .S ection Chairme ll At the regular. meeting of Borough The firsl slaled meeting of \he currenl ·Council Wednesday eveJilng the propoSed year was held by the Swarthmore Woman's liquor-store for Swarthmore was discussed. Club at the clubhouse on Park Avenue on ~I great length. J. Archer 'furner, pres!. 1\Ieoday, Octobj!r IS. Mr. Thomas C. dent of Cou"dJ, read a telegram which he Shaler, well-known writer, traveler and had oent to Governor Earle prolesting u.. ledurer on economic subjects delivered a establisbment of a store here. SolidtoJ" most interesting and iDltructive discourse on Meyers quo\ed the slale act which said "The Ethiopian in Ih. European Wood. 'that afler the advertisement of the loca- pUe." Introduced by Mrs. Roland Eaton, Uon of a siate store the -citizens had five chairman of the program committee. Mr. days in which 10 present petitions to the Shafter described in clear and forceful court aga.inst the location of a store on style the C&II!CS 1I'1aidl Aave mall",t"" the the propoSed slle. presenl conllicl belween Itoly and EthiopiL A close studenl of world aftalrs, he was It was felt thaI the petltlODS'WIJId.I w_ able 10 paint a vivid picture of conditions circuialOd ~ ~in Ihe' Borough . displayed the in Ethiopia and ouUine \he I\allan posi- .... tlmenls of an overwhelming majorilY of Preoldeat of Rollia .. GreeD Golf C...... tion in its activities in Ethiopian territory. th, ciw.ens. Therefore, Council requesled who, witla Mr.. H.iaae.. w .. feted ..,. Mr. Shafter took \he poslUon thaI no no. Burgess Pitman to deliver the petitions in member. of the club Weda-td.,. eYe- tion goes to war from a purely altruistic SwUthmore Bur.en Leads FiaLt penon and explain the great opposition to ailll'_ motive; that aside from Italy's desire to see Aa.m.t State Liquor Store. suclt a store, and au\homed paymenl of JOSEPH E. HAINES slavery abolished in E\hiopia, \he IIaIian =============== his expenses 10 Harrisburg on this mIs- nation was viWly concerned with the quos- SCHOOLS TO HAVE sian. lion of territorial expansion. He further &veral residents of Lafayette Avenue FETE'D BY CLUB explained in detail the interest of other were present asking information from countries, notably Great Brjtain and France, SPECIAL OmCER COQncil on how the assessment for the in protecting their integrill rights in con-paving of LafayeUe Avenue was to be Portrait .of Prominent Local Man nection with Ihe Italo-Ethiopian conllict, made. Some of the property owners have and dosed his remarks with the statement comer 10tsJ others have triangular lots and PreseDtecl to Rollina Green that the surest way to prevent or avert a relaining wail is to be used along the Golf Club by Members war is to aholish economic and political f f 'h ties nationalism. stream in front 0 two 0 L e proper • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Haines, of South Another featm'e of the meeting was n They also asked information on how the Chester Road. were tendered an informal payments could be financed. over a period reception on Wednesday evening at the report by the president, Mrs. Roland G. of time. The members of conndl stated R iii G G CI b S fi Ullman, of the Fortieth Annual Conven-that adjustments would' be made in the thae mnge mbererse no f tohlef cluub ,a ndp rtinhgei re lwd,i vebsy. tion of the State Federation of Pennsyl-cases of cl"'t~':i·-a:nd irregular lots, the cost At the same time a portrait of Mr. vania Women, which ~he attended at Erie S; tlie' 'retaining wall will be allocated be- Haines, painted by Frederic Roscher, was September 30 to October 4. In her own tween all of the property owners. Clarence presented to the club by the members. vivid and inimitable style, Mrs. Ullman G. Meyers, soliciter, explained that ae- The occasion was in appreciation of Mr. imparted to the club. members .her enthusiÂcording to law that the owners had 6 Haines' ten years of service as president of ~m .for the conventIon, stres51ng the h?sÂmonths in which to pay their assessed costs, the club He is also an active club memo pltality, promptness and harmony which after that llens would h:->.:Je:ried, ·but, 'Rr-: b~~d·~,.·-.y~W.:._~tJ~·. ~-r-.aJ:l ardlmt 'p~v;Wcd.~,.t" ~ f..rie ~~ting," I;lS w~ as rangements could be made to pay them off golfer. - the valu~ of ad~resses made by Rabbi in installments. The presentation of the portrait was Joseph FlOk, DaVId Seabury, M.rs: Thomas made by Mr. Paul Freeman. Mr. Milton N: Hepburn, Dr. R. A. ~. Gillts, Kath- It was explained that the material and Reinhold, vice-president, ofliciaIIy received enne I:e~r~ot and the pre5ldent, Mrs. John equipment would cost about $4,705 which the gift on .behalf of the club. . M. Phillips. would make the cost between $2 and $2.50 Mr. Haines; who is very popular with Club business consisted of a reading of per lineal foot. This does not include the his associates, both business and social, is the minutes of the last meeting by the $5,000 of free labor granted by the W. P. one of the older residentS of the Borough, recording secretary, Mrs. Mabel Fisher A. having, lived here thirty-eight years. He Williams; a report by the treasurer, Mrs. Henry Hoot, of the Tree Committee, re- has for the past two years been vice-presi- C. C; West, and the following announceÂported SO trees in the borough DUrsey were dent of the Swarthmore National Bank and ments by chairmen of sections: lal'ge enough to be transplanted this winter Trust Company, of which he was made a Mrs. Joseph Seal, chairman of the and would be placed on Sou\tl Chester diredor on August 2, 1921. He is also health and welfare seeUon. A card party Road. The borough secretary was author- president of the Swarthmore Building As- and fashion show to be held by the secÂized to petition the W. P. A. for labor for sodation, having held the post for about tion on Monday, November 4, at 2 P. M. pruning shade trees on the borough streets fifteen years, prior to which he served for at the clubhouse. this winter. some time as vice-president of the Asso- Mrs. H. A. Peirsol, chairman, art sec- Other routine business was enac\'.ed , WlI.~o.U. clation. He has been a director since it don. A barge party on the New Hope d til t mg. ht was incorporated in 1899. Canal on Wednesday, October 23. Cars \he meeting being adjourne un 0 Mr. Hu'nes has held his present poslUon N rials t b leave the clubhouse at 9 A. M. for ew at 7.45, when the bids forfmatt~ A 0 ee as president of J. E. Limeburner, Philadel- Hope. Anyone desiring to go should used in the paving of La aye venu , phia, dispensing opticians. since the death communicate with Mrs. Peirsol. will be opened. of Mr. Limebumer in 1916. He had beel) • EDW ARB H. HANNUM DIES AT AGE OF 77 Mrs. C. A. McDowell, chairman, drama vice~presideDt for some years before, suc- section. The first meeting of that secÂceeding to the presidency. He was also tion will take place on Thursday, October president of the Spr,inghaven Club for a 31, at 10 A. M. at the clubhouse; particiÂnumber of years. , pants will study the English Renaissance One of First Residents of BorÂough and Former Poet-master POUCE NEWS Clarence Triol, of Media. was stricken with a heart attack on Whittier Field, of Swarthmore College, while attending last Friday afternoon's football contest between Swarthmore and Media Higb Schools. Mr. Edward W. Hannum, one of the oldest Triol, who was 65 years old~ was examined residents of Swarthmore, died on Tuesday, by Dr. Franklin Gillespie, of Swarthmore, Odober 15, after a protracted illness at the who was present and who, after adminÂage of 77 years. istering first aid, had the victim taken in Mr. Hannum conducted a grocery b US.l - the Swarthmore police car to the dM de dida ness in Swarthmore when SwartQmore Hospital, where he was pronounce, ea could boast of about ten houses. and at"} 3 o.4h5n. Brown, Ico dare f S 'hmOTe ,0 war" , served as postmaster here during tbe Mc- upon arrest and appearing before Magis- Kinley and Roosevelt administrations. His trate Rumsey on October 9, was placed original home was on the site now occu- under bond to keep the peace. pied by the post office. He tater lived OD Mark E. Hellmer, of Concordville, who Yale Avenue. was arrested here on July 3 for drunken Mr. and Mrs. Hannum ce1ebrated their driving was diScharged upon paymr.nt of fiftieth wedding anniversary last spring. costs ~hen he 'appeared before the court Mr. Hannum was the son of the late at Media on October 11. Joseph and EUzabeth Worrell Hannum, of ;:.:..:.::.:.:: ____________ .., Media and was a descendant of an old Delaw~re County family. He is survived by his widow, Martha E. H'annum j three sons, Clarence E., of Oberlin Avenue. Swarthmore; Henry, of Collingswood, N. J.; and Thomas, of Media; two daughÂters, Mrs. Adolph Weiss, of Rutledge, and Mrs. J. Robert Anderson, of Over~rook; four brothers, \Vilson, } ames, Albe~ and Howard; and a sister, Mrs. Wesley Mooney. Hallowe'en Parade on 31st At a meeting of the Swarthmore Business Association on Tuesday evening it was decided that the Association and the SWARTHMOREAN will gain sponsor a HalJo~e'en Parade for the' children of \h!! BorÂough. This will be the fiftb annual parade and will be held on HallowÂe'en, Thursday evening, October 31. Watch next week's SWARTHMOREAN for deWIs. Period and meetings will thereafter be held regularly on \he 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. Mrs. Phelps Soule, chairman, literary section. First meeting, November 7, 10 A. M. Subsequent meetings, 1st and ,"lrd Thursdays of each month. Many interÂesting book reviews as well as biographies will be covered during the year. Mrs. Jacob Meschter, chairman, music section. The club's chorus will hold reÂhearsals each Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Katharine H. Brownell, chairman of the admissions committee, announced the following new members: Mrs. Stuart Smith, Mrs. C. F. Wolcott, Mrs. John R. Ludwig, Jr., Mrs. Duane. R. Terry and Miss Nellie G. Collins, and as reinstated members, Mrs. Helen M. Han and Mrs. B. C. Wiggins. Mrs. James Bogardus, president of the Junior Club, made a special talk on her impressions of the Erie Convention! and announced a junior dance for Oct~ber 26. Mrs. Horace Walter had with her the petition which Swartbmore residents are aslted to sign to prevent the establisbment of a State Liquor Store in Swarthmore and gave opportunity for members to enter their names thereon. The next stated meeting win be held on Tuesday, October 22, at which Miss M. Geraldine McConnack will ledure on old glass and china. She will have with her interesting specimens from ber cotÂlection and members are assured of an Funeral services will be held at the Griffith Chapel, Norwood, this af~ernoon, Friday, at 2 o'clock. Interment will be at Arlington Cemetery. '-_______________ ~, instructive and worth-while meeting. Public School Enrollment Shows Increase of Twenty-three Over Last Year It was decided at the regular meeting of the School Board, held Monday evening. to petition the Court of Common P1eas to have John Wolf, janitor at the Rutgers Avenue School, appointed a school officer with full· authority to make arrests on the school property when advisable. This measure se~med advisable because of the mlschlei, -petty thievetj''.an'd Damage which have taken place !it the schools. Frank R. 'Morey, supervising principal, repo,rted. that the school enroJiment as of October 1 shows an increase of 23 over last year. The junior and senior high schools and the Rutgers Avenue School show. increases in enrollment while the College Avenue Elementary School shows a decrease. The music daMes show that 21 pupils are taking viollD; 8, the wood winds and brass instruments, Qd IS, piano and voice. Reports of the summer high pool, sumÂmer recreation committee anc:l high 1Ch001 stuqent treasury funds were read and fiJed. 1\e flooding of the girls' locker room during the last bad storm was discussed and It was decided to lay a drain of field tile along the front of the building and connect it with an existing open drain nearby. The labor will be furnished by the Works Progress Administration and the cost is not to exceed $50. A letter from the Pennsylvania RailÂroad indicated they would furnish the labor in building Ihe fence aloDg the railÂroad track from the school to the station. The School Board authorized the purchase of $66 worth of supplies to build the fence to the boundary of the school property. Boro Council will pay for the' fence from the station to the school line. The bid on the Lyon Metal Products Co.! of $172.50 was accepted for 28 new lockers at the Rutgers Avenue School. The Board eXpressed their gratitude for the two 6 feet rubber gym mats donated by Mrs. David C. Prince. Dr. Leech announced the dates of the Teachers' County Institute as the after· noons of October 28 to 31, inclusive. The Board decided to dismiss school at noon those days. • Home and School Meeting, 23rd \VilIiam Craemcr) president of the Home and School Association, has announced that the opening meeting of the association will be held 'in: the High School auditorium on Wednesday evening, October 23, at 8 o'clock. All parents of pup~1s i~ SwarthÂmore schools are cordially· invited to' be present. The program will consist of brief talks by severalmembers of the teaching staff, outlining the new features of "the work being presented this year. Some special music is being planned for the occasion. After the meeting there wiD be an opporÂtunity to greet the new teachers, fonowÂing which refreshments wiD be served. . PIO PER YEA" MASS MEETING PRO· . ' . . mrs UQUOR STORE Townspeople Gather in MetLodiat Church; TeltoSJUDS SeiJt to H ..... rUb .... , Petiti~ Circulated A mass meetiog of the townspeople ill protesl againsl Ibe propoSed Stale Liquor Store in Swarthmore which was announced . in last Thursday's papers, was held in the Swarthmore Me\hodist Church al Z.JO last Sunday afternoon. The meeting. at which there were mor, than a hundred and twenty-five P ........ was called by Burgess John H. Pibnan at the request of many citizens 'of the BorÂough. Chester Roberts acted as secrelary of the meeting, al which Mr. Pitman presIded, and informed the assembly of \he s\epa which had already been \akOn III Ihe matÂler. Presidenl Frank Ayde1olle, of SwarthÂmore College, as well as the School Board and many individuals of the town, upon learning of the proposition, sent te1egrama- 10 Harrisburg requesting an opportunity \0 present objections. The foUowing letter, which was writtea to Governor Earle by Dr. J. Russell Smith, of Elm Avenue, is an example of the inÂtense feeling of SwarthmOreaJIS relative \0 the establishing of a liquor store iu. the Borough: "This community was shocked to read in the newspapers recently tbat the Pennsyl .. vania Liquor Control Board proposed to establish a large number of new liquor stores, including one in Swtuthmore, a resiÂdential borough and educational center, "I am sure many of the citizens of that borough in addition to myself would like to know your attitude in this matter. Is it necessary that the Liquor Control Board push the alcohol business, and in so doing docs it have your support or is it going against your efforts? "The recent action of the American peop1e in removing the Prohibition Amend~ ment from the Constitution is, as I see it, a permission for the people to' again do" as they please'in =t:hIs.·hDtttut'''·b~·lIctlon of the State in pushing \he sale of this maker of automobile accidents and other trouble is quite another matter. It cerÂtainly puts \he State in \he position of debaucher and destroyer. What can the dtizens do to stop this action on the part of Ibe Slale? ~ liAs I remember the campaign against the Eighteenth Amendment, it was repeated. over and over again that the movement to restore the sale of alcohol was a moveÂment toward temperance, that it was done to reduce the use of alcohol, which was said to be very great because of illicit sale." Although Swarthmore voted 812 yes to 480 no on Prohibition Repeal in the NoÂvember election of 1933, it is estimated that only one out of every ten would not sign Ibe petitioJJt~wbjch )lad been prepared and were' circulated aft~r the meeting. BurÂgess Pitman divided the town into 39 disÂtricts, each of which averaged around 36 signers, making a total of about 1500 opposed to the establishing of a liquor store here. It is probable that the result of the aforementioned election is the reason for Swarthmore be-ing ~eld a fair prosptCt for a liquor store, even though most people when questioned reply that they voted. for repeal simply because they felt that proÂhibition was" not' the proper method to cope with the situation. Not only have people been willing to sign the petitions, but some who were not contacted have gone to the trouble to locate a petition and sign it. For the conÂvenience of those who are not as yet repÂresented on a petition, BurgeSs Pitman has placed a blank in· the SWARTHMOREAN office where we will. be. glad to have resiÂdent. .. stop and sign. Those. who circulated the petitions in the 39 districts were: BurÂgess ,Pitman, MisS Eliiabeth Steel, Miss Mae Lynd, Mrs. Harvey Pierce, T. Baird. Crosby Mo'rton, Mrs. Dwight Cooley, Mrs. George Van .Al~n, William Downton, J, Warren Paxton, Sa~uel Wisdom, Mrs. Stanley MacMillan, Paul Paulson, Mrs. EdÂward Boyd, Mrs. William Hoffman, Mrs. George W. Warren, Mrs. Roy Lingle, Mrs. Edwin A. Yama1J! Benjamin A. Kneedler. Jr., Mrs. Alfred Fassitt, Haldy M. Crist, George Flood, Rev. Thomas Meryweather, Mrs. William H. West, Louis W. K1rig, Charles Deacon, Chester Roberts, Samuel M. Dodd, Mrs.· J. Donald Gibson, Mrs. Arthur Kenl, Mrs. L. C. Shero, MISS Olive Cleaves. ]. Russell Smilh, Mrs. .Harold Barnes, Carl Cleaves, Mrs. Edward H. Bon~ sail, Jr., Alfred Fassitt. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Roberts· took charge of three 'dis-tricts. . . For obvious reasoll3 it is held that such an invasion would ',be most undesirable as well as detrimental to the assured safety of u.. residenl families and the charader (COIlUaUe4 OD Pap 4)
---------- Page 7 ----------
INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW AT SCHOOLS Class Rooms of College Avenue and Rutgers Avenue BuildÂings Filled with Blooms grade, the medal gomg to Ford \Vlggins and honorable mention to John Daley. The best dlspla) 5 In each room \\ crc as foIl0\\5 third grade, (:ollcge first place. Helen Ha" kt:5, second. Emily Rumble Third grade, RutJ,::crs first place, Charles Moore. St.'C(md, Nancy Van Alen Fourth grade, College first place, Eleanor Bye I sc(Ond. Rouert. LanJ;::c Fourth grade, Rut gers first place, Edward Belfield, second, PrL~ll1a Giles Fifth grade, College' first The class rooms of the t\\O grade school place, Mary Frances DImmitt, second, Ann bUlldmgs were com ertcd 1010 flo\\ er I!ar- Arg, Ie Fifth grade, Rutgers first place, dens Tuesday, o<:tober 8 \\lth lovel) dlS- Hdh Slckle, second, Shirley MacMillan pia) s of fall flo\\ efS The occa~Jon \\ as Su:th grade College first place, DaVid the annual flo\\ er .. how conducted b\ the I Spat th, "ccond Nann' Hoot Sixth grade, children of the third, Iourth, fifth, !ilxth RUIJ,!ers first place, Harry Schofield; sccÂand seventh grades ond Clifford Br)ant In the sc\enth grade Each child In the room \\as m\lted to the be"t dlspla)s \\ere as fo1l0\\5 MISS bnng a dlSplav of f.11I Oo\\Cr .. to hiS or her Harton's room first place, 10hn Daley, room The dlspla) 5 "( re judl!ed on ar- s('cond Robert Half Mr Hell's room first rangement, condition of Oo\\('r .. and appro- pllct' Ford WIJ,!l!:ins, second Joan Thatcher pnateness of bo\\ I or va"'e The judges of 1\1) ..... ElIzabeth Barten, sCience teacher in the dlSphys \\ ere.Mrs n.o .. s Marnott Mrs the High School, \\ as In chnr~e of thiS very Alfred SmrlllC) Sr .md Mr~ George Zlm- mt('re .. tm~ and hlghlv ~ucce .. "ful Oo\\er mer The committee of }U(IJ!es had dlftl- .. ho\\ cult) In sclectln~ the be ... t room dl"pla\ ID each bUlldm~, but finalh :1\\ arded an Amencan flag to 1\11"S Moore s fifth grade room m the Rutgers A\enuc buddmv: and to MISS Weber's Sixth grade room and Mr Hell'" seventh grade room m the College A\Cnue bUlldmv; The followmg mdl\ Idual a\\ ards \\ ere made Helen Ha\\ke" r('cened a bronze medal for the best mdl\ Idual dl"pla\ 10 j the two third grade room" honorable menÂtIOn go1Og to Charles Moore In the Iourth grade Eleanor B\C recelHd the bronze medal and Ed,\ ard Belfield, honÂorable menlion The medal 3\\ard 10 the fifth grade was \\ on b} HIIlv Sickle, \\Ith , FIVE-COUNTY CONÂFERENCE FOR L.W.V. Mrs_ D_ C. Prince, President, Holds Pennsylvania League Meeting The Leav;uc of Women Voters-state, county and local-has mterestlng and inÂformative programs for the month of Oc tober TIlE SWARTHMOREAN Observatory Open Nights The Sproul Observatory '" III be open to \ ISltOrs on the second and fourth Tuesday hlghts of each month while the college IS ID sessIOn Tuesday, September 24th, was the first hlght thiS college ) car No apÂpomtment need be made VIsltmg hours drc from 730 until 10 o'clock • Taking Special Course Serg-eant Thomas Bateman, of the S\\ arthmore Pobce Department, IS attend. 109 the ad'\ ance cJas .. cs In Identdication of the Dela\\ arc County Poltce School, \\ blch arc belD!: held m Ridley Park • NEWS NOTES Mr and Mrs Thom.ls Bant.:, of MarÂshall Ind! ~pent last \\ eek vl"lhng theIr son and daughtcr-m la", Mr and Mrs Chfford Hanta. of 5" arthmore Crest, "ho also had as their ~uests over the \\ eek.end Mr and Mrs Paul Marns, of \Vashmgton, D C MI"s Anne 'Varrcn, of \Valnut Lane, has entercd S\\ arthmore Colle~e thiS ran as a sophomore, after havIngl prcvIously atÂtended Earlham College, RIchmond, IndiÂana SHERIFF SALES Sheriff s OfTICt!, Court House MedlD Saturday, November 2 1935 9.30 o'clock A M (Easlern Stundard Time) P. ComhtlOns $25000 cash or certllied check at lIml' of sale (unless othenVJ8c slaled In advertisement), balance In ten days Other ('omhtlon~ un day of sale. No. 872 ._==_O_CTOBER II, 1935 BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ...... June Term. 1935 All that certain Jot or piece or land With the two-story bru:k slol'(! and apartment bulld_ IIIg ther('On erected. situate on the- northwestÂuly tilde 01 I<":irth street at the dlatance <Jf thJ'(.'C hundred hm and eighty hundredths reet measured southwestwardly from the northwl"I!It. erly corner or the Bald Fifth street and EdgÂmont avenue. in the City or Chester. County of Dehl\\DI'(' and State of Pennsytvama ConÂtalllln..: III front alonl{ the northwesterly Side of thE' said I< Icth shed mt'8sured th"n .. c south sixty_nllle d('K'ret.'S, twenty eight mmules thU1Y-BeVen acconds west seventeen and se\Âenty- unE' hundredths feet and exlendmg in depth of that Width north twenty dt"K1"ee8 thlrty.one minutes hventy_three seconds ~ cst mnety two and Sixty-four hundredths feet The northeRsterly hne or said lot. pusslng through and alung the party wall between the mCK • I!URge herun d('8crlool and the messuage nd- 10ming on the northeast Bounded on the northeast lind southwest by other lands of the said Wilham F Delehanty and on the north_ \\est by lands of Nell A Ma) Plush Cum. IJany Heilig known and dcslgnatt'd a8 130 West Plfth Street. Improvements COhSlst of twOo-story brick houll'(" It1xCi4 fcct. store front Sold as the property of Wilham F. DeJeÂhanty, mortgagor and I"('al owner, KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY, Attorney, I evan .'nclas No 892 June Term, 1935 ORDINANCE No. 373 AN ORDINANCE providing (or the ~On8tr hun of an eight lDch Vitrified terra co~~· Pipe 8ew~r un KutKen; Avenue In the IS " ough of Swarthmore, to extend from W~~ dale Avenue In a 8uuthcrl)' direchon I~Q more or less, ond providing for the a!l15~ ment Bnd eoll(.'CtlOn of the costs Bnd eXiteD, a. th~rt.'Qr from the owncr8 oC property Bbu~ tun: thereon. THE COUNCIL OF THB BOROUGH Or SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That an eight inch vltrlfl terra cotta pipe BeWer be constructed In Hu~ gens A\cllue, Swarthmore, l-ennsylvanJa I Dccordance With standard Borough 8Pet.' lfi can tumB. beglnmrl): at a manhole III the present SE'wer In Westdale A\enue at or ncar the northeast curb corner of Its mtl'hccilon .... lIb Uut"el'll A'l:enue and extendmg southwardl along Wt'lltdale Avenue 150 more or lcss \\I\~ tht" nt'Ce8Bary manholes. Y brancht'S and a cC>Jsorl('II lor house connections c· SECTION 2 That a contract for the s,ud nork be a\\arded as reiluirE'd by Jaw, and th~ proper Borough officers are her('by 8uthorlZtof to e;xceulc such controct and take such olher IIteps as mny be ad\' ISed by the SoliCitor 111(' proller offlc~rs are hereby empowered to tikI' advantage of ony co-operoilon With llur('t1us Dcpartml'nts or AgenCies of the Jo'eileral Or Stute Go\ernments as may be available SECTION 3 That Upon the complehon of the work, and the ascertamment or the ~ntlle costa thereof aSSt'tSsment shnll be made tlllOn all alls{'!Jsable property for the E'nilre cost of the said sewer and accessorl(!8 mcludmg the expeWJt'S of enacting thiS Ordmance, (!tlually ncconhng to the foot frontage. by the liar. ough Ensnnt'Cr, as proVided by Jaw SUcb aSSl"SSrnl'nts shall not be ... harged With Ihter~st if paid Within thltty (30) days afler the completion of the work. any such assessment rcmammg Unpaid thirty (30) daY8 from the hme the work II! completed, !;Ihall draw mtf.'r_ cst at the rate of SIX (6%) per cent per annum from date of completIOn and If not paid wlthm five (5) months after such com. pletlOn, the Sohcltor shaJl cause liens to be filed agamst the various pr01Jerty tor said assCElsmenls With Interest computed from lhe date <01 complehon Prop 81t ID Boro of Sharon HIli, Del Co. 1'0 on the S W. s of Ridley Ave 26367' W fr the N. W. s of Chester pike, tho ext. S W. partly passing thru the party wall of l)I"Crn erected UPOII the herein dcsc Jot and premises erected on lot adj. to the S 90' to a tit th ext N W_ 27.5' to a pt • th ext N E partly passing thru the party wall of 2 cert garages and alg the cen of a cert. 7' w dwy. 90 to a pt. In the S W. s of Ridley Ave., th alg same S E. 275' to place of beg Tog. with use of dwy. U & S to condo Bnd rest SECTION 4. Where hens shall be filed nil of the cost and attorney's lees, together With ten (lOlA) per eent additional Oil a penalty shall be payable by the party or partlC8 O\1;n lng the property agaln:!t which such henl! are filed. Mary Frances DImmitt reC(,lvm~ honorable The Penns)lvama Lea~ue, Mrs Dand menhon In the Sixth grade, Harry Scho- Chandler Pnnce, of Swarthmore, president, field won tbe bronze medal and David beld a five-county conference at the Spaeth received honorable mention Simi- home of Mrs Allan D Walhs, "Annan Jar awards \\ere made 10 the seventh dale," Kmg Road, Malvern, on Friday, ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I October 4, at 1030 A. M The program ~ \\ as 10.10 11 3O-"FI"e Objectives for Le,;arl FaCiaS No 1428 Improvcments consISt of two-story brick and shmgle house, 15x36 tcct. porch front. cement block and trame garage, 9xlt1 feet Passed this 9th day of Oct, A D 1935 J. ARCHER TURNER, Prandent of Council DID YOU KNOW THAT Bethlehem (Doe) Burners HEAT MORE HOMES IN SWARTHMORE Than Any Other Individual Make of Oil Burner? Ask Concermng OUf Special F mance Plan Your Completely Installed PrIce May Be as L..,w as $265 (Cash) Complete Burner & Fuel Service l-Sales 3-Service 2-lnstallation 4-FuelOil WILSON Coal and Supply Co. Walhnaford. Pa Largest Independent Dlstnbutors of Fuel Od and Aulomolic Jllfahnc F(Hl pment m ThiS County 1935 36" speaker, Mrs DaVid C Pr1Oce, itA Look1OJ?,: Glass Vle\\' of the League in FI\ e Countnes," presented b} the chairÂmen of the counties, nameh, Delaware, Chester, Phtladelphla, Bucks and MontÂgomer) 1130-12 30-"~e\\ Neutrahty Laws," speaker, Mrs MaUrIce N \Veyl 1230 I 45-Box luncheon 145-"\Vork of the CIVil Service ComÂmiSSIOn 10 Phlladelphm," speaker, Charl~s S Sh.lughness\ Cillef E:mmmer of CI\ II Scn ICC CommissIOn 10 PhIladelphIa Mrs J Passmore Cheyne)' \\ho I!; chair man of the Countv Lea~uc and the SwarthÂmore Lea/-tuc, gave a report of the 3Ctl"lÂtil'S of the ])ela\\ are Count} League Tho"e \\ho attended from S\\arthmore \\ere Mrs Ed\\tn A Yarnall :Mrs namel Gooch\ln Mrs J I)aul Bronn, Mrs Wilham Middleton Fmc Mrs Theodore Crus~cn Mrs Thomas Johnson, Mrs AI fred GaQ 'Vhltc and Mrs Charles Bunt mg , "Roxy" Show to Benefit Prison MISS Esther I Short, an outstandlDJ!: figure In the mUSical \\orld and a resu.1ent of Dcl.m ..tre Count), \\ III aPI)ear on the program of the Broadmeado\\ s Pnson I farm heneflt \\hlCh '\Ill be gl\en at the Smedle) J UDlor High School in Chester n('xt Thur"da) evemng October 17, .It 8 30 June Term, 1935 All that certam lot or piece of ~round With the bulldlngS and Improvements thereon erected. situate In the TownshiP of Upper iJarby County ot Delaware Bnd State of PennÂsylvania, amI described aeeording to a ('erlmn 1,Ion ami survey thereof made by Damon Bnd fo·osll'r. C E dated February 2ith, 1925, as (0110\\;8. to Wit Situate at the lnten;ectlOn uf the southeasterly SIde of Dermond road (fOrty feet "'Ide) With the northeasterly aide of Wllsun drnc (Corty feet ",.tIe), thence l:xtl!nthng along the snul Side of Dermond rond north sixty-three degrees thirty SIX mmÂut<' S four seconds eDst one hundred eleven and fortY-!'Ieven one-hundredth!! feet to the southÂ" esterly Side of n certam thuteen feet wide drlvc\\ay v.;huh extends northwestwardly from MnrvlPe avenue to Dermond road and thenee extendmg along SQld Side of drIVeway south 1"( nlY-SlX d~re("S cight minutes elev('n sec. nnds eD!>t twenh: t" 0 und seventy one-hun. drcdth!l feet to a pomt nnd thence t"xtendmg south sixty t\\O degret"s twenty five mmutes west one hundred ten and cmhty eu:ht oneÂhundredths feet to the emd northl'nsterly Side of Wdson drive nnt! thence eXk'ndtng along the snul sule of Wd!>on drive north h\enty_ "eVtn .Iegrec>! thut) fhc millutc.s "cst twenly_ th ( fHt to the fiMit mentioned ).omt anti place of bel-flnnllU: Under nnd subject to cerhun bUlldmg rcÂ" trlctlOns and COhlhtlOns TOl-!'ether with Ihe free nnd ("ommon use, r".:-ht hherty flllt! PrI\ liege of the nbo~c menÂlIoned drl\,e\HIY ns nnd fur a passage"ay and \~ntere()urse at nil times hcrealter forever. Imllrovl'mcnb ('onslllt of h"o story stone nnd :.hllll-!'Il hou;,('. 15x27 flct, porch front one_ stm:y shml-!'Il! nddltlUn 6x9 feet, stucco /-:urngl 12xlS felt SoM as the IJroperty of Joscph Derman morl~ I,wr, lind Hobl'rt fullmer. l1:'al owner C WILFRED CONARD Attorne) I c\nrl fUel IS No 241 March Term 1935 The RroadmeadO\\s bemfit, the uRox)" "ho\\, conslstmg of numcrous stage and radlO .utlsts IS oem~ "pan ored b\ the Chcstel Scr\ ICC Clubs to rat"e a muslc.ll fund for Hruadme ldo\\s Pnson Farm All that certam traet or l)Jecp. of the hUlldlngs lIllIl Imllro\emenl!i PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR WINTER DRIVING l!re( teel sdunte lIartiy In the Burough o( S\\ Irthmore lind l'lrtly III thl' To\\ nshlll uf SI,rmghdcl III the County of DlIa\\ are ami louuded IInll dC':lcrlbed Wi (oIlO\\s, to \\It B~gIllIlIlU!!' It 11 pOlUl III the middle of HlVl'r ';Jew lI\enUe ,fifty f~d \\ltl~, .It the {hs(nnce of 12!GO or. fl'C1 southenst\\urdly from the pomt .. f IIIter>;l'Ctmn til the Haul mltldle hne of 1t1\e;r\I~\\ u\ellue nnd the mulllle hne of Ogdell IIllnue extendllll-!' thence by the mulÂdie Iln~ of tile slUd Unenww ;nenuc Bouth .!I tkl-!'rClS 50 mwutes elst tn 79 fcct to an Ingle III s 1111 Uner\iew lI\,ellUC, thence m the berl o( Ul\ervle\\ IIvenue suuth 17 degr("('s 1 mlRuh (list GH 21 f(.!et to n pomt In the middle IIf Sliid Ih\~r\lew II"cnue nhcre the sime IS 10 fed W Idl', thence stdl b) the 1m Idle of Jtl\et\le\\ l\\elHle (forty feet wule, south 17 dCJ.':re;'(':; I ramulc ellst 7809iJ feel to n stone III the muldlc uf saul Rncrvlew avcnu~ thence cro:-;slng s uti avenue dmgQnalh south 17 d(>Â~ r~'S 1 mllllltlC cast 11565 feet to a pomt In the northerly right of \\ ay hlle of th(> Phi InÂdelphlll B Iltlmore nnd \Va!>hmgton Railroad Com pan:,; thellCe:! by saul right of \~ay hlle north 6n dlgr~CS 42 hunutes east 131 75 feci to an alUde thence shll by sau) rlJ..(ht uf way hne north 'i-i del-l'rees 15 mmutl"s (,.list lOR 85 f(><!t ttl another an/-:ie thence stili by said rlghl of "ay }me north 73 dt'glX'el,l 9 mmut('S (nst 3'11!J~ f(et to n pOint mime of other Innd!> of (he sllul mtlrtgal-l'ors thence by the "nul lands north 21 dcg("(.'('S 10 minutes \\est nil) 55 fed to a pomt at II corner of the s81d Innds thence stili by saul ];mds south 54 d('grccs ~6 mlllut('s '\e!>t 342 G fC('t to Il POlDt Illothlr corn('r of saul lands then('e stilI by ~ul{l I mIls north IH del-!'IX'CS \\cst 671!l5 fC('t to a Ilnllll another ('orner of saul lands thence shll hy saul I mils north i6 dl'J:rt't":; 57 mmÂlilt" liSt ( 1)0\ 04 f('Ct to n }lOmt III the middle "f l\f Ir"h III lilt nut tht Ilce h) the nit Idle o( IIItI I\1Ir:;h III alentlt n"rth 22 tlel-!'rC('!> 21 nHIIH11" \\lst 3nl fiH rl'Ci ttl I Ilfllnt a ('I rner f llurJIIHI of \h. I IRlm., U1lth.llt This Is the Way We Check Your Car to Prevent Winter Troubles I-Before servlcmg With anti-freeze, thoroughly clean coolmg system, block and radIator, reÂmovmg thermo:stat beÂfore flushing 2-See that drain cock is light and all other leaks are elimInated 3-Rubber hoses must be free of cracks and flakÂIng Replace If defectÂIve 4-Fan belts that are worn or greasy should be reÂplaced to prevent slip pmg or obViate breakÂIng 5-Lubnciltc water punlp and be sure entIre as senlbly IS leak proof Check pump packing 6-Flush out gear cases and refill transmiSSion and dIfferential WIt h Wmter lubncant 7-Check battery for voltÂage and water; replace battery cables .f needÂed. 8-Lubncate generator and Increase chargIng rate for WInter dnving. 9-Clean fuel pump bowl and check carburetor. I O-Draln crankcase and reÂfill WIth Wmter oil. I-Inspect for leakage at heat IndJcator connecÂtion 11-lnspcct nectlOn tighten leaking. all water conÂgaskets and or replace If $1.95 Plus Material HANNUM & WAITE SWARTHMORE 1250 Alcohol - DuPont 5 Star Anti-Freeze - Prestone Exide Batteries 11" I I I m 1111 'IIt I Jill.),. uuth ,1'\ Ilt)..:h'('< I' 01111111." 111111:-: ('{'lIlb \\( I I"'~'II, fe; ... 1 I) th, 1,11 .. r f h"~llInlng I Imprcnlmt'llis '(lI"lt of il\o alul om half ,.tOl~ frlnlt h"u"t ..!h!s rllt pnrth rront (\'" ",I. r~ frlme ullhtlttn IOx!1 rHI fr:mu J-:lrt ... t IxlS ftel !\\" Illfl "mhllf "tor:,; frlnw hUll (' 2!I:o.:':-. ft{1 p'rlh front t\\O Ion fr Ime ,,!thl1 n tux!1 fl'Ct .lIlt"ll1 I.u. 1S.2!..! fld ~ I" J" 11 ( l'r'l (rl) tlf 10m" ( f mmnllS 11111 \11. l I I 1ll1II' II 111-. \, If. morl~ tg r IIlfl AI. t limon "mnlO"'" IIldl\l,llI:o.lI~ IIld I'> tX'lutrl" (If tilt ."IIi( oi' 1"'111" (II£" "mm.ll Ilt,<.Il.tI r tI "'\ntr and Uilltul t f Anlt rI , h. n, r & JOIINSO~ Atturne)" I Sold as the property of Clifford R Mohn, mortgagor and real owner. Attest ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. (Seal) Borough Secretary EDWARD F HITCHCOCK, Attorney. Approved thIS 10th day of Oct. A D 1935 NATHAN P. PECHIN, Sheriff. JOHN H PITMAN. BUrgess PATHFINDER $ 25 30X 3! 4.40-21 4.75-19 $6.05 7.05 OeherSIJJC8tn.Propu,hon .1I~,~I,_t:~,ch.nge wIthout notice tar; additional Over 20,000,000 GOODYEAR Pathfinders sold-that's how good it is. Guaranteed in writing against road injuries and defects. A better tire than moat dealers sell at highest prices. HANNUM & WAITE CHESTER ROAD AND YALE AVENUE Swarthmore 1250 Do Away with Winter Drudgery Buy a 'Hercules' Automatic OIL BURNER CASH INSTALLED Complete WIth 275-Gallon Tank and all Controls No more worry or furnace tending and the "Hercules" thermostat maintains the right degree of temperature at all times_ No matter what kmd of heating plant you have now, Hercules Automatic 0.1 Burner will operate It sahsfactonly, Economical burns low pnced oil QUIet. has only one moving part And once installed your heating worries are over for the winter Change to dean, automatic 011 heat today' .. , A~AILA8L1 UNDER THE N.H.A. PLAN \Vllh No Do'Wn Payment 3 Years to Pay Sears, Roebuck and Co., 522 Edgmont Ave, Chester, Pa. Gentlemen Please send me del:lIls of your . Hercules" AutomatIc all Burner Name Street Clly ~.l'~ 522 EDGMONT AVE CHESTER, PA_ PHONE 9111 SW 041~TH M~ I~ E SW~I~THM( 'I~E I' ,), Vol. VII, No. 42 SWARTHMORE, PA., OCTOBER 18, 1935 $2.50 PER YEAII: COUNCIL OBJECTS JOSEPH E. HAINES JOHN H. PITMAN = TO LIQUOR STORE THOMAS C. SHAFFER AT WOMAN'S CLUB MASS MEETING PROÂTESTS LIQUOR STORE Lafayette Avenue Property awnÂers Seek Information at Interesting Events Planned Near Future Reported by Section Chairmen for Townspeople Gather in Methodist Church; Telegram. Sent to HarÂPublic Hearing rishurg, Petitions Circulated At the regular meetmg of Borough CounrIl Wedncsday evening thc proposed liquor store for Swarthmore was dlscusscd at great length J Archer Turnert presIÂdent of Coundl, read a telegram whIch he had sent to Governor Earle protcshng the l"stabhshment of a store here SoliCitor Me) ers quoted the state act which said that after the advertIsement of thc locaÂtion of a state store the cItizens had flo,; e da). s m which to present petIhons to the court against the locahon of a store on the proposed stte The rust stated mectIn~ of the current )ear \\as held 0\ the S\\arlhmore Woman's Club at the clubhou ... e on Park Avcnue on Tucsda) , October IS Mr Thomas C Shaffer, "en kno\\n \\ntcr, traveler and lecturer on economic subjects deh'\ered a most mterestmg and instructive diSCOUrse on "The EthIOpian m thc European WoodÂpile" Introduced by Mrs Roland Eaton, chalrlnan of the program committee, Mr Shaffer deSCrIbed 10 clear and forceful st}le the causes whIch have motivated the present conOlct beh\ cen Italy and Ethiopia A close student of \\ orld affairs he was able to pamt a VJ\ Id picture of condlttons in Eth10I)J3 and outlme the Italian po .. i tion m Its actiVIties in EthIOpIan tcrnton Mr Shaffcr took the posItion that no na lion ~o('s to \\ ar from a purcIv altrUistic motive, that aSide from Italy's deSire to ~ee .. Ia\ en abolIshed m Ethloilla the Hahan nahon was Vitally concerned \\llh the quesÂlIon of temtonal expansion He further c~plamcd m detad the 10terest of othl:r COU!ltnes notab!) Grcat Hntam and France In protectmg their mte~ral nghts In con A mass meetmg uf the L\l'" nspeople In protest agamst the proposed State Liquor Store In Swarthmore "hleh "as announced 10 last Thursda) s papers, was held JD the S\\arthmore Methodist Church at 2..30 last Sunday afternoon The meetmg, at \\ hleh there \\ ere moro than a hundn:d and t\\ent}-fi\C present, \\ as called IJ) liurgess John 11 Pitman at the request of many clllzens of the BorÂough Chester Robcrts acted as secretary of the me('tmg, at which Mr Pitman prcslded, and informed the assembly of the steps which had atread} been taken In the matÂter ]lresldent F rank Aydelotte, of SwarthÂmore College, as \\ ell as the School Board and man) mdlvlduals of the town, upon learnmg of the proposillon, sent telegrams to Harnsburg request10g an opportumty to present objectIons It was felt tbat the petitions which were Circulated in the Borough displayed the sentiments of an overwhelmmg majority of the Citizens Therefore, Councd requested Burgess Pitman to dchver the petlhons 10 person and cxplam the great opposition tv such a store, and authOrized payment .of hIS expenses to Harnsburg on thiS mls Slon Pre.ident of Rolling Green Golf Club who, with Mrs. Haines, Wa& feted b; member. of the club Wednesday eve. niDI. JOSEPH E. HAINES FETED BY CLUB Swarthmore Burges. Leads Fight Against State Liquor Store. SCHOOLS TO HAVE SPECIAL OFFICER The foHowmg letter, which \\ as \\ ntteD to Governor Earle by Dr J Russell Smith, of Elm Avcnue. IS an example of the 10- tense feehng of S\\ arthmoreans rclallve to the estabhshmg of a hquor store In the Horough Several reSidents of Lafa)eUe Avenue \\ ere present askmg mformatlon from Council on ho\\ the asscssment for the paVlOJ!; of Lafayctte Avenue \\as 10 be made Some of the properh owners have corner lots, others ha\c tnan~ular lots and a rctaJDm~ \\ all IS to be uscd alon~ the slre.lm 10 front of h\o of the properlles Tht'\ also asked lniOrm.ltlon on ho\\ the )la\ ments could be flO mced o\Cr a penod 01 tlmc The members of council stated th It adjustments \\ould be made In the c I"e" of I r~ 1\ I Ind Irre~ular lot ... the co~t tile ret Ilnmg \\a1l \\111 be allocltcd be t\Hl'f1 all of the properh o\\ner:. Cluence G .Me\ er" sohCltor expluned that ac curdm~ to I.m that the 0\\ ncr:. had 6 munths 10 "hlch to p l'\ their asse"'scd costs, .111('r til it hUb ,j, .. t.:'d 't h'I"o but ar rangetnl nts could he made tu pa). them off 10 mst.lllments It \\ as explaIned that the matenal and r>qmprncnt \\ ould cost about $4,70:'1 "hlch \\ould make the cost bet\\een $2 and $250 per hncal foot ThiS docs not Include the ,~:-: ,0 00 of free labor granted b) the 'V P A Henry Hoot, of the Tree Committee, re ported 50 trees m the borough nursc) were large enough to be transplantcd thiS \\ mter and \\ ould be placed on South Chester Road The borough secretary was authorÂIzed to petition the W P A for labor for prumng shade trees on thc borough streets thiS wmter Other routme busmcss \\as enacted, With the mecting bemg adjourncd until tomght at i 45, when the bids for materIals to be used In the pavmg of Lafa). ctte Avenue, \\ III be opened • EDWARD H. HANNUM DIES AT AGE OF 77 One of First Residents of BorÂough and Former PostÂmaster I d\\ ani \V Hannum one of the oldc~1 re"ldents of S\\ arthmor~, (hed on Tuc..,da\ October 15, after a protr lctcd 11Iue!>S at thc Ol:!C ol 77 \ cars Portrait of Prominent Local Man nectlOn with the ltalo-EtinopJan conllll.:1 md closcd hiS remark" \\ Ith the statement Public School EnroUment Shows Presented to Rolling Green th.lt the ~urest \\ 1\ to prc\cnt or alert • ThiS commumh \\ as shocked to read m the ne" sp tpers recentl) that the PennsylÂ\ aOll Liquor Control Hoard I)roposed to e"t lbh"h .1 IlfJ,!C numiJer ot DC" liquor "ton:" mduum~ one In S\\ arthmon:, a rCSlÂ( knll •• ] borough .tntl educatIOnal center Golf Club by Members \\ ar IS to abf)h~h economic and pohtlcal I II Illonah"m Mr and Mrs joseph E Hamcs of South ! eh I R ltd I f II \nothcr featurl' 01 the meehnt. \\ IS .1 Increase of Twenty-three Over Last Year , I .lm "ure man) of the cItizens of that burou,.!!1 10 .uldltton to rn\ seIt \\ ould like to kno\\ \tlur .lttUude In thiS m Iller Is It nu.:e ...... lrl th It the Liquor Control Board pu'<h the alcohol uu .. me ........ 1OU In so domg dot' .. It h 1\ I.' \ our "uPllort or IS It gOIng lL:,lln",t lour df()rt~t es er oa(, \\erc en ere( an ID orml 1 I tl I I ~fr~ Rolmd G It \\ I~ (Ieuded It the rt'Lmllr mectm;:.{ of receptIOn on Wednesda\ e\emn~ .It the IeI'm )\ Ie Ilrt"l( en R o II m~ G rcen G 0 If CI u IJ , S pnn~ •I e IeI I) \ Ullllan, of the fortieth ~nnull lC' omen thl' S(hool Board held :\ll1ncll\ eHDlll1! thc members of the club and thclr \\1\e:.1 1um til the Stile I'ederlhon (It Inn ... , I to ptlllinn tilt C(lurt nl Common rielS to , h \ 1m t \\ ullten \\lnch ,.fIe Ithndt·d II Ene I :...t t e "lme time a portrait of !\.Ir S I 0 0 I -4 I I h 1\ l John \\ nil J Imlor It the Rllt_l r" H.une:, p,nntcd 1)\ 1 rcdenc Roscher WI~ qlhl l1l )lrl \ tn ['Ito JU I 'In "U'IIO\\11 \Hnm School IlllJolnted I ~chool ofllc('r pre"'ent('d to the cluh b\ the member~ 1\1\1( lIle lIunllta I e "t\ e ~~ r~ m In I ' The occaSion \\as 10 l)JprcClatlon of Mr luuputed to the c1uh mcmber~ hu enthu~1 nlth full mtilOnt, to nllkl tnt'"t" on tht Hames ten \elrs of "en ICC IS preSident olll ... m fur the (On\Cntlnll stre .... m~ the ho ... I "'Ihool prnpert\ \\lu.'11 a{hl'ahlt: 11)1<.; the duh He IS 11"'0 an Ictl\e club mem jJltzllt\ jllomptm ... and hlrmom \\ll1ch[mCI'illrt "u.'med ul\l"lble hC'( IU"l of thf Ih( rt'nnl IctlOn 01 thc \mencan pt'uple In n nHl\ lOt.: lhe Pruillbition \mcnd mt'nt lrnm tin Cun .. tltutlUn 1S .b I "ee tt, 1 pt rnu ... ,;ltIn lor tht' people to .lgam do as t: .. , I: I~L HI du~ m ltlcr, /Jut thb m:lion 01 the 5t Ite 10 PU"hlOl-\: the "ale ot thiS m tkrr 01 .lUtumobllc aCCIdents and other trnlJhle IS qUitt another m.IHer It ccrÂtaml) puts the St.lte In the pO~llton of debauchcr and destro\ cr What can the cItizens do to stop thIS action on the part of the State? I d 'I I Tm \ tiled It the I fli tnn 11O!'! 1" \\l'll I .. l('r:!r. IIfl:t' r~nft., ::t-, ... 1 (n R II III1 .. thlt.:1 Pt:ll\ Illle\lr\ Hid c! un I"l \\hu.:h ~olft'f I Ihl ,!lUI: 01 allIIn s~( ~ In HIt!H a ) )I .., The pre~cntatlOn of the portrait \\ as I J0 , ep I1 I m k I). 1 \ I(I So 1I,"r\ I'II r' " TI,on".. hal l' t ~ken ,ll.ICC at till ~choob made IJ\ l\1r Paul freeman AIr Milton ~ Hl:pl;urn Dr R \ D Cdlts K lth F r.lOk R \lorc\ "up('r'\l"ID~ pnnclpal Remhnld, \ICC prc"'ldent, ofl1clIlI\ reCl1\ed erme Lenroot and the pre"ldent Mr .. John f('porhd th It the ~chuul enrollment .IS of the !-:11l on bch!lf of the dub i\I Phillip" OCtubl r I :;hU\b an mcre.lse 01 n 0\ er M r H ame~ \\ h 0 IS \en popu I ar \\1 th Club hU5m('~s conSIsted of a readm~ of Iht \C~r The JUOIor and seDlor hlf.~h h IS assocla t b th I d I the mmute" 01 the ll"t meetm,..\" h\ the ('s 0 lUsme5S an SOCI3 IS schools .lOd the Rutgers A\ enue School one of the older re;,ulents of the Borou~h recordm~ .. ecretan l\.1r~ Mabel Fisher havm~ b\cd here thlrt).-elght years He WJlhams, a report b\ the treasurer, Mrs has for the past t\\O )cars been Vlce-prCSI C C West and the follo\\lOg announcc dent of the S\\arthmore National Bank and ments b\ chairmen of sections Trust Compa", of \\hlch he \\35 made a Mrs Joseph Seal, chalfman of the director on August 2 1921 He IS also health and \\elfare section A card part) preSident of the S\\ arthmore Buddmg A5- and fashIOn sholl to be held b) the sec SOCIatIon ha\'in~ held the post for about tlOn on Monda), ~ovember 4, at 2 P M fifteen) ears, pnor to \\ hlch he scn cd for at the clubhouse some tIme as \ Icc-preSIdent 01 the Asso Mr~ H r\ Peuso] chalfman, art "ecÂclatlon He has been a director SInCC It lIon A barge party on the Ne\\ Hope was mcorporated 10 1899 Canal on 'Vedncsda), October 23 Cars Mr Haines has held hiS prescnt pOSitIOn lea\C the clubhouse at 9 :\ 1\1 for Ne\\ as preSident of J E Llmeburner, PhlladeI Hope r\n\one deslfln~ to go should phIa, dlspensmg optiCIans smce the death commUD1cate \\ Ith Mrs I)elfsol of Mr Llmeburner In 1916 He had been Mrs C A McDO\\CII, chairman drama vIce-president for some }cars before, suc- seclton The fir~t meeting of that -ccÂ( eedmg to the presIdent) He was also lIOn \\ III take place on Thur~da\ October prcsldent of the Spnngha\en Club for a H .it 10 :\ M at the clubhouse, partlClÂnumber of )ears pants \\ III "'tudy the Enghsh Renals'iance ~~~.. Penod and meetmgs \\ III thereafter bc held POLICE NEWS regularh on .he 2nd and ~th Th"rsdal, 0' Clarence Tnol, of Media \\ as "tncken \\ Ith a he.lft aHack on WhIttIer FIeld of S\\ arthmore Collel!e, \\ htle attendmg last frlda\ afternoon s football contest het\\ecn S\\ arthrnore and Media HI~h Schools Mr Trlol, \\ho \\as 65 \ cars old \\ IS (x.lmIned h\ Dr f r mklm Gillespie of S\\ arthmore \\ ho \\ as present anel \\ ho after admm l~terlDA' lir:.t lIfl hid the \ letlm taken m the S\\ arthmore pollc(' car to the Me{ita HO"llltal \\ herc he \\ as pronounced dead at :1 45 each month :\frs Phe]p:. Soule, (h urman hter~f\ .. celton Flr .. t mcetlhl! ~O\ember 7, 10 \ l\I Sub equent meelm~s bt md ltd fhur"r!a\ ~ oj each month MaD\ InterÂ(~ Ung hook re\ Ie" s a:. \\ ell .I~ blOJ!raphlc "II! 1)(' (0\ ('red dunn)! the 'e.n ~Ir~ Jacob 1\.1e"'cht('r chalrm III musIc ... uUnn Thl' dub' .. choru'> \\IP hold re hear"lb each Monda\ mornmg at 10 'As I remember the campaign against :.ho\\ mcreases In enrollment \\ hIle thc the Eighteenth Amendment, It was repeated ColIc~e A venue Elementary School sho\\ s ovcr and (NCr agam that the movement to I d~crc.lsc The musIc classes sho\\ that restore the sale of alcohol \\as a move-ment toward temperance, that It \\ as done 21 pupIls arc takmg VIOlin, 8, the \\ood to reduce the usc of alcohol, \\hlch was \\lOds and brass Instruments, and 15, J>lano said to be \cr} great because of IIhClt sale" and VOIce t\lthou~h Swarthmore voted 812 ) es to Report:> of thc summer high school. sum 480 no on Prohlblhon Repeal In the NoÂmer recreation commIttee and high schoo] \ember electton of 1933, It IS esumated that student treasur) funds \\erc read and filed only one out of ever) ten \\ould not sign The floodmg of the girls' locker room the pctthons which had becn prepared and durmg thc last bad storm \\ as dlscus"ed wcre Circulated after thc meetmg BurÂand It "as deCided to la\ a dram of field gess PItman diVided the to\\n mto 39 dls~ hie along the front of the bUlldmg and tnets. each of which averaged around 36 connect It \\ Ith an extstmg open dram signers, rnakmg- a total 01 about 1500 nearb\ The lahor \\111 be furmshed by om)osed to the e~tabhshmg of a hquor the \Vorks Progress Admmlo:;tratIon and store here the cost IS not to exceed $50 It IS probable that the result of the h P I R'I aforementIOned electIon IS the reason for :\ letter from t e enns\ vama al S"arthmore bl'mg held a fllr prospect for road mdlcated the\ \\ould furmsh the a hquor store, even though most people lahar 10 bUlldm~ thc fence alonJ! the tall ! \\ hcn questIOned rcph. that they \ oted for road track from the school to the station I repeal 51mph hecaus~ thc\ felt that proÂThe School Board a,lthoflled the Jlurcha~c hlbltlOn \\as not the proper method to of s66 \\ orth ot ~upphes to hUild the (cnce I CO)lC \\ Ith the "ltuatIon 10 th( bound 1[\ 01 the school Ilroperh ~ot onh hal e people been \\ Ilhng to Born CounCil \\ III pal lor the fence tro!.l I sl~n the petItions but ~ome \\ ho "ere not Ihl "t Ilton to the "chool hne I contactl'd ha\ e ~one to the troublc to locate The hul on thc L\on Metal Products!.l IHtltlon and ~1J:!:n I lor Ihe con- Co 01 ;:;1 i 2:;0 "a~ accepted tor 28 ne\\ \l nIlnCl' of tho ... e \\ ho .lIe not as \ et repÂlockcr:-, \t the Rut1!er", \'\cnlle School The n~ent((1 on I pt'hhon Rur):!e"'s Pitman has Board eX)lre~ ... ed their ~rahtude for the lliaced a blank 10 the S\\ \RTH"IORE,\:-; t\\O b fed rubber J!\m mab donat('cl In ofllce \\here \\e \\111 he glad to have resl_ Mr'" D 1\ Id C Prmcc dcnb stOll md slg:n Those \\ ho Circulated Mr H.mnum coniluctc(1 I g:focen hU"'1 ne~~ 10 S\\arthmorc \\hen S\\arthmore (ould ho 14 of .lbout h'n hou"'e:o. and "en cd a" pustmaster here durmg the Mc KlOle, and Roo"e\dt adnu0I5tratIOns HIS onglnal home \\ as on Illed b\ the Jlo ... t o£flce \ ale \\enue the 51le nOll OCCll He later It\ ed on j 0110 Bro" n colored of S\\ arthmorc, upon arrC'''t and .IPI)('anng: bel ore MagiS trth Rum"'c\ on October Q \\a~ pl:!ced under bond to keep the peace o clock :\1r ... K lthanne H Bra" neJl chairman of the adml~lOns committee announced the 1011imJn,..r ne\\ memher'" l\Ir~ Stuart Snuth Mr... C F \Volcott Mr,; John R Lud\\lg Jr, Mr" Du.me. R Tern and :\11,,-, ~c1he G COlllD", md a ... relD~tated mcmher~ :\Ir~ Hclen :\1 H.III and l\tr'" B C WU!l!ms Dr I et'ch announced thc dates 01 the the l)clltlOns In the N dlstnct:. \\ere BurÂTcacher", Counh Institute as the after gess Pitman MISS Elizabeth Steel 1\IISS nOOlls ul October 28 to n, mclU"I\e The Mac L,nd Mrs Har\'e) Pierce, T Ralrd, Board eleculcd to dl"'ml"S ~t;hool at noon Crusb\ Morton Mr'" D\\Ight Coole\, Mrs George Van ~Ien Wilham Do\\nton, J \Varren Paxton Samuel 'VI~dom, 1\Irs Mr and :\olr" Hannum celehrated their StanJe\ Mac1\hllan Paul P IlII~on, :\[r~ Ed fiftieth \\edclmJ,! anm\cr"'lf\ II~t "'prln,..! :\1r llmnum \\a" the ~on of til(' I~tc 10 lJlh Inll I hZlhtth Wonrl! 1III11lum (It ~Ildll and \\ I'" I dl ... tendlnt ot an old Dela\\ If{ Counh CaruIh H{ IS ~Uf\ IHd In In ... "1<10\\ Marlha L Hannum three "on"'. Clarence E 01 Oherlln 1\Hnuc S,\ arlhmore Henn of Colhn"!"-\\ ood :\ J and Thoma~ ot Medm, t\\ 0 dau~h ler" Mr... \dolph \\ CI"" of Rutledl!{ and :\lr" J Rohert \nder~on of OHrhrook, four hrother"', 'VII"'on jame... \Ibert and Ho\\ ani and "I~tcr l\1r" \Ve .. lr\ ;\loone\ f uneral "~f\ ICC'''' \\ III h(" held at til(' Cnfflth Chapd :'\Of\\ I)od tln<: afternoon Fnda, at 2 0 clock Interment \\!l1 be at Arhng:ton Cemetef\ Mark E Hetlmer, 01 Conconhll1e \\ho \\ a .. arrested here on j uh J for drunken dn\ m~ \\ .l~ dl"charg:ed upon pal ment of cn .. t" \\ hen he :lp]l('arul hclore the (ourt It :\luli I nn Octoha 11 Hallowe'en Parade on 31st \t a meetmg: of the S" arthmore Ihl"'ID('!'." ,\ .. oCiatlOn on TuC'~d 1\ CHnm[! II \\ a~ ciecuild that the \~"'O()atlOn and the S\\ 'RTlBUJlU ,=" \\In gam "poll~or a Hallo"e'en P.n~de lor the children 01 the Bor ouch Th", \\ III IIC' 1h(' hlth annual paraele ami \\ III he held on HaIlO\' e en ThuNla\ ('\ enID!! Octoher ') 1 \\ralch next \\eek ... S" \Rnn(OlnA~ lor detall~ ::\.Ir ... J lmc ... Br).-!ardu~ prt.:~ldlnt ul tht JUnior (lui) mutt I "'ll(111 t 11k on Illr lI11pn "'I\)n... ul till I I I~ (011\ l nhun md :J.nnoufllC'd a JUnior d tOn lor Octoher 26 :\lr ... Horacc "'alter had \\Ith her the pelitIon \\hlch S\\arthmnr~ rC~Hlcnt ... are a4ed to ~H!D to l1fe\ ent the e"lahh~hment .t a State Ilqunr Store ID S,\ arthmore md 12 1\(' opportumt\ for memher ... to l nl('r Ih(,1f namc .. tht reon Thl next ... tated nl('ctm1:! \\ III h~ hcld on Tu('~da\ October 21 at \\ hlch ::\11"" :;\1 GeraldlnC' llc( ormack \\ III lecture on old !!Ia~~ and chma Shc \\ dl ha\ e \\ Ith Ilet mterr .. tmg ")lrclmen" Hom her col IC(tion and member'" are a ..... ured of an lD"'tnictl\ e and \\ orth "htle meelm!! thoec dl\<;; ---.- -- Home and School Meeting, 23rd \\ard Ro)d Mr~ \Vllham Hoffman, Mr" Ge{)tj:!(' \V Warren Mr~ Rm I mde I\.lr" \\llhwl (I Hm{r pn I(!tnt 01 the H0I1H I I <1\\10 \ \ !lniH BenJtnun \ KnCC{\Jel md Sllh)ul \ ..... OllltlOll hI'" mnnunu.~d thll Jr :\Ir.., \Ifled 11""IH IIII(h :\( Cnst, thl OIH nmc m(t tmg 01 Ihe 1"'~tlct.ltIon \\ III Gl()r~e I'lood Re\: Thorn 1S Men \\ cather he hcld II'!; the Hlllh School aUf\JtOriUm on Mr.. Wilham H 'Ve~t LOlliS \V Km!! \\ l'dnC' .. da\ c\ emng Octoher 2:; it S Charles Deacon CI\(~ .. ter Roberts, Samuel o c1m.:k \11 parent" of pupll~ m S\\ arth ;\1 Dodd Mrs J Donald Glb"on Mrs more ~('h()ol<.; are cordialh m\ilted to be \rthur Kcnt 1\t.-s 1. C Shero 1\1155 Obve prc~('nt I Clla\e~ 1 RlI"'~lll Smlth t Mr .. Harold The program \\111 ('on"l~t 01 bnet talk" I HarDt''' Carl C1ea\c~ Mr~ Ed"anl H Ron 1)\ ~c\('ral m~mber ... of th(' te Ichmg "taU ~an Jr \Hred I a~~ltt 1\[r and Mrs nuthnlng- the ne\\ {eaturC's of the "ork Chc~tcr Rohlrt" took chH~e of three dl'" hemf,! Ilre~('nted thl" '\car Some "peoal trteto:. mU~lc 1<:' helll!!, planned lor the occa"lon For oh\lou" rca"'on~ it 1" held that ~uch r\lter thc mcetm~ th('re \\Ill be an oppor an Ima~lOn \\ould he mo"t undcslrable ao:. \\ ell a" detnmental to the assured safet} tumh to ):!rcet the ne\\ teachers foIlo\\ - of the r('Sldent families and the character 1112 "hlch rcfre .. hmt·nts \\111 be scf\ed (Continued on Paee 4)
---------- Page 8 ----------
2.·. ~ lsther L Miller to Wed James E. Crocker • J THE~ARnD=~IO~R~F~A~~~~~~ __~ ~~'F'__ ~ __~ "~" __~ ~~~OC~_IO~B7E_R_ 1 ~87.'~I~~~ Brewer, Ir., of Moylan-Rose Valley, daughter of Mn. EDen C. Van Schoon- Dr. Wolfgang Koehler, nOted,'~ and daughter-in-law, Mr, JUKl. ~/ D. Mr. West Butler, of Suffolk. hoven, of Park Av"'!ue,and Mr.,~~ PllYcboJoslst, who ,~-vI8ItIng,-prof ..... r ill Reed Geer, of the Swarlhmo'!'-Apartll\enta. Miss Miller was graduated from the F. Doyle, of Atlantic City, N. J., were the Psychology Departfent <if S!"arlhmore ' Swarthmore HIgh School and attended married on Friday, Octo".r 11, !n Wash- CoDege_, IhIa Winter, jias ~e", an ,pUt- , 1' ... ,.huoIor Wo ....... Chab Hood CoDeg. and the School 'of Industrial ington, D. C. i' meat in the home of Mrs. Arthur W. Kent, ........ You t. a ' Arts. Mr. Crocker is a graduate ofVlr- Mrs. Doyle, ~th ~er !n., other, b .. spent of EImIAVeb. .. e. Dr., KoehIerl wjlo aqlved,' 'SPORTS DANCE Ji Frllllc:es H. MaxWell and nIOllDal'1 ginia Military Institute. the last four wlDten ID Miami, Fla., whe,e In IhIa ,countOy on OctohOr 5, aboard the Atkin"", Married Here on Mr. and Mrs. Crocker will be at hO'De I she was deeply inte~tql in singing '\lid Sw~.llner ~Kungsbohp," was the guest OeL 28, 1938, at tho Womao'. !=IuJob_ . Satiirday 'after the 15th of November at Wayncs- sang over Radio Station WIOD of )bat of Dr.' ....d Mrs;~FnInk Aydelotte, of Cedar Rolrooh. .r. :!: Uao ll,oiUloylyqJ. .. "'f ....... boro, Va. CC1·lt y At four o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Miss Jean E.-Harvey, daughter of Mr. u b· aSnh de ath1seo Msaeurgc uarty thCel uMb.,l amIWind ~a: 'tUiI~ no'n. Lane,.an<,l. E~ _A"e,nueL~ v.:eek. ,., " ,Price ,1_00 per COUp ........ IUI Tax . the Swartbmore Presbyterian tbe and Mrs. William S. Harvey, 2nd, of to the Mary Lyon School, Mrs. Doyle at- Mr. A. W. CoDins, formerly of Ogden jDlIrriage of Miss Esther Lambert Millie,'" College Avenue, will 'entertain"llt dinner tended _French and Englisb,zSchool and venue, Rtumed4o"'Swarthmor\!' 011 ,Sun, RUMMACE SALE daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. this evening at the Rolliug Green Golf Friends' School, both of Allantic City. : day afler a'month on \he Chesapeake Ball of Moylan-Rose Valley, and Mr. Club following the wedding rehearsal. Th~ Mr. Doylc, who attended school in Bal.:. on his boat "Mareva." He will leave to~ WHITIIER HOUSE Edward .Crocker,' SOD of Mrs. guests will include tbe bridal party and a timore, is a writer cif songs. He is now morrow for Detroit from where he will Crocker, of Suffolk, Va., will take place, few intimate friends. engaged in busiDess in WashingtoD, where !retum at tbe end of'thc.month. . Oil S.arthmore COU... Camp~ WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 23 with tbe Reverend Dr. John ~Uery ~~~Ue, Mrs. Arthur G. Lange, of New York the couple will make their home. ! Ji . ... . 'pastor of the church, officiating. ' City, entertained at luncheon in Miss M W It W H'bb rt f P . d I Mr. and Mrs. Ioseph J. Geer, of Har, 2 P. M. to 1 p~ M. The bride, who wiH be given. !n mar- Miller's honor .on. Tuesday at the home R· ::·W -:u;rf d. Ie, 0 th roVl en~~ ;vard Avenue, tDtertain.ed -with a .butret riage' by h er.f a th er, Wl'1 1 b e a tte n dcd, b Y of her mother, Mrs. Franklin N. Brewer, m0en3 t ,0 f hae r dga uogr ht,e ra, nMn1~5u5n CKa~ th cne. neen gDuage- ;sunp' per .on·, Sa turday in honor of their soin 'The Woman'. Guild Miss Jean E. Harvey, o~ Swarthmore, as in· Moylan-Rose Valley. Ding Hibbert, and ]. Dixon Andrews, lr.! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ maid of honor. Mrs. Robert H. f M' d'M J D' Ad' On Saturday afternoon at the Swarth- son 0 r~ ~n rs.. !Xon n rews, . I} hoff, of \Vinchester, Mass., and Mrs. f th A h d 0 b k M' Hib' w .. rtl..mnr of Triaily Churc~ Arthur G. Lange, of New York City, will more Friends' Meeting House, Miss Frances 0 e 5 woo, vcr roo. ISS -: '. u ... , t H. Maxwell, of Lansdo,"ne, and Mr. bert attended Mary Lyon School and' or & ,be the bridl.-smaids. "s th C II nmmUnt"ty' 4np Will Hold a Rummage Sale Mr. Henry B. Crocker, of Suffolk' , II TJ h,om:as Atk,'nson, of Buc'f"i, :i County, war more 0 -e:g:e.- :_ _ , ' brother of the groom, will act as best man. married by Friends ceremony, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Bucher Ayres, of Vassar of Clothing and Furniture The ushers will be Mr. Frank B. Epps, of a reception in the adjoining ". Whittier Avenue, entertained last Saturday evening; ~roquette. of All Kinds In the a.ement of the Chur~h from. Ri h d V · M B P II House. The overseers to repreSent the in. honor of their wedding anniversary. Gelatine Salad. 7 P. M. to 9 P. M., Wednesday; Oc-e mon, a.; r. . owe E lisb T tober 23rd aad from 8 A. M. until Jr., of Baltimore, Md.; Mr.' Franklin Meeting were Dr. and Mrs. JesSe H. , nR' ea Tarta 5 P. M., nunday and FridllY, Octo- Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. j. ~ussell Mr, and Mrs. lohn S. Daley, of Cedar ber 24th aad 25tb. Enjoy It at tbe MED IA THEATRE FrJday aad Sllturclay Approved Entertainmeatl 1 JOE E. 8ROWN -In- "BRIGHT UGHTS" 2 "Popular Science" in Color 3 Anson Weeks and His Orchestra in etA Musical Cocktail" 4 MICKEY MOUSE EXTRA FOR SATURDAY MATINEE 5 New Adventures of TARZAN 6 FREE To Every Boy and Girl A Packet of Rare Foreign Stamp. Monday and TUHday MARION DAVIES DICK POWELL PAT O'BRIEN "PAGE MISS GLORY" Wednesday and Thursday Cenc Stratton Porle-rta 'The of the Bees' Friday. Saturday and MondllY CLAUDETrE COLBERT "She Married Her Boas" STAGE SHOW SATURDAY LANSDOWNE Delaware CD\lnty'e FinGet Theatro Friday and Saturday MARION DAVIES "PAGE MISS GLORY" with DICK POWELL Pat O'Brfen Fraak M~Hu.h . - . Patsy Kelly Added-i'DIONNE QUINTUPLETS" Monday and Tuesday GRETA GARBO FREDRIC MARCH FreddJe Bartholomew (David Copperfield) "'ANNA KARENINA" Wedneaday--one Day Only LAUREL & HARDY In a full 1ength feature comedy riot --"BONNIE SCOTLAND" WARNER BROS. 69th St. Theatre Garrett Road &: Weat Che.ter Pike Upper Darhy, Pa. Friday, Saturday, Monday CLARK GABLE In Jtlck. UJnJon's "THE CALL OF THE WILD" -with- Loretta Youn .. Jack Oakle Tuead.,., Wednesday, Thursda,. KAY FRANCIS GEORGE BRENT -In- "THE GOOSE AND THE GANDER" ·<from the /;'"'0'41 stllge play) Hayes. Both the bride and groom, who Lane and Elm Avenue, and their guest,: j~I~04~p~.~r~k~~Ave~'~'~T~.~L~S~W~arth~' _~1~17~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will reside in Lansdowne, are graduates of Mrs. Rumsey Lewis, of Nashville, Tenn:, Swar~hmore College. will spend the week end in New York where tbey will attend the Vanderbilt-' Miss Alida Lansing Van Sehoonhoven, Fordham football game. Mrs. Lewis is: =::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~I visiting Mr. and Mrs. Daley for two, IS YOUR MOTOR -IN TUNE WITH'THE WEATHER? r ' weeks. WASHINGTON Mr. ""d Mrs. Alben T, Eavenson, of . THEATRE CHESTER Four Days 5tarUn. Friday BING CROSBY -In- "Two for Tonight" Wedaesday and Thursday 'The Bishop Misbehaves' MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN EDMUND GWENN NORMAN FOSTER Cheater'. Moat Dlatincth'e Theatre Starts Friday JANE "GINGER" WITHERS -In- ~ I 'This Is the Life' '.".",' -:-wlth~ John McGuire SaUl' Blane MANOR Cheater Pike - Prospect Park Friday and SaturdllY Oct. 18, 19 DICK POWELL MARION DAVIES "PAGE MISS GLORY" PATSY KEU..Y FRANK McHUGH Mary Aator Allen Jenkins Lyle Talbot Added: Mickey Mou&e - Musical - News Monday and Tueaday Oct. 21. 22 GRETA GARBO FREDRIC MARCH "ANNA KARENINA" with Freddie Bartholomew Mary Aator Allen JuDkIns Lyle Talbot Added, Mickey Mouse - Musical _ New. Wednesday Only Oct. 23 LAUREL & HARDY "BONNIE SCOlLAND" 60 Minutes of Laughs Thursday Only Oct. 24 "Charlie Chan in Egypt" with WARNER OLAND WAVERLY THEATRE DREXEL HIll "The Moat Accommodating Thea:;re in Delaware County" TODA.Y aad SATURDAY JOE£. BROWN -In- "BRIGHT LIGHTS" with ANN DVORAK MONDAY AND TUESDAY Stan LAUREL Oliver HARDY -In- "BONNIE SCOTLAND" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY TED LEWIS And His Orcbestra -In- "Here Comes the Band" : Strath Haven Avenue, will entertain. a , bridge club, of which they are members, • at their home !hi!, evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown and family are spending this week in the home of Mrs. Brown's father, Mr. Louis Wheelock, of Park and Harvard Avenues, while renoÂvations are being completed on their home on Walnut Lane. ,-:--=-:-: Captain and Mrs, Edwin B. Keatley, of Westdale Avenue, entertained at bridge on Wednesday e,·cning. --- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bagby, of Evanston, III., arrived yesterday to visit Colonel and Mrs. CarroD A. Bagby, of North Princeton Avenue; today Colonel and Mrs. Bagby are driving their guests to New York, where the Jatter will sail on the S. S. Statendam for a month's trip to England. Tomorrow CoJonel and Mrs. Bagby will motor to West Point, where they will visit their son, Cadet Carroll K. Bagby, and attend the Army-Harvard football Mrs. Virginia Fries, of Haverford Place, left last week end for "Pittsburgh where she will spend a week or so. Dr. Frank E. Williams, of Amherst Avenue, is in Washington this week attendÂing the Pan-American Institute of Geog~ raphy and History. Dr. Williams is , member of the committee on arrangements and a delegate representing the United States Government. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Alfred Gary White, of College AveÂnue, wiJI drive to Washington this afterÂnoon, returning with Dr. Williams and Mrs. White tomorrow afternoon. : Mr. Orville C. Mann and Miss Muriel I ~~~~daO;'f Union and Yale Avenues, left I : for Hollywood, Cal., where they will spend the winter. DRIVE IN TODAY FOR WINTER ruNE UP. THE SMALL COST OF THIS SERVICE WIll MORE THAN PAY FOR ITSELF IN MORE PLEASANT AND ECOÂNOMICAL WINTER DRIVING. IT IS TIME FOR ANTl.FREEZE--DON'T WAIT FOR THE FIRST FREEZE UP. HOW ARE YOUR TIRES ARE THEY SAFE FOR WINTER DRIVING OVER SUPPERY ROADS? TRADE THEM IN FOR THE NEW .re.t .... TIRES HOW. IS YOUR BATI'ERY-Will IT START YOUR CAR ON THE COLD MORNINGS TO COME? TRADE IT IN FOR A NEW Vi tt$toneBATI'ERY. EQUIP WITH AND PLAY SAFE Russell's 'fire.'.... Service DARTMOUTH & LAFAYElTE AVES. Pbone 440 til i!!Oal omclAL SERVICE WaohiDIJ • Lllbri .. ti ..... Tire • IIatteI7 - Brake _ Seniee THE NEW 1936 FORD Now on display at our show rooms You are cordially invited to attend the presentation exhibit of a dis. tinctive new line of 1936 Ford V-8's. We want you to see and drive these new can. No obligation, of coune. • GASH-STULL CO. NINTH AND SPROUL Chester S. CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore • O_C~T O ~B~ER~~1~8~'~1~93~S~~~~ __~ ~~~~~~ _____~ THE~~SW~ARTHMOREAN THE SW ARTHMOREAN Methodist Churcb Note. bome of the General Superintendent, Dr. SHERIFF SALES .'" hUDd><d .nd to ....... &Cd .",tp.th ... .- Fowalie4 II,. Robert E. ......- David -McCahan, on Strath Haven Avenue. Sberifl".M Oedfti'ale.e .P Cenonurat.. HOUlSe, ohfu n.darIedd thM. ilfleeer'ts toth ea fpoUolobwtl ini &t'h efnoceu bcyO d.I.'M..I 3 PUBLISHED EVERY FRlDA.Y AT SUDday is the annual Missionary Day The Young Men's Club meets in the SaturdllJ'. October 28. 1936 and described: South ten ~ toriJ'h :~~ SWAR11IMO·1I' PA. throughout the denomination and will be , 930 o'eloek A. M. miDutes ... t ODe hundred and era ty-uaa. ... .-. mens room next Tuesday evening when (Eaat.em Standant Time) and Hvent,.flye one-hundredths teet. IIOUt.Il observed in the church here on Sunday the guest of honor and speaker will be foriY-ei8bt de&'rfts eat one hundNd .... ANN B. SHARPLES morru'ng wl'th a s ...... al p m t 11 . Conditions: 1260.00 cash or certlfted cbeek lort7.three and fltb'-8ve oD.hundredtba teet. £d.Itor AIld Pubu.b.. ........... rogra a Mr. Robert HaIg. of our church, who will at time ot .ale (uDlep otherwise stated. fa &outb e18:hb--one decreel, thlrt7 mlqu_ euf; ... o'clock and an address by the missionary speak on "Some Problems in Transpor- advertiaement). Balance ID ten clap.. Other one hundred and fltty.two and niDeb'-~ of the church, Miss Gwendolyn Narbeth, I ti' .. All in 'ted to conditions on da7 of tale. one-bundredths teet: and IIOUth H'NDth ..... ... TITUS S. EWIG a on. young men are Vi trrMfI aat thlft hundred and .... btoJ'. tee a Gaaoral .......... whose field is in Constantine, Algeria. share in the good fellowship of the club FierI Facto. No. I" ''''b'.th... o ... h •• d><dtho feet to tho ... ... On Sunday ev~ln~ Lowell M B maD b .,.. . September Term, 198& mentioned point and place of beIrInDlq.. ROS~~ .2~YDr - . • roo and to ear Mr. Haig S Interesting talk. AU tha~ certain tract of land .Ituate in. the Contalnlnc twen!7"lz and on.tentb more 01' EN wili give an organ recital at 7.45. Dr. Iohn Gensemer, Ir., is the president of the To ..... hlp of ilia", ... Countp ot Dela ..... oed 1_ ...... _ .._. w Wayne Channell will preach briefly on cl b State of PeonsJ'lvania, bounded and deeerIbed Tosether with the richt. uae and privne.. "I "bl E vlro" u • secordina' to a pIan plotted Septem.ber 80. of • --~w f..... th. prem'" In queatIoa Plaoa.. SwartJua.... 800 nVlSl e n nment. All women of the congregation are cor- 1928. by Damon and Foeter, Ciril Enalneen. to Ced--:::· :&!tlow road .. .....nted. con"'" Eat. ...... Seeoa.d CIa. . Matlel', JaIlUU7 24, The Sunday School} with a number of Wally invited to the autumn sodaI of the f~~':tq. -:t t:u=~ a corner of land of ~~~ conb8rmd~ .da..to.. . A~r O~ '8&~U: une. at til. PMt Offtce at Swartbmore, P... nearby churches. is sponsoring a Leader- Woman's Bible Class at the home of Mrs WlUIam Worrall'a Eetate. in line of land of 'IJCIIIIrdP'ed 71 ~. Book .t Wo?'a _. HI . lUuler th. Act .f Marcia 3. 187.. sbi T •• Class to b h Id - th . WOllam Dr... Estaw. and e:ateDdlaar thence reco n ~ , • _ p rammg e e m e Charles Bronson, 754 Yale Avenue, next alona' the lMt menUoned land aouth Ilfq.. No improvementll. Vaeaat trrOUDd. Bywood Methodist Church on six sue ... Wednesday afternoon at 3. two decrees weet tort;y-nlne and ftve-tentha Sold as the DI"OPerl7 of WWIam lL B~ cessive Tuesday everungs' ,b"';nning on Th Y W 'Guild Is t feet to a c:orner- ot land c:onYQ'ed. or about and Gertrude Bricker. his wUe. "'eo e oung oman s mee nex to be conveyed. to OriOn L. Daria; thence bJ' FRIDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1935 THANKS BURGESS PITMAN October 29. Attractive courses are open Thursday evening with Miss Charlotte 11114 navll land the followiq three eotlfSeI WILLIAII Jt. mODES. Attornq. to Sunday School teachers ,nd workers. LederIe, 225 South 44th Street, Philadel- :IW:'tyd!!t.~=, w"1:t: .~:::LCI:!ttT;!.d0 ~ NATHAN P. PE4:~ To the Editor: "As , citizen of the Borough I wish lbus publicly, to express my appreciation of lbe good work of our Burgess, Dr. John PitÂman, in the sudden emergency of the proÂposal of the State Liquor Control Board 10 put a State liquor store in the Borough of Swarthmore. All extension members of the Woman's phia. All young women are cordially thirty-two one-hundredtba feet to a corner; F . n Missi' na S' t • 'ted t '" '. north thlrt;y-one. dearees ftfteen minute. west OreIg 0 ry oae y are IDYl 0 mVlted. Miss Annie Hayes lS the PreSl- four hundred and fort7.four and nlnetJ'-tive a get-together meeting at the home of dent. All members of the Womau.'s Asso- one-hundredtba· feet to • earner; and north M Octa 'US N beth 323 Laf tie A .• • • • fitt7-oue desreea fifteen mlnutaJ eat three rs. VI ar, aye ve- aation are busy With preparations for the bundftd and elg-hty-one and aeventy .. three on .. nue, at 8 o'clock this Saturday evening. bazaar which comes Tharsday November bundredths teet to a earner of land now or . . ! late pf Enoe Worrell; thence by aaId. land now Trinity Church Notes 7. Bestdes the dinner there will be fancy or late ot Enos Worrell,. north thlr-ty-ehrht work aprons household needs and SO on deerees fltteen minutes weet foUl' bundl'ed and , '. • ' • fifty-three and .eevent,-·&ve one-hundredths feet The first meeting of the Junior Woman's "Burgess Pitman at once got in touch Auxiliary will be held at the Parish House with the Liquor Control Board and seems on Monday evening, at 8 o'clock. The to have followed the matter as closely as Rev. Alfred MOrlon Smith, of the Cily the most efficient lobbyist in the employ Mission Staff will speak. Mr. Smith was of the plunderbund. formerly in mission work in California and for sale. Mrs. Bishop IS the gen.eral chaIr~ to • corner of land now or late ot Eetate at man Harry Hippie: thence b,. eafd land "DOW or Th' e church comrw• ttee on Scout work • late of Estate of HaJ'1'7 HippIe. north 8ftoJ'. IS one depees flfteen minutes eat f01Q' bun .. very happy to announce that Donald Mc~ dred and twent,-_nlne feet to a white o.k tree and north flfty-Bve decrees eat 011(1 hundred Garrah of our church has accepted the and ninety_four and seventy one-hundredths appointment of scoutmaster of our Church feet to a corner; and north loriJ'-two dearreea west aix hundred and twmb' and forb' oneÂTroop NO.3, and is already hard at work hundredths teet to a point: a corner of land on the winter program which promises to now or late ot John L. Farra.: thence b7 the • aid land nOW" or late of lohn L. Fa:rra. be of great mterest to the boys. north alxt,--three d~ eut six hundred and Girl Scout New. Mary Elizabeth Beebe Announce. the OpeniDg of '&he ehatterbox TEA ROOM NOVELTIES Old Bank Building OpeD Noon Until Midnight "At a public meeting called Sunday after- served duriug the war as chaplain with nOOD in the Methodist Cburch, he had the the 3rd and 89th Divisions. For some town districted, divided into 39 small lmils, time he was chaplain at Valley Forge Mill_ each marked out on a map, the boundary tar}" Academy. He wiD describe some of of each one written out ?~ a numberedl the many activities of the City Mission slip, attached to blank petitions ready for and tell how this organization has been the citizens to take on their work of can-I meeting the desperate needs of the un.derÂv~ the whole t~,wn in short o;cter, and privileged in Philadelphia. The Woman's thus In dfeet. g~tting up a .sl!ecial refer~ Auxiliary of the Diocese has co-operated endum and bnngm.g public oplDIon to fo~ actively with the missioD, especially in the in what .was prob;,bll;' the most effective hospitals and church institutions. forl7--elaht and fort,.-8.ve one-hundredt~ teet: to a cornel" ot land now or late of Phoebe Fllrra; thence b,. sald land now or late of Phoebe Farra and land now or late of W" Edward Muter and 1IL Rebecea. hla wife fIOUth A, TMro.o apt Nthoe .h6o mweil lo mf Meerts S. aFt.u rAd.a Cy hailtd ,9 .o30nI~ tw~.~n~tp~-e~"~h~t~d~eg~'~_~~fO~""~_8~'~'~"'~ln~u~tes~~.~ .. t~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vassar Avenue. If it is clear the girls should bring lunches and be prepared for a short local hike. New officers will be chosen for the coming year and plans made for the week end at Camp Indian Run on October 25. and 26. Scouts will use log cabins for sleeping. A regular troop meeting will be held for those nol going to tbe camp. BUICK'S THE BUY way pOSSlble at thIS time. The Woman's GuiJd will hold a rummage lilt' is a fine example of what a local sale on Thursday and Friday, October 24 government should do, and I am sure that and 2S, from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. in the there are hundreds of others who share my church basement. There will be a "PreÂappreciation of the good work of the Bur- view" and Sale on Wednesday evening gess in this connection. It'is only by such from 7 to 9 o'clock. Articles of all kinds devoted service on the part of many that are needed. They may be delivered to the we can keep good government." church basement on Tuesday between 10 J. RUSSELL SMITH. and 12 A. M. and 2 and 4 P. M. They Last week the scouts planned to work on three badges during the winter, launÂdress, needlewoman and dressmaker. The first two are required for dressmaker. All If You Ride in a Buick You Won't Buy Anything Else Let Us Demonstrate A Call Will Bring Us to Your Door GALLAGHER BROS., INC. 7TH AND SPROUL CHESTER, PA. Friends' Meeting Notes will be called for if the donors will teleÂphone Swarthmore 689 or lSS-M. 1\-Jrs. 1. T. Schamel and Mrs. John E. 1 e!fords are chairman and vice-chairman of the committee in charge. tthor eeen jobyad gae sw eheakv ee ntdo abte Reeahronbedo thb yB eMacahy' Il:~ ==========:=:=::::==-=~==::::=:=~::::::======~ Del., at the camp of the troop's new BUY FROM YOUR HOME DEALER Phone Chester 8281 The Swarthmore Society of Friends will hold a Rummage Sale frotu 2 until 7 P. M., next Wednesday, October 23, in Whittier House. lieutenant, Mrs. Henry Hanzlik. The LAWSON SHEPARD COMPANY I troop accepted IIIrs, William West's invi-· , nco o tation 10 join the Needlework Guild and " 401 DARTMOUTH AVENUE. SWARTHMORE Presbyterian Church Notes hopes to make the articles for next year SERVICE--USED CARS AND NEW while working on their badges. This year's Mr. William M. Danner, secretary of the" artides should be broug1.lt tn this Satur- r-' I~ American Leper Mission, was a gueSt at day's meeting. iiii! the manse during his stay in Swarlhmore. Betsy Hornaday and Cbarlotte Maas are COME IN FOR YOUR STATE INSPECTION NOW IMMEDIATE 'DEUVERY Last Sunday he spoke during the opening new members of the troop. Any scout :.:.. ___ .:...::.-______________ -===-__ =:::==_ exercises of the senior department of the dropping from the troop should report to Sunday School, the Woman's BIble Class Mrs. Child immediately 50 that pIa~es can Bettendorf •• ':;: .... _T,C o· L.. Sl.>"1NEOR QUIlUty at Medfum .-nee Perfect HeatID.. at Low Co.t WM_ S. HOBBS Swarthmore 1666 and addressed the morning congregation. be arranged for new girls. The sewing committee for the bazaar, ;;~~~~:::::~:::::~~::::;';:" I to be held November 7, met with Mrs. - . , Hervey Scbumacher last Tuesday. Next DIGNIFIED SIMPLICITY Wednesday they will meet with Mrs. CHARACTERIZES EVERY SERVICE Nessie Shelden. OLIVER H. BAIR C~ The Session meets tonigbt with Elder I FUNERAL DIRECTORS I J. R. Kline, of Riverview Avenue. M. A. BAllt President Next Sunday eveniOg the Young People's RIT. 1581' RACE 1110 Society will be Jed by Ellen Williams, chair-man of the program' committee. Topic: "Echoes of tbe Inlernational Christian CHURCH NEWS Endeavor Convention." Personal impres- TRINITY CHURCH s,'ons and experiences of those attending. Protestant Episcopal Co-nvention ·songs.· ··Ann Orr is the leader Chester Road Raencdt orC:o llea-e Avenue of the music. Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T.M., Rector At .I.ht o'clock Sundav evening the Rev. T. A. Meryweather, Dfr. BeL Edue. """0 J 8 -00 A. M.-Holy Communion. Church School Cabinet will meet at the 9 ;,Ui A. M.-Sunday School and Bible Claas. 11 :ao A. M.-Morning Prayt:r snd Sermon. Mr. Guenther will preach. THE AMERICAN LEGION AND AUXIUARY HALLOWE'EN CARD PARTY SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Jobn ElIet'J' Tn!-Ue. Minister SUNDAY lO:OO-Sunday School. Women's CI888, Dr. CleweU. Men's ClBll9. • 10 '46--Devotional meeting of the Session. U':OD--Mornlng Worsbip. Dr. Tuttle preaches. STRATH HAVEN INN 3 ;OD--RehearaaJs of the Girls' Choir and the FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 25 at 8 o'clock ADMISSION :: 50 CENTS SHAMPOO AND $1 00 FINGER WAVE • ALL BEAUTY SOC AIDS Co-ed Beauty Salon BoYA' Choir. '1 :OO-Young People's Soc!ety. 8 :OQ-Church School Cabmet. TUESDAY 8 'OD-YOUNG MEN'S CLUB. Men's Room. · Mr. Robert Haig speaks ,~n "Some Problems in .Transportation. WEDNESDAY 3 -OD-Autumn Social of the Woman's Bible • C1ass at the home of Mrs. CW. Bron_ son 754 Yale Ave. • THURSDAY 7-41)-Young Women's Guild at the home of , Miss Charlotte Lederle, 226 So. 44th St., Philadelphia. FRIDAY '1 :So--Boy Scouts, Troop 3. SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPmCOPAL CHURCH REV_ WAYNE CHANNELL. D. D_ Putor 9 '45-Sunda:v School. 11 :OO--Annllal Missionary Sunda,. Address by Miss Gwendolyn Narbeth. 7 :OO--Epworth League. 7-41i---Organ Recital by :Mr. Broomall. Briel • sermon by Dr. Channell on "Invisible EnvironmenL •• THE SERVICE THAT NEVER CEASES THROUGH the Roods of summer and the bUzÂzards of winter. SupÂplee Milk is delivered to your home on time every morning. Upon this service depends the health of thouÂsands of mothers and babies. It must not fail I 365 days of the year. Supplee Milk is rushed from farms 10 pasteurizing plants to your door-step. AlwayS pure. Extra rich. Extra palatable. SUPPLEE SUPPLIES VITALITY It·s as delicious as the service is dependable. Have it deliv. ered to your home every morning. Order by phone: Chester 2·5721. SUPPLEE MILK 409 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Eve..,. Sbam _ A Scalp Treatment PHONE 595 THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS BACKED BY A CENTURY OF CONFIDENCE SUNDAY W •• '.0 cll.tr/ht. W.Itc.r.Gorcln .. Proclucts 99::4(66 A~.. MM..--F:i:ra~ti tgD ay Scbool in Whittier ~. ." ~~~~>i~~;i~~~~~;i~~~~oi~~~~~"+C~Mt Forum--1anet P&71le ,"0000000000000; 0 0 0 000,. •• CI .00 0000 0 OOOOtOÂWhitneJ' will lead dlscuasion. F 0 0 T B ALL JJ'OOA.JL-~= J:!... Wonblp I. tho DICKINSON CO LLEGE ,'10 A. JL Ie !W,IOE DPN. EJSLD-AllYn rinc .... Q1dlt- . _ ID Whittier Houe. Box luncheon. VS. All Cordial", I.vlted SWARTHMORE COl lEGE FIRST ~~~rg~SCIENTlST, . Do YO... i-tt Banking With , .' , SWARTHMORE NATIONAL ON SWARTHMORE FIELD Park A'ftDue below Hanard 11:00 A.. IL-Sundq Seboot.. Sa~"-y, October 19th, 2:30 P. M. J1,OOA.JL-sundU I 'OS....... • u.uua We4nada7 nalnc meetiD.&' eaeb week. Bank and Trult Company Ad • 'I0Il $1 00 Plus Tax [Po m Readinc room. opm dan,.. ezeeDt 8uJl.. mua • d.". -and holl .... I to • P. JL; Church edlftee. L ___.N :.e:=xt:. .H::o.:m:::e:. .G:=a:m:.~_o:.b.:n.:s;;-;:H..o_p.:k..i_m..,:. _ O_ct_ob_er_ 2_6_th_ __ -' AD an .....1 _ l.vIted to .............- lea and 11M the a"MDC Room. :to .!> 00000000000000000000000000000000001000"000000000000'
---------- Page 9 ----------
• 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN Mass Meeting ProÂtests Liquor Store the group. Mr. Pennock took a course in Lane, entertained. at tea on Sunday for the the work this summer at Pendle Hill. same group. Each person present contributed toward the purchase of Peace Bonds for which a Miss Gertrude Schobinger, of SwarthÂcampaign of $1,000,000 is DOW being waged more Avenue, entertained with an outdoor in the United States. Others who were in- picnic at White Oaks, near WesttOWD, OD (Continued from Pqe 1) vited, but did not attend, sent contribu- Saturday evening. There were eighteen of the town which is remarkable now in its absence of a movie house and its reÂstriction against the sale of beer and alcoÂ( ions. ' &>resent. Tbe guests included: Mrs. Roland Pen- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dyer Clyde, of DOck, Mrs. Grist Brainard, Miss Venters Swarthmore and Ogden Avenues, spent the Brainard, Mrs. \Villiam Paxson, Mrs. week-end in Washington, D. C., as the George Plowman, Mrs. Jack Thompson, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Riebberg. Mrs. Herman Holmes, ]r., Mrs. Raymond Mr. Clyde returned on Monday morning. Hunt, Mrs. H(iward McCone, Mrs. Patrick Mrs. Clyde remained with friends until Malin, Mrs. Eugene Stallings, Miss Con- Thursday. holic liquors. Many believe t4at sqch a store wou1d also be a total failure here as those resiÂdents wbo do buy liquor would still go elsewhere to purchase it, and while some few from neigbboring communities might come here to buy, the sales would be comÂparatively small, since Swarthmore is 011 the main highway and could not depend upon traveling patronage, the local merÂchants being supported practically entirely stance Kent, Miss Arabel Jaquette, Miss Miss Louise Archer Clyde spent the Ada Fuller, Miss Katharine Palmer and week-end in New York, where she visited Mrs. Mrs. W. Frank Mathue5, formerly of MoyÂEdward Passmore, of Swarthmore; by resident trade. All churches of the community, the colÂlege, tbe local branch of the W. C. T. U., other local organizations and townspeople arc co-operating in an effort to prevent Mrs. Theodore Widing and Mr>. Richard la~amuel D. Clyde, Jr., entertained a party Turner, of Media; Mrs. George Clapp, of of friends at the Clyde summer home, Wa1lingfo~d; Mrs. Arthur Baker, Mrs. The- "Wahnfried,1J at Rehoboth, Del., on 5atÂo~ ore SmIthers an~ Mrs. W. T. As.kew, of urday and Sunday. Ridley Park j MlSS Jane CampIon, of ___ _ the store being set up. Lapidea Hills; Mrs. Henry Ford, of Chcs-I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Furnas and daughter, ter; Mrs. Thobum Maxwell, of German- Caroline, of North Chester Road, will leave town, and Mrs. Linda Chandler Paton, of today on a ten-day trip to Indiana, where The State Liquor Control Board has promised a public hearing, at which time the signed petitions will be presented. New Jersey. they will visit Mr. Furnas' parents and at- • tend the sessions of the Five Years' Meet- H. S. Girls' Group Meets Tonight ing, a large gathering of friends in the An interesting fact is the understanding A reorganization of the Standard Bear-west. Mrs. Robert E. Sharples, of Sharberry Farm, Thornton, entertained friends in a sewing group at her home on Monday afternoon. that only one section of the business zone ers Society for High School girls will take is not covered in the deed by a restriction place at the Swarthmore M. E. Church ~n prohibiting the sale of liquor on the prem- Friday, October 18, at eight o'clock. Miss ises. This section extends on South Ches- I Gwendolyn Narbeth,' of Constantine, ter Road from the alley between Shirer's Algeria, will be a guest of the group. =============== __ Drug Store and the Post Office to the rail- • ESTATE OF WILLIAM S. KELLY. DEC'D road, and back on the south side of Park NEWS NOTES Lettera of Administration on the above A I tb tb d f th II ('State have been granted to the undersigned. venue 0 e 0 er en 0 e a ey. who request all per",ons having claimB or Although at present this area is fully demands agalnat the Estate ot the decedent occupied there is a possibility of it con- Dr. and Mrs. J. ~Ibright Jones, of to make known the same. and all penon, t .• th •. tb· f t Swarthmore Crest, wIll return Sunday Indebted to the decedent to make payment, aIrung ree vacanoes 10 e near u ure, f without delay, to one as early as the 11th of November rom Boston, where Dr. Jones has been HELEN T. GUETTER. w b en I' t'IS P1 a nned t 0 I. nst all the P ost Ofli c' ea.tt ending clinics at the Children's Hos-I Chureh LYaenaed oann,d PCae.d ar Ave• • in the new building on Rutgers Avenue,l pltal, of the Harvard Medical School. for or her Attorney. leaving empty the old. At some later qate the past week. I J~~J: ~;;'xG~iT~~g~R, perhaps Martel Brothers will vacate their Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pitman, of Vas- 10.1:':Â¥~delphla, Pa. double store on Chester Road, when their sar Avenue, attended on Saturday the ________________ _ new one is completed next to the Swarth· funeral of Mrs. Pitman's father, Mr. more Apartments. Also Dr. George Heck- Daniel M. Anders, of Norristown, Pa. man, whose office on Park Avenue is bordered by the alley) has recently pur- Among those who attended the reception chased the former home of Mr. and Mrs. and hop which was given Friday evening A. B. Lawrence, further down the same by Colonel and Mrs. Frank K. Hyatt in street, and may possibly move his office the Charles E. Hyatt Armory on the ColÂthere. lege grounds for the Freshman Class of A1though it is acknowledged that the the Pennsylvania Military Academy, ChesÂstate could easily overcome these bound- ter, were: the Misses Ellen Williams VirÂ~ ries sho~1d it persis~ i~ wanting to estab- ginia Morrison, Nancy Armitage, Shirley llsh the liquor store, It.15 hopefully thought Ward, Barbara Baghy, Shirley Shaw, by many that the WIShes of the towns- Nancy Powell Catherine Fussell Constance p~opl.e. will be respected and the inad- Heg, Edith Cramp and Peg~ Ford, of VlsahIlity of the step be. seen. and. Swarth- Swarthmore, and Miss Elizabeth Brown, more he allo~ed t~ ~ontmue In thIS respect of Bowling Gr~.·"·Miss Crarp;p, -who -is the commuruty orIgInally founded by the a student at St:' Mary's Hall, Burlington, Quakers years ago. N. J., came home for the week-end to • Entertains with Peace Party Miss Lydia Turner, of Yale Avenue, was hostess at a Peace Party on Saturday after. :loon for the benefit of the National ~ouncil for the Prevention of War. There were six tables of bridge and 'itoland Pennock, Instructor in the Social 'Science Department of Swarthmore ColÂlege, who is making a special study of peace and non-violent resistance, addressed attend the event and to visit ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cramp, of the Swarthmore Apartments. Mrs. George L. Armitage. of South Chester Road, entertained with a supper party Friday evening in honor of Mrs. Paul Berry, of Chester, who with Mr. Berry will leave soon to make her home in HarÂrisburg, where Mr. Berry is engaged ill business. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;I Dr. and Mrs. William I. Hull, of Wal- r nut Lane, entertained at dinner on SaturÂFRESH KILLED MARYLAND POULTRY Roasting Frying DUCKS TURKEYS Stewing GUINEAS EGGS ROBl D. NEWUN EASTON, MD. day evening in honor of the members of the National Executive Board of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom of which Mrs. Hull is baÂtional president. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Aydelotte, of Cedar Time Marches On Keep Up With It by Subscribinl" to TIME $S.oo per Year $8.00 for 2 ye .... Subscription. for ALL Mala:z:lnes MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN Swarthmore 1383-W 313 Dartmouth Ave. ESTATE OF FLORENCE S. ZIMMERMAN (late of Swarthmore, Delaware County. Pa.) deceased. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION enm testamento annexo on the above Estate have heen granted to the .undersigned, who request all persons havinll claims or demandlll aKainet the Estate of the decedent to make known the same. and aU persons Indebted to tbe decedent to make payment, without delay, to Marion Allyn. Administratrix e. t. 8., 310 South Cheater Road. Swarthmore. Pa. 01' to her Attorney., John Stokes AdamB, Esq. John B. Miller, Esq. 1434 Land Tit1e Buildin&'. S. W. (}.)rner Broad and Chestnut Sta.. PbUadelphfa, Pa. 9-Z7-6T ESTATE OF H. DENNETT HIGGINS, DEC'D Letters Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to tbe undershrned. wbo h:quest aU, ,penolls' ·havlng."clalms -Or-delft_biLl against the Estate ot the Decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay. 10 NELLIE V. HIGGINS. or to b~1' Attorney, 7.f6 Concord Ave., JOHN E. GENSEMER Drexel Hill. Pa. 1604 Fox Building Philadelphia, Pa. 10-18-6T SHERIFF SALES Sheriff's Office, Court House, Media. Pa. Saturday. November 2, 1935 9.30 o'clock A. M. (Eastern Standard Time) Conditions: $250.00 cash or certified ehec:k at time of sale (unless othenvise stated in advertisement). balance in ten days. Other conditions on day of sale. Levari Facias No. 1428 June Term. 1935 OCTOBER 18, 1938 40 teet wide: thence .un by the middle of Improvement. CODllat of two-tlto1'7 brtek RivervIew avenue (forb feet wide) IIOUtb 17 houae, 18&64 feet~ lltore fronL decrees 1 minute eat 180.96 feet. to a .tone Sold aa the property of WilIlaIn F Dele- In the middle of .aId Riverview avenue ~ thence hantJ" mortaaaor and rnl 0 • crouln&' said avenue, dlaaonally BOUth 17 de-' wner. cree. 1 minute east 14&.6& feet to a point in KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY Attorney. the norther))' rlsht of way Une of the Phil&- ' delphia. Baltlm.ore and W&.JhingWn Rafiroad Company; the nee by Aid right of way line north 65 degrees 42 minutes eat 111.75 teet Levari Facia No. 892 to an angle: thence .UII by eald ri&'ht of way line north 74 dearees 16 minutes eut 108.86 June Term.. 1986 feet to another angle. thence still by .. Id r.lsbt. of way line, north 73 dearees 9 mlnuta Prop. sit. in Bora. of Sharon Hili. Del. Co.. east 894.96 teet to a point in line ot other Pa., on the S. W. II. ot Ridley Ave. 288.87' W. lands of the said mortea&,ors; thence by the fr. the N. W. e. of Cbest4!r pike;: til. ext.. said lancb. north 21 degrees 10 minutes west S. W, partly passin&, thru the pari7 wall of 546.55 teet to a point at a corner of the saId premo erected upon the herein delle. lot and landa: thenee still by said Iancb. &Guth 154 premises erected on lot adj. to the S. 90' to a deerees 86 minutes west 842.6 teet to a point pt.;: tho ext. N. W. 2'l.li' to apt.;: th. ext. another corner of said landa;: then<~e stUJ by N. E. partly paaaing thru the party wall of said landa. north 18 degrees west 671.95 feet 12• cerL garagt;' and als'. the cen. of a cert. to a point aLother comer of IBid lands; thence 7 w. dvryo. 90 to a pt. In the S. W. B. of stUl by eald landa, north 46 degrees 157 min. Ridley Ave.: tho "Ig. nme S. E. 27.6' to utes eut 98.04 feet to a point in the middle place of beg. of Marshall aVenue;: thence by the middle ot Tog. with use of dwy .. said Manhall avenue. north 22 degrees 25 U. A. S. to eond. and rest. minute.. west 854.68 feet to a point a cornel' Improvements eonallt of two-stol7 brick a:qd of other lands of Alice L. Emmons and thence ehingle house. 16x86 feet: porch front;: cement by the lut mentioned lancb. south 58 degreee block and fnune garage, 9x18 teeL 42 minutes and 18 seconds west 383.96 feet Sold 88 the property of Clifford R. Mohn. to the place of beginning. mortga&or and real owner .. Improvements consist of two and one-half EDWARD F. HITCHCOCK. Attorn87. .!tOl")" frame hou.e, 24x28 feet; porch front: tWCMItol7 frame additlon. 10x24 feet; frame NATHAN P. PECHIN. garage. 9x18 teet; two and one-hall story Sheriff. frame house, 24x28 feet: porch front: tw~ ,==================,.. story frame addition. 10:1.24 feet: frame chicken hoU5e. 6:11:22 feet. Sold u the property ot Louia C. Emmons and AUce L. Emmons, his wife, mortgagors, and Alice Lemon Emmons. individually and &.II executrix of the estate of Louis Cole Emmona. deceaaed, real owners. lind United States of America. lienor. Hand money. ,1000.00. GREER &: JOHNSON. Attoroeye. Levari FaeIall No. 872 June Term. 1935 All that certain lot or piece of land with I the tW()o.stol7 brIck store and apartment buildÂing thereon erected •• ituate on tbe northwestÂerly side of Filth street at the dlatance ot three hundred ten and eia'hty bundredths feet measured southwestwardly trom the northwestÂerly eorner of tbe .aid Fifth street and Edg. mont avenue, in the Clb' of Chester. County of Delaware and Slate of Pennsylvania. ConÂtaining In tront along the northwesterly side of the said Fifth street measured thence • outh BixtY·nine degrees. twenty-elght minutes, thlrty·aeven aeconds west seventeen and sevÂenty- one hundredthe teet and extending in depth of that width north twenty degrees. thlrty-one minutes, twenty-three seconds west ninety-two and aixty-tour hundredths teet. The northeasterly Une of said lob paaeing through and along the party waIJ between the mesÂsuage herein described and the messuage adÂjoining on the northeast. Bounded on the northeast and .outhwest by other lands ot the said William F. Delehanty and on the north_ west hy lands of Nell-A-May Plush ComÂpany. Being known and deslgnated u 180 West Fltth Street. MEDIA COAL AND ICE COMPANY, INO.·· No C. MICHENER. Pree. lfI~w~ CI#IIJ, w~ wltur. it' 8 86 ea..s~ 1:6 kMw? At the Niqhi Rates (after 7P.M.)youcancQulOOmiles for 35 cents. (Station 10 SlaÂlion- 3-miDulecoDDection.) SW THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA "Certified Laundry" Methods for Your Protection . i935_ 'l'IlSH'I.~ ~(JHOOS UJ H~I'AlIO)\ CERTIFIED '"."' I· ~""". '-,\,.,.~ . ' ....... , ' ' Phone for Pric;ee and Place Your Order with My Swarth~ more Repre.entative for DeÂlivery Saturday. Professional Clock Repairing WORK CUARANTEED All that certain lot or piece of ground with the bulldinea and impr<ovements thereon erected. .Uuate in the Township of Upper Darby. County ot Delaware and State of PennÂsylvania. and described according to & certain plan and survey thereof made by Damon and Foster. C. E., dated Fehruary 27th, 1925, aa follows, to wit: Situate at the intersection of the aoutbeuterly aide of Del'lDond road (forty feet wide) with the norlheaaterly aide of Wilson drive (forty feet wide), thence extending along the aaid side ot Dennond road north sixty.three degrees thirty ... ix minÂutes tour seconds east one hundred eleven and forly-seven one-hundredths feet to the south· CALL MEDIA 174 westerly side of a certain thirteen feet wide W. C. STARR Swarthmore 844-R 324 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Swarthmore 56.{.M Swarthmore ROOFING SPOUTING SHEET METAL REPAIR WORK WOODWARD, JACKSON & BLACK, Inc. 333 DARTMOUTH AVENUE SWARTHMORE 43 LAUGH AT WITH - .......... KOPPERS ~ NOW $8-5-5 Consult your "'ephone directory or your '_I Ko ....... dealer MBE COMFORTABLE WITH KOPPERS" driveway which extends northwestwardly from MEDIA LAUNDRY Marvine avenue to Dermond road and thence extending along said aide of driveway eouth twenty-six degrees eigbt minutes eleven Bee· Serving Swarthmore Successfully Since 1900 donreddst hea astet ett wtoen tay -ptwoion t aanndd stehveennctey exotneen-dihnugn -Iriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ south sixty·two degrees twenty-five minutes west one hundred' ten and eighty-elght oneÂhundredths feet to the said northeastet'ly side of Wilaon drive and thence extending along the said side of Wilson drive nortb twentyÂaeven degrees thlrty.Rve minules west twentyÂfive teet to the first mentioned point and place of beginning. Under and subject to certain building re.. atriction. and conditions. Together with the free and common use, right. liberty and privilege ot the above menÂtioned driveway as and tor a paSsageway and watercourse at all tiDles hereafter torever. Improvements consist ot two-story stone and shingle house, 15x27 feet; porch front; oneÂstory shingle addition. 6x9 teet; atucco garage. 12x18 feet. Sold as the properly of Joseph Berman, mortgagor, and Robert Fullmer, real owner. C .• WILFRED CONARD, Attorney. Levari Facias No. 241 March Term, 1935 All that certain tract 01' piece of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate partly In the Borough of Swarthmore and partly In the Township of Springfl~ld, in the County of Delaware. and bounded and described sa follows. to wit: Beginning at a point in the middle of RiverÂview avenue (fltty teet wide) at the distance of 1260.06 feet aoutheastwardly from the point of intenecUon of the £ald middle line of Riverview avenue and the middle line of Ogden avenue; extending thence by the midÂdle line of tbe aaid Riverview avenue, BOUth 24 degrees 50 minutes east "31.79 feet to an angle in said Riverview avenue. thence In the bed of Riverview avenue south 17 degrees 1 minute eBBt 68.21 feet to a point in the middle ot said Riverview avenue where tbe same is Mother is rightl Penncrest'. Milk is the one, fine, pure food that the children need lots of. It builds bone and Wile, brawn and brain. ,_ .9 CTOBER ·1801935 CLASSIFIED FOR RENT ;OR ~T-VJ17 weU turDil,bed llvlD. room. . - be4ioom. Jlnd prIvate ba~!or 9De or two ,entlemen. Telephone S.a ore 280. . . FOR RENT-8ec:ond Boor apartment. lour larve rooms and bath. New17 decorated. :f!l"enthlna Included in reasonable rental G ...... e available. Telephone SwarthDlOft lI5a-W. roR"R==E=NT='-S""":::t'-d"l-o-roo-m-w-I"th:-:ba-::th-on-.-ec-'-:nd floor, on the hUL Telephone Swarthmw. S0a7.· . FOR RENT--3l0 Elm Avenue, one-balf of two tamlly house, four bedroolDl. 166 per month. Albert N. Garrett, Swarthmore .89. PeDnJ'Âpacker «42. Jo"OR RENT-Furnished room, private home, convenient to business district. Reasonable. Laundry Included. Breakfast if deelred. 341 Dartmouth AVellue. . . .·OR RENT-Attraetlve modern apartment: living room, bedrooM. kitchenette, batb. Telephone: ~warthmore 124·M between 6 and 'I P. M. Jo'OR RENT-Attractive suite. also bachelor apartment, wann. sunny. Private family. Telephone: Swarthmore. 5a9-W~ . FOR SALE FOR SALE-Player piano with filty eholce roll.. Good eondition. Very realSOnable. Telephone: Swarthmore 2052. FOR SALE-Frigidaire Electric Refrigerator. 5 cubic feet. ExceJlent condition. 150. ·T. 3. EwiB, Swarthmore 900. WANTED WANTED-Let the Opportunity Shop. 866 Main Street, ·Darby. sell your used clothing. Especially needed. meo's Buila and overcoats, women's winter- coats,' children's clothing, all klnda. For information, telephone Madison 4.562. WANTEi>-Rtpresentative to look after our magazine &ubecription illtet"ellts in SwarthÂmore and vicinity. Our plan en'ables you to secure a good part of the hundreds of dollars spent in thi9 vicinity each tan and winter tor magazines. Oldest agency in U. S. GuaranÂteed lowest rates on all periodicals, domestic and foreign. Instructions and eQulpmellt free. Stan. a growing and permanent business in whole or spare time. Address MOOR:g.. COTI'RELL. Inc.. Wayland Road, North Cohocton. N. Y. PERSONAL PERSONAL-Magazine 8ubscriptioll8 and re.. 'LeaiOa Mee& Moauy· The October meeting of the Harold Ainsworth Post No. ·4Z7 will be held I. Borough HaD Monday evening, October 21, at 8 o'clock. TbIs will be known as Past Commando .. ' Night and most of the ex-commande.. of the post are expected to be present. The oflice .. for this year: George GilÂlespie, com~der; Alben Eavenson, viceÂcomm'ander; Howard Hopson, finance officer; Harry Lang, adjutabt, and John Rogeri, sergeant-at-arms, will be installed. Refreshments and e!ltertainment are on the program, • Legion Card Party Next Friday Mrs. J. _ Pal!l Brown and committee are husy completing the plans for the anbual Hallowe'en Card Party of the Harold Ainsworth Post and AuliUary J which will be held ~t· Friday evening, October 25, at the Strath Haven Inn. Iii .ad(ijtion to the·, ttl-ble prizes. there will be a door prize, crmtributed by Martel Brothers, and special prizes donated by oth~~ I~cal merchants. A $25 Delco radio will be raffled off during the evening. ReÂfreshments will be served. ,11IE·SWADTUUnREAN '., ''''' .~..,..'.~~ ". . M.rs.. S- _ Hayden' --.,- Mn. Susan Hayden, of Hayden Hall, Providence Road, Wallingford, died sudÂ< Im1y of a heart attack while driving· to church In Swarthmore last Sunday. Mn. Hayde.n had been a member of th. First Church of Cbrist, ScienUst, Swarthmore, sinee coming to Wallingford two and a hail years ago from Hartford, Conn. Sbe is survived by a son, J. M. Hayden, also of Wallingford. Funeral services were held at three o'clock yesterday, Thursday, afternoon at the Imschweiler Funeral Parlors, Chester. Interment was private. • No Increase in Hours An effort is being made by the opponents of Sunday motion pictures to create the impres.c;ion that persons employed in that industrY may be required to work seven days per week in municipalities that vote favorably in tbe fall election. A provision in Section 1 of Act No. 211 establishes the six day week for all perÂsons employed in motion picture houses and would operate so as to provide addiÂtional employment opportunities where moving picture houses operate seven days per week. AUDITOR'S ANNUAL REPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF. THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DELAWARE COUNTY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA for the SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY I, 1935· TAXATION Assessed valuation of taxable ."'.ert .... '.' • •• 1 .••• 795.00 N be f It I I led 22 Number a5lleaaed with per capita tax •• :,,"'" '2002 a::: of ~:nca~ltiv taX::::::: 2.00 Amount of School Tax Per Capita Amount levied (tace ot 1934 duplicate) .•••..••.••..• $ Addltfona to dUplicate ••••••••.•...••...•••••••.•••• 4.004.00 4.00 Penalties added after (Oct.. l, 1934) .•••.•••••••.••.• 90.42 :-::c:::c:--:-:Â~ tal amount of tax to be collected .•. ~ •.•••••• ~ ••.•• $ 4.098.42 oneratlons • • . •• • • • . . . • . • ••• • .• . • . . •• • • • • . . • ••• • •• 510.30 1984 tax I't!turned .....••••...•.••••.•..••..•••.•.•• Deducted from Collector'a Salary.................... 269.62 Net amount of 1934 tax collected .••••.•••••.••.••.•. 1 3.318.50 RECEIPTS Property $113.515.49 88.00 1,912.02 $115.515.51 18,230.42 69.0.$ $; 97,226.04 Total $117.1519.49 92.00 2,002.44 ,11.,618.98 610.30 18,230."2 328.67 1100.644.54 newals. RI~lat until November to-AmerÂIcan, 2 ye!lrs. $8.60. M.rs. Gilbert S. Faries. 239 Haverford Avenue. ;;;~;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;========= I Balance on hand July 2, 1934- CURRENT EXPENSES General Control (A) FOR RENT Dwellinc; South Che.ter Road;: 6 Bedrooms, 2 batha; Jarle lot~ $70 • month. E..C. WALTON SWARTHMORE. PA. SALE $7 .000000even RoolD8, Hardwood Floors, Fireplace. LarKe Lot. 2-Car earSle. O·Room Bun.alow. Lot 75 by 200; 2-Car (lara., .. WM. S. BITTLE Swarthmore 111-.1 Notary Public - raaW"llllee - Real EaUt. FOR CAREFUL BUYERS I Every Modern Imprm'ement Uaed 507 N. CHESTER ROAD $13,760 OPEN SUNDAY AIr-coftdltloned, 011 heat. Uvini' Room 18 feet by 27 feet. 2 ftreplace.s. 2 endosed porc:hH, modem kitchen. • bedrooms and dreulnc. room. 2 die baths.· mald's room and bath, 2-car .. ar.l'e, lot 112 ft, x 170 ft. See Dr Phone ROBERT T. BAIR Number 211 WAYNE MOSTELLER EverythiDI' E1ecbical SWARTHMORE 1568 Grunow Refrigerators and Radios Garwood Oil Bum ... MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON ~OSEPH E. QUlNBY ERNEST G. SNODCRASS. ASS"T. FUNERAL DIREcrORS BEll. PHONE .. MEDIA, PA. For Sale DuUdInl' Lot, 75 feet x 200 feet, Westdale Avenue, Eaat of Chester Road. $2300. Term. Addreaa H.. T.. M., Elwyn, Pa. Sweeney & Clyde INSURANCE 29 EAST 5th STREET Pholle, Chelter 6141 PETER E. TOLD All Lines of Insuran"" Ineluding Life Nolu7 4'7 DARTMOUTH AVE.. PuhU. SW.I833 UPHOLSTERING Fumiture Restoring In AU Ita Branches FRED J. HARLEY Call Swarthmore 1441 Anytime - Anywhere Waverly" Fa_ St. Morto ... Pa. General Fund •..•...•.••••..•• 1 801.76 Property tax. 1934 ••••••••••••• 97,226.04 Per Capita tax. 1934...... •••.••• 8,318.50 Delinquent tax (previous to 1934) 15,368.80 Stale ADPropriation •••.••.••••• 21,083.44 Tuition non-resident pnpl.ls .•.•• 14.667.88 Temporary loans ..•..• , 20.663.00 Bond .ales •..•.••••.. 72.061.72 92.624.72 Sale of real estate, suppUes and equipment ••.••••••••.••..•.•. 26 ..... All other sources •••••.••..•••.. 12,349.68 Total Receipts •.•••••••••••. 126&.957.26 ... " .. -.......... Salal'ieIJ of Principals ....•.••.. $ 4,800.00 Salaries ot Prin."a Clerks" Aa.ata. 2.786.62 Salaries ot Teachers •.•••••••.•• 76.652.29 Textbooks . .•..•.••.•.•••••••••• 1,701.67 Supplies used in Instruction..... 3,185.95 Commencement Exercises, etc.... '16.26 Other Ezpensea at Instruction... 182.06 Total Item (8) •••••••••••••• $ 89,883.84 Operation (D) Wages of janitors and other em-ployees •••••..••••••.••.••.••• $ 7.'139.86' Fuel •• •. . • •• •• • •• .•• •••• • • . . • • . 3.063.28 Water ••.•...••.•••.••.••••••••• 535.41 Light and power................ 2.876.82 Janitors' supplies ..••.••.••.••• 685.92 Care of grounds ••••••.•••••••• ~ 30.1'1 Telephone rental ••••••.•••••.••• 842.86 Other Expenses of Operation..... 117.41 Total Item (D) •••••••••••••• $ 14 .. 890.78 Fixed Charge. (F) State Retirement Board ...•.••••. $1 2,594.39 Insurance: rire ••.••• , ••.•••.•.....•...•• Compensation •..••.•.....••.•. Other expenses ..••••••••..••... 994.74 280.00 63.68 Total Item (F) ... , ••.•.... .-.$ 3.-882.81 Clerk of Sehool Board ...•••••.. 1 SecUUl7's Ofrlce. other expense Treasurer (Com. or Salary) .••..• Tax Colleetor •....••••.•.•.••.•• Auditor. ....•••..••.••.••••••••• Legal Service .•.•.••••.•••.••••• Other Exp. Business Admn •••.•• Other Expenaes of General Control 1.250.00 5.00 825.00 1,194.16 85.00 855.10 680.99 119.12 Total Item (A) .••..•••.•..•• $ 8,964.87 ~ Amriliarr Ageaciea".lId· Coordillate· . Activitie. (C) Llbraries-Balaries •.•.••..••••. $ 1,900.00 Books. repain. replacements and other expense ......•..•..•...• Other Exp. of AuxlJia17 Agencies NUl'Be Service •.•...•..••••.••.• Denlal Service •..•..••••...•••.• 486."0 1.839.80 786.90 611.15 Total Item (C) ...•.•...•.•.. $ 6,524.26 Maintenance (E) .Upkeep of grounds .....••...•... $ . Repair ot huildings .......••..... Of beating, phimbtng " ligbtlng Repairs and replaeement (Jt Apparatus used in inatruetion .. Furniture and other equipment 2.283.23 1,184.63 .f54.IO 83.34 181.87 Total Item (BY ...•..•.•..... $ 4,187.17 .Debt Service (G) Redemption. of bonds direct from general fund •.••••.•••••.••.. 1 9,500.00 Redemption of short term loans.. 9.625.00 Payments of IntereBt on bona and State tax •••••••••••••••••••• 15.219.01 Payments of interest on sbort term Joans ..•.•.•.•••.•....•• .f3.31 Refund taxes. tnition, etc........ 7.75 Total Item (G) •....•.•••.••. I 34,395.07 Capital Outlay (H) N ew b u Ud'I nK'll •...•..•.......•..•.•....•••.•••••. •••.••••••......••••.••..••.••• $ 75,56946 .9186 Alteration of old huildlngs (not repairs). .••..• .......................... ....••••. 20696:26 Heating, lighting. plumbing and elee. eqUip •••.• '.," . • •• ••. . • . . . . . •. • • . . • • • • •• . ••• '286.09 Furniture •.....•..•••.•.•.• , •...••..••.•••.•... , .. • •• • ••• • .• . . • . • . . . .• •••• ••• . . 758 21 Other equipment . < • ••••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• 175'715 Heating, lighting. plumbing and elec. eqnlp ....................... •·••··•···•••·•• 4404:88 Furniture •.•..••.••••.•.•..••..........•••.••..• " ••.•.••••.•. , . •. . . •. . . . • ••. .• 880.15 Other equipment ••••••••••..•••.•••..•..•...•••...•••••••••••.•••••••.•...•••.. ·_--=':":':=-1 Total Item CM) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ 98.902.38 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL PA YlJENTS SUMMARY •.•..••••..•••..•••........•....•. $256,957.26 '{" T';b.i· C~r;';~i' EXP~~;c.=. (Items A·F inc.) ..•••. $121.783.17 Tolal Debt Service (Item G)................... 3",895.01 Total Capital Outlay (Item H)................ 98,902.88 255,080.62 ASSETS School Buildings and Sites .•......•.•.•.•..•.•...••••...•.•••••••.••••••••••••..• $788,:~!.:~ Textboob and Equipment.... •••.•...•.•.••.• ••• ••••.•. ..••.••••••••••• ••••••.•• 57. 30"2 11•988'S TTUax •.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•..•.•.•.•..•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•...•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.• •••••••••••••••••••• ,...... 1~::86:86 , .......................... . 1932 Tax: ••...•.••...•..•••••••••••.•.••...••.•.......•..••••.••••••.••.••.•.••• 15,540.64 P,!vious to 1932 duplicate ..•...•••.•...••••••.•...... ·•··•·•••••·•••••••·•···••· l,:Ol~~ Tuition .•..••...•.......... , ...•...••...•••.••••.••• Other RC~~~;"b' ~;i;'''bl~':' u: ·S: ·(;;:.;'ernment Grant.............................. 16,"41.14 Due from Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ......•..........................•..... 3.672.75 General fund balance .....••..•••.•.•..••.•.•.••.••........•...•..••.......•..•. 1.816.64 Total Assets •••.•..••.•••••••.••..•••.•.•.•.•••.•••.••.•..••..•.•..•..••..•. $8"8.651.41 LiABILiTIES Bonded Indebtedness (with vote of electorate) •..••••••••••••..•.•.••.•.•.••...... $270,000.00 Bonded indebtedness (without vote of electorate)................................. 70,000.00 Temporary loana ... •• .• . • .• . • • •• • . ••. • • • • . .•••• • . ••. • . •. • •• • •• • •• • • ••• • •• ••• ••• 20,563.00 Bal. on AIlsteel Const. Contract.................................................. 138.~8 Surplus •...........••.••....••••••••..•••.••.••.••..••..•.••.••••••.•.•••...•.• 487,950. 8 Total Liabilitie!il ••.••....•..•..••.•.••.•••.••.••.•••••..••..•••.•••••â€â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢. • $8'8,651.401 We hereby certify that we have examined the above sccounts and find them correct. and that the securities of the officers of the board are in aecordanee with law. JAMES F. BOGARDUS. WALLACE M.. McCURDY, WK. R. MAIN. A'Jditors. A M[~tUC.,R. N .L". n I ",1\ ---- - ---- -- - - -' OCTOBER 5PECIAl5 ROBERTS Fresh Meaty. Scrapple r Finest Standing lRib Roast: City Dressed Pork Shoulders TO 27c ' ( Bluefish ~:~~v~ TO 1 Sc ) (I,L. .o.u-e-ll-a -B-u-tt-e-r --------2- -lb-.-. -G-Se. --' Richland Butter 2 lb •• GIc ------------~-==~~----.--------- 9c aL C'MWQOD De'icious Apple Sauce 2 No.2 cans 15C l'tladl!' frum h esh apiliefl nt thlPlr best . r New 1935 Pack Vegetables ~ 13c lISCO C;oked~' - - Spinach '::!e I O~ IISOJ. Gold.. la.talll, Cns.ecI. s.oo '.9 old Co"lfry G •• fl •• al \.. Corn 2 ~:·n: . .17c HosteR Marshmallows ~·or Fanndale·· ... - ... Z5~ tb 01<& 14c Evap. Milk 3 :~s A ppI e s SSwteaeytm Juainc y 3 tb. 10c Winesap bushel $1.26 . ;weet Potatoes 4 lb. 10c Calif. Oran es Flaming Red Tokay ,-'Grapes 2 tbs Wlwe Quality Coant. and YOII7 Mon.y Go .. F""tha, Thue PrIces mtrp.c.tive tD 0. ur Store, aDd I" -~..,.,... Meat Marketfl t • S.......u...n. and Vicinity - THE STRONG FOUNDATION Ii Ever and always the Public Utili. ty is a Co-operator with the imporÂtant forces in every field of life. It may well be called "the business of business" in that every type of manufacture, transportation and distribution of the prodÂucts of field and factory gain by the services of the Public Utility;' faithfully performed. The home and workshop without Utility Service today would be historically a reversion to the Crusades ••• A hospital, theatre, subway, or skating rink without Utility Service is inconceiv. able. It could not exist. Utility Sewice and Modernity mean the same thing. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Eleclricityls Cheap in !he PhiladelJ>hja A .... -
---------- Page 10 ----------
j. . , i I i tUwN'UUSSiU[jAjLJ iPJRiOiiGGRiiAAMiMSS ~.:! :!='~;:!;e;r:l=.~:'~:~n~~:=rd~s~n .~:=I-=Ifmor: :."~iw.W~.!~·~ tU~~:~::!TIe~-·IU;~;'~IID~.R~ )'::"-·~ ".:....." ! l110lMi .( :m.kFl"l, :ofS' iMZ9 .~..; ~:w~,1e~ ..~-rt~i f~ ~~~o ~Cr OtQ BtakEe. tRhe eo1 ..8.... sth..i..dad "Sd>ooJ for HuW,nd." • The Swarthmore Braach 01 the Wt6J>m': ~.). ~~ ~!o" _odbl~g.~ get·lIt touc.h. wI.t h Mrs: EniOIllud..r.t..", ~O COLLEGE OD 1Ian:h 19 Sir Arthur Saller,GIad~ InlematioDai League for Peaoo aDd ·FrJ. JIow~ Â¥.UII&_nl.. ..' .. . teiephoDe S,!arthmo.'" 85~1. •... , ... I' stoDO Prof .... r of PoliUcaI Theory dom will hold Its lint fall ..... !Iog at Bond i~===:· ;::=.':":' =::==.;;;== .•. ===.::==:~;.~=~ Joim Goa' LoudOD sm,en and Mm .. Sc:to_nn Firat on C0oÂper FOUIldation Liat IDItilatiott, Oxford UDlvenity. will give the Hall •. Swarthmore Col1ege 011· Mondai finst of his five lectures. Since 1932 he has aftel1lOOlI. October 28. al 3 o·clock. been a member of the Ecollomlc Adviaof\' .• CoWtdJ. DuriDg the World War he was DICDlatm. au. for Club .5et:uIuy . of . AWed .l4arItimeTfIDIIPOri TIae WUIiam 1. Cooper FouncisUolI brings Council. In May. 1918. be was sent tQ Miss Estelle Dana. a graduate of Car" tQ llie student body of Swarthmore Col, America on a spedpl shipping :~:::;,..~: I nogie Instltule of Technology. will give aD lege I and the College ?>mmumly tb4. year '(len,ial ~reiauobip of the elsbl .... eeIts· course In Interior decorating at Job, Goi' and the l.Qndon Singers; Mme. Commission from 1920 to 1922 was the Swarthmore Womsn's Club. beginNng Ellzjbetli, Schumann •• Ger!I!", Lirder so- by Sir Artbur Salter. Unlli 1930 be Was Wednesday. November 6. at 9AS A. M. PI'llllO; Cl!arles Weidman' and, :POris director of the Econol!lic and Finance Sec- Tbe cou,,", Win include: furniture. kino! Hwilpbrey. and SIr AJthur Saller. o.ford tlon of the Lea&l\e of N.UoDS. . and arrange!!!e!>!; wall, Idnd and selecUol\ Professor. . . • of wall paper. Floors and coverings (in- Tl!e first Cooper FoundsUon program BEGIN WPA· WOnl[ c1uding the making 01 hooked or braid'" will 'be 16hll Goso aiuI the London Singers. ., ~ rugs). ColQr in Ibe bom. .. Window cur~ who wll"giv~ •. ~~ bere on Fri~y ON SCHOOLS tains and drapes (those ta!dng the cou .... evelllnf< ; D ......... r 13. 'Ads group of may bring msterials and make their cur~ artisIJ aPf"":"" lIere tItree years ago and tains in the c~. if they 110 desire). Acces-are very .... ej) known. • The second of the programs to be Employm ... t Provided for 25. H. S. 1.0_ to Media, 19.0 brought here Ijy tbe gift of William 1. Mea in ImprovemeD" on Swarlbmore ..... ~ School -"~ered. the; Cooper is Mme. E~beth SchumaniJ, ac- LOcal . Bllildln.. ..-- ..... knowledged one of the fo ..... olt q,lerpre- - second defeat of this season wben Media' ters of Germsn classical composers. This Word bas jusl beell received by Dr scored 19-0 against the loesl eleven last recital will be given in Clothier Memorial Arthur E. Bassett. president of the Scbool Friday o.n the Swarlbmore CoDege Field. on Jan~ 18. Board, from J abo H. Rankin, director of This afternoon the contest will be with- The Staalspper in Vienna claims Mme. the Works Progress Administration office Sbaron HIlI 011 the Rutgers Ave".ue Field. SchumsDD as its leading lyric soprano. It in Philadelphia. of the approval of project is in Vienna that she DOW makes her home, No; -1460--for' painting and -miscelianeous but her IJirthplace was a little town In work on the Swarthmore school buildings. renlra! GermSllY •. The noted lieder singer Work began in accordance with tbe was nol t .... enly when she made her debut approval on Wednesday morning· of this as leading· soprano of the Hamburg Opera week. CompanY".Here Dr. Richard Strauss heard Tbe projecl includes such items as the ber. and In 1921 he inlrnduced her to *- .following: at the higb school. painting the country with her first perfo:mance at the music room the fire tower and other Atlantic Football Forecaata 0.. Diaplay Eft.." Tlaur .... y Pfck the Wbmb,. T .... ROBERT C. BROOKS, JR. Claeater Road &lid Faimew Road Swarthmore 214 USED CARS ~Iectio!l of Pacl"ucl •• Ch"".lera. Buicks, Studebab .... Chevroleta and othe~ MANY MODELS All 1ft EXCELLENT Condition PRICED VERY LOW FOR QUICK REMOVAL Don't FQr8et the New Packard 120B . Delivered. fully equipped, in aU body .lyla, $1200 to $1300 , F. B. FRANCIS Uth and Cro,by. Chester Phone Cheder 9131 • ._------------------ - -------- .. - - Ii •• Metropo tan. . class rooms, together with varnishing of ~me. Schumann h~ sung In all the tables and chairs in the library and certain leading opera ~ouses ?I Europe, at COVellt class rooms; painting of all window sills; ~ar~en In Lo~don, ID B~enos Aires ~d caulking of the windows, also plumbing, JD Rio de Janeiro. Follow~ng her operatic plaster patching, carpentry work, and gradÂand con~ert engagements m. Cope~agen, ing of the tennis courts. The project inÂwe receIved from ~he Danish King the eludes the construction of two bicycle d~oraUon of the High Order for Art aod racks al Ihe bigh school and a pipe horiÂSCIence. • . zonta1 ladder for the playgrounds at each .. _______ -.1 $tore Hour_We.~ Days, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M • ... _______ _ i F.ri~ay 1ir:a.4 Saf!Jrday. 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. r The dance reotal to b~ gIven on Feb~- grade school building. At the Rutgers ary 14 by <:.harles Weidman and Dons Avenue School, painting of all exterior Humphrey.bnngs to Swarthmore the fore- window sills and construction of tables most. Amencan exponents of contemporary and benches for use of the children at danclDg. Both of tbem are not only ex- lunch II'm . I d d cepti•o na II y gl'f led soI d bl Iso earelDcue. 0 ancers, u a At th C II ASh I Ih k ch oreograp h ers 0 f on·g•lD ai iiy and "I magma- . J d e th oeg.e ti venufe cooI laessw or d tion. These two were born in the middle ID~ u es e pam ng ~ severa. c. an west-Miss Humphrey in Chicago and Mr. toilet ro?ms, ro~f rep~rs and. pamting, and W 'd • N b k the plaCing of hIe draInage lines along the el man m e ras a. isid lis . They received their preliminary training au . e wa !o carry away water which with the Denisbawns, travelling with them has Deen entenng the basement .rooms. on an extensive tour of the Orient. On In summary, employment Will be proÂtheir return tbey were ready to start off vided for skilled and unskilled workers :IS by t~emselves and joined forces in open- fonows: laborers, three laborers for two ing a;' school in New' York. Breaking away months; ~ne plumber's ~elper for one from. the idea of having ·the -dance ten a month; s~lIed.worke~: one plasterer, one story, they evolved a choreography which m~nth j SlX palilters, one month, and seven put the emphasis on purely rhythmic mo- pamters, one month; two carpenters for tion. They grew rapidly in imporlance two months, two plumbers for one month, and have appeared with the New York one electrician for one-half month, and 'PhillÂ¥1rmonic Symphony Orchestra, the a cement finisber fo~ one-quarter month. Clev~nd Symphony, and the PhiJadel- The superintendence will be in charge of phia Symphony. In Ihe thestricsl lield a Works Progress Admlnislration skilled #free. ~rff.fli That 'I'. ....n ltq· Are Not .Ia "l"our Do ... e It', importllDt to know tlurt JOU 41".", hive Termite •. Unfortuaately YOU can't tell. Fortunately WE can. If your booie il freo from Tar. mites-fine. If it il infelted, you mUlt Ict fast to avoid a part in that $50,000,000 annual damage which come. from collapsing beam. and sinking jOlSti eaten from the inside by. thes. .hideous horde •• Terminix" i. the one bonded, cradi. CII~ing, preventive; Ind permanent i~ula.tioll. And Terminix ofFer. 7 0U • FREE INSPECTION b7 .Impb' telephoDIn. this dice. 'f~ere •• ao Gbllptloll. A .talb' of 70ap home I. made b7 relIabl. aDd experleDred Inspectors. There Ie _ iroaM. for )'Qu. You Eet a detaUed report UPOII which 700 call ad 01' not, .s )'OD ue. fit. We cep..oat_ there IA no oblla-nUoD but there Ie ..-reat: II~UI'~t7 In knowln ... PRONE TODAY I.O~. 1828 .. -.. Cor 0111' fne booklet foreman for two months, The work will be in charge of the property committee of the School Board, Dr. Arthur E. Bassett, chairman. • Business Aaaoc. to Meet OD 23rd The October meeting of the Swarthmore Business AssociaUon will he held Wednes· day evening, October 2'3. at.8 o'clock in Bo~ougb lIa11. DetaUs of the Hallowe'en Par.de will be arrang~g. . : • Third Series Lecture Sunday Mrs. Elizabeth Cox Wrighl will give tbe t,hird in Ihe series of· four weekly lectures in Literature being presenled on Su~day evenings at 8 o'clock in the Friends' MeetÂing House by the Departments of Fr~Dch and English of Swarthmore College. Mrs. Wright's topic this Sunday will be "Matthew Arnold and the Study of Poetry." Vesper Service The first Student Recital of the season will be held at the Vesper Service' in Clothier Memorial, Swarthmore College, this Sunday evening at 6.30. • College FootbaU· Swarthmore Co1J~ge lost its first footÂball game of the se<l:SOn'when"Washington College defeated it,. 13-6, last Saturday on the Swarthmore Field. , Tomorrow afternoon the college will play another home game, this time' opposing Dickinsoq. . • Needlework Display Next Week "On Wednesday. October 23, at 2 o'clock the Swarthmore Branch of the Needlework Guild will have a display of garments in the \Voman's Club House. The dircctors will scn'c tea from 2 until 4 o'clock and extend the most cordial invitation to the . public. I All garments should be in the hands of I the directors by Monday, October 21, if possible. EOGMONT AVE.-SEvENTH AND WELSH STs. '. QUALITY APPAREL AT SAVINGS! f --------------~--------------------~ We Specialize in CHUBBY DRESSES $1.39 -- $1.88 Size. I O!t2 to IQVz Kiddies' Smart COAT AND LEGGING, SETS $4.98 $6,98 $8.98 Cute selectidn of styles. Fur trimmed and sports styles. Sizes 2 to 6!/z. SPEARE'S SECOND FLOOR Very New I ALYCE JANE McHENRY COAT SETS $12.98 $14.98 The Right Clothes Give an Extra Cheer to Happy School Day.! SMART SCHOOL FROCKS 94c to $1.88 Choose from our wide .... ortment of charming Wash Frocks. Modestly priced and fully guaranteed to wash 'and wear. Sizes 3 to 16. SUITS-__ FOR "TEENS" . Two-piece effect., Talon Zipper, wl\nted colon. . brown. 8'l'een. navy and$2 88 $4.94 ~ubODn,et. Size. I 0 to • 16. GIRLS' WINTER COATS From O .. e of America's Finest MakersÂBringing You Savin .. s of 25% to 40% Divided Into 3 BiC Croups Dress and sport styles hats and muffs to match. Detachable fur eape collars •.• com: plete selection. of colors-Rust BroWt1. Dark Green, Dubonnet. Iris. Skipper Blue and Cold. Sizes 7 to 10--11 to 16lj& SPEARE'S SECOND FLOOR 00000' ,HE nlllill .... IF 'HILA. HARRIS & co. LWO. . 110t CHUTIlUT aT. TAILORS AND FURRIERS Cleaners and Dyers TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE NO. 11 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA• 504 ••••• 0000 •••••• 00 ••••• 0000 •••••• 00000 •••• 000000 ••••••••••••••••• 000000000.'.0000000000000000 ••• 0 •••• 00000'0 VOL VII, No. 43 SWARTHMORE, PA., OCTOBER 25,1935 S2.BO PER YEAI tU_ ..... _x NO UQUOR STORE F"'_ Company Notes FOR SWARTHMORE There were three fire alarms this week, none resulting in any serious damage. PLAYERS CLUB BUSY PLANNING SEASON Propoeal Withdrawn in ConaiderÂatiOD of Violent Local Opposition The following letter which Wa:5 sent to J. Archer Turner, President of Borough Council, by Governor George H. Earle, will belay the apprebensions of the many who feared to see a liquor store estabÂlished in Swarthmore: At 1.40 P. M. on Sunday Ihe department answered a calI to 904 Westdale Avenue, where an automobile was on fire. The fire was extinguished before the lire truck arrived. The following day a lield lire on Fairview Road, was finally put out after two alarms, one at 12.15 and another al 2.50 P. M. when the smouldering bush had again burst into flame. To Open in November with ReÂvival of "Entwbile s-n"; Fint JUDior Play Nov. 16 The Players Club of Swarthmore this year celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary. Under Ihe leadersbip of Dr. Aodrew F. Jackson, this outstanding amateur dramatic organization will again present a series of eight senior productions and four junior plays. As in the past the productioDS will be directed by the men wbo have belped raise Ihe club 10 its present bIgb position among the little theatre organizations of the country. The roster of players will include those men and women of the comÂmunity and surrounding towns who have contributed so ,much to the success of past performances. Police Ne_ "Thank you for your telegram. of Octo- John F. Wolfenden, of Grant Avenue, her 14, regarding the proposed establish- Woodlyn, the reported owner of a car ment of a State Liquor Store in Swarth- driven recklessly here on at ~.oo P.. M., more. October 13, has been summoned to appear "I am advised that the Liquor Control for hearing at 8 o'clock this evening. Board has investigated conditions at Swarth-more and, in view of the local sentiment At 12.40 A. M. OD October 20, James against the store. bas decided to abandon Chl·ldren's Hallowe'en Parade Thursday., McComb Sinclair. of Claymonl. Del .• was the plans for locsting one In that com- also summoned to appesr at 8.00 P. M. munily." P • Off d f Res C on October 25. for driving at the speed Clarence G. Mvers. Borough Solicilor. rlZes ere or t· oslumes ot411.mUes.per bour on Yale Avenue and , r-....- -··to-~_c· , . wbo wrote to the State Liquor Control -- -,.. .&.d... Board on behalf o( Council, received a Swarthmore's ruth annual HaI1owe'en Borough are invited to join in the evening's At 2.15 P. M...OI):.the 2bt;. a.. mJIIsjon reply. substantlal1y the same as the above. parade is 10 be held this year on Thurs- fun. The Borough AssociaUon. which is otturred at WaInu/. Laue :.nd Osdea. AveÂfrom Ben G. He1seL day evening. October 31, at 7 o·c1ock. The sponsoring the parade with the SWAlm.- nue. between the csr of Dr. W. F. G. Since the appearmc:e In the daily papers affair is being sponsored by the Swartb- MOREAN, has provided a Hallowe'en favor Swann, of Ogden Avenue, driven. by John two weeks ago of an Bmlouncement that more Business Association and the SWA1tlH- for each child who enters the parade. The A. Kohl, and the car of Mil. C. C. West, State Liquor Stores were to be set ull in ,",0_ and prires .will be given to the prires. which are donaled by the Borough of Walnut Lane. who was driving. Both several Delaware County tow .... inclljdiDg first. second and tblrd winners in each of merchants. are on display in the SWAlml- can were damaged but no oDl>-was injured. Swarthmore. the ... bas been co~Je the four clas6UicaUons. .._ window. Swarthmore's Players Club has grown from an unpretentious beginning of a few townspeople who stage minstrel shows and one-act sketches to its present organization. now owning its own theatre. To com .... metl!orate this progress the Board of Governors has voted this year to issue an anniversary year book. This volume will contain a short but comprehensive history of the club otnce its inception in 1911. a list of present officers and committees, a list of past presidtnts and a complete list uneasiness among the townspeople who Each yea. the size of the parade bas The judges this "year are MIs. Roland joined in protest at a Mass 101-., In the grown. unlli there were over live bun- G. E.· Ullman. Mrs. Harold Griffin. Frank Methodist Cburch on October. 13. dred children boot year. R. Morey and Howard B. Green. 'presi- RECORDER OF DEEDS of 1111 plays and perlormsnces given up to . the close of the 1934-19J5 season boot May. Harrisburg was homharded with tde- The parade will for.n on RaiImad Ave. dent of the Swarthmore. Business AssocIa-grams and letters from leading cltizeDS of Due just behind the American Siore. The UOII. om· CE PRAISED Included will be a fuB memhership list. A concerted effort will be made this year to build up the club membership. With a the Boro~, making convincioZJy evident route of·the parade will be from· the sta- Those in charge of the different diviÂthe' · .... um...t of the town regarding the Uon platform along the underpass to the siODS are as follows: Fan<y D ...... George mslter. B8I1k then back to Park Avenue and Plowman and Mrs. Elliott Richardson; Council authorized payment of _ along the first block of Park Avenue SlId Comic. Charles Russell aod Mrs. lames R.,.iater of WiIIoRespon,,'bIe for Cc-n .. lion of $1,000,000 10 send Burg .... Jobn H. Pitman. active back to the pojat of departure. Bogardus; Miscellaneous. Frank the Bar- EstateTaxea ·Ieader in the battle aplnst the store. to ber SlId Mrs. Robert E. Sharples; Original. Harrisburg 10 pr. ....t In ~~.n. petitlOIlS Tbe procession will be led out a division R0 Iand L. aElon adn 101 rs. Roy Delapla•in e. Coulesy and efficiency fODD the basis of ,..--- at a time and marched in front of the T' J E which had been circulated and were signed judges. Spectators may see the marchers Jtusd • wig will be marshal of the the successful c. on. duct of business in the by lS00 citiz..... Upon learning of the para e. various Delaware Counly offices located withdrawal of the proPosal Burgess Pit- from the sidewalks along the lirst hlock Tbe comml'1 1 eo appo•m t ed b y teh BU·Sl- in the ·Court Hou.s e In Media. of Park Avenue and the underpass. ness Association to make arrangements for maD tapWlrd !'is trip. . '1'Iiac".w!It Jot-,_JiiwJus; tlre:Pm<r...t..b _eu-. -'-~,. K'M; BlldJner• . P!'aitt' Wild and UDtruth!uJch. • rg .... ~.~" liciencr. disCourteSy and InattenUon·l,,· duty Dress, the Comic, tile Miscellaneous and MasseDi, C. R. RUS!elI, C. E. Hannum and charactenze - the average county official ALt.P ARTISAN MEETÂthe Original. All of the children in the T. 1. Ewig. and officebolder is disproved by trust of. ING'HERE TUESDAY Election Iaaues, and Candidates to. Be Dbcuased at Friend.' Meeting Howe League Delegate to Speak Here Mr. Carl J oachiz Hambro, Norway's delegale 10 the League of Nations. will speak at Swarthmore ColIege under the auspices of the Cooper Foundation, Thurs-day evening. October 31. . Professor William I. Hull will introduce Judging from the total vote of the the speaker, who will talk on Europe and citizens of Swarthmore in the recent Pri- the League. mary Election, the choosing of County and • local Officers arouses very Uttle sense of ERS FOR responsibility. To stimulate interest in the NEW OFFIC coming election, a Committee lrom the Swartbmore Sociely of Friends. consisting HOME AND SCHOOL of Juliet C. Kent. J. Warten Paxson and James F. Bogardus has arranged an AIl- Partisan Meeting to be hel~· ·th·e Friends' Meeting House on the Co "~"«;:ampus this coming Tuesday evening, ctober 29, at 8 o'clock. Representatives of four Political Roland G. E. Ullman to Succeed William Craemer as PresiÂdent parties wiJI give short talks in which each The Home and School Association held will champion the issues and candidate its opening fall meeting in the High School of his party. Mr. Albert B. Alaris, of Auditorium, Wednesday evening. Lansdowne, will f.peak for the Democratic The meeting opened with a business se5- Party. Mr. Winfield W. Crawford, of siOD under the direction of William CraeÂWayne, candidate for the office of Register mer, president . of Wills, will be the Republican speaker The Nominating Committee consisting Mr. Paul G. Smith of Crozer Theological of Elrie S. Sproat, chairman i Mrs. Allan Seminary, will represent the Socialist Party,S. Thorn and Mrs. C. S. Cleaves, presented and Mr. C. Wilfred Conard, of Lansdowne, the following slate which was duly elected: the Prohibition Party. Roland G. E" Ullman. president; Howard Two of the candidates for the Swarth- Kirk, vice-president i Mrs. Walter H. more Borough Council, Mr. T. E. Hessen- Dickinson, secretary, and Mrs. W. Burton bruch and Mr. J. F .. Meschter will speak Ricbards, treasurer. briefly of Borough matters. Mr. D. After the business session an interesting Chandler Prince has also expressed his and special musical program was provided willingness to be present if possible. Dr. by Edna Coates Colafemina, violinist, and Frank. Williams will be out of town. Alben Donato Colafemina, tenor. Mrs. ColaÂT. Eavenson expressed an interest in at- fem.ina is the violin instructor teaching tending the meeting, as will the candidates pupils of the College and Rutgers Avenue for School Board. Time will be given for Schools. There were a few brief talks by questions and it is hoped that every Miss Mildred Avery, Miss Hanna Kirk and Swarthmore voter will avail himself of Mr. Frank R. Morey of the school, who this splendid opportunity for information outlined some of the new plans and cur-before going to the Polls in November. riculum changes in effect this year. • At the close of the meeting there was a For a Real Hallowe'en social hour in the Music Room at which time a committee, under the direction of Mrs. Frank E. Williams, served apÂpropriate refreshments. Each year as Hallowe'en approaches most children experience mischievous tenÂdencies. Since there have been a large number of electric lights broken recently about the Borough, the SWARTlDlOREAN bas been asked to appeal to the youths who think they find . pleasure In this pas· time. Surely there is no real fun in a practice which only causes trouble and injury to others, as well as subjects the perpetrator to arrest and fine. So let's all co-operate and tnake this Hallowe'en an example of good wholesome fun only. There were about one hundred and twenty present. , • ~t. Lecture Thia Sunday The' final lecture in the Literature Series sponsored by the French and English De· partments of Swarthmore College ~II ~e held at 8 o'clock this Sunday evemng In the Friends' MeeUng House. Edilh Philips will discuss ,uAndre Gide and tbe Com· munist Movement." BARREll APPOINTS mRNER AND GANNON • ficials, atlpmeys, and daily visitors who have business in the Court House. In this connection a deserved tribute to the regular routine in the Recorder of Deeds' office, which is applicahlt: to every other office under Republican rule, was contained in an editorial comment in the To Lead Democratie Worken Vote-Getting Efforts NoÂvember 5 m Philadelphia Eve,png Bulktin on August J, 1934, as fol1ows: "Medill used to mean to us the town where we turned toward Moylan and the Anthony P. Barrett, Democratic County Hedgerow, but Media has a Court House, Chairman, announces the appointment of that is really distinguished, set back from J. Wa1ter Turner and Martin Gannon as the street in a pleasant square, surrounded co-chairmen of the Committee to direct by tall green trees, lending a pristine air the vote-getting efforts of Delaware County of innocence to political science. And the campaigners. Media politicians- they are something to The campaign was launched this week be spoken of in hushed admiration. In at a series of eight me"etings of workers in the office of the Recorder of Deeds, clerks aU sections of the county at which Chair- came over gently and begged to be of man Barrett spoke in optimistic terms service. There wasn't a pair of suspenders about the chances of the Democratic Party in view, nor such a thing as an obtrusive in'the November 5 election. spittoon, surrounded by evidence of the poor 'lMr. Turner and Mr. Gannon led suc- sight of politicians, or their bad sense of cessful campaigns in the recent Democratic direction. The Media politicians seem to Primary and have earned the honor of believe in daily shaves, tub baths, and clean running the present campaign," said Chair- linen. and removing their cigars from their man Barrett. mouths when they talk. We don't know "They will not interfere with the cam- what the politics are in Media, but the paigns now under way under the direction politicians are something we will never of local borough, township and district forget." committees. They will merely supervise The Register of Wills office, an imÂthe present machinery and repair any weak portant branch of the county government links that appear." has a high reputation among trust officers Mr. Turner is a resident of Drexel Hill, and attorneys and is outstanding for and Mr. Gannon lives in East Lansdowne. courtesy and efficiency. That enviable They have arranged a series of whirl- record has been COnsistently maintained wind tours of the county, starting Friday for the last eight years. The alertness and (October 25) to speed up the present cam- business acumen of the Register, as an paign efforts and to arrange appointments agent of the Commonwealth, resulted in in outlying districts that are not well or- the proceeds from three important estates, ganized. lodged in other slates, being administered Hallowe'en Parade Data Starting place-Behind the AmeriÂcan Store on Pennsylvania Avenue. Time of starting-7 P. M. sharp Thursday evening. Route of procession-Along the Underpass to the Bank then back to Park A venue and along the curb in first block of Park Avenue and back to point of beginning. Divisions--Fancy Dress Comic, Miscellaneous and Original. Sponsors - Swarthmore Business Association and the SWARTHMOREAN. Prlzcs-First, :second and third prizes in each division. Favor for every child. here after proceedings had been instituted to reclaim them for Pennsylvania. The Register was successful in all three whicH netted the state'treasury more than $18,500,000. The treasury of Delaware County benefited to the extent of $1,- 100.000. W. I. L_ Meeting Next Monday An important meeting of the SwarthÂmore Branch of the Women's International League for Pea.. and Freedom will be held in Bond Hall, Swarthmore College, on Monday, October 28th, at 3.00 P. M. Mrs. Philip Kind. a member of tbe Na· tional Board. will speak on "What We Can Do to Maintain Peace." Everyone ·Who is interested in peace is urged to attend. Tea will be served. full ·membership the club 'win· be in a posiUon 10 pi'nduie· some very desirable plays which. because of prnducUon costs, bave been Prohibitive lit the past. As an organization the club Is a non-prolit makÂIng enterpiise and the ~ points with pride to the fact that even during the recent economic distress the club's budget was balanced and Us obJipllODS pnmtptly met. . While tile complele ~uJe .. pf:.pJalS ~ be produced this year has ndt yet been announced. the season will open with a revival of HErstwhi1e Susan," produced some years ago when tbe club was housed in the Woman's Club. J. WUIiam SimÂmons will make bis bow to club audiences as a director with this initial production, which will have its first showing on Wednesday, November 5, and continue through Saturday of that week. The cast will be substantially the same as that which originally presented the play. Some suhÂstitutions have been necessary, but the complete cast will be announced in the SWARTKMOREAN next week. Cbarles D. Mitchell will direct the DeÂcember play with Dr. Aodrew F. Jackson following with the January production. The February presentation will be under the direction of Roy C. Comley; March, Roland G. E. Ullman; April. D. Malcolm Hodge, and May. John Dolman, Jr. Another play already scheduled is "The Piper" as the first junio~ series play, which will be directed by T. Lawlon Slaugh. Tbe cast for this play will shortly be anÂnounced. "The Piper ,It by Josephine PresÂton Peabody, wilt be presented at the club house Saturday, November 16. A matinee and evening performance will be given. LEGION HOLDS PAST COMMANDERS' NIGHT Colonel John Murphy Traces Post History; Men to Attend Anniatice Day Services The regular monthly meeting of the Harold Ainsworth Legion Post was held Monday evening, October 21, in the Legion rooms at the Borough Hall. The meeting, known as Past ComÂmanders' Night, was made particularly inÂteresting by the fact that there Were nine Past Commanders present. Medals were awarded to all the Past Commanders who had not previously received them. There were approximately thirty memÂbers present who enjoyed hearing Col. John Murphy present in a most interesting manner the history of the Post from its inception. In honor of' Arlnistice Day the Legion men were requested to attend Church Services at the Episcopal Church on SunÂday, November 10. --....>. --- Vesper Service . An o~an .recil.~I. by Al"",!,,~er.:Â¥rCurdy will be ·the feature of the Vesper-Service at 6.30,' Sunday evening· iii Clothie.r Memorial, Swarthmore College.
---------- Page 11 ----------
2 ,1., \'-. \ 11fE SWARTHMOREAN .- :.- OCTOBER 25, •• fC" An~ E. Seltzer Engaged To Caspar S. Garrett Harvey R. Pierce, of South Princeton Ave- Chatterbox in banot of Mi". and Mrs. -Me· in the Augustana HO$pltaJ. Chle8g<>. Ill. &wurtllmrtrt .. ,.\ C!tnmmuntty &40p; nue, Swarthmore. , Cone :and Miss Chalmers. The wedding will take place on Saltur'·1 day, November 9. -- Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Blue and family Two Other LocaJ E.1oglll!relntmila I have removed from Haverford Place to AnnolD1ced Here n. . ..:__ Rochester. N. Y •• where Mr. Blue has been .,......... transferred. P .. tWeek Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall, of Kenyon Ave~ The engagement of Miss Ann Elizabeth nue, left Wednesday for a week end visit Seltzer. daughter of Mrs. Charles J. Sell- \\'itb Mr ... and M;rs. Russell A. Yarnall, of zer. of Moylan-Rose Valley, and Caspar Maplewood, N. 1. Sharpless Garrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. ---- Albert Nicholson Garrett, of College and Mrs. David Chandler Prince, Mrs. ]. · Garrett Avenues, was announced on Satur- Passmore Cheyney, and Mrs. Edwin A. day at a bridge tea at the Seltzer borne. Yarnall, all of Swarthmore, acted as Miss Seltzer graduated from Friends Central hostess last Tuesday at the Rodman School and attended Swarthmore College. Griscom estate, Gladwyn, in thf: series of Mr. Garrett is a graduate of George I "lEiouse and Garden Days" visits sponsored School, and Swarthmore College and at- by the State League of Women Voters. tended the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania. No date has been selected for the wedding. -,----:: Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Osterman, of Rutgers Avenue. announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Spsan Elizabeth · Osterman, and Mr. George Humphrey · Bunyan, of San Francisco, Cal. Mr. BunÂyan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Crccrar Bunyan, of San Francisco and New - York. ' Mrs. Robert Greenfield, of Forestview · Road, Parkside, announces the engagement of her sister, Miss Mary C. Ryan, and L~uis F. Pierce, son of Colonel and Mrs. Mrs. Vincent Cianci, of Yale and HaverÂrord Avenues, has been ill at her home for the past week or so. Her condition was somewhat improved this week. Mrs. Elrie S. Sproat, of Ogden Avenue, has been confined to her home tbis week by illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Beadle, of Seattte; Washington, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Currie, Jr., of North Chestc': Road, the .first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCone, of Dart~ mouth Avenue, had as their guest from Monday until Wednesday, MisS Georgii Chalmers, ·of San Francisco, Cat, who Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Seal. of Cornen A venue, have as their guest for ten days tbeir niece, Miss Esther Siner, of RieglesÂviDe, Pa. Mrs. Ellen C. Van Schoonhoven of Park Aver.ue. left Tuesday on a tour of the mountain region of Pennsylvania. Mrs, Van Schoonhoven will stop in Wellsboro to visit Mr. and Mrs. H. Webster and in about two weeks she will continue to Florida, where she will spend the winter. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Johnson, of Magil Road. and Dr. and Mrs. Townsend Scudder, Jrd, of Thayer Road, were among those who entertained before the Senior Assembly, Saturday evening. Miss Elizabeth Douglas and Miss HarÂriet Wickham, both of North Chester Road, will entertain with a Hallowe'en dance at the American Legion Hall in Media, on Saturday evening, November 2. Dr. and MT$. William Johnson, of Ogden Avenue, and Mr. anrJ Mrs'. Earle P. Yerkfsj of Princeto3 Avenue, will leave next FriÂday on a mo~or ,'trip to Wellesley, Mass., where ~hey ~ilI ,'visit Dr. and Mrs. JohnÂson's daughter, ~lizabeth, and continue to Boston, t~ \attei4d a reunion of the Ap. palachian Mountain Club. Mrs. I. Newton Durboraw, Jr., of AmÂherst Avenue, 'with her infant son, returned home on' Sunday from the Chester Hos·' pita!. . " I ' . 'CHESTER One Week-5tartlnc Friday "BROADWAY MELODY OF 1936" recently with a New England troupe ,Mrs. Percival Armitage, of Harvard Ave-; stock players. Miss Mary Elizabeth Beeb'~1 nue, will leave today to spend the WfCk.: . entertaihed on Tuesday evening at' end with ~r son-in-law apd, ~au~~~r, ~r.: =;:;:::;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:I:a~d Mrs .. ponald Barr Chidsey, of Moun-i r tain Lakes,,'N. J. STAGE SHOW SATURDAY Enjoy,.: • .' •• _:"" ME A THEATRE Today (Friday) and Saturday . LAUREL ""d HARDY -In- "Bonnie Scotland" -ADDED-A. Walt Disney Silly Symphony in Color "Broadway High1iahb" "New Adventure. of'. Tarzan" ana Free -FOreign '.Stamp.· , Monday and Tuesday TED LEWIS WASHINGTON THEATRE CHESTER Friday and Saturday , "Men of the Night" Bruce Cab·ot· Judith Allen Charles Sabin Monday and Tueday GEORGE BURNS GRACIE ALLEN "Here Comes Cookie" Wednesday and Thursday EDMUND LOWE 'King Solomon of Broadway' Cheater's Moat DIstinctive Theatre George O'Brien NI ·-inÂZane Crey·. latcst 1935 novel . Mountain' -withÂBARBARA FRITCHIE -ADDED- -::--=--: I. Mr. a~'d Mrs. J. F. ~ay lor, formerlY' : 6f Atlantic City, N. I., have moved intol 2JJ Dickinson Ave,n ue. ..', . , ~Ir. S. H. Hemenway, formerly of Pros-' pect Park, bas taken an apartment at 3ic: Dartmouth Avenue. ' William Kuruhalz, who played on the Dickinson College team when it met Swarthmore College on Saturday, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kurtzhalz, of Park Avenue, Mrs. Percival Armitage, of Harvard A veÂnue, entertained a foursome at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday. The otlier mem. bers of the group are Mrs. Edward Baker, Mrs. J. Wilbur Hoff and Mrs. Leslie G. CampbelJ. Mis. Seibold will be remembered as Miss Clara Bond Taylor, 'of Rivervi'ew Road. ., , . , , ~ ehdtterbox Saadwich Loa"e. Luncheon. Tea. Dinner Nut aDd Dale NuL Whole Wheat abcI WhiteBread Cookie. Old Bank Building 1M Park Ave. TeL Swartb. 1171 ! Folks. you'd better st~p an' lissin Or there's 8Omethin' y,ou'lI be missin' Since the Presbyterian wimmin Hev a givin' up their ~wimmin' They've been giltin' up ·a big. bang-up bazaar It's the seventh of November . And the day you'd b";'t remember Fer that time ain't really olf so very far. There'lI be heaps o· tljings to buy And a supper. too. Oh. my I My mouth is jest a-waterin' I can't wait till that bazaar. c. v. THAIR. any plain dress ." ..• t' S.U. ... ',! b e aut i full Y '.J cl e a ned ., .. ". " ',- (., ,_. . iuJG· 'CLEANING SPECIAL FROM'OCTII 2" TO NOV. 2 '~ , , , ; ': . . 9z12 . Po,niesti~ Rug,. , . , , .·Cleaneis ~TABUSHED 1820 " -. :; Mr.. Betty Temple in charge 12 Park Avenue Swarthmore 401-J Dyers -10- "Here Comes the Band" Claude Rain. Fay Wray -In- Dr. and Mrs. Jean Piccard, who resided last winter on Elm A venue have taken an apartment at 318 North Chester Road. Two of their three sons are now with' ,----------------------------_____ -' Wednesday and Thursday PAT O'BRIEN FRANK McHUGH JAMES CAGNEY -in- "The Irish in Us" "The Clairvoyant" them and are attending school in Swarth ... more. Our Next Attraction Mr. and Mrs. Orren Mohler, formerly WARNER BAXTER of Ypsilanti, Mich., have taken an apart- HELEN VINSON ment at J11 Park Avenue. Mr. Mohler is' -in- "As Husbands Go" connected with the Astronomy Department ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:: I of Swarthmor~, College. .r.. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;1 ~ LANSDOWNE Miss Mary Fail·banks and brother. Paul, formerly of New York, have moved into MANOR Cheater Piko - Prospect Park Friday, and Saturday JOEE. BROWN "BRIGHT UGHTS" Ann Dvorak Wm. Carlan Monday . One Day Only SYBIL JASON "THE UTTLE BIG SHOT" 'rueaday One Oay Only NORMA SHEARER Frcdric: MARCH LesUe HOWARD "SMILIN THROUGH" Wednesdlly-One Day Only FRANCIS LEDERER FRANCES DEE A Foz Production "THE GAY DECEP110N" Thursday-one Day Only "Here Comes the Band" LEWIS and His Band WARNER BROS. 69th Sf. Theatre Garrett Road & Wcst Chester PIke U!;,per Darby, Pa. Starting Friday For One Week FRED ASTAIRE GINGER ROGERS -- "TOP HAT" Delaware County'. FlnelJt Theatre Friday and Saturday JOEE. BROWN "BRIGHT UGHTS" Ann Dvorak PatricIa Ellis William Gargan Joc Cawthorn Monday and Tuesday Claudette COLBERT "She Married Her Boss" MICHAEL BARTLETT (Co-Starred with Grace Moore in "Love Me Forever" Melvyn Dou&'las Wednesday One Day Only "Charlie Chan in Egypt" WARNER OLAND Pat Paterson Stepin Fetchit Thursday One Day Only TED LEWIS and His Orchestra "HERE COMES THE BAND" Virginia Bruce Ted Healy Nat Pendleton Harry Stockwell WAVERLY THEATRE DREXEL HILL "The Most Aeeommodating Theatre in Delaware CountY'· TODAY and SATURDAY CLAUDETTE COLBERT -In- "SHE MARRIED HER BOSS" MICHAEL BARTLETT MONDAY AND TUESDAY New Shirley Temple of the Screen SYBIL JASON -In- "LJ1TLE BIG SHOT" GLENDA FARRELL WEDNESDAy ... d THURSDAY . BING CROSBY -In- "TWO FOR TONIGHT" an apartment at 311 Park Avenue. Miss Fairbanks, who is a rfcent graduate of Swarthmore College. is now assistant to Dr. R. C. Brooks in the Political Science Department there. Paul is taking a post graduate course at Swarthmore High School preparatory to entering the United States Naval Academ)' at Annapolis, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hormann, for-' merly of \Vestdale Avenue, have removed to Media. Birth Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Seibold are receiving congratulations on birth of a son, 10bo Rudolph, born Tuesday. October IS, 1935, ESTATE OF WILLIAM S. KELLY, DEC'D Letters or Administration on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, who requl"St all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent "to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment, ',:ithout delay, to HELEN T. GUETl'ER. Church Lane and Cedar Ave .• Yeadon, Pa. or her Attorney. JOHN E. GENSEMER, 1604 Fox Building, Philadelphia. Pa. 10-18·6T. ESTATE OF FLORENCE S. ZlMMERMAN (late of Swarthmore, Delaware County. Pa.) deceased. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION cum testamento annexo on the above Estate have been Rl'anted to the undersigned, who request all penons having claims or demands against the -Estate of the decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay. to Marlon Allyn. Administratrix c. t. a.. 310 South Chester Road. Swarthmore, Pa. Or to her Attorneys. John Stokes Adams, Esq. John B. Miller, Esq. ].f34 Land Title Building. S. W. Corner Broad and Chestnut St.&., Philadelphia, Pa. g..27.&T , ESTATE OF H. BENNETT BIGGINS, DEC'D Letters Testamental'J" on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned. who l'E!(Juest all ~rsona having claims or clemands against the Estate or the Decedent to make known the same, and all penona indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay. 10 NELLIE V. mOGINs, or to her Attorney, 746 Concord Ave., JOHN E. GENSEMER Drexel Hill, Pa. 1604 Fox Building Phlla4elphla, PL lo..ls..6T 4 section size for hot water $369 Installed Capacity 720 Square Feet of Radiation. With 275-GaI. Tank and All Controls AVAILABL( UNDIR THE N.H.A. PLAN No Down Payment Three Years to Pay EFFICIENCY and LOW PRICE I Hercules OIL-BURNING BOILER New Revolutionary Design Brings Coal Economy to Oil Heat • Price includes installation, 275-gallon tank and con· trols. • Lower operating cost; burns "heaper, heavier oils. • Small current "onsumption. • Lifetime construction of all parts. Precision-assembled to guarantee you years of satisfactory service, • Beautiful emerald-green fin. ished jacket. • Approved by Underwriter's Laboratories, • Compare the Hercules OilÂBurning Boiler against any on the market, Compare for first "ost, economy in fuel cost, in operating cost, in quality of materials, in workmanship and responsiÂ. bility of the seller. Sears, RoebUck and Co" 522 Edgmont Ave., Cheater, Pa. Gentlemen: . Please send me detail. of your "HerÂcules" Automatic Oil-Bu1"ning Boiler. Name ......................... . Street . _ ........•.........•..•.. City .... _ ..............•.•...... S~ars, Roebuck and Co. 522 Edgmont Ave., Chester Phone 9111 _OC,inOg' B~m~R~ZS~'nln~5MH~r-Im~~~==~~~~~~THE~~~~A7~~n~HI_.~.D7R_F~~_N~~~~-.-~~-.-~~ __- .-~~ ______~ __3 'AlESWARnIMGREAN R_. ·Buab_ to Spnk H_ the Woman's Bible Clus at her home 00 Malin. 8 Whittier Plate. telephoDe Swartli· usual tlmepleceo including a watch wbldl ....... IrF • ' l L • lib "x;a te A veJlue. more 608-R. ,trikes the hour and also playa musical PUBLISHED EVE&Y I'aJDAY AT The Rev. Donald Gray Barnhouse. D.D.. The .. wing committee for the Bazaar ---+.--- selections. 8WAll~RE, PA. pastor of the Tenth Presbyterian Church held Ito last meeting last W<doesday at the • AJIIN ·8. SHARPlU at 17th and Spruce Streets. Philadelphia. home of Mn. Nessie Haig Shelden. _ .... _ PooIo..... will speak In the old Leiper Church. on AU memben of the Woman', AIsodatlon In the Assembly on Monday moming the Rep. =t '_I ''Tot Lot" • Fairview Road. next Monday evening. are bonding every effort to make their pupil! of the Junior-Senior High Sehool TITUS J. EWIG October 28. at 8.00 o·cloek. Dr. Bam- Buaar on November 7th a soda! and had the privilege of a very interesting ad- .......... ........ house, who ~ just returned from a six- financial success. Christmas gifts, house- dress upo'! the ~tOry of ."The RODlaDce of ROSAUE DRYDEN ~een ~O?ths !np around the world visit- hold needs. food. 'whlte elephanto: Tennes- the Pearl. ~ was glYe~ by M.'. Fred 8ocIaI1WCer Ing ~o~, IS tb~ editor of the religious see quilts, will be OD sale, 85 well as many 1· Cooper, a Jeweler. of Philadelphia, who .. magazme Revelation," which he estab- other things. Dinner will be served from has made an exteDSlve study of precious Pb_ _ _ Iish<d about four years ago. He is also six to seven-thirty. Jewels. ~t ~:-:=td 8::: :-~ p~ wen known for his radio talks which are Dr. Matthews of Crozer Theological Mr. Cooper demonstrated his talk by ... ... til. Act .f MarcIa -I. 187a.. heard each Sunday afternoon at 4.30 over Seminary, Cheskr, is teaching the Men's showing a. preserved Oriental oyster from The Swarthmore Junior "Tot Lot'· Ass0- ciation was represented OD October 14th at the Mootbly Meeting ·oi the Philadelphia Playground Association by Mn. Arthur R. Dana and Mns. Oscar J. Gilc ..... t. who told lnformaUy of the summer work on the "Tot Lot" as planned by the Swarthmore summer committee. ==================== I stations W. I. P. and W. M. C. A. Bible class for the coming weeks. Ceylon which showed a pearl In the sheil FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1935 Swarthmoreans will be welcome at this Yesterday a splendid delegation of the He also had a number of three·year-old FOR SALE meeting next Monday evening at the Leiper women of the church attended the meeting oysters in a wire cage which the Japanese Church which is nearly one hundred and of the Fourth Wistrict of the Presbyterial used to cultivate pearls. He had several fifty years old and has been out of use Society at the J. R. Miller Memorial Pres- necklaces of .these Japanese pearls and ·told for some time past exce"t for the Bible byterian Cburch, Stonehurst. Mrs. Earle bow they differed from the real Oriental Classes conducted tbere each Monday eve- P. Yerkes, Mrs. Walter Luff, and Mrs, E. pe~rJs. The talk wa:' made es~aIly ~ter- HALLOWE'EN MISCHIEF All cia,. Saturda,.. 9 to S. oae load. Ne .. Je .... ,. .weet potatoea. Uye chic .... from nearby 'anna. Furniture OD. diapla". .. d aole. To the Editor: J. T. STILLWELL'S STORAGE If I recall correctly, at this time last year your SWARTlDlOREAN published a very convmcmg leiter urging good healthy Hallowe'en fun for the Borough's youth to indulge in. Once again-with all the riotous color of the countryside and deÂlightful Indian summer weather we have have been experiencing-the quiet aspect of nlng by the. Rev. William Allan Dean of H. Bonsan furnished transportation estmg by the shOWing of mOVIng picture • • films presenting the story of the Japanese MDI'lOD Avenue Mort .. the Philadelphia School of the Bible. and pearl fishing industry. the Sunday School which meeto on Sun- Ballet to Benefit LoraI L W. V. Mr. Cooper. who is a personal friend of days. The Littlefield Balle.t will appear in a Dr. Arthur E. Bassett, president of the Methodist Churcb Notes closed windows and fallen leaves is proving Dr. \Vayne Channell will preach on SunÂtoo much for some of our folk and with day morning at 11 o'clock on "Blundering this last week in October Hallowe'en seems Goodness" and in the evening service at to be an. excuse for an outlet 'of unhealthy 7.45 on "True Discipleship." The evening program for the benefit of the Swarthmore School Board, will be remembered as the League of Women Voters on Friday, No- speaker who discussed so interestingly liThe vember 22, at the Swarthmore high school Story of Time" several years ago, at which auditorium. The calendar of the Delaware time he showed the children som~ very UQÂpranks. service will begin with an organ recital by U • • LowelI Broomall, of choice Wagnerian SpeaficalJy: to have a fnend park a music: Prelude to Act III Loheegrin Prtz car 'on the hill' on a too dark. ~treet and Song from Der Meistersinger; To th~ Eye~ after a three and a half hour VISIt (harm-I nlng Star from Tannhauser less hour.; of seven to ten-thirty) lind four I A Fen sh· S ill b h Id' th deBated tires is too high an average. • ow JP upper wee In e Would that I knew the perpetrators of this Soda! Han at 6.30 Tu~y evening for ernicious rank!! 1 'PunishmEnt suggested: th.e men of the congregation. The supper p p k wIn be served by the men. The speaker a few wollops on a not·too-dar street. ·n b th R S Mil H N·ch ls Effective wollops they should be and in the WI e e. ev. r. ton . I 0 , Ii ht f this articular incident with no popular radio preacher and lecturer and g ~.. p • ' Pastor of the Arch Street Methodist ?,ore. Indlu.nous res.ults bthut tWlth Ithd ef wlJen- Church. Philadelphia. There will be music Imagme lDco. nv. em. ence a wou 0 ow. b y the Male Qu ratet. Ab out seventy-fi ve "In addition to the necessity for a few men are expected to attend. more lights in Swarthmore, and Cedar Lane Lowell M. Broomall wiD direct the Choir betwe~n Elm Avenue and Ogden is a. spot rehearsals on Friday evening, Junior Choir to begIn on-our homes (and I take It for at 7 o'clock and Senior Choir at 8 o'clock. granted no transient would bother to stop The Official Board Meeting will be held for the 'tiring' pastime) can continue to in- after the Prayer Meeting on Wednesday still the invaluable character building I ie- evening. .. ~ minder of consideration for others' P{OP- Quarterly Conference members will at-erty. tend a Group Conference in the Drexel "Perhaps you will allude to this tire Hill Methodist Church on Friday evening, incident in an editorial this coming Friday, Nnyember 1st. The speaker will be Dr. then mayhe I shall feel that my very good Luther J. Lovejby. friend is avenged J I" A meeting of the Social Service Commis- A READER. sion of the Philadelphia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church will be held in the Swarthmore Church on Tuesday REXALL' >UJorning at 11 o'clock. Dr. William I. Hun, of Swarthmore College, will speak on "International Sanctions." Discussion and a luncheon will fo1low. Ie SALE • Presbyterian Church Notes County League of Women Voters mailed to members last week, stated erroneously that the program was for the County League's benefit. Rutledge Show This Week-End The Fifteenth Annual Exhibitions of the Rutledge Horticultural Society will close with the Hardy Chrysanthemum Sbow this week-end . The exhibits will be open to the public from 6 until 9.30 P. M. Saturday and from 3 until 6 P. M. Sunday. • Girl Scout News Troop No. 6 will go to Camp Indian Run on Friday for the week end. There will he no meeting for those who stay at home. Girls are requested to send their $1.50 to Dorothy Wilson or Joy Price, who are in charge. Officers elected for the year at last week's meeting .were Ruth Child, President; Betty Broadbent, Scribe j and BeatricE. Brewster, Treasurer. The meeting closed with a luncheon hike. The next meeting will be at the Scout House at 9.30 on Saturday, November 2nd. • W. I. L Rummage Sale Wed., Thurs., Fri., SaL OcL 30, 31, Nov. 1, 2 Swarthmore women who desire to conÂtribute to the rummage sale which will be held from October 28th until November 1st at 2015 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, for the benefit of the 'Vomen's International League, are requested to send their donaÂtions early Monday' morning t? the baseÂments of the Presbyterian and Episcopal Last Tuesday evening ·Mr. Robert Haig, Churches, where a committee of women of the church, addressed the members of will sort and mark the goods. the Young Men's Club on the subject of If you would like someone to call for "Some Problems in Transportation." This your rummage please notify Mrs. Patrick was an exceptionally interesting meeting. I=~~=~===::===::=~::=-I Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Charles Bron-I son was the bostess for the first social of I IMMEDIATE SERVICE I DAY OR NIGHT - Prompt Radio Service OLIVER H. BAIR CC? UTILE-GREEN RADIO I ,"UN~~~I~~~d~~ORS I 3 SOUTH PRINCETON AVENUE kiT. 15.1 , RACE 1110 Swarthmore 1235 Victor D. Shirer 13 s. CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore 586 CHURCH NEWS F 0 0 T B A L L TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episeopa} Ch .. ter Road and Coltep Avenue JOHNS-HOPKINS COLLEGE Rev. J. Janlen G~.!:'':-';r. S.T.M., Reelor Rev. T. A, Meryweather, Dir. Ret Educ, VS 8 :00 A. M.-Holv Communion. • 9 :45 A. M.-Sunday School and Bible Class. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE 1,,00 A. M.-Mo~;ng P,a.er and Sermon. Mr. Guenther will preach. ON SWARTHMORE FIELD ALLN~:':''C'~ ,DAY 10:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. Saturday, October 26th, 2 :30 p, M. THE Admission-$1.00 Plus Tax SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. .John Ellery Tuttle, Minister Next Home Game--Susquehanna, November 23rd SUNDAY ~::::::~~~~~~~~~::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;::::::;;;~ lO:OD-J);ible School. Women's Class, Dr. SHAMPOO AND $1.00 FINGER WAVE ALL BEAUTY SOC AIDS Co-ed Beauly Salon 409 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Every Shampoo-A Scalp Treatment Do Your Banking With PHONE 595 SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company OOOOOOOOOOOODDOOOOOOoooooooaoooooooooo,oaOOGO'OGOOoo. Clewell; Men's. Dr. Matthews. 11 :OO-Morning Worship. The pastor preaches. 'j:OO-Young People. Dorothea Dodd. chair· man of missionary committee. leads. FRIDAY 7:30-Church Troop No. 3 Boy Scouts. Donald McGarrah. Scoutmaster. SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH REV. WAYNE CHANNELL. D. D. Putor 9 :45 A. M.-Sunday School. 11 :00 A. M.-"Blundering Goodness'" 7:00 P. M.-Epworth League. 7:45 P. M.-Wagnerian Organ R<>eit9.1 by Mr_ Broomall. Dr. Channell preaches briefly on "True Disc:ipleship." THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 9 :46 A. M.-Pirst Day School in Whittier House. 9 :45 A. M.-Morning Forum-J"anet Payne Whitney will lead discussion. 11 :00 A. :H.-Meeting for Womhip in the Keetln&' HoQJH!. WEDNESDAY 9:10 A. II. to 2:80 P. lL--8ewil18' aDd Quilt.Âbur In. Whittier Hoqae.. Box IUDcheon. .. - .--. All Cordially Invited FIRST CHlJRCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. OF SWAllTHIIORE Park Avenue below Harvard 11 :00 A. M.-SUlldu SchooL 11:00 A. M.-SundaJ' Leaaon.&rmoo. WeclDeeda:J' evenlnc meetina- each week. • p. m. Readlq room open clatly. ezeept SUD" days aDd holidays I to .4, P. II.; Chureh edifice. AD are eordiaDy Invited to atteJld tDe HrYÂ_ and uae the Reeding ltoozn. Lilly Ann Drape Shop Velour. } Draped to Your Head $2.50 and up fteluJlII. ..."." "d,r, Bcautl/uD, Se,W Felts Velvet. Remodeling 75c Quality at ....... PrtICe Perfect H .. tI.. at Low Coat 16 S. ORANGE ST. MEDIA WM. S, HOBBS Swarthmore 1686 BUICK'S THE BUY If You Ride in a Buick You Won't Buy Anything Else Let Us Demonstrate A Call Will Bring Us to Your Door GALLAGHER BROS., INC. 7TH AND SPROUL CHESTER, Phone Chester 8281 PA. EVERGREEN TREES Have you ever noticed the thousands of everÂgreen trees around our reservoirs? Theee trees are planted to protect your water supply. They prevent the growth of other trees ~hat lose their leaves in the fall. These leaves blow into the water and become objectionable. We also wish to beautify the shores of our reservoirs and to eliminate weeds, briars, and undesirable undergrowth, The Philadelphia Suburban Water Company is not only trying to give yoa a plentiful supply of pure, fresh water •• but we are also endeavoring to beautify and improve the suburhs where you live. This is the twenty-second of a series of instrucÂtive narratives dealing with the wonders of nature and human accomplishments which make it posÂsible for you to have a plentifnl supply 0' water at all times. Look for the next narrative in this paper two weeks from today. ee(;ERTIFIED WATER Ir,u. PEDIGREED STREAMS"
---------- Page 12 ----------
THE SWARTHMOREAN NURSING DIVISION IN OCTOBER MEETING were given free by the Kiwanis Eye CliDic, of Chester. LetPoa Carel party Tonicht 'Laurence Saint will \alk on February ,6, "During our office secretary's vacaUoD this month, 16 office volunteers were seÂcured by our efficient Office Chairman, MD. T. Harry Brown. These volunteers were: , • 'and the third speaker, John Mason Brown, ,The Harold AInsworth Post, .Ammcm will talk on April 23 Legion, and Auxiliary will hold their An- .••• nbal Card Party this evening at the Strath ~he Somem.ne Forum IS conliD~ Its Haven Inn. . I policy of mvtUng alumni who live In Besides table prizes there will be a door I Swarthmore or nearby, and others who are prize and special prizes donated by local interested, to their musicales and lectures. merchants. Mias Eaton, Secretary. T ...... _. and Chairman RepOl't on Previo .. Month·s Work The regular meeting of the Nursing DiÂvision of the Community Health Society was held at the Borough Hall, SwarthÂmore, on Thursday, October 10, with the president, Mrs. A. F. J acksoo, presiding. The reports of the secretary and treasÂurer were read and approved. Reports wore presented by the following: Mrs. A. F. Jackson, chairman of the Nur.;ing Committee; Mrs. William T. Ellis, chairÂman of Volunteer Transportationj Mrs. J. Warren Paxson, chairman of the Automo· bile Committee j Mrs. T. Harry Brown, chairman of the Office Committee. Reports of the Child Health Centers were read by their district chairmen. Mrs. E. D. BrauDS, Mrs. Charles Fellows, Mrs. Arthur Hughes, Mrs. Horace R. HayÂday, Mrs. Benjamin I. Mather, Mrs. J. HarJan I essup, Mrs. J aho Esslinger J Mrs. Charles BOltOD, Miss Elizabeth Steele, Miss Marion Chaffee, Mr.;. Dwight Cooley, Mr.;. Otto Kraus, Mrs. T. Harry Brown, Mrs. W. N. Spangler, Mr.;. J. E. Underwood, Miss Mary Wood. We are most apprecia. tive of their aid. We are also grateful to Miss Sullivan, of the Family Welfare DeÂpartment, for belp with correspondence during our office secretary's absence." • FRIENDLY CIRCLE IN MONTHLY MEETING H. S. in Third Defeat Swarthmore High School went down in defeat for the third time this season when Sharon Hill won 19"() on the Rutgers AveÂnue Field. This afternoon the game will be with Ridley Park at Ridley Park. College Loses Again Swarthmore College met its second deÂfeat of the season when Dickinson College scored, 14 to 7 on Swarthmore's Feld last Saturday. This Saturday afternoon the local eleven will.play.Johns-Hopkins In another home game. • Elected Relief Secretary The following report for September was presented by the Supervising Nurse, Miss Charlotte Eaton: "A summary of SepÂtember's work shows a total of 335 visits to patients. On 131 of these, bedside care A beautiful fall day brought out a large Miss Pauline N. Durnall, of Kenyon Avenue, Swarthmore, has been elected as was given. Five mothers with newborn part of the membel'5hip of the Friendly babies were given daily tare during their Circle when that group was _ entertained the new general secretary of the Chester lying-in period, or a total of 44 visits to on Thursday, October 17, at the home of Relief and Family Welfare Association as mothers and 46 to babies. Ninety-six Mrs. Benjamin Collins, on Swarthmore the successor to Mrs. Gertrude Mowry I health teaching visits were given to mothers Avenue, with Mrs. Charles Bolton as as- Chester, who resigned several weeks ago. of preschool and school children and 12 sisting hostess. S ome rville prog'r am Anno unced I advisory visits to adults. The reason for The sewing chairman, Miss Vera Demuth, these figures being considerably lower than reported 46 garments sent to the Health William Rose Benet, poet and editor, will the average month is because we were Center, and 22 garments, with $1.00 sent, be the first speaker on the Somerville proÂsomewhat short-handed. One nurse was as the contribution of the group to the gram at Swarthmore ·College this year. absent about three weeks due to illnef5. Needlework Guild. Plans of the Somerville Forum, which have Cbevrolets Arrive Soon A shipment of new 1936 Chevrolet Standard and Master DeLuxe cars is en· route to Lawson·Shepard Company, Inc. here, according to notiJication received by Mr. Shepard from the Chevrolet Motor Company. Mr. Shepard was informed that his full Quota of cara for the local anÂnouncement would be in his hands before November 2, the introduction date. "Production has been under way for many weeks, according to word from the factory," said Mr. Shepard. "This means that we shall not only have cars to show APPLES • OCTOBER 25. 1935 01' November 2, but .wewW beabJe ~ "/'Ike immediate deliveries. ; "Our" SerVice personnel has "been underÂgoing factory-direc:ted trainiug mtheservicÂ~ of the new product, 88 part of a country .. .,.ide program instituted by Chevrolet. . The Sehool nlatrlet of the Borousb of Swarthmore _ill receive sealed bids at the SChool DIstrict office OD November 11, 198& at 8 o'clock P .. 11.., tor auppl,.lq towel aen! lee at the College Avenue School BuildInc for the period bea'inning November 18. 198& and ending June I, 1936.. The towels mUit be ~Idsh bath towels. approximately IIb(!'"'· mlDt be delivered at Jeaat once a week and collected at leat once a week. The d ... liveries Ihall eonaiat of a minimum of ap.Âproximately 900 toweh. Toweta lupplled are to be at the !Wle rbk of the penon luppbinc the towela. The pa7lDent for the towel aerY .. lee wUl be made in monthly ItlJJtallments beginnill&' December 15, 198&. The School District will have the ria'ht to terminate the towel service at any time upon 2 weeb* notice. Samples aud description mut be BUbÂmitted ·wlth bid. The School District re- 8i!rves the right to reject any or all bids. ELIZABETH A. LUEDERS. 10-26-3T SecretalY. CIDER Made Fresh Every Day PUMPKINS The last part of the vacation of the other Mra. William West reported on the just been announced, also Inciude talks by LOC staff nurse came during the fir.;t half of steadily growing "Shoe Fund," an emer- Laurence Saint, expert on stained glass, and UST KNOLL FARMS MARKET the month and the'last half of our office geney fund maintained to meet sudden John Mason Brown, dramatic critic. SPROUL AND PROVIDENCE ROADS secretary's holidays came during the latter needs as winter advances. On November 7th in the Friends' Meet- .' t f th . th F th d OR AT FARM~DDLETOWN ROAD NEAR GRADYVILLE· par 0 e mon. or esc reasons an Another separate fund reported on ing House Mr. Benet will talk on modem an increased number of confinements at- was Telephone Glen Milla 223.R·2 tended, we have been unable to accomplish the Camp Sunshine Fund, looking aneal'l ppo~e~t~ry~.:.... _____________ ~==========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=========~ to next summer. - as much in our health education program A th Is f h I b .A.. as we had plannep,. . mong . e appea or e p, anum er W "We are delighted to report that the new lof Inter.esung cases were presented: That scales for which Mrs. Douglas Sinclaire col.' o! a chdd wh.o l~st an eye throug~ an acÂJected the funds have been installed at ctdent, necess.ltat,:"g a glass substitute to Holmes Clinic. They are housed in the k~p the caVlty 10 a healthy state as the fine box made by Mr. John Moore. The cblld grows. • set formerly used there is now quite an Another case of a man needing funds to asset at the Avondale Clinic which has complete his last month of preparation for previously used only the travelling scales. te~cbing a ~h.abilitation group! and fa~ed SATURDAY, NOV. 2 "Work in the Morton Schools is again With the. ad~bonal .s~ern ncce5S1ty of bemg in progress. All children have been .fitted WIth glasses m order to do the fine weighed. One little boy whose mother we work required, and for which he had no Visited 'several times before she consented money. to get medical attention for -his deafness Then there was the young girl with a did attend a hospital clinic this summer. heart condition, in need of medical care The child had a tonsillectomy and can now ~Jl!l ~ea.~ment; the family who had beeD hear! Four Morton school children have obliged to Jet insurance lapse in order to received greatly needed glasses through our buy necessary food to keep body and referral to eye clinics. Three of these soul together and the school girl who WhtJ, fIIfJhIiu, fMtd fII~ fllhef", it' 8 86 e48f to. khow'1 At the Nlqht Rates (afier 7 P.M.)youCCIDc:a1l100mlles for 35 cenis. (Slation 10 SlaÂlion- 3-mlnulec:onneclion.) THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA needed sewing materials, which she was unab1e to finance. All these cases are to receive the imÂmediate and sympathetic consideration of the Friendly Circle. In addition, 3 quarts of milk is to be continued daily, to the family of 10 chilÂdren whose parents are struggling along on a very small income. The president.. Mrs. T. Harry Brown, appointed Mrs. Howard Dingle to be in charge of the Thanksgiving baskets. NO\v all this requires funds, and the Friendly Circle is faced with the prospect of many calls for assistance during the winter months ahead. The Circle would therefore welcome a large Contributing Membership at this time. No other obliga. tion than payment of dues· is incurred by this form of membership, the work of the organization being done by active memÂbers. First Senior Assembly Held The First Senior Assembly of Southern Delaware County was held at the AroniÂmink Country t;::lub, Newtown Square, Saturday evening, October 19. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cochrane, of Chester; Dr. and Mrs. Louis N. Robinson, Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Denworth, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dana and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Yerkes, all of Swarthtnore, were in the receiving line. The committee in charge induded Mrs. Eugene Stallings, Mrs. Jack Thompson, Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie, Mrs. H. W. ',Brinkmann, Mrs. Robert E. Sharples, Mrs. John Marshall, Mrs. E. P. Yerkes, Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge, Mrs. T. W. Mrs. Arthur Jackson, Mrs. Wallace McÂCurdy, Mr.;. William B. Bullock, Mrs. A. S. Wickham, Mrs. Clair Wilcox, Mrs. EdÂward Bas..o:ett, Mrs. William Johnson, Mrs. Hugh Denworth and' Mrs. Arthur of Swarthmore. LAUGH AT WINTER WITH CONSULT TOUR TlLlPHONI DIRICTORT OR TOUR LOCAL KOPPIRS DIAUR II THE MODERN FUEL HOW$8~~ "THE PRICE ADVANCES NOVEMBER FIRST" ANEW CHEVROLET . '." " .. : ,'" The only complete low-priced car WILL BB ON DISPLAY AT ALL CHEVROLET DEALERS THE NEW ON NOVEMBER 2nd AT LAWSON-SHEPARD COMPANY, Inc. 401 DARTMOUTH AVENUE SWARTHMORE 411 ------------ ---------- ·ocTOBER21t, '1935 '. CLASSIFIED - FOR RENT ,; NEW.S N., OTES I I Mrs. E. C. Lappe, of Ya"~ Avenue, enterJ • .' j THE SWARTHMO~.J...I Robert Hanzlik, cif Swarthmore; Mildre<\ Mrs. Paul D. Williams, of Strath Have'l The fir.;t half hour of the program wW ,Boyle, 0' ~ey Park; Gall McCoy, Dor1 A.venue, entertained three tables of d .... rt be :taken by Mrs. Albert Hill, who will uthy ~~n, and John McDonald, o~ ·bridge on Tuesday. ' Jllve the culmination of several Dves In fQIt RENT....studlo 'rOOm with bath on ilftond floOr, on the bilL Telephone, S .. arthmore toOl. tained a bridge four.;ome on Wednesday. : Chester.' ·1 ) . liThe Curate's Wife." What effect the .... ,1. 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Lawrence, of homecoming of Reginald bad on his Mr. and Mra. W. F. Houghton and fam~ ily, of . Haverford Place, will remove on Monday. to Media .. Mr. c'tinton H. Sawyer, Jr., of Dartj Yale Avenue. motored to Winchester, Va.; parents, on the' Curate's home-the vistas mouth Avenue, motored to Bethlehem, N~ last week end. . lX.hich came int~ Dahlia's view of life in fOR RENT Apartment,. MQ7Jan, Roae Valle:v. neW, tbree room., bath. Lara'8 eDl!loaed pOrch. Everything Ind.uded. Garaa:e available. 1elephone. Cheeter 6711. H., last week end and returned on Monday with his mother, Mrs. Clinton H. Sawyer; Mr. and Mrs; Elwood Garrett, of Prince"'t the ~913JI yiJlagtf-the way the curate saw Sr., who has spent the summer at her bome' ton Avenue, entertained a bridge club of the itght, "a ·re.pl~rkable, ending to a re- 'fOi~ RENT-Very well furnished Jiving room. bedroom, and private bath for one or two ,enUemen. Telephone. Swarthmore 280. Mr. and MrS. John Pea'rsO~ and fami·Jy, formerly of Aldanl have. moved into the Lappe house at 418 Park Avenue .. there. which they are members, on Saturday: markable bo~':' . - evening. ·Mrs. Grace Birdsall will then lead the FOR RENT-310 Elm Avenue. one half of two famU.,.. bouse, four bedroobUl, $66 per lDonth. Albert N. Garrett. Swarthmore 489. pennypacker 4"""2. Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Lee, Jr., of New York, visited Mr. Lee's parents, Mr. group through the chapters depicting "Life The 'first meeting of the season of the 'with Father," written by Clarence Day, Poets Circle was held at the home of Mrs. . Charles Joyce, North Chester Road, on Jr,. There is no need of comment on this Thursday afternoon. book. It is one ~f the surprises of the Dr. and Mrs. W. N,·v,·n Wh and Mrs. Morris M. Lee, Sr., of Princeton erry, enter- Avenue, last week end. ta, ined Saturday evening from six until len On Saturday evening Miss Rebe W. WaI-Mr. and Mra. A. G. McVay have re- ';;-;';'=============== year. Wit RENT-AttraeUve suite, also baehelor apartment, warm, Bunnl"· Private famUy. 1'elephone. Swarthmore 58S.W .. o clock with a dinner and dance in honor ter, of Swarthmore Apartments, enter. of their daughter, Evelyn, at their home <ii tained in their honor, when the other guests FOR SALE Cedar Lane. Included among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Lee, Sr., _--=,--,:-;-.,.-----.,.------ were: Nancy Armitage, Betty Jane Schatte Mrs. Grace Smith Culbertson, Mr. and fOR SALE-Dining' room auit, $16; large Fra?ces Noyes, Shirley Ward, Nancy Price: Mrs. Fred Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Hor-refrigerator, $10. Mra. Allyn. 810 South Emily McCurdy, Betty Hayes, Charlotte ace DeVoll, all of Swarthmore. turned from their wedding trip to MiaIl)i Beach, Fla., and are now occupying their new home at the Swarthmore ApartmentS'. Mrs. McVey will be remembered as Miss Lula ADoelte Hills, of Elm Avenue. TOWNSHIP OF RIDLEY Bids wUl be received for one tWHfJOr Ford. Ph-mouth, or Chevrolet automobile for the Township of Ridley Pollee Department; the successful bidder- tt, aeeept the preaent Ford. car owned by the Townahlp In part payment for the new car. Chester Road. Swarthmore 1965.W. PERSONAL PERSONAI--German conversation for adults and I!hUdren. Reply Box N. Swarthmorean. PERSONAL-Lady offers pleasant home in swarthmore to another, without charge. No objection to absence during< daytime. Young to middle aged lad,. preferred. Hut be quiet, refined. Reply Bolt R, Swarthmorean. PERSONAL-Magazine aubscriptiorut and re-newab. Special until November 10- American, 2 l"ears, $8.60. LOST LOST-Gold locket and chain.. Reward.. Call swarthmore 981. Atlantic Football Forec:aats On Display E .. e .... Thursday Pick the WlnnJn. Teams ROBERT C. BROOKS. JR. Cheater Road and Fairview Road -'. Swartbmare 214 FOR RENT Frame dwelliD., three bedroom., Rood loca· tioil~ Just outside Borough. $30 a month. E. C. WALTON S"!ARTHMORE, PA. A Short Time Ago 7 -room modern house, garaae. Bought fol' $11.500. Could Dot carry.. Offered for SS,5oo. Financed to 90% of aale price. Will .QOn be .old. WM. S. BITTLE Swarthmore 111...J Notary Public - In.oranco - Real Eatate Griffin, Naomi Wright, Dorothy Lueders, Marjory Dinsmore, Dorothy Wilson, ElizaÂbeth Whitaker, Genevieve Reavis, Robert Thorpe, pavid Mercer, George Troxell, Alex. EWlDg, Morris Bassett, William AsbÂMr. and Mrs, William F. Lee, vard Avenue," spent the week Skytop • of HarÂend at ton, Ernest Lange, James Brown, William Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis, of Walnut Hawkcs, Robert Spencer, Herbert Frazer, I Lane, spent Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-ÂDavid Ullman, Robert Storm, Robert Dela- day, on a motor trip to Washington plaine, James Davis, Thomas Marshall, and D. C., stopping at various points en route: AUDITOR'S ANNUAL REPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DELAWARE COUNTY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA for the SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY I, 1935 TAXATION Asse&!led valuaHon of taxable property .. $6,159.795.GO Number of milia levied........ 22 Number anessed with per capita taX..... _ 2002 Rate of per capIta tax....... 2.00 Amount of School Tax Pel' Capita Amount levied (face of 1984 dupllcate) ••..••..•..••• $ .(,00.(.00 AdditioPB tc duplicate ,............................. 4.00 Penaltiea added after (Od. 1. 1984)................. 90.42 Total amount of tax to be collected.................... .(,098.4.2 Exonerations .••..•.••••••••••••.•••••••...••••••.•• 610.30 1984 tax returned •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Deducted from Collector's Salary.................... 269.62 Net amount of 1934 tax colleded •••••••••.•••••••••• $ 8,318.50 Propert,. $118,516.49 88.00 1,912.02 $115,515.51 18,230.42 5&.05 $ 97,226.M RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 2, 1934- CURRENT EXPENSES Gie"erai Control (A) Tol.8l $117.519.49 92.00 2,002.44 $119.613.98 610.80 18,280.42 328.67 $100.544.5-:1 General Fund ••••••••••••••••• $ 801.76 Properly tax, 1984 ••••••••••••• 97.226.04 Clerk of School Board .......... $ 1.250.00 5.00 Per Capita tax. 1984.... ......... 3,818.60 825.00 Delinquent tax (prevloUB to 1934) 16.868.80 State Approprlation ..•....•..•• 21.083.44 Tuition non·resldent pupUs .•••• 14,667.88 Temporary loan, ••..•• $ 20,563.00 Bond sales ........... 72.061.12 92.62.(.72 Seilretary's Office. other expeme Treasurer (Com. or Salary) ..••.• Tax Cotlector ••••••••••••••••••• AI,Jdltors ••.••••••••••••••••.•••• Lettal Service .•...••.••••••••..• Other Exp. Business Admn •••••• Other Expenses of (kneral Control 1,194.16 85.00 355.10 680.99 119.12 FOR CAREFUL BUYERSI Every Modern Improvement Uaed Sale of real estate. supplles and 507 N. CHESTER ROAD $13,750 equipment. ....• ••••..•..••.•• 26.4.4 OPEN SUNDAY All other sources...... ......... 12,849.68 Alr~c01lditloned, 011 heaL UvlD& Room 18 feet by 27 feot, 2 fireplaces. 2 oncloaed L;;;;;;;T~o;ta;J~R~ee;;el~'~ts~.; .•;' ;.•;•; ;.~.~ ••~ .•;•~ .;$2~5~6§.9;57;;.2;6~~,;;=T~ot~aJ;,,;lte~m;,,;(A ~)~.~.,:•,•; ;.~.;•'• ~ .~.•~•: ' ;.':'.' ~~3.;;'~6.;;.:.:.a7 porche •• modena kitchen. 4 bedroO''J1' I,d dreutnl' room, 2 tile baths. maid'.· room .":'-:.tructi;;;;' (Bf- ,- -- - - - ~~ -AiiXiIiar)"'""Agenc:iea and Cool"dinate and bath, 2-car Rar~geL.I~t.112 ft. x 110 flo Activities (C) See or .,hone Salaries of Princlpnls .•..•..... $ 4,800.00 . ROBERT. T_ BAIR Salaries of Prln.'s Clerks .. Assta. 2,185.62 •.•. Number 211 Salaries of Teachers ..••..•..•.• 76,652.29 Librnries-Salaries ..•........•. $ Books. repairs, replacementa and 1,900.00 486.40 1,889.80 786.90 511.15 GI ...... ."Ciiit8ins, Draperies Slip Covers M. B. WILSON 809 WESTDALE AVENUE Swarthmore 2078.J YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER. Prop. S_.19 WAYNE MOSTELLER Everythinl' Electrical SWARTHMORE 1568 Grunow Refrigerators and Radios Garwood Oil Burners MRS. A. J. QUINBY &: SON JOSEPH E. QUINBY ERNEST Co SNODGRASS, ASS'T. FUNERAL DIREC rORS BELL PHONE .. MEDIA. PA. Sweeney & Clyde INSURANCE 29 EAST 5th STREET Textbooks •.•....••.•.•••.•••... 1,701.67 Supplies used in Instruction.. ..• 3,186.95 Commencement Exercises, etc.... 76.25 Other Expenses of Instruction... 182.GB Total Item (B) .............. $ 89,388.84 Operation (D) Wages of janitors and other em .. ployees •..•••.••.••••.•.••.••• , Fuel ••..•..•...••••.•.•••••••.. Water ..••••.••.••.•••...•.•.... Light and power •..••••••..•.. ·• Janitors' SUpplies •••••••••••••• Care of grounds •••••••••••••••• Telephone rental .•...•...••••••. Other Expenses of Operation ••... 7,739.86 8.063.28 535.4.1 2.316.82 686.92 80.17 1!.(2.36 117.41 Total Item {D) ..•.....••...• S 14,890.73 Fixed Charge. (F) State Retirement Board •..•.••.•• $ Insurance: Fire ......................... . Compensation .....•.•••...•.•• Other expenses ...•....••••.•.•• 2,594.89 994.74 230.0Q 63.68 Total Item (F) .......••..... $ 3.882.81 other expense ..•••••••......•• Other Exp. of Auxiliary Agencies Nurae Service ................. .. Dental Service •.••.••.•••....••• Total Item (C) ....•••......• $ 5.524.25 Maintenance (E) Upkeep of grounds .•••.•••••••.• $1 Repair of buildings ............. . Of heating, plumbing &: lighting Repairs and replar.ement of Apparatus UBed in instruction •• Furniture and other equipment 2,283.23 1.184.63 454.10 83.84 131.87 Total Item (E) .............. $ 4,137.17 Deht Sem.e (G) -,,-----,--ÂRedemption Qf bonds direct from genera' fund ................. $ 9.60a.00 Redemption of short term 108m.. 9.625.00 Payments of interest on bonds and State tax •••••••..••.•••.•••. 16,219.01 Payments of interest on short term loans .•••..•.•...•...... 43.81 Refund taxes, tuition, etc........ 7.76 Total Item {G) •..•••.••••••• $ 34.80( •• 07 Capital Outlay (H) New buildings ...•.••..•...•...•............••.. " •.•..•...•.•...•••.••..•••...• -$ 75,5::.~: Alteration of old buUdings (not repairs)., .•••••..•••.. •···• .. ···•••···•·•••• .. •• 20696'26 Heating, lighting, plumbiml and elec. equip ................ ······ .. ••··•···••··· - '286:09 Furniture .•.•••• •••••••••.••••••••.••..•••••••••••••• •••••..• ..••••••.•••••••• 75~,21 Other equipment ...................... ........................................... 17575 Heating. lighting, plumbing and elce. eqUip ......... ····•• .. ·•······•···••••·• .. ·· 444:83 Furniture ..........•.•...• , .•. . . . . . . • .. . . . . . . . . . . . .•. . • •. • .. . .. . . . • • •.• . . . . . . • • 880 15 Other equipment .........••...•.....•...........••......••........•..... ,....... • Total Item (H) •.....••.......•...........••..•......•..•..•........•....•• $ 98,902.S!! TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL PAYMENTS • •..••••.••.•..•..•.•••••••••••••. $256.957.26 .{ .. T~t~r c~;;~~i 'E~P~~;~ {Items A-F ine.) ...••• $121,783.17 Total Debt Service (Item G) .•.•..•..••.. ····•· 34,395.07 Total Capital Outlay (Item H) ...•.......• ···· 98,902.38255.080.62 Phone, Chester 6141 CHESTER Balance on hand (to be available for school year 1935-36) ................. ·······$ 1.876.64 ---------------- PETER E. TOLD All Lines of Insuranee Including Life Notary Public 417 DARTMOum AVE.. SW. 1833 UPHOLSTERING Furniture Restoring In AU Its Branches FRED J. HARLEY Call Swarthmore 1441 Anytime - Anywhere WaTeriy a: Fawn St. Morton, Pa. ASSETS School Buildings a,!d Sites ...••............•.•....•.•.•... ··•·····••·••••·•···••· $7~~,~~!:~~ Textbooks Bnd Equipment ..•.•............••••.••••.••............•..•.••.....•• 18'230 42 1934 Tax .•.•....•.•••....•. •••... •.• ••.•.••••. •.•••.•.••• •••. •••••....•••. ...... 9'586:36 1933 Tax •..•.•.•••••..•....•..•.•...•.....•.••.••••..•.••••••..•.•.•..••..••.•• 5'540 64 1932 Tax ....................................................................... 1'640'SO Previous to 1932 duplicate....... ...... •.••..• ..................... .............. '851'12 Tuition ......................................................................... 16 .·1·" Other accounts receivable: U. S. Government Grant ..•••..•.••.••••• ~............ • .... Due from Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ....................................... 3.~72.75 GenC'ral fund balance ...........•....................••..•.......•...•.......... 1. 76.64 Total Assets ................................................................ $848,651.41 Bonded indebtedness (with vote of electorab!) ....•.•••.•••.••...•••.••....•.•.... $270,000.00 Bonded indebtedness (without vote of electorate) ..•...•••.••....•• ••·•·•··•·••••• 7g,gOO.0~ Temporary loans .••.. .••••••• •••••..• •.•••••• ..•• ••.• •••• •••••••• •••.•••• •••••• 2 '168.~ Balon Alisteet Conat. Contract ............................... ····•••••··•••·•••• 88. 8 Suri,lus •.•••.•••.•.••••••.••..••••.•.•.•..••••.•.•..••.••.••• : •.••.••..••.••••• (87.950.18 Total Liabilities ............................... _ ............................ $8(8.651.(1 We herehy certif,. that we have examined the above accounts ~nd find them eol'l'@C;t,. and that the securities of the officers of the board are in accordan~ wtth law. .JAMES F. BOGARDUS. WALLACE:M. McCURDY. WM. R. MAIN, Auditors. Fortnightly to Meet on 28th The Board naerves the right to reject aDJ' or .n bids. Bids to be received bl" Rll!banl W .. Frazier. Mrs. Arthur Dana will entertain t"he Fortnightly at her home on Elm A\'enue, on Monday, October 28, at 2.30 o'clock. Chairman or Police Committee, until S.OO P. M •• Wednesday, November 6, 1986. at the Board's office In the Folsom Fire House, Fol ... 10m, Penna. FREDERIC B. CALVERT. Secretary. -, DON'T, LET WINTER SCARE YOU CalI SwartbmOl"e 43 today and we will inspect your heating sysÂtem to see diat it is in condition to do its importiUtt job of keeping your borne warm this winter. If repairi are needed we will be glad to quote you our reasonable prices. Remember Call Swarthmore 43 for WbODW ARD, JACKSON & BLACK, Inc. 33l DARTMOUTH AVENUE ---.----~-- ---- • ••••••••••• "0" .. lISCO' Ffilest Quality Partly Cooked Sauel' &auI61:~~ 31c Flourg.tdX1"'I12-tbbag 4 7c Flour PRIM Pastry 12-Th bag 39c Best Lard 2 1bS 33C 17c Delicious Bartlett 6 85' p !~~~.n. for tho Usual p:~:': 0' Five. ~. Evap. Milk Farmdale 5c lISCO Beans with Pork TO.ii;daloes Clldally". Puritan IlSfD F~n 'J Solid Pack BAMS (Who" or Shonk Holf) 6 tall cans J.3c 6 16 o. 25c cans "- 6 ~~·ns2 50e 'b25c Nationally Advertised. Sugar cured, Hickory Smoked. All Excess Skin and Fat Removed Making It More Economical. Weighing 16 lb. and Up. Tender Juicy Steaks Round Rump Codf-Ish Fresh Dressed 2'1.s 25c (F9I J".ldnll or BoWna) lU Garden-Fresh Produce Specially Priced California Full Podded Peas Where Quality Counts and Your Money aoes Furthest These Prices Effective in Our Stores and Meat Markets In ·Swarth.on and Vicini
---------- Page 13 ----------
j .... '. ~ . . . : , t "t: j: I, F Ii n I, (, Ii F .' j, ;~ . !:: ! ~, " ;, " '. iP::-':;~;q.··Â'.~\ " .... ~~.,r.-' ·8_, _____________________________________- ---THE----S-w.-~-~-n_-H_M_OR _ E_A_N_ ~ ___~ ~~':~".. ~ \·~,'~·~ _ -----__- -__O CfOB-ER~ Ie. CHINA, GLASS TOPIC the many processes in produ"':-- thls form Qaden aYeOue; eateDdlq tbnee by the·.... LeYari Fllelu,~' .r.',' • . " ~ i" •• No. 8. Impl'OYemeat. COIIIIllt of --...... - "'"'6 cUe Une of die 1&Id. IUftn'IIrw'..,. ...... ·eoa·1J - .,1-\.... . "'.,..: •• - "'-.' ,~, UI Ie 10_- 11-.. ww..---.. ....... .... of art. 24 ~ 10 minute .. t '411.78 I.;;{: to ~ :;~r:': ~aa4i,·ia.iti::·I" blO:: an'dham. -;.::.: -:::::'; ~ The Delaware County Federation o! aqle In .. Id RlytlryWw' aYenue. theDce In the .' . .:.. ..., . Sold u the p--- or cwrord a AT CLUB MEETING bed of RIYen'lew avenue _th 17 deer- 1 p'prop;!~'ba aoro. OfR'lI~·mu. DeL,CW;o,~ mortcaaor and ;;.")~. - .... Women's Clubs met on Thursday at the minute eut 68.21 feet to.a.polnt In the middle ~,OD,"",,!·~; Y1~ •• 01· I~ A ..... II .. "~ ; EDWARD Cbester Woman's Club at 10.15 A. M. for of .. Id Rlven'lew ayenue .... here the Nme ii' fr.· the N. W ... ' of-Cbeltu P1IIlt: tIio 'atj ~. . F. WTCBCOCK, A~. all da • Nin el f 40 teet .... Ide; thence ItIll bJ' the middle of S. Yi~ pal'tJJ' "...Iq-tlara~tbe: ~ waU of ' NATHAN P. PBC. ~_ an y 8eSSIon. e d egates rom. Riverview avenue (fort7 feet .... Ide) IOUth 17 prem. efe!:tecl upon •. hefltln d(Ic. lot and -nJI. Swarthmore attended. decres 1 minute eat '180.85 feet to a Itone premlNa ereetecl on lot adj. t.otbe s. 10' to a Tbe Southeastern District of Women's In the middle of aid RlvenWw avenue; thence pt.: th. eit. N: W. 1'1.1', to· ...p t.: th. ext. PIANO TUNING - cl'Gellln ... Id avenue. dlaa'onall7 aouth 1'1 deo N. Eo partlF paum. tiara tbe."parbo .... all of Clubs will meet at the Germantown Club .reea 1 minute eut 146.61 feet to a POint In 2 cut. nne- and •• the cen. of a cut. for an all day session on Monday, October. the northerl,. rlcht of .....,. line of the phIJa. 'I' W. dW7. to" to· apt. In the S. w • .,; of delpbla, BalUmore and W .. blDlrtGn RaBroad Rldle,- Ave.: th. .... .... S. Eo l'1.Ii' to traY. TUUM More nan 110 of Swartbasar.' s..t PiaDoa for the Lut T ...... ty-lwo Ye':' "Roses" will be the topic of Mr. Marion Hatton's illustrated talk at the Woman's Club next Tuesday, October 29, at 2.30 P. M. Mr. Hatton is Secretary of the American Rose Sodety. He will judge any arrangement of chrysanthemums left by members at the club house not later than 2 o'clock. of that afternoon. 28. The discussion for the afternoon will Company: thence by .. Id rr.ht of w.,. line place of bee. be "Steri~tion. and Birth Co~trol." , ~r.:~·!!.~er=n!2 ,ft'Anb~",":"::f'!~!e:: Tcitr. ~Ith' UH' of dW7. A. L PARKER awFarraen kalnind IMnsotnittugtoem iesr ye xtCenoduinJJtgy tFoe dDereal-- fJelneet ntoo rtahn o'1t"h edre naeqelse :11 1 thmenincuet esst iellu tb y1 08a.8i1d1 :~U:.:.~s~.~to;:~eon~d.~a~n;d~r~-~t.;::~~===::~P~h~O~..; .: M~ed~IIIA~.~1~2~8~J~I::-=~:::: : • f W 'CI b th rt f' rlcht. of .... .,. Jlne. north '11 detrreea I} minute. tions 0 omen sus e cou esy 0 a eatt 394.96 feet to s point In line ot other trip to the Planetarium and Museum for- lands of the .. Id mortppn: thence by the a small fee. Tbere will be provided a .. Id landll. north 21 detrreel 10 minutes .... elt . • . 646.66 feet to a point at a corner of the .. Id speaker from the Editonal Staff of the landa: thence slOl by .. Id lands. aouth 64 To lovers of china and glass, Mrs. M. Ladies' Home Journal. detrrees 36 minutes .... elt 142.6 feet to a point • . •• another corner of said IInde; thence still by Temple Umvemty mVltes the South- .. Id lande. north 18 degreea .... elt 6'11.96 feet eastern District of Women's Clubs to an to a point another corner of .. Id Iande: thence Geraldine McCormack gave much satisfacÂ, tion at last Tuesday's meeting, in her presentation of the various kinds of china and glass with which the world is blessed. ,The imagination of the audience turned back with Mrs. McCormack to six tbousand years ago when pottery was made in primitive process; and later when archeologists read the history of Babylon, Greece and Rome in the . designs and marks on pottery. "In ceramics and glass now the old saying may be applied," Mrs. McCormack. stated, "nothing new under the sun." She continued, to tell that china and porcelain are synonomous, of finn texture and lighter in weight that earthenÂware, that strong Cbinese influence is seen in the pottery of Germany, France and especially of England. In 1709 ] ohann Friedrich Boettger started the famous factory at Dresden and Dresden china came into being. The same century produced a factory also at Levre in France. Jasparware was used by Mr. Josiah Wedgewood a few year later, and the white figures in bas reBef (each deÂveloped from a separate mold) on the stone represented perfection one hundred and fifty years ago and today as well. Josiah Spode, a contemporary of Mr • Wedgewood, was responsible for the first production of bone china; and his earthÂenware bas not been equalled in this day. "In Ireland," the audience was told, "the Be!eekware, of a creamy color, could be found-beautiful for its lustre." "As a story accompanies the jewel pattern, taken from a Saint's halo, used in Spode; so," it was learned, "did the beautiful lavender shade of Wedgewood mean a tribute to Sara's gown." In 1889 Wallace Scott Lennox, most modem of potters, stood before a workÂman in this art and decided in his boyish soul to be a potter some day. Mrs. McÂCormack. spoke of his accomplished ambiÂtion' in bis factory of beautiful china for whi~ two years before his death he reÂceived particular recognition. Totally blind and paralyzed, his joy must have been boundless to know that the Levre Museum in France desired some of his china to' be placed tbere on exhibition. Concerning glass which bas Egypt for a birthplace, and Venice the next proÂatoter and creator-the ears of the audience taught the ,tinkles of the contacts of sessl b still by aald landl. north 46 degrees 6'1 mln-all day on on Novem er 14. utes eaat 98.04 feet to a point In the middle The Lansdowne Cbapter of the Ameri-' of Manhall avenue: thence by tbe middle of Asso •• f U' . W ! said Manhall avenue, north 22 degrees 26 can Clation 0 ruvemty omen an- minutes west 164.68 feet to a point a corner nounces that Jay V. Hare will give an.il-, of .other lands ot AJIee L. Emmons and thence Justrated lecture on "Beautiful Gardens of by the laat mentioned lande. BOUth 68 dep-eea • " 42 minutes and 18 aeconde Welt 883.96 feet South Carolina on Monday, October 28, to the place of beglnnlnl'. at 8 o'clock in tbe Lansdowne Twentieth Improvements consist of two and one-half • • story frame house. 24x28 feet: porch tront: Century Club. The gardens pJctured will two-story frame addition. 10x24 feet: fram!! be Middleton Place Magnolia Gardens garage. 9ld8 feet: two and one-half story , .' frame honae. 24d8 feet: porch front; two- Cypress and Belle Isle. Mrs. Hare, PrCSl- stoJ'7 frame addition. 10&24 feet; frame dent of the Garden Club Fl!deration of chicken house. 6d2 teet. . P I . ill • M ' H Sold aa the property of Loulll C. EmmoDi ennsy varua, w asstSt r. are. and Alice L. EmmoDl. hili .... lre. mortauon. • and Alice Lemon EmmoDII. IndlvlduallJ' and .... Sb W rk of Q __ I- • aa executrix of the estate of Louis Cole & 0 OW 0 ua&er Artiab EmmoDII. deceased. real ownen. and United Tbe Benjamin West Sodety of SwarthÂmore College announces an exhibition of the work of Quaker artists from Monday, November 4, to Saturday, November 30, in Collection Hall. Among the local artists who will be represented in the exhibit are: Eleanor Keighton, Eleanor Hayes, ElizaÂbeth Price, Lydia Turner, Mary H. De Moll, Florence Wilcox, Edna Coates ColaÂfemina, Florence Foote Gardner, Louise Baker, Arthur Edwin Bye, Owen Stevens and George Whitney. AIl friends of the college are cordially inÂvited to visit t.he show. • Make. Gamma Phi Beta Miss Margaret Mellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop W. Mellen, of North Chester Road, is one of the women who have pledged sororities at Syracuse UniÂversity following two weeks of rushing. A freshman in the College of Fine Arts, Miss Mellen will be initiated formally into Gam,ma Phi Beta sorority next spring. She is a 1935 graduate of Swarthmore high school where she took part in atbletics and was active in school publications and dramatics. SHERIFF SALES Sheriff's Office, Court House. Media, Pa. Saturday, November 2, 1986 9.80 o'clock A. M. (Eastern Standsrd Time) Conditions: $260.00 cash or certified check at time of sale (unless otherwise stated hi advertlllement). balance in ten days. Other conditions on day of sale. States of Ameriea. lienor. Hand money, $1000.00. GREER a: JOHNSON, Attorneys. Levari Faclaa No. 8'12 June Tenn. 1916 AJI that certain lot or piece of land with the two-atory brick store and apartment buUdÂing thereon erected. situate on the northweltÂerly aide of Fifth .treat at the distance of three hundred ten and e"hty hundredths feet m~ured southwestwardly from the north WeltÂerly corner of the aaid FIfth street aDd ~Âmont avenue. In the City of Chelter. County ot Delaware and State of PeDDII:rlvanla. ConÂtainlDJr ID front aloq the northweater.,. side of the said Fifth street meuured thence south sixty-Dine denees, twenty-ela'ht minutes. thlrty-lleven sccondl .... eat seventeen and' sev. enty-one bundredths feet And extendlDJr In depth . of that width north twenty desrreea. thlrty-one minutes. twent:r-three aeconde west ninety-two and slxty.four hundredths feet. The northeasterly line of IBid lot; PUlling throUJrh and along the party wall between the mesÂsuage herein described and the m_uage ad. joining on the northeast. Bounded on the northeast and louthweet by other lande of the said William F. Delehanty and on the northÂWelt by lande of Nell-A-Mu Plush ComÂpany. Belq known and designated sa 110 Welt Fifth Street. Improvements cODllllt of twOoItory brfck houae. 18x64 feet; !ltore front. Sold aa the property of William F. DeleÂhanty. mortlragor and real owner. KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY. Attome,-. GRAPES COLAFEMINA VINEYARD Last Call for the SeaaDD .Just off MJddletDWD Road between Lima and Gradyville WATCH FOR SIGN PHONE MEDIA 848 R-I Professional Clock Repairing WORK GUARANTEED W. C. STARR 324 DARTMOUTH AVENUE ;netal on lime glass tumblers and on those Levari Facias Itf higher grades, containing more lead. No. 1428 Swarthmore 564-M Swarthmore June Term. 1985 ---------------~-- USED CARS Selection of Packards, Chryslers. Buicks. Studebakers, Chevrolets and others MANY MODELS All 1D EXCELLENT Condition PRICED VERY LOW FOR QUICK REMOVAL Don't Forget the New Packard 1208 Delivered, fully equipped, in aD body styles, $1200 to $1300 • F. B. FRANCIS 12th and Crosby, Chester Phone Chester 9131 ... --------------- -. ------------. --- PATHFIIDEI $525 3Ox3\i 4.40-21 _ .. .$6.05 4.50-21 _ 6.65 4.75-19_ 7.05 S PEE .,WAY $470 3tb:3\i 4.40·21.. . $5.20 4.50-21_ 5.70 4.75·19 _ 6.05 aD ARAITE ED PrIeM .ubJect to chanae without IIDtIce. 1-!_ _. -;Sta;,;;;t.;..;..; ;.; -;.;tu:;;.;;acId1;;;tIoDaI=·~ _r l IN WRITING ••• against road inÂJuries and defects HANNUM & WAITE SOUTH CHESTER ROAD AND YALE AVENUE SWARTHMORE 1250 .' " (t was learned that the term rock crystal 20W is generally applied to all super !)ualities of lead crystal. Most interesting was the case glass-one glass of one color placed upon another of clear crystal and some parts cut away, leaving two colors in one tumbler. One of the first glass factories in America made glass beads which were used in trading with the Indians; and since then New York City, Connectict~t, New Jersey and PennÂsylvania followed by opening glass facÂtories. During Mrs. McCormack's talk the audience was invited in grouJjS of ten to visit the Lennox factory and witness All that certain lot or piece of ground' with the buildings and improvements thereon' erected, situate In the Townahlp of Upper Darby. County of Delaware and State of PennÂsylvania, and described according to a certain plan and survey thereof made by Damon and, Foster, C. E., dated February 27th. 1926, as follows. to wit: Situate at tl:e Intersection of the southeasterly side of Dermond road' (fort:r feet wide) with the northeasterly side of Wilson drive (forty feet wide). thence extending along the said side of Dermond road north sixty-three degrees thirty-six min· utes four seconds east one hundred eleven and' fortY'seven one-hundredths feet to the Bouth-: westerly side of a certain thirteen feet wide' driveway which extends northwestwardl:r from Marvine avenue to Dennond road and thence extending alonl' said side of driveway south twenty-six degrees eight minutes eleven secÂonds east twenty-two and seventy one-hunÂdredths feet to a point and thence extending Bouth sixty-two degrees twenty·five minutes west one hundred ten and eighty-eight oneÂhundredths feet to the said northeasterl:r side or Wilson drive and thence extending along the ssld aide of WilBon drive north twentyÂseven degrees thirty.five minutes west twenty. five feet to the first mentioned point and place of beginning. NEW 1936 PLYMOUTH GOOD THINGS FOR HALLOWE'EN Pumpkins Apples Cider Spiced Wafers Nuts, Etc. Geo. Mifro & SODS 17 S. CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore 47 or 48 FREE DEUVERY Under and subject to certain building reÂstrictions and conditions. Together with the free and common use. right, liberty and privilege of the above men· tioned driveway as and for a passageway and watercourse at all times hereafter forever. Improvements consist of two-story stone and shingle house. 16x27 feet; porch front; oneÂBtory shingle addition. 6x9 feet: stucco garage. 12x18 feet. Sold as the property of Joseph Berman. mortgagor. and Robert Fullmer •• real owner. C. WILFRED CONARD. Attorney. Levari Faciss No. 241 March Term. 1985 -the Peak of Perfection NOW ON DISPLAY SEE IT In size, in style, in riding and steering-in safety and performance and economy, the very Peak of Perfection. amazing new Plymouth now! Don't fail to see this Hannum & Waite All that certain tract or piece of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate partly in the Borough of SOUTH CHESTER ROAD AND YALE AVENUE Swarthmore and partly in the Township of Springfield, in the County of Delaware and ,boul}dec.t and described as follows, to' wit: I BeglDDlng at a point in the middle of River- SWARTHMORE 1250 view avenue (fifty feet wide) at the distance I of 1260.06 feet BOutheastwardl:r from the point II o f intersection o)f the aaid middle line of Riverview avenue and the middle line of
---------- Page 14 ----------
INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 CHINA, GLASS TOPIC AT CLUB MEETING Mrs. M. Geraldine McCormack Gives Interesting Histories of Induatries "Roses" will be the topic of Mr. Marion Hatton's illustrated talk at the Woman's Club next Tuesday, October 29, at 2.30 1'. M. Mr. Halton is Secretary of the American Rose Suciety. He will judge any arranJ.(ement of chrysanthemums left by members at the club house not later than 2 o'clock of that afternoon. To lonrs of china and glass, Mrs. M. Geraldine McCurmack gave much satisfac· tion at last Tuesday's meeting, in her presl'ntation of the variuus kinds of china and ):Ial's with which the world is blesscd. Thc ima!!ination of the audience turned back with Mrs. McCormack to six thousand years a!!o when Jlottery was made in primitive process; and later when archeoloJ.(ists read the history of Babylon, Greece and Rome in the designs and marks on poltery. "In ceramics and J.(lass nuw the old saying may be applied," Mrs. McCormack stated. "nothing new under the sun." She continued, to tell that china and porcelain arc synonomou~, of firm texture and lighter in weight that earthen· ware, that strong Chinese influence is seen in the pottery of Germany, France and especially of England. DiE SWARTHMOREAN the many processes in producting this form J Ogden avenue; extending thence by the mid· of art die line or the said Riverview avenue, lIOutli • 24 dcgret.'11 60 minu16 east 431.79 feet to an The Delaware County Federation of angle in Bald Riverview avenue. thence In the tI, 'CI b t Th rsd h bed of Riverview avenue Bouth 17 degren 1 nomen sus me on u ay at t e minute caBt 68.21 feet to a point in the middle Chester \Voman's Club at 10.15 A. M. for or said Riverview avenue where the same is an all day session. Nine delegatcs from 40 fee~ wide; thence stili by the middle of Itlv"rvlew avenue (forty feet wide) BOuth 17 Swarthmore attendl."d. degrees 1 minute east 780.95 (eet to a slonc The Southeastern District of Women's in th~ middl" of said Riverview avenue; thence . croBsang Bald avenue, diagonally south 17 de- Clubs Will meet at the Germantown Club grC(.'8 1 minute cast 145.65 f~'et to a point in for an all dav session on Monday October the northerly right of way line of the J'hlla- .' . '. delphia. Baltimore and Washington Railroad 28. The dISCUSSion for the afternoon Will Company; thence by said right of way line be "Sterilization and Birth ControL" north 65 dtogrces 42 minutes east 131.75 feet F· kl' 1" . I to an angle; thence still by said right of way ran m nshtute IS extendmg to De· line north 74 degrees 15 minutes cast 108.85 aware and Montgomery County Federa· feet to another angle: thence still by Baid tions of \Voml'n's Clubs the courtes" of a right of way line. north ?3 d~'K~ 9 minutes ~ "ast 39-1.95 feet to a poant 10 hne of other trip to the Planetarium and Museum for lands of the 8ald mortgagors: thence by the a small fcc. Thcre will be provided a said lands. north 2.1 degrCt!S 10 minu16 wC!lt •. . 545.55 fCt!t to a pomt at a corner of the SRld speaker from the EdItOrial Staff of the lands; thence still by said lands. south 54 Ladies' II ome J vl/rllal d"grees 36 minutes west 342.6 feet to a point . anoth.·r corner of said lands; thence still by T~mple University invill's the South- said lands, north 18 degrees west 671.95 feet eastern District of \Vomen's Clubs to an to a point another corner oC said lands: thence still by said lands. north 46 degrees 57 min-all day session on November 14. utes east 9!!.04 reet to a point in the middle The Lansdowne Chapter of the Ameri· oC Marshall uvenue; thence by the middle of A .. f U· . said Marshall avenue, north 22 degrees 25 can ssoclatJon 0 D1\'erslty \Vomen an· minllt~'S WI.'St 354.611 feet to a point a corner nounces that Jay V. Hare will give an il·. of other lands of Alice L. Emmons and thence lustrated lecture on "Beautiful Gardens of by th" lust mentioned lands, south 58 degrees 42 minul.t.'S and 18 seconds west 383.96 feet Suuth Carolina" on Monday, October 28. to the place or beginning. at 8 o'r1ock in the Lansdowne Twentieth Imllro"ements consist of two and one.half story Crame house, 24x28 f~'Ct; porch front; Century Club. The gardens pictured will two-story frame addition, 10x24 rcct: frame be Middleton Placc, l\fagnolia Gardens. garage. 9x18 Ceet; two and one-half story' Cramc house, 24x28 fl.",t; porch Cront; tw()o Cypre~s and Belle hie. Mrs. Hare, Presi- story frame addition, 10x24 feet; frame dent of the Garden Club Federation of chicken house. 6x22 feet. I) Sold us the property of Louis C. Emmons ennsylvania, will assist Mr. Hare. "nd Alice I" ";mmons, his wife. mortll'a~ors,! • and Alice Lemon Emmons. individually and II T Sh W k f Q as CXf..'cutrix oC the estate or Louis Cole o OW or 0 uaker Artists ":mmons. deceased. real owners. and United Stat .. s of America. lienor. I The Benjamin \Vest Society of Swarth. Hand money, $1000.00. more College announces an exhibition of GREER & JOHNSON. Attorneys. the work of Quaker artists from Monday, Le"a~i Facias November 4, to Saturday, November 30, No. 872 June Term. 1935 in Collection Hall. Among the local artists who will be represented in the exhibit arc: All that certain lot or piece o( land with Levari Facias No. 892 June Tcrm, 1985 ProP. lilt.· la Boro. of Sharon -Hili, De]. Co •• I'&.. on the S. W. II. of Ridley Ave. 263.67' -W .. fr. the N. W. II. of Cheater pike; tho exL S. W. partly JlBBBlng thru the party wall of premo erected upon the henlln dese. lot and premises erected on Jot adj. to the S. 90' to a pt.; tho ext. N. W. 27.6' to apL; tho exL N. E. partly pUling thru the party wall of 2 cert. garages and alg. the cen. of a cert. 7' w. dwy. 90' to a Jlt. in the S. W. 8. of Ridley Ave.; tho alg, same S. E. 27.5' to place of beg. Tog. with use of dwy. U. .t: S. to cend. and rest. ------o-crOBER 25, 1931 Improvements eonslst 01 twOolltory brl~~ sblngle house. lfix36 feet: poreh front; ce/rj'1I4 block and frame garage. 9x18 feet. tilt Sold .. the property of Clifford R. Mob mortgagor and real owner. D, EDWARD F. HITCHCOCK. Attorney. NATHAN P. PECHIN. Sheriff. ==================~~ ~ PIANO TUNING . Have Tuned More Than 150 of Swarthmore' Bed PflUloa fo .. the Laat Twenty-two Yearl~ A. L. PARKER Phone Media 128Jl USED CARS Selection of Packards, Chryslers, Buicks, Studebakers. Chevrolets and others MANY MODELS All In EXCELLENT Condition PRICED VERY LOW FOR QUICK REMOVAL Don't Forget the New Packard 1208 Delivered, fully equipped, in all body styles, $1200 to $1300 • F. B. FRANCIS 12th and Crosby, Chester Phone Chester 9131 In ] i09 Johann Friedrich Bocttger started the famous factory at Dresden and Dresden china caml: into being. The same century produced a factory also at Levre in France. Jasparware was used by Mr. Josiah Wedgewood a few year later, and the white figures in bas relief (each de· veloped from a separate mold) on the stone represented perfection one hundred and flfty years ago and today as well. Josiah Spode, a contemporary of Mr. Wedgewood, was responsible for the first production of bone china; and his earthÂenware has not been equalled in this day. Eleanor Keighton, Eleanor H:Iyes, Eliza· beth Price, Lydia Turner, Mary H. De Moll, I-Iorence Wilcox, Edna Coates Cola· femina, .Florence Foote Gardner, Louise Baker, Arthur Edwin Bye, Owen Stevens and George Whitney. All friends of the college are cordially in· vited to visit the show. the tW()ostury brick store and apartment buildÂing thereon erected. situate on the northwestÂerly side of Fifth street at the distance of three hundred ten and eighty hundredths feet measured southwestwardly from the northwestÂerly corner of the Baid Fifth street and EdgÂmont avenue. in the Cily of Chester. County I o( Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. Con-otafi nitnhge insa ifdr onFti fathlo ngst rteheet nmoretahswuerestde rltyh esnidcee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~;~~;~ south sixty·nine degrees. twenty·eight minutes. thirty·seven seconds west seventeen and sevÂenty ·one hundredth. feet and extending in depth oC that wil1th north twenty degrees. thirty·une minutes. twenty.three seconds west ninety-two and sixtY·Cour hundredths feet. The northeasterly line of said lot. passing through and along the party wall between the mesÂsuage herein described and the messuage ad· joining on the northeast. Bounded on the north .. ast and southwest by other lands of the said William F. Delehanty and on the north. west by lands of Nell.A·May Plush Com. pany. Being known and designated as 130 West Fifth Street. "In Ireland," the audience was told. "the Be!eekware, of' a creamy color, could be found-beautiful for its lustre." "As a story accompanies the jewel pattern, taken from a Saint's halo, used in Spode; so," it was learned, "did the beautiful la\'ender shade of \Vedgewuod mean a tribute to Sara's gown." In 1889 \Vallace Scott Lennox, most modern of potters. stood before a work· man in this art and decided in his boyish soul to be a potter some day. Mrs. Mc· Cormack spoke of his accomplished ambiÂtion in his factory of beautiful china for which two years before his death he re-ceived particular recognitiun. Totally blind and paralyzed, his joy must have been boundless to know that the Lcvre Museum in France desired some of his china to be Jllaced there on exhibition. Concerning J.(lass which has Egypt for a birthplace, and Venice the next pro· :ooter and creator-the ears of the audience rauJ.(ht the tinkles of the contacts of :nctal on lime glass tumblers and on those .,f higher !!rades. (()ntaining more lead_ \t was learned that the term rock crystal -:ow is generally applied to all super ~ualities of lead cn·stal. Most interestinJ.( was the case glass-onc ~lass of one color placed upon another of clear crystal and some paris cut away, leaving two colors in one tumbler. One of the first glass factories in America made glass beads which Wi're used in trading with the Indians; and since then !\e\\' York City, Connecticut, New Jersey and Penn· sylvania followed by openinJ.( glass fac· tories. During Mrs. McCormack's talk the audience was invited in groups of ten to visit the Lennox factory and witness • Makes Gamma Phi Beta Miss Mar~aret Mellen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop W. Mellen, of North Chester Road, is one of the women who have plcdJ.(ed sororities at Syracuse Uni· \'ersity following two weeks of rushin~. A freshman in the College of Fine Arts, Miss Mellen will be initiated formally into Gam_rna Phi Beta sorority next spring. She is a 1935 graduate of Swarthmore high school where she took part in athletics and was active in school publications and dramatics. SHERIFF SALES SheriIT's Office. Court House, Media, Pa. Salurday, NO\'ember 2. 1935 9.30 o'clock A. M. (Eastern Standard Time) Conditions: $250.00 cash or certified check lit time or gale (unless otherwise stated in :ld"ertis{'meat). balance in ten dllYs. Other {'un' iii ions on day of sale. I.evllri Fllcias No. 1428 June Term. 1935 All thllt certain lot or I,i"ce of ground with th" buildings and impro\'ements thereon .. reetc,l. situllie in the Town;hil' of UPI.er I Dllrby, County of Delli ware and Slate of Penn· , syh'anin, and described according to a certllin )lllIn lind survey thereor made by Damon and Foster. C. E., dated FdJruary 27th. 1925. as rullows, ~o wit: Situute at the intersection ur the southeasterly side of Dermond road (forty reet wide) with the northeasterly side uC Wilson drive (forty feet wi.I,,). thence l-xh'n,lin~ alnn!': the said side of Dermund roatl north sixty·three degrees thlrly·six min· IItl'S four sl!('ondg east one hundr .. d eleven and forty.sen'n one-hundredths feet to the BOllth· westerly side of a certain thirteen reet wide Ilrh'ewllY which extends northwt'stwnrdly from Mar\'irlC avcnue to Dermond r01l<1 'Ind thene," cxlt'nding alung Hnid side oC drivcwny south t wenty·six degr ..... ·s eiv:ht minutes eleven sec· 'm,ls east twenty· two and seventy one.hun· drellths reet to n IlOint und tht'llce e"tending south sixty·two degreeg twenty·fi,'e minutes I \,...,;1 un,' hundred t"n und eighty·eight oneÂhun. lr,·dths reet to the 811101 north('asterly side or \Vilson drh-e an.1 thence extending along I the sai,1 side of 'Vilgon drive north twenty. 8""en delln-cs thirly-five minut.,,; west twenty· i li,-,· f,'d to the fi.."t mentioned IIuint /lnd place I of be,.;inning. I Un.l"r and suhj<>ct to certain building reo i ~tri,·tilJns nnd conditions. ,. ) 1 'fo""th('r with the fre(' and common use, I rillht. JiI,..rty and Ilrivilev:e of the above men· I GOOD THINGS FOR HALLOWE'EN I tioned ,lrh-eway us and for u passageway nnd wnlt'r,-ollrse at all times hereafter forever. Imllro\"('mentg ('onsist of two.slory slone and I shin!':l,' hOllSt', 15x2; feet; purch front; one· slory shimde addition. Gx!l reet; stucco garage. 12xlll c .. el. I SnM as the property or Joseph nerman. mortgallOr, and Hobert Fullmer. real Owner. C. WILFnED CONARD. Atlo~ney. Le,-ari Facins No. 241 1I1nrch Term, 1935 I Improvements consist of two-story brick house. 18x54 feet; store front. Sold as the property of William F. DeleÂhanty. morhragor and real owner. KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY. Attorney. GRAPES COLAFEMINA VINEYARD Last Call for the Season Just off Middletown Road between Lima and Gradyville WATCH FOR SIGN PHONE MEDIA 646 R-l Professional Clock Repairing WORK GUARANTEED W. C. STARR 324 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Swarthmore 564·M Swarthmore ALL-WEATHER 43% MORE MILES OF R~AL 101-SKID SA no extra cost I PATHFIIDER $5~! 4.40-21 ........ $6.05 4.50-21 __ .... 6.65 4.75-19._ .... 7.05 SPEEDWAY $4!~ 4.40·21_ ..... $5.20 4.50-21_ 5.70 4.75-19_ 6.05 Prices lIubJect to chan~e without notice. GUARAITEEDt-________ s~t~at~e~u~lw~tu~ad~d~ltl~O-~I~. __ .... ~ IN WRITING ••• against road inÂjuries and defects HANNUM & WAITE SOUTH CHESTER ROAD AND YALE AVENUE SWARTHMORE 1250 NEW 1936 PLYMOUTH -the Peak of Perfection NOW ON DISPLAY SEE IT In size, in style, in riding and steering-in safety and performance and economy, the very Peak of Perfection. Don't fail to see this amazing new Plymouth now! Hannum & Waite SOUTH CHESTER ROAD AND YALE AVENUE Pumpkins Apples Cider Spiced Wafers Nuts, Etc. All Ihat ('{'rlain Iract or piece of land with I I the IllIiltlings and imIITo .. "menI8 thereon', ! t~rt·(·ted. Sltll:th' partly HI the BOTouJ.th of' I S\\:\rthnwn' aUlI lJartiy in the 'rn\\"n~hip of I !'-illrill~lh·ld. in th~.' Connty of lldaware. and 11 I hounded anti de:-;(Orihecl :l~ follows. to ,,,it:: : lIeginnin!~ at a Iloint in th" midolle of Hiver. i I vi,,\\" :werllle (fiCly f,'et wid..) at the distance I _ of 1260.06 r""l southeastwardlY from the point ,,,f inters,'ction of thc saiol middle line of I ! Hh"('r\'i('w u\'enue ancl the middle line of SWARTHMORE 1250 Geo. Milro & Sons 17 S. CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore 47 or 48 FREE DELIVERY ~ .'